Hot For Teacher (18 page)

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Authors: Mandee Mae,M.C. Cerny,Phalla S. Rios,Niquel,Missy Johnson,Carly Grey,Amalie Silver,Elle Bright,Vicki Green,Liv Morris,Nicole Blanchard

BOOK: Hot For Teacher
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I walked toward my mom's old beat up Honda Civic, a gift from my dad for my seventeenth birthday. He cherished that car, never wanting to part with it because it was the last part of Mom he had. Even after all these years, no woman would ever compare to her. I kissed the top of the car just as I had done since I was five before getting in.

As I drove home, I tried to remember Connor’s number. I couldn’t.


And today was Friday.







































Chapter 2

I walked into the house as my dad reached the door, and we bumped into each other.

He was leaving for a date night …

Dad was dressed immaculately in blue suit jacket, white V-neck and jeans. He was a handsome man, muscled with broad shoulders. Sex on a stick is what Amber always called him.

If she only knew ...

"Dad, where are you going?" I blocked him from exiting the door. “Why don’t you ever stay home on the weekends? We could go out and do something together.


He sighed and scooted me to the side. "Honey

I don't have time right now. I'm running a little behind to meet my client.

He paused before walking out. “I know what you’re doing. But what
doing puts a roof over your head and food on the table.

Then he left.

I watched him get into his black Mercedes and drive off. I sighed and looked out to our simple, middle-class neighborhood. People stared as Dad drove past them, and I watched as the knowing looks flashed across their faces.

I shut the door.

Walking to my room, I dropped my book bag and turn on my iPod deck. Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble

blasted from the speakers as I fell on my bed, trying to clear my mind of my dad and the small tiff we’d just had

then Conno

Mr. Tomlinson

my teacher for the rest of the yea

our kiss…

My fingers brushed lightly across my lips. I could still feel him on my mouth, the tingles of his hot cinnamon breath. And the heat. The burning heat had left me flushed with need.

I covered my face with my hands. I wouldn’t see him again until Monday. Or talk to him. After almost eight years apart then getting the small bit of him today—and the incredible taste of how it felt to be around him again—not seeing him all weekend would drive me crazy.

I thought,
why did you come back?

My hands fell from my face. The thought of staying home alone for the weekend started to scare me, filling my veins with anxiety.

              I grabbed my tote, opening my drawer and stuffing my pajamas and clean underwear into my bag. I shuffled around for my car keys at the bottom of my book bag as I walked out the front door and into my car. I drove toward Amber’s house with the windows down, letting the fresh air of autumn cleanse my mind.

When her enormous, brick stone home came into view, I smiled. My best friend would be loud and fun, which meant that my emotions, my thoughts and my need to see Connor would stay quiet. Well, quiet enough to get me through the next couple of days.

              As I parked my car in front of her house, Amber ran across her front lawn, opening my door for me. “I’ve been calling you since I got home from school!

she squealed. “What happened? How was

She blushed and laughed softly. “I mean, did he answer all your questions? What did you have to ask him about anyway?

She moved so I could step out of the car, and smiled when she noticed my overnight bag.

“Is it okay if I spend the weekend here?”

              She hugged me close. “It, like, only took you until our senior year to want a sleepover! Of course you can spend the weekend with me!”

              She released her tight hold on me, grabbed my bag and waited for me to close my car door. Amber walked ahead of me as I followed her to her house. Once we were inside, she yelled for her mom. Feeling embarrassed and a bit shy, I stepped behind her as her mom rounded the corner and walk down their large foyer. Her calm and caring aura greeted us. She was striking with wavy brown hair, her blue eyes sparkling as she smiled at us. Whenever I was in Mrs. Clay’s presence, I instantly missed my mom. She reminded me so much of my hero.

“Hi, darling.

She embraced me with a warm hug. “This is great! Amber can never stop talking about you on the weekends. She misses you so much.”


Amber warned.

“Vida should know how much she means to you, sweetie.

Mrs. Clay winked at me and turned around. “Come with me to the dining room. Dinner is ready.

Amber hooked an arm through mine as we followed her mom, dropping my bag by the stairs as we pass it. “We’re going out tonight,

she whispered wickedly, putting a finger to her lips. I shook my head and laughed without any sound.

Mr. Clay was already seated at the head of the table, waiting for us. He stood and greeted his wife with a kiss on the cheek, pulling out her chair. Once he is seated again, we take our seat. Amber quickly grabbed the bowl of mash potatoes, scooping some onto her plate then mine before passing the bowl to her mom.

“Vida, thank you for having dinner with us tonight,

Mr. Clay said sincerely.

“Thank you for having me. I love coming to visit,

I told him truthfully.

He smiled in return. “You’re always welcome here.

The warm comfort of his words sent happy feelings through me; happy feelings that I didn’t often experience in my own home.

We finished passing around the plates and bowl of entrées, then Mr. Clay said a short grace before we started to eat.

“Girls, what are your plans for tonight? Your dad and I are going out to a night late fundraiser, so please promise me you both will be on your best behavior.”

“I have Vida with me, and she’s the good one, s

Amber laughed.

“Our only child gets away with too much, honey,

Mr. Clay told his wife with a straight face, but his eyes were filled with love as he glanced at Amber. He had always been the softer parent.


Her mom raised her eyebrows.

“We won’t get into any trouble


Once we’d finished dinner, Amber’s parents left to get ready and we went to Amber’s room to get ready for our own night out. Leaving Amber to rampage her closet for clothes, I grabbed my phone out of my bag and took a seat on the carpet by the side of her bed, resting my back against the frame. There was a text from my dad letting me know he’d be gone for the weekend. As if I hadn’t already figured that out. He was gone


Amber tossed a pair of dark denim shorts and a light grey top on my lap. “That will be cute on you.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?

I glanced down at my pink and white flannel and light colored jeans.

“What you’re wearing is not sexy enough. We can’t look like a bunch of high school kids at a frat party.”

I blinked. “Um, frat party? I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Can we just stay in and have a slumber party instead?”

“But I want to go,

she pouted.

I sighed. “Fine, we’ll go, but we’re only staying for a couple of hours. I don’t want to chance anything.

    “Chance what? Your life plan?

She rolled her eyes.

I threw the clothes back at her. “Amber, don’t make me regret telling you. You know how much my plans mean to me.

“I’m sorry.

She frowned. “I take it back. Please forgive me.”

“You’re forgiven,

I sighed. I could never stay mad at her.

She grinned. “Are you getting dressed now?



She fist-pumped the air. “We’re going to have so much fun!

I sure hope so
, I thought as I picked the clothes off the floor. I changed as she continued to look for an outfit to wear. As I walked back to her bed, I noticed her notebooks spread out on the blankets. Her binder was open and in big writing on the section divider was Mr. Tomlinson’s phone number. I gasped.

“Does this look okay?

I turned around, hoping she hadn’t noticed my intense reaction at seeing Connor’s number.

“Are you okay?”

“Just nervous about the party,

I lied. The lie wasn’t far from the truth.

“First and last party we’re going to. I won’t drag you to another, okay?”

“Amber, it’s okay. I’ll be fine. And parties are great, just with people are own age.”

“But, if Mr. Tomlinson were there …

I laughed to ease the weird, unknown feeling growing in me.
Jealously? Protectiveness? Wanting?
  “Are your parents gone?

I asked, changing the subject.

“Let’s wait another thirty minutes. Makeup?

I nodded and climbed on the bed, pressing my back against the headboard. My eyes remained cast on Connor’s number as I rubbed my finger along his name.

“Did you write down his number?

Amber asked, climbing on the bed with her makeup bag.

“No, I forgot,

I said sadly.

Amber reached for a pen and scribbled down Connor’s number on a blank paper and handed it to me. “Problem solved.”

I took the paper with shaky hands and gingerly slipped it into my back pocket. “Thank you.”

“What did you talk to him in private about?

she asked, applying powder to her face.

“My grades,

I lied again, instantly feeling bad. 
I wish I could share this secret with you,
I thought.
I reached for the mascara, carefully applying it to my lashes.

She smiled. “How was it being alone with him?”

“It was like nothing.

Lies again.

“Oh my God, I would have been falling all over myself with lust.”

I placed the mascara back in the makeup bag and chewed on my bottom lip, remembering Connor’s kiss in the classroom and the sinful hunger hidden in his kiss, the silent, begging wish

“What is going on with you lately?

Amber’s question interrupted my thoughts. “Is it your acceptance’s letter?

I’d completely forgot about my letter.

I ran my fingers through my red hair, disappointed in myself. How could I forget something so great?

“Ready, friend?

Amber asked, letting her question go as she climbed off the bed.

Nervousness spread throughout my body.
Here goes nothing,
I thought as we walked out of her room.

Amber reversed the car and turned up the volume of the music. The lyrics to Eminem’s “Superman

fell off her lips and I laughed at her talent. She rapped until we arrived at a large, two-story house. The drive over hadn’t given me enough time to smother down my anxiety. 

Amber parked down the street on the same side of the frat house.

“Doing okay?


I whispered as we started to walk along the cars on the street and up the driveway to the front of the house. Amber knocked, then turned toward me with wide eyes. “This is so terrifying and exciting!”

The door opened and we both gasped. Connor’s head was turned, laughing at another guy standing behind him.

“Holy shit,

Amber mumbled.

Connor turned his head toward us and his laughter died as his face dropped.

What was Connor doing here?

              “Vida ..." he breathed, staring right into my shocked green eyes. Time stopped as I stared into his light blue eyes.

“And Amber." Amber added with a cough. "Mr. Tomlinson
you're a frat?"

"Former." He blinked, brow furrowed as he glanced at Amber.


"Awesome. You can show us around and let everyone know we're your friends."

"Hey, man. Who's at the door?" a guy yelled over the music.

Connor stepped toward us and closed the door behind him. My breasts brushed against his chest, causing us both to suck in a breath. He stepped to the side, guiding us from the door.

"You shouldn't be here."

He had been living here the whole time?
"Were you attending this college the whole four years?" I whispered, my hurt grasping around my words.

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