Horrible Harry and the Green Slime (5 page)

BOOK: Horrible Harry and the Green Slime
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Miss Mackle raised her eyebrows at Mrs. Michaelsen.
“After you apply the mousse,” I said, “you take a clean comb and comb hunks of hair out like this.”
Everytime I took a hunk of hair and combed it out, the class laughed.
Miss Mackle was sinking in her chair.
When I took the last hunk of hair and combed it out, I said, “There! Mr. Cardini has spiked hair.”
Everyone applauded.
I handed the principal a mirror and he looked at himself.
he said. “I think my wife just might take me out to dinner tonight!”
The class laughed.
This time Miss Mackle and Mrs. Michaelsen did too.
Harry and Song Lee were last.
“Today,” Harry said, “my assistant Song Lee and I are going to make green slime for you.”
Everyone groaned and then oohed.
“It's a scientist's dream!” Harry grinned. “May I have a bowl please?”
Song Lee handed Harry a bowl.
“Cornstarch,” Harry said.
Song Lee handed Harry a box of cornstarch.
“Measuring cup.”
Song Lee handed Harry a measuring cup.
Everyone in the audience turned their head from side to side as they watched Song Lee pass things to Harry.
“First,” Harry said, “you measure one cup of cornstarch into a bowl.”
“Then you measure half a cup of water and pour it into the bowl. Water please.”
Song Lee handed Harry a pitcher of water.
Harry measured it and then poured it into the bowl.
“Stir, and then add ...” Harry held out his hand like he wanted a scalpel or some tool.
Song Lee handed Harry a small bottle of food coloring.
“Squeeze three drops of green into the bowl. Stir and there you have it—GREEN SLIME!”
The class watched Harry pour the slime out of the bowl onto a sheet of wax paper. It poured like a liquid but when Harry put a spoon in it, it cracked in half.
“It's magic!” Sidney blurted out.
Everyone clapped.
Mrs. Michaelsen asked what Harry was going to do with the green slime now that his demonstration was over.
“Throw it out. My mom said she didn't want any more slime at our house.”
“May I have it then? I'd like to show it to my husband. He's interested in science.”
Harry wrapped the green slime up in the waxed paper and handed it to the librarian.
“Thank you boys and girls for a great afternoon,” Mrs. Michaelsen said as she walked out the door with Mr. Cardini.
“Me too,” the principal said. And he went back to his office with his spiked hairdo.
Mrs. Foxworth, who was typing a letter, looked up and jerked back. The pencil that was on her ear went flying across her desk, hit the wall, and landed in the garbage can.
Harry and I are glad we're at South School. Our teacher, principal, and librarian aren't afraid of anything horrible.
Only our school secretary is.

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