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Authors: Taisha S. Ryan

Hook'd (19 page)

BOOK: Hook'd
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Chapter 27


"I'm gonna beat you and Cam's ass."

Reese rolled her eyes at her friend's response. "Yas, calm down. It's not that serious."

"Bitch, yes it is that serious. Now the media's already thinking that you both are together."

"Well, we're not. And even if they do, so what?"

"That's not a good look. He's already known as a damn rapist. Now you're tied to him? Seriously, Reese? Not to mention, I already warned you of his hoish ways. Now, look at you. Playing yourself for him."

It took her all not to hang up the phone. She should've known Yasmine would go yapping off at the mouth the moment she found out they had been dating.

"First of all, I'm not playing myself for him. All we're doing is dating. Second of all, weren't you the same one begging for him to be affiliated with my organization? Now it's an issue that we're seen together?"

"That was business, Reese. Business. I didn't expect you to fall in love with his ass."

"I'm not in love," she snapped.

Realizing how loud her voice came out, Reese glanced around the department store. Thankfully, the shoppers were too busy minding their own business to even spare her a glance. She had been quite uncomfortable with the new found attention she had been receiving lately, since dating Cameron. News already spread and people now knew her name and face, much more than she would've liked. Even TMZ and other gossip sources had been reaching out to her for any juicy stories regarding the boxing superstar. However, she refused to disclose any of their personal business with anyone. At times, she questioned herself if it was all worth it. She had only been dating Cameron for a month now, and she was already bothered by the unwanted attention. She couldn't imagine if they were to ever go any further. She would have to prepare herself for the public scrutiny from the media, and everyone else. Was she really ready for all of that?

Probably not.

Which was why she already pegged in her mind, that this was only temporary. They hung out, talked, and had sex. They kept it simple. It felt good being able to pick up the phone and call him. Or simply just lay in his bed during the wee hours of the morning, without any worries or concerns. She enjoyed his company. And so far, things were going smooth between them. She didn't expect for them to ever be in a serious relationship. They were just having fun. Nothing wrong with that.

"Whatever. Love, in lust. Who cares? Either way, you're making a mistake," Yasmine yapped on.

"Are you done?" Reese grabbed the halter top from the rack, then looked at the tag. Her eyes widened at the price. $80.00 for a damn top? Ridiculous. She put it back on the rack.

"You know what? I am done. You're giving me a headache right now."

"The same."

"Anyway, are you coming over for ladies night? Or are you going to be with your boo?" she mocked.

Reese rolled her eyes. "Would you stop saying that? And yeah...we already made plans."

"Wow, not surprised. Goodbye."

The dial tone met her ears, and Reese frowned at the phone. Did she really just hang up on her? Bitch.

Shaking her head, she slipped the phone in her bag and continued shopping.

When she gathered what she needed, she approached the front desk. The young, 20 something year old, greeted her with a smile as she rang up her items.

"Your total is $180.00," she informed.

Reese dug in her bag for her purse.

" look familiar."

She paused, meeting her gaze. The fair skinned cashier narrowed her eyes.

"Aren't you with Cameron Lewis, the boxer?"

Reese tensed. Another nosy stranger asking her that same question.

"Just ring up my things. Thank you." Reese handed her the card.




"So, another person asked me if we were together, today."

He snickered. "Really?"


"And what'd you say?"

"Nothing. I almost smacked her ass."

Cameron laughed.

They spend the night relaxing in his Jacuzzi. The bubbling warm water alleviated her distress as she snuggled in Cameron's embrace, his fingers intertwining with hers. There was nothing more comforting than being with him right now.

"Does that bother you?" he asked after a while.


"All this attention."

She sighed. "Yeah it does, honestly."

"That's a first. I don't usually hear that."

"Hear what?"

"Women not liking the attention. Most of the one's I've been with, lived for that type of stuff."

"Well, let's not even start on your choices of women, first off," she teased.  He had been with nothing but reality TV show stars, models and video hoes. Of course they loved the attention.

"What's wrong with my choice of women?"

"Is that even a question?" She turned her head, facing him.

He gave a teasing grin. "Yeah, it is a question."

"Oh please, you know your choice in women have been horrible."

"Oh really. How so?"

"Hmm, how about we do a rundown then. There was that one reality show star you dated, on that stupid hip hop show, what was her name? Uh..." She snapped her fingers as she tried to remember. "Oh, Miss Juicy. Such a stupid name by the way."

"Aye, I mean her ass was juicy. The name fit."


"Just sayin'."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes as he snickered. "Then there was that other video girl, with the fake breasts um...Malaysia?"

"Yeah, she was something else."

"Oh, wasn't she the one you got pregnant?"

"No. That was false."

She smiled at how serious he had gotten. "You sure? 'Cause I could've sworn she took you to court and everything. What was the story again?"

He remained tightlipped, and it only amused her even more. She just enjoyed getting a rise out of him sometimes. He was just so sexy when he was serious, especially the way his left eyebrow would twitch as he gnawed his inner right now.

"That's just funny to you, ain't it?"


"You seem to know a lot about my love life."

"All I have to do is google your name, sweetie. It's not that hard." She turned around with a smile.

"Ha Ha. Funny."

A slight pain on her shoulder made her jump, and spun around only to realize he had bitten her.

"What the fuck, Cameron!" She punched his chest as he laughed.

"Aye, chill!"

"I know you really didn't just bite me."

"It was a love bite."

"No, it wasn't you ass." She punched his chest again as he continued to laugh humorously. "That shit isn't funny." Angered, she threw another punch only for him to catch it with his grip.

"Aye! Remember baby, I'm a boxer. I eat those."

"Eat this." She pointed downward with her middle finger.

He licked his lips. "I'd love to."

"Fuck you."

"I'd love that, too."

Piece of shit.

"You know what? How would you like it if I just bite this?" She grasped his dick, and he jumped a bit.


"I'm sure that wouldn't be funny, now would it?"

"Alright, baby you got it. Damn," he raised his hands in surrender.

"Yeah, that's what I thought." She let go, turning back around.

"So damn feisty." He wrapped his arm around her, and brought her against his chest. He whispered in her ear, "I love it, though."

His lips brushed her neck, and she bit her lip, reveling in his hypnotic touch. She should've been pushing his ass away after that little stint he just pulled, but just the caress of his lips always had the power to pull her into a euphoric trance. He turned her chin to him and they kissed. Rubbing his thick jaw, she moaned as his velvety tongue intertwined with hers. After a long while, they finally pulled away, staring into each other's eyes.

"You get on my nerves," she whispered.

"I know."

They kissed again, before relaxing in each other's embrace. Silence permeated the air, as the bubbling water made a melodic tune.

"Were you in love with any of them?" she asked after a moment.


"Your exes."


"Not even your beautiful Barbie, Fiona?"

"Her name is Farah."

"Oh right."

"And nah, it was never that serious between us.  I cared about her as a friend, though. But, that was it."

Reese grew quiet, thinking.

"You've ever been in love at all?"

"Define that."

"If I have to define it for you, then you've already answered the question."

"Then I guess I haven't."

"Is that something you'd ever want?" she asked.

"Love, you mean?"

She nodded.

“Yeah, one day.”


The seriousness in his tone surprised her more than anything.

"Yeah, I always wanted that."

It took her a while to respond. She just never expected these words to ever come out of his mouth.

"What?" he spoke up at her silence.

"Nothing. I just never expected you out of all people to say something like that."

"Well, it's real. I know it might be hard to believe, but deep down everybody wants love. Even me."

"Well, do you think you'd ever find it?"

"Maybe..." He kissed her shoulder. "But you never know. In this business, it's hard to find somebody who really wants you for you."

"Sounds lonely.”

"It is...but it's nothing I'm not used to anyway."

His somber words resonated deep within.

"I know all about that," she said lowly.

"About what?"

"Feeling alone."


She nodded. "I've been pretty much alone my whole life."

"How so?"

She stared at the bubbling water, a hallow feeling deepening in her chest. "My mom was in prison when she had me. And after I was born, she gave me up to the state. So, I've always just learned to survive on my own."

"So, you grew up in the system too?"


"Damn...all this time," He placed soft kisses across her shoulder. "Looks like we're more alike than we realized, huh."

A certain feeling stirred in the depth of her chest, as the truth settled within. He was right. They were more alike than they realized. Both from similar pasts with hearts struggling to find the very same thing they had never truly gotten growing up. Love. She wondered if that was the unexplainable reason they kept being drawn to each other despite their own personal resistances.

"So, what about you?" he asked, pulling her out of her trance. "You've ever been in love?"

"Yeah, I have."

"And what was that like?"

She tensed, unsure if she should tread those waters with him.

"Too deep, again?"

She nodded.

"Turn around..." He tapped her thigh, motioning her to face him. She turned around and straddled him, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I want you to go to the Espys with me."

She blinked. "The Espys?...As in the awards show?"


"You want me to be your date?"

He nodded.

She didn't even know what to say. She had never been to an awards show before. Was she even qualified to go? She wasn't some A list celebrity in Hollywood, she was just a regular woman who had no idea what that world was like.

"Are you sure?" She asked, wondering if he was just messing with her.

"Yes, Reese. I'm sure." He smirked.

She fell silent. Still taken aback by his offer.

"So, is that a yes?"

"I-i don't have anything to wear."

He chuckled at her trivial concern.

"Don't worry. I got that covered."

Chapter 28


Reese drew back the curtain. With a deep breath, she stepped out of the changing room, only to meet the team of stylists awaiting her entrance.

"Absolutely gorgeous!"

The head stylist, Gina, nodded with approval. Her assistant approached Reese, adjusting certain parts of her dress to make sure it fit her frame correctly.

Cameron had taken her to meet Gina, one of the top stylists in the industry, whom had dressed a slew of A-list celebrities in Hollywood, including Cameron himself. Reese was shocked he had even done this. She expected to buy her own dress for the awards show, but to actually have a team of stylists pick out her dress, excited her, and left her a bit overwhelmed as well. She really hoped she could afford all of this. It had been an hour of fitting, as Gina and her team rummaged through a variety of designer dresses for her to try on, before finally coming to an agreement on a dress.

Reese stared at her reflection within the dressing room, blown away. The
Roberto Cavalli
designed gown, augmented with gold sequins adorned her physique perfectly. The off-the-shoulder neckline emphasized her slender arms as the hem of the dress draped below her ankles which was tailored with a long slid at her right hip, showcased her smooth thigh. The dress was...beautiful. 

A touch at her ankle grasped her attention, and she glanced down at the other stylist, Henry, who knelt by her side with a pair of gold 6 inch heels.

"What kind of shoes are these?" she asked, curiously.

"Giuseppe," he told her.

She blinked. Giuseppe? Didn't those cost a fortune?

"Uh, and how much are they?"


Oh hell no!

"And the dress?"


She nearly fell to her knees. He must've been crazy.

"I can't pay for all of this." She shook her head.

Goodness, that money could've gone to more important things. Like bills!

"Don't worry sweetheart, you won't. It's a gift from us," Gina assured her.

"A gift?"


"Wait, so I'm getting all of this for free?"

"Of course!"

All of this expensive clothing for her? But why?

Did Cameron put them up to this?

Before she could even question it, Gina and her team clapped, cheering at her appearance.

"Perfect! Just perfect!" said, Gina.

Reese turned to the mirror. She blinked, unable to even recognize herself. The shoes enhanced her appearance even more. The matching color complemented well with the dress, as the strappy design displayed her newly done manicured toes. To say she looked beautiful, was an understatement.

"Let's see what Cameron says," Gina encouraged.

Her stomach fluttered with butterflies. She really hoped he liked it.

With hesitance, she followed Gina out of the dressing room, into the front lobby where Cameron was seated on the couch on his phone, as his security guard, who she had gotten to learn as Big Polo, stood at the front entrance, guarding the door.

Cameron's gaze drifted to her, and he froze. He ended the conversation and slid the phone in his pocket.

"She looks gorgeous, doesn't she?" Gina complemented.

His eyes slowly scoped her frame, as he walked toward her in calculated steps. Her heart raced under his deep stare and she wondered what he thought. He grasped her hand and lifted her arm, allowing her to twirl around as he drank in her appearance.

" like it?" she asked, nervously. His silence made her uneasy.

"It's perfect."

BOOK: Hook'd
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