HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove) (22 page)

BOOK: HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove)
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Pre-hurricane, they could lust after each other, but had plenty of good reasons to keep apart. The flirtation had been fun, and playful. Not for her anymore. She yearned, and yet she couldn’t have, so she buried the confusion and the hurt deep inside.

Kayla’s wedding was approaching fast, and the extra work involved helped her maintain focus. This was not the time for her to worry about what was or what might have been with buddy, Colt. This was her sister’s time, family time, and the happiest day was just ahead.

All the arrangements were made, and the guests were flying in from all over. Their friends were staying at their place and Sean’s guests were down the road at The Islander, a much larger resort with beautiful grounds, a full scale restaurant next to the pool and the beach, and a warm and friendly staff.

Taylor and her mom had insisted that Kayla stay away for the last two days. With Miguel’s help, a beautiful atmosphere for the wedding had been created, and they wanted it to be a surprise.


The day of the wedding, Taylor was up early, too excited to sleep. Her head was spinning with all the last minute details that had yet to be done. She slipped on an old tee and a pair of shorts and Sketchers, then headed down to the beach. All night she’d been dreaming about today, imagining the joy and wonder that would light up Kayla’s face when she saw what had been done.

Rows of tiki torches were set up to enclose the wedding area just beyond the pool but before the mangroves and the beach. Six pillars with pink and white ribbons stood eighteen feet high—three on each side. Miguel and his crew had attached billowing sheer drapes from the pillars that floated like soft clouds over the rows of plastic white chairs. The palm trees were strung with fairy lights, and tables were set up amongst the trees for their guests to dine under the starry night and the twinkling lights.

Tears came to Taylor’s eyes when she saw all this in the first light of day. She sat in the one of the chairs, too moved to go any further. What Miguel had done was nothing short of brilliant. He’d discussed it with her and her mom, but until yesterday it was only a drawing. It had taken a team of men to erect the pillars while Colt helped Miguel wind pink and white ribbons around each one. Anna, Taylor and their wedding guests had watched from the pool where they were having a champagne happy hour in honor of the wedding, and a big cheer had gone up when the sheers were attached. The breeze made the sheers flop around and the men had some trouble, but once it was complete, it was the most romantic thing Taylor had ever seen.

She couldn’t imagine a more perfect wedding. Tears slid down her cheeks, and she swiped them away. Weddings made everyone emotional, and she was not exempt.

She stood up, feeling a little foolish. Here she was with so much to do, sitting and crying over this lovely setting. She and her mother had been responsible for the small path that separated the guest seating—a make shift aisle which Kayla and Sean would walk toward the arched altar to say their wedding vows.

Taylor’s last minute chore was to lay out the pots of flowers along the path as they couldn’t be done yesterday, getting in the way of the men constructing the pillars and sheers. While that was being done she’d made the pots herself, as her mother manned the office and Brittany drove their guests around. Cooking was her thing, not flower arrangements, but joyfully she had embraced the task.

She picked up a pot of pink hibiscus and placed it on the right side of the aisle, then went back for the second pot. There were thirty in all. Fifteen per side, and then a dozen smaller ones for the individual tables. It was hard and tedious work, but when she was done, Taylor stepped back to inspect her handiwork. She smiled with satisfaction.

“Hey, Taylor. Looking good,” Colt called out to her.

Shading her eyes she watched him arrive. He’d been down at his boat, and his tanned chest was bare, a t-shirt slung over his broad muscular shoulder. He wore baggy cargo shorts that rode low on his hips, sun glasses, and a sexy smile.

“Hey, Colt.” She waved her hand toward the potted plants. “Do you think I did the right thing by having one pot pink, then the next one white, or should I have made mixed pots?”

“Not mixed. It’s perfect, just as it is.” He gave her a quick once over and she wasn’t sure if he was still talking plants.

“Thanks.” She dropped her eyes, and seeing his half naked body made her mouth water. She wanted to touch him so badly, wanted his kisses so much. Why was he keeping his distance? Didn’t he want her anymore?

His eyes when he looked at her told a different story.

They never discussed the proposition he’d made while comforting her in bed. She didn’t know if he still wanted her as his one and only sex partner, or if he regretted the impulsive offer. Perhaps he was waiting for her to make the first move.

It was odd how he’d taken to walking around shirtless the past couple of weeks. She didn’t think he was working on his tan. Did he hope to entice her with those great abs of his? Really? If he wanted to sleep with her, why wouldn’t he just ask? One thing for sure. He was hanging around a lot lately. Helping Miguel with all the wedding stuff. Jamie was back in school, and tourist season wasn’t in full swing, so Colt had free time on his hands.

“It looks so romantic, doesn’t it?”
Thump, thump, thump
. Taylor put a hand on her chest in a futile effort to stifle the frenzied heart beat. “I can’t wait for Kayla to see it. She’ll die.”

“Well, I hope not. It
her wedding day,” he said with a lazy grin, looking her up and down—which wasn’t fair at all.

She was dripping wet, her white tee grimy with dirt and clinging to her breasts. She pulled it out to let the air in, and the moment she let go, it sucked right back in. Giving up, she used the back of her hand to swipe drops of moisture from her chin.

“Stop looking at me like that. I’m a mess.” She turned away, toying with the flowers. If she looked at his abs again, she might combust.

“You’re beautiful.” He said it like it was the most natural thing in the world, then stuck his hands in his pockets. “You need any help around here before I go?”

“Nope. Got everything under control.” She had nothing under control. Not anymore. And she was starting to like this edgy feeling inside of her.

She took a sip from the water bottle that had warmed under the mid-day sun. She offered it to him, but he shook his head. She glanced at his mouth, then away. “I’ve been thinking lately.”

“Oh yeah? About what?” His eyes were glued to hers. She thought she saw a glint of hope, but maybe it was just the reflection of the sun.

“This. The wedding is going to be so beautiful. Beyond my expectations, that’s for sure.” She sucked in a breath. “I know I’m jumping ahead, but maybe after this, our resort can add destination weddings as another draw to entice people here.”

His shoulders dropped a little. He glanced away. “I don’t see why not. You have a great location. And who doesn’t love a beach wedding?”

“Exactly.” Taylor bobbed her head in agreement. “It’s perfect for a small, inexpensive wedding—and of course the reception would be at my cafe.”

“Sounds good. If anyone can make this happen it’s you and your sisters.”

“I haven’t even mentioned it to them yet, but I’m sure they will jump all over the idea.”

“Jump over what?” Brittany asked, coming up behind them. She was wearing her pink Paradise Cove t-shirt and a pair of white short-shorts.

“Destination wedding place.” Colt answered, with a grin. “Taylor’s thinking big.”

“Great idea,” Brit answered, “but I was hoping she meant you.”

He laughed. “Why don’t you work on her? I’ve got to deliver fish to the market, then get cleaned up for the wedding.” He glanced at Taylor. “Want to take some fish off my hands?”

“No, thank you. We have all the food for tonight stuffed in the cafe’s fridge.”

“Don’t look at me,” Brittany said. “I only like fish on my plate.” She playfully batted her eyes at him. “But I could always use a good man like you.” She shot her sister a pointed look. “Especially if Taylor’s still holding out.”

“Thanks for the offer,” Colt replied, darting a quick glance at Taylor. “But I’m afraid my heart’s elsewhere.”

Taylor’s pulse speeded up. Damn, why wouldn’t he just ask? “Later, dude.”

“Yeah. Later.” With a jaunty toss of his shirt over his shoulder, he swaggered off, knowing probably that both women’s eyes were on him.

Brittany whipped around and glared at her. “Are you out of your ever-loving mind? What are you waiting for? He’s smoking hot, and wants you. If you don’t watch out someone else will come along and snatch him up.”

“I’m not interested in a casual affair. That’s why.” Taylor dug her palms into her shorts’ pockets. She knew it wasn’t completely true. She was worried what would happen to her at the end. Because there would be an end.

“He’s told me plenty of times that he isn’t interested in a relationship. Marriage is off the table.” She shrugged. “So why would I want to let him in my bed?”

“Well that kinda sucks, but you could ignore it, couldn’t you? At least for a night. Give him a good work over, then Taylor, sweetie, you can go back to being a practicing nun.”

“You say the nicest things.”

Brittany grinned. “I’m just trying to help. I see the way you look at him. Your eyes go all soft, your cheeks turn rosy, and your skin gets prickly.”

“That’s a lovely image. I’ll make sure I stay well clear of him from now on.”

“No, you won’t. It’s adorable. I’ve never seen you ga-ga about a guy.”

“Good thing if my skin breaks out with hives.”

“Don’t be silly. That’s probably your body telling you that you need to get laid.” She gave her a long speculative glance. “So you two have never done it? I thought maybe with the hurricane thing you might have. Mom hoped so too.”

“The two of you seem to think the world runs on sex. And that a man equals happiness. It’s not so. I’m perfectly happy…” she paused to think about it, “most of the time.”

“So, no touchy feely, get down and dirty, fun at all?” Brittany gave her a disappointed look. Like she had failed miserably the test of sisterhood.

Taylor decided to give her a little hope. “Okay. We messed around some.” She gave a careless shrug. “He’d like me for a steady lover.” Her chin shot up. “But I said no.”

“Oh, Taylor. From you, I’d expect no less.” Brittany laughed and swatted her arm. “Me? I enjoy it too much. I don’t want things down under to grow over from lack of use.” She put a hand on her hip and gave her a pose. “On that note, I invited Jose. I’m hoping he’ll drive down from Miami. I told him I’d make it worth his while.”

“He’s a lucky guy,” Taylor said, meaning it. Everyone loved Brittany. Who could help it?

“That’s what I keep telling him. But you know men. He’s dark, dashing and delicious. And has an eye for the ladies. Who have an eye for him.”

“Hmmm. Not sure if I like the sound of that.”

Brittany shrugged. “I can handle it. And him.” She turned around to see her mother weaving between the tables that were set up for the wedding reception, carrying two drinks in her hands.

“Hi, Mom.” Brittany reached for the second glass. “What are you drinking?”

“A light fruity sangria punch. I just made a batch. Try it. Does it need more lime or wine?”

She tasted, and licked her lips. “Yummy. What do you think, Tay?” She handed over the plastic glass with flamingos and Paradise Cove etched on the sides.

Taylor sipped. “Good. Delicious. Offering a punch to our guests as they arrive was a terrific idea.” They had seventy-five people attending the wedding. Several people from the hospital where Sean worked and a few old friends, including his family from California. Kayla’s friends from Philadelphia were here, as well as three young women that Brittany had grown up with. Anna had invited a few couples that they’d all known for years that were delighted to come.

Taylor handed the still-full glass back to her mom. “I’m going to run off and take my shower. Kayla should be getting here to dress in the next hour.” She hurried away, glad to get the shower first while there was still plenty of hot water. When she reached their cabin, she stopped short. Colt was sitting on the front step.

“Colt? I thought you had to drop your fish off to the restaurants before going home?” She walked slowly toward him.

“I wanted a minute with you alone.” He stood up just inches from her, invading her space.

She could smell the scent of his body mingled with a light clean aftershave, and it made her mouth water. Oh, the things she’d like to do with this man. The things she
done with this man. If only she didn’t have all these damn scruples. What was so wrong with being a friend with benefits? It worked for a lot of people. But she had a sinking feeling low in her gut that it wouldn’t work for her.

She would wind up getting hurt. Her emotions would get deeply involved and she’d want a commitment, and to make him the father of her babies. All of them. Wasn’t going to happen, and wishing it wouldn’t make it so.

Taylor put a hand on his bare chest, holding him back. At least that’s what she told herself. It wasn’t to cop one quick feel.

“Have you been thinking about us? What I suggested?”

BOOK: HOOKED ON YOU (Paradise Cove)
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