Hooked (TKO #2) (4 page)

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Authors: Ana Layne

BOOK: Hooked (TKO #2)
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“Hello?” My head is still pounding.

“I was making sure you were alive. You’re never late.” Howard chuckles. I was anticipating him being angry, but he’s laughing instead.

“Yeah, I’m alive. I’m coming. Sorry, man, I don’t know what the hell happened with the time.”

“Just get here.” Before I can answer, he disconnects.

Dad’s already gone to work. Usually, he pops in to make sure I’m up, but I don’t know what happened this time. I throw on a pair of shorts and almost stumble trying to get my legs into them. The shirt is easier to get on. I hurry into the bathroom where I brush my teeth. I reach into the cabinet and grab a couple of ibuprofen. They slide down my throat with ease, and all I can do is pray they kick in before I make it to Lou’s.

Outside, I hop in my truck and drive to the gym with the volume down on the stereo. The aching in my head has eased, but it’s still hurting bad enough that I can’t seem to loosen my grip on the steering wheel.

As I pull into Lou’s, I leave every thought of the previous night in the truck. I don’t want that following me inside and hindering my training. I bust my ass too hard for everything I’ve worked for, and I’ll be damned if I’ll let anything fuck that up.








Chapter 5



I put my keys inside an empty locker in the back room before making my way out to the mat. Garrett struts over from the weight bench and shakes his head at me.

“What?” I ask. My head is starting to feel a little better, but my eyes are heavy. The lack of sleep is starting to really hit me.

“I was wondering if maybe you went back and tried to antagonize Travis after everyone left last night.”

“No, I didn’t go back. What would I do that for? She made it clear who she’s with and what she wants. It’s not me.”

“I saw the way she looks at you though, man. Don’t give up on her.”

“What are you, the damn love doctor?” I scoff. “You saw the way she looks at me, huh? Good for her.”

“You’re full of it, Lance. If she walked up to you today and said she was done with Travis, you would jump all over that.”

He knows me too well. He throws my gloves at me, and they hit me in the chest but I manage to catch them.

“What were you doing with my favorite pair of gloves?”

“I knew you would show up eventually. Raegan isn’t here, so that means you and me are sparring today.”

I glance around before I realize he’s serious. Raegan usually is here, so I’m a little surprised. “Where is she?”

“She went over to see her dad and stepmom. She’ll be up here eventually.”

I sit down and stretch. I close my eyes, and somehow I’m able to find peace of mind. When I open my eyes, I see Garrett staring at me. I rise and get in position. Even as we begin to spar, we can’t quit joking. When Garrett knocks me on my ass, I jump back up and take a swing at him, only to miss. He’s fucking good, even when he’s just playing around. I bounce on my feet, waiting to get the perfect hit on him when the door opens and I hear Raegan’s voice. Her arrival takes me completely off guard, giving Garrett a chance to knock me on my ass. Why am I so easily distracted?

“Hey, Lance, need a hand?” she teases.

“Yeah, since you’re offering. And by that, I mean, no thanks.”

“Oh, you are so funny.” She turns to face Garrett. For once, she seems a little nervous. She fidgets, shifting her weight from one side to the other. “Hey, Garrett, can I talk to you for a second?”

As the two of them step away, I drag myself from the mat and find Howard watching me. The laughter from earlier is gone. He raises his hand and motions me toward him with the crook of his finger. I get moving, because nobody messes with Howard. He is never kept waiting.

“Hey, Howard, sorry I was late.”

“In the office.
.” His voice is edged with anger.

Once we’re inside and he shuts the door, he just crosses his arms over his burly chest and stares at me. I’m trying to relax, but his sudden tenseness is beginning to make me nervous.

“Where the hell is your head, Lance? You told me you were ready to get back into the swing of things, and then this morning I hear you were in a fight down at Joe’s last night. What the hell is going on? Please tell me if it’s worth losing everything you’ve worked for, because the two of you
have been arrested. If I’d been there, I’d have called the cops. You know I don’t tolerate fighting like that.”

“How do you know what happened last night?” I ask, trying to hide my anxiety.

“Don’t worry about that. I have friends who go to that bar, Lance. I have friends who know who you are.”

I scramble to find the right words to fix this. “I fucked up, okay? I’m sorry. It was over a girl, and I wasn’t thinking straight. Travis was pushing my fucking buttons. Ask Raegan, she came up and tried to stop the fight.”

Howard’s eyes narrow, his face reddening. “You let
try to stop your fight with Travis? Where the hell was Garrett? Christ, I’m not even running a gym, am I? I’m running a damn circus.”

“He got her out of the way. If it makes a difference, Travis didn’t even get a chance to hit me.”

Wrong answer.

“You do
fight outside of these walls, do you understand? You and Garrett are the best in here, and if you screw that up and get hurt, you’re done. Then what? You have to think, Lance. Your actions have consequences. Is this girl worth it?”

“I thought she was, but I guess not.”

“Then get your head out of your ass and straighten up, or get the hell out of my gym.”

My eyes widen at his words. “Are you serious?”

“I’m very serious, Lance. I will not tolerate this horseplay shit. You have a reputation to uphold, and what you pulled last night will destroy it.”

I can’t lose the one thing I love doing the most. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am, and it’s the only thing that keeps me out of trouble. I won’t let this happen.

“I’ll straighten up, Howard. I can’t lose this gym. It means too much to me.” My gaze drops to the floor along with my heart.

“I believe you, Lance, and I also believe
you. Don’t let me down. Think with your head, not your heart. Be the fighter I know you are. Make your mom proud.”

A lump forms in my throat. Make my mom proud? Damn right I will make her proud. She never got the chance to see me doing what I love, but I know she was damn proud of me.

“I will, Howard.”

“Good, now get out there and practice. You’ve got a match coming up.”

I almost hug him, I’m so happy to hear about the match. He opens the door, and I walk out feeling a little better about everything. He sure put me in my place, which is something he does well. It’s game time, and nothing can keep me from that.

I spot Garrett standing on the mat in the same place I left him. He looks like he’s overwhelmed but astonished at the same time. Raegan is nowhere to be seen.

“Hey, man, you okay?” I ask him.

“Yeah, I mean…I guess so. I think this is the happiest day of my life.”

A smirk spreads across my face. “Is Raegan taking you to Disneyworld? Can I come?”

“Dude, shut the fuck up.” He laughs. “She’s pregnant.”

“Well, fuck me silly, are you serious? But she was at Joe’s last night with us drinking.”

“She didn’t know. She took the test today. Do I look like I’m joking?”

“Not really.”

“I had no clue about any of this.”

“Holy shit, dude, congratulations! Damn, I never would’ve thought this would happen to you.”

“Same here, but she’s perfect for me.”

No one deserves this more than they do. I grab my gloves and put them back on, then take a moment to focus.

I’m ready for anything to come my way, and even when Garrett swings first, I block it. We continue to go round and round until I catch him off guard and kick his feet from under him. He chuckles as he hits the ground. He usually puts up more of a fight when we spar, but he’s so freaking happy right now, I don’t blame him. He’s going to be a father.




My muscles ache. I haven’t sparred that hard in what seems like forever. Garrett is too giddy to keep himself focused, so I spar with Howard instead. It’s his job to make sure I stay on my toes, always alert for what my opponent may bring. By the end of the day, all I want to do is go home, take a shower, and lay down in my bed. Tomorrow it will happen all over again, but that’s just life. It’s the life I chose, the life I love.

The heat of the summer hits my face as I walk outside and I have to draw in a deep breath. I squint, trying to adjust to the bright sun still shining above. I have to blink several times to make sure I’m not dreaming when I see her standing there. I look around to make sure no one is watching, because the last thing I need is another lecture from Howard.

Hilary is standing beside my truck, her wide-eyed stare darting from place to place. I watch as she bites into her bottom lip. She looks so uncomfortable, it’s making me nervous. More importantly, I am wondering what she is doing here and how she found out where I train. She seems weary, and tears are pooled in her beautiful eyes. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

She says nothing at first, and I stand there silently wondering if it’s okay to pull her in for a hug. The idea of overstepping boundaries crosses my mind, so I don’t move.

“Lance, I have to tell you something and I want you to hear it from me.”

This doesn’t sound good. “Do you want to go talk somewhere else?” My gaze roams back to the door of Lou’s. Anyone could come walking out at any minute and the risk is too perilous.

“No, I need to do this right now or I’ll never say it. It won’t take long. “I like you, Lance. I knew I liked you that first night when everything got messed up. I should have let you apologize, but I didn’t know what to do, and then I met Travis.” The disgust on my face probably shows, no matter how hard I try to hide it. Just hearing his name pisses me off. “I know I told you last night about him, and I probably said things that weren’t your business.”

“You are my business, Hilary. At least, you used to be.”

“I thought about everything you said, and I deserve better than him. You’re right. You know me. I came here to tell you that I left Travis. I want to…to see if maybe we could…date.”

My body stiffens for a moment. “Are you sure? You’re really done with him?”

“I’m done. I mean it. I’m tired of being second best for him.”

I reach out and take her hand. She stiffens for a second before relaxing and letting it fall into mine.

“I’m glad you showed up here.”

Her face turns a shade of pink as she blushes. Her hand fits just right in mine, and I never want to let it go. The sound of the door to Lou’s closing causes my body to stiffen, and I turn quickly. When I see it’s just Whitney, I relax again. She flashes me a smile as she walks to her car.

“I’m sorry,” Hilary says. “But I wasn’t sure when I’d get to see you again.”

“Please don’t apologize. You made my day. Can I take you somewhere tonight? I’m no good at this dating stuff, but I’d like to take you out.”

Her expression of excitement dazzles me. “I’d love that. I’ll give you my parents’ address.”

We exchange phone numbers, and I type her address into my phone before it’s time to tell her goodbye. I lean in and place a soft kiss on her cheek. My lips linger on her delicate skin, the desire to kiss her lush lips crossing my mind.
Baby steps, Lance.

When I break the kiss, a broad grin spreads across my face. I feel like I’m living in fairytale land, standing before my very own princess.

“See you in a few hours?”

Her eyes seem to sparkle. “Yes.”








Chapter 6



At first, I wonder what the hell I am thinking. I don’t know the first thing about dating. But Hilary is smoking hot, and she chose me over that asshole Travis. As much as I’d love to rub that shit in his face one day, right now I don’t care.

I call Garrett when I realize what I got myself into. He just laughs at me, and hands the phone to Raegan.

“What the fuck do I do on a date?” I ask her. “Am I in over my head here?”

“First of all, just calm down. Everything will be all right. Where are you planning on taking her?”

“I have no clue. I sure don’t want to take her to the bar. I want alone time with her, I want to be able to talk to her without all the noise.”

Raegan stays quiet for a moment. I begin to sift through my closet in search of my good jeans. I find a light blue button-up shirt. If I roll the sleeves up, maybe I won’t appear too far out of my element but still look nice enough for her.

“Take her to a restaurant, and maybe get a booth toward the back where there aren’t too many people around. That should give you some kind of privacy for the time being, then you could go out to the park or something,” Raegan suggests. “Garrett took me there one time, and we looked at the stars.”

“Did little magical elves jump out and dance for you too?”

“I hope you choke on your dinner tonight.” She laughs. “Seriously though, take her somewhere like that. Look at my Lance, he’s growing up.”

“I’m a big boy now,” I say, beaming. “Thanks for talking me through this. I’m pretty sure I’m going to look like a complete idiot tonight, but I’m willing to take a chance.”

“Just remember to be yourself and have fun, Lance. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks again, Raegan. For everything.”


I hang up, and jump into the shower. As the water runs down my body, I can’t help but think of what it will feel like to touch Hilary again. This time, nothing will stop me. My dick grows rigid just imagining her whimpering as I bring her body to places beyond her imagination. I wrap my hand around my dick and close my eyes, envisioning it’s her touching me instead. In my mind, her eyes meet mine as she licks her lips, and wraps her mouth around my length.

I moan as I explode against the shower wall. The water begins to cool, and I take that as my cue to get out.

I put on the jeans and dress shirt. As I roll the sleeves up, I stare at myself in the mirror.
This is it. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
Grabbing my phone, my stomach begins turning anxiously as I send her a text letting her know I’m on my way. The smiley face she sends makes me feel giddy. I never would have thought I’d see the day a girl practically brought me to my knees.

The drive to her house is short. Hilary lives in a nice subdivision about ten minutes from my house. In her development, every house has a white picket fence and the lawns are perfectly manicured. I’m reminded once again that I know nothing about her. That changes tonight.

I pull into her driveway and nearly gasp. Her place is huge. About three houses the size of mine could fit easily on the property. I never expected her parents’ house would be so massive and elegant. I’ve never met a girl’s parents before, but I want to make a great first impression, so I wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans and take a deep breath.
I’m a charming guy
, I tell myself.
They are bound to like me.
I’m better than Travis Pierce, at least.

I ring the doorbell and stand there awkwardly waiting for someone to answer. A man in a suit answers the door and looks me up and down. “You must be Lance. I’m Hilary’s dad, Logan Vaughan.”

We shake hands. “Yes, sir. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Vaughan.”

“Come on in and have a seat. She should be right down.”

“Thank you, sir. You have a beautiful home,” I tell him, admiring the crystal chandelier above my head.

“Thank you, Lance. Hilary tells me you’re a fighter.”

Here we go. I’m sure he’ll tell me I’m not good enough for her. “Yes, sir. I started as a way to help bring money into my house. My mom got sick, and it was up to my dad and me to keep everything together. In all that, I found a passion.”

“Hilary told me about your mother. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you, Mr. Vaughan.” I’m shocked she told him, but I don’t let it show.

“Daddy, are you being nice?” I look up to the top of the staircase where Hilary is standing. She looks angelic, wearing a long, black dress. Her hair cascades down her back. I see her reach up to twirl a strand. Shit, if I had long hair, I’d do the same thing right about now.

“Of course I am,” her father said. “I know your mom wanted to meet Lance, but she’s still at the store, and I’m sure you two are ready to get going.”

“I’m ready. Are you ready, Lance?” She begins to descend the staircase. My heart pounds as she inches closer to me.

“I’m ready.”

“You two have fun. And…Lance.” Mr. Vaughan looks at me pointedly. “Take care of my baby girl.”

“Yes, sir, I will.”

Outside, I hold the truck door open for her. Once we’re both inside the truck, I lean over and kiss her cheek as I buckle my seatbelt.

“I wanted to do that inside, but your dad scared the shit out of me.”

“Yeah, he may have kicked your ass for that one.” She laughs.

“Are you hungry?” I ask as I drive away from her house.

“I’m a little too nervous to eat, but I am hungry.”

“Don’t be nervous, Hil. It’s just me. Let’s grab a small bite to eat.”


I drive to a café not far from her house. We are seated immediately. After the waitress takes our order, I reach across the table and take Hilary’s hand in mine. “So, you know a few things about me from then and now, and I hardly know anything about you.”

“What do you want to know?” she asks sheepishly.

“Anything you’ll tell me.”

“Well, my dad is a radiologist and my mom is a housewife. I’m going to college, but I have no clue what I want to major in just yet.”

That explains the massive house. “What’s your favorite color?”

“My favorite color?” She seems perplexed. I guess it is a silly question.

“Yeah, you know, just…your favorite color.”


“I’ll remember that.” The waitress sets our sandwiches down in front of us, and I thank her.

favorite color, Lance?”

“Anything that you wear.” She nearly chokes on her first bite, then carefully sips her tea, trying to compose herself.

“What do you mean?” she asks.

“I mean, any color you have on is my favorite color.”

“You’re a smooth talker, aren’t you?” She takes another bite of her sandwich.

“Well, yeah. You knew that already.” I swear I see her nipples harden against the fabric of her dress.

She doesn’t say another word as she finishes her sandwich. The server brings the bill, which I hurriedly pay.

I decide to take Raegan’s advice and go to the park. The sun is beginning to set and there aren’t too many people around. I park the truck and turn it off. Silence fills the cab, and my palms begin sweating again. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice she’s fidgeting. There’s so much I want to say to her, but I can’t find the words. Maybe it’s better this way.

I step out of the truck, and my shoes hit the hard concrete. I open the door for her. Her angelic face turns to meet mine as I reach for her hand. Her porcelain skin feels incredibly soft against my calloused palm. My heart takes over my brain as I gaze into her eyes. There’s this chemistry between us I can’t quite explain. It’s almost like the planets have aligned and are working in my favor. I’m turning into such a puss around her, but I don’t give a shit. I cup her chin gently, and she trembles at my touch.

“You have no idea how badly I want to kiss those sweet, plump lips of yours,” I whisper huskily.

The sound of a heartbeat fills my ears and I’m positive it’s mine, but a part of me is sure it’s hers. She closes her eyes for a brief moment, and when she opens them, she sighs. “You are too good to be true, Lance.”

“Nah, I’m typically the guy your parents would warn you to stay away from, but something about you makes me want to be good.” I don’t want to hold anything back from her. I am not proud of my past, but I won’t hide it from her.

“Kiss me,” she whispers.

Her lips taste like sweet honeysuckles. Hilary lets out a soft moan as she invites me into her mouth. Now I know I’m done for.

She breaks the kiss and looks up at me with twinkling eyes. Giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, I lead her away from the truck.

“Why did the chicken cross the road?” I ask. My nervousness has returned, and I sound like an idiot. I need a muzzle.

“To get to the other side?” she asks, laughing.

“You passed the test. You’re perfect.” I bring her hand up to my mouth and plant a soft kiss on her knuckles as we reach a park bench.

“You really know how to make a girl feel special.”

“What do you mean? I’m very new to this. It’s not like I do it all the time.” I chuckle.

“I don’t know what it is about you, but you make me feel like I’m actually wanted. It seems like it’s not just about sex.”

Hearing her say that causes my heart to soar. I must be doing something right. Inside, I’m high-fiving myself. The last words she said, though, make me cringe on the inside.

“This is me, period. When I care about something or someone, I do it with my whole heart. My momma raised me right.”

“She sure did,” she says, giving my hand a small squeeze.

This girl makes my heart plummet to depths unknown to me, and I’m okay with it. If she hurt me, I’d never be the same again. Awkward silence fills the air again, and I’m beginning to feel like I’ve screwed up somehow. I mean, who tells a lame joke to the woman of their dreams on their first date?
This guy right here.

The sounds of crickets chirping fills the night air. I draw in a deep breath as I search for something non-moronic to say to her. “I know we’re still dealing with tonight, but what are you doing tomorrow night?”

Her eyes shine brightly. “I was probably just going to sit at home.”

“I have a fight tomorrow night. If you want to come, I can pick you up. You could see me in action.”

“You won’t get hurt, will you?”

“Nah, sweetheart, I’m good. It’s just a day in the office.” I realize she looks a little distressed. “What’s wrong, Hil?”

“Travis won’t be there, will he?”

Fuck. I never thought about him, and I have no way of knowing if he’s on the docket at all. “I honestly don’t know. Half the time, I don’t even know who I’m against until that night.”

“I want to go, but I think I should sit this one out. I’m not ready to see him anywhere just yet.”

“Was it that bad?”

She scoffs. “I thought he and I had something. I liked him, and he made me feel special.”

I really don’t want to hear any of this, but I asked. I say nothing, and just listen.

“He was really possessive, even though he made it clear he wasn’t looking for a relationship from the start. Then I started finding messages from other girls in his phone. I asked him about it, and sometimes he would shrug it off, and other times he would blow up. He has a scary temper. I was so freaking stupid for sticking around him for these past few months. I should have given myself space from him sooner.”

“I don’t get it, Hilary. You’re beautiful. You light up the damn room when you walk in the door. You’re too good for that. Even in high school, you were too good for all the shit you put up with. That’s why I stepped up for you, time and time again. No one deserves to be treated like anything but the best.” I pause, then ask, “Is his dick made of gold or something?”

I cannot believe I said that.
Way to fucking go, Lance.
She pulls her hand away from mine, closes her eyes, and shakes her head. I know I fucked up big time. There’s a colossal chance I just ruined one of the best nights of my life because I have a big fucking mouth and don’t know how to shut up.

“I think you should take me home. Now.”

“I’m sorry, Hil. I shouldn’t have said that out loud.”

“I just want to go home.”

“Please talk to me. I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you.”

She looks at me with tear-filled eyes. I want to hold her and kiss the pain away, the pain I caused. “Lance, I don’t have anything to say to you right now. You’re behaving just like him. What you just said hurt me, and I think we need to call it a night.”

I hang my head in defeat and close my eyes. Everything was going perfectly, and I had to fuck it up. Without saying another word, she stands and walks to the truck. She opens her own door and slams it behind her. The urge to punch something is taking over, but I won’t let her see me that way. Instead, I walk numbly to the truck and sit beside her. I stick the key into the ignition and start the engine.

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