Read Hook'd Online

Authors: Taisha S. Ryan

Hook'd (12 page)

BOOK: Hook'd
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"Wait, so not even with...?"

Reese gave Yasmine a hard stare. She knew what she was getting at, and she hoped she wouldn't dare bring that up. He was to forever stay in the past. Period. Getting the hint, Yasmine nodded, letting go.

"Ya'll want some more wine? This one's done." Yasmine rattled the empty bottle.

"Yeah, because ya alcoholic ass done drank up the whole thing," Donette joked.

"Whatever bitch. Maybe if you would’a brought them damn nachos like I asked, you would've gotten some more." She got up with a grin, before heading into the kitchen.

Reese averted her attention to her phone and typed her reply.




"I can't even tell you the last time I had Chinese food," Reese said, scooping some rice into her mouth.

"Well give it a minute, baby. Soon you're gonna be haul assing to the bathroom."

She gave Cameron a serious stare and he laughed.

"I'm serious. It be having my shit all green."

"Ugh!" She stopped eating, completely disgusted. He laughed some more, and she almost kicked him in the face. He was so gross.

"I'm just being real."

"You know what? I don't even want anymore." She placed her container down.

"Yeah, right. You know ya ass is hungry. I heard ya stomach growling the minute you got here," he joked.

"Shut up. That's not true."

"That shit was growling like a lion, girl."

She pushed him with a grin. "Fuck you."

He was right, even though she didn't want to admit it. She had been so hungry before she got here, she was more than glad he offered to order take-out.

They had been lounging outside on his terrace. The warm winds brushing across the atmosphere made the night much more comfortable, as the city’s skyline twinkled at them from afar. While she sat, curled up comfortably in his recliner chair, he sat at the edge, also grubbing on his food.

She knew she had no business being here, especially this late. She had to be losing her mind. This was the same man she completely despised the moment they met. And here she was, in his home at damn near 3 in the morning, eating Chinese food. Go figure.

"So, how come you didn't bring any groupies back from the club, tonight?" she teased.

He shrugged. "Didn't feel like it."

"That's a surprise."

"Why is it a surprise?"

"You not in the mood for groupies? Unheard of."

He smirked. "Well, contrary to popular belief, I don't fuck every female that comes my way."


"I haven't fucked you, have I?"

His words made her pause, as a sudden rush stirred in her stomach. His tone although playful, his eyes clouded with fiery lust as he held her stare. She blinked away, digging her fork into her rice.

"That's because I haven't let you."

"Or maybe I wasn't interested."

She froze.


He scooped food into his mouth.

"Well, I think we can both agree that that's a lie. As evident, the night of your party," she defended.

"I only went down on you. We didn't go any further."

"Again, that's because I didn't let you."

"Baby, if I really wanted to I could've. Let's be real."

She laughed incredulously. "And what makes you think that?"

He gave her a distrustful look, before shaking his head and digging into his food. "I'll just leave that alone."

"Yes, do that."

The air fell silent.

His words circled in her mind. What did he mean he wasn't interested in sleeping with her? Was she that bad? Did she smell or something? She didn't know why it bothered her so much, but it did.

"Cat got your tongue."

She met his gaze, before rolling her eyes. "No."

"Then why you so quiet all of a sudden?"

"Nothing." She placed her fork in her container. "Anyway, I'm gonna go. It's late."

She had enough of this. Reese stood up, picking up her food and empty glass, before heading back inside. She walked into the kitchen and threw out her garbage.

She made the foolish mistake of coming here in the first place. She should've followed her mind and gone straight home. She placed on her shoes, grabbed her things, and walked toward the private elevator.

"Aye Reese, holdup."

She stopped.

He placed his key in his pocket, following her. "Let me walk you out."

She huffed, waiting for him. He pressed the button on the elevator, and the doors opened. They then stepped inside and he activated the doors to close. As the elevator descended, Reese stared ahead at the black screen displaying the floor numbers, as he stood behind her, leaning casually against the wall.

He began to chuckle. "You women amuse me, you know that?"

She rolled her eyes, ignoring him.

"A man could show you, day in and day out that he's interested and you dismiss him. But the moment he says he's not, it gets to you."

"It doesn't get to me."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it doesn't."

"So, that's not the reason you hauled ass outta here."

"No, I'm leaving because it's late. I have better things to do, than to waste my time here with you."

He chuckled again, and she gritted her teeth, annoyed. He really got on her nerves.

"That don't get tiring after a while?"

"What?" She huffed out.

"All that frontin' you do."

"Oh please, nobody's fronting. It's the truth." She glanced ahead, realizing they had only arrived on the 39th floor. Damnit. How slow could this elevator be?

"So, tell me this..."

His arms slid around her waist and her back stiffened at his sudden touch. His warm breath grazed her skin. "That night when I tasted you..." he whispered, arousing heat through her skin from his silky baritone.

"You telling me you didn't want more?" He placed soft kisses on her neck and her body weakened into his sinewy arms, as she fought back a moan.  "Bet you 'been thinking about it ever since that night. Thinking about my tongue licking and sucking all on that hot, wet pussy...gets you wet every time, don't it."

She moistened at his explicit words, as the sudden memory of him tasting her plagued her mind. She shut her eyes, fighting to block it out.  She couldn't allow herself to get turned on by him. Not this time. But the vivid thoughts replayed so potently. She could almost feel his tongue on her. Tracing her ripe, aching, clit, pleasuring her to the heavenly bliss. The air thickened with heat.  She had to leave. She couldn't stay here. She grasped his arm to stop him, as hand traveled down further.

"Cam, don't..." her words rolled into a moan.

"Let me see if I'm right..."

He ran his hand up her skirt, and arrived at her spot. She gasped at his touch, shutting her eyes.

"Just what I thought."

He clasped her jaw, and planted his lips on hers. His tongue ravished hers without mercy, and she savored it, craving him desperately. He rubbed her clit, drenching her with pleasure and a soft whimper left her lips. With a groan, he spun her around, and they kissed with more aggression. He guided her forward and pressed her against the wall. He ripped open her blouse, and she instantly hated herself for not wearing a bra tonight. His mouth enveloped her perky breast and she huffed out short breaths, as his tongue caressed her erect nipple. He tended to her other breast, providing it with the same attention.

She glanced at the wall.

20th floor.


She had to leave this elevator. Now.  If she didn't, she was going to do the one thing she vowed she wouldn't. Sleep with Cameron. She couldn't allow that to happen. Not tonight. Not ever!

He lifted her skirt before she even realized.

"Seriously, Cameron...we can't do this."

"Your body says otherwise."

"No, I don't usually do this. I-i don't sleep with men this soon..." He ripped off her panties. Shit.

"You're a grown ass woman..." He lifted her thigh as he knelt down. "I don't judge."

"Yeah, but—-ah!" She cried out as his tongue struck her clit. He ravished it with hunger, propelling her into another world of ecstasy. Her knees buckling, she gripped the railing behind her, before she slipped.

"Let me see how quick you could cum before we reach the top." He punched the button to his floor. He place a thigh over his shoulder, holding her balance with a firm grip on her ass. Her sweaty palms gripped the railing tighter, as she screamed out moans of ecstasy. He kissed, licked, sucked with intricacy, using his every power to please her.

"Oh my god...ahh!"

Her body drenched with intense euphoria, too overwhelming to bare. She twirled her hips to the movement of his tongue. He thrashed his tongue between her moist folds, stroking deeper with each thrust, hitting forbidden spots that sent her body trembling.

"Fuck!" She panted.

Her heart pounded as her walls clenched. He not once stopped his devour. Killing her softly. Before she could stop herself, she exploded. With a loud cry, she arched her back. Her muscles spasmed as juices spurted like a vicious stream. After she hit her peak, she quivered weakly, gasping for breaths.

The ding of the elevator caught her attention. In that moment, she realized they had arrived at his floor. The doors opened. He pulled away and stood up. She slid to the floor, too weak to hold herself up. She shut her eyes with a soft moan.

"Let's go," he demanded.




Reese laid naked in his plush, king sized bed, nervousness spiraling her insides like a cataclysmic storm. As she waited for him to retrieve a condom from his bathroom, the reality of what was occurring dawned on her. She was actually going to sleep with Cameron Lewis. One of the most famous athletes in the world.

What the hell had she gotten herself into? Goodness, she was such a whore! She would definitely regret this in the morning. Her best judgement would be to grab her things and leave. This was her chance. But with her body hot and aroused, she couldn't leave the bed, even if she tried.

Reese stared up at the ceiling, telling herself to relax. Just calm down. She was overreact—


She sat up, averting her gaze to him. Her breath hiked to her throat. Jesus. This man was perfection. There he stood across the room, clothed in nothing but his dark luscious skin. She traced her hungry eyes over his muscular frame, drinking in his brawny arms, broad chest, and those 6 pack abs. When she arrived at his...manhood, she bit her bottom lip. The thick muscle stood erect, appearing as ripe as ever, and all she could do was marvel at its girth.

He walked toward the bed, his confidence shining within the dimly lit room. His heated eyes roamed every part of her body, heightening her nervousness the more he neared.

"You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to," he assured, approaching the bed.

"If I didn't want to, I wouldn't be here."

He squinted, as though studying her.

"What is it?" she questioned.

"I can't sleep with a woman who's unsure."

Her heart fell.

"The last thing I need, is you waking up crying with regret."

The nerve of him!

"If I wake up crying with regret, it'll only because you couldn't fuck me right," she retorted.

His brows shot up. Face plastered with shock.

"So, if we're not going to do this, let me know now so I'm not wasting my time."

She reveled in her sudden boldness. It took her all to muster it up with such conviction, no matter how far it was from the truth. Yes, she was nervous out of her ever loving mind. But he didn't need to know that.

Licking his lips, he nodded. "Iight, then."

He leaned over and kissed her lips. Heat rushed through her as she weakened from their caress. Burning with lust, she invited his tongue. She just couldn't get enough. They kissed with hunger, moaning as they savored each other's taste. She laid down as he crawled on top of her. She rubbed the stubby hairs coating his jaw, reveling in the warmth of his muscular frame wrapped around hers. He kissed her neck softly, as he slid the condom on.

His ripe tip rubbed against her clit and her insides dripped at just the mere touch of him. She quivered with desperation, yearning to be filled with every inch of him. His thickness slid between her walls and she gasped, arching her back. He went deeper until nearly every portion of him was inside of her, and she winced in slight pain, trying to get used to his girth. God. She forgot what it was like to have a man inside of her. His warm breath showered her skin as he grunted, slowly pulling out.

" long has it been?

"A few years," she admitted with a strained voice.

BOOK: Hook'd
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