Hot in Here (16 page)

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Authors: Lori Foster

BOOK: Hot in Here
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On stiff legs, Sadie took a tiny step closer to him, then another. With incredible caution, she lifted her hands and let them touch his chest. Her fingers spread out, tangling in his chest hair, while her thumbs rubbed small inquisitive circles on his skin.

It drove him wild.

With her attention on her hands, all he could see was the top of her head. “Look at me, Sadie.”

She did, tipping her head way back. Her lips parted.

“Answer my question.”

Her expression was shy, embarrassed, resigned. She lifted one delicate shoulder and sighed out her reply, “Never.”

“Never?” Disbelief made his voice sharper than he’d intended.

She shook her head and admitted with a grimace, “I’ve never dated. Never had a boyfriend. Never…done any of that stuff.”

Conflicting emotions raged through Buck. Tenderness was at the forefront, so strong it nearly choked him. Damn, but he wanted to pull her onto his lap and cherish her.

Lust ran a close second. He was only a man, and knowing that no one had done
with her before him turned him on. He’d be her first in every way, and there were so many things he could show her, teach her, let her experience.

Pity was there, too, because no woman should have been so ignored. He wished like hell that he’d forced his way over sooner, instead of letting her remain alone for so long. He’d stupidly wasted three months.

Behind everything else he felt was the need to stake a claim. Not just a friendly, neighborly-type thing, either. He wanted to somehow bind Sadie to him, and the easiest way presenting itself was through sex. Because of her inexperience, intimacy would mean more to her than it did to the women he usually spent time with.

“I’m going to kiss you, silly, okay?” It felt strange to announce his intent, but he needed to know that she understood, that he wasn’t taking advantage of her naiveté.

“If…if you really want to.”

Oh, yeah, he wanted to. He cupped her face, tipped her chin up and tried to quiet the wild drumming of his heart so he could do this right. “I want to.”

It’d been a hell of a long time since he’d had to concentrate on a kiss. Usually it was the way he touched a woman, with the purpose of bringing her to orgasm, that made him concentrate. Not the foreplay, and for sure not the preliminary kissing.

The urge to devour her mouth was strong, but Buck managed to go slow, moving his mouth over hers until she softened and sighed. He licked her bottom lip, liked it enough to do it again, then gently nibbled. Her breath caught.

“Open up for me, Sadie.”

With an excited little moan, she did, and Buck again cautioned himself to go slowly. He held her still and tentatively explored the moist heat of her mouth, letting her get used to his tongue, to the added excitement of a French kiss.

Damn, he’d forgotten how much fun kissing could be. He’d forgotten the sexiness of it. He opened one big hand over the back of Sadie’s head to keep her close, and slanted his mouth over hers, deepening the kiss, feeling the heat rise between them. He realized he could kiss her all day and not get enough.

Shyly, her tongue came out to touch his. He felt a sexual jolt so powerful he couldn’t hold back his groan.

He lifted his head and looked at her, amazed by his own reaction. He’d had plenty of hot, wet-tongue duels in his day, most that he knew would lead to hotter, wetter sex. But none had affected him quite like this.

Sadie’s eyes were only partially open, her cheeks warm, and as he watched, she slowly licked her lips, as if savoring the flavor of their kiss.

Another groan tried to crawl up his throat. He wanted to lower her to the kitchen floor and show her just how clever his tongue could be.

Instead, he pulled her into his chest to hold her close. It took him a full minute to find his voice. In the meantime, he stroked her back and rubbed his chin against the crown of her head.

Finally, wondering at her thoughts, he asked, “Well?”


She sounded as breathless as he felt, which made him smile. “You liked it?”

She snuggled closer before asking, “Could we do it again?”

She’d be the death of him. “Oh, yeah. But I gotta take a break first.”

Sadie reared back, blinking fast. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be—”

Buck put a finger to her mouth to hush her. Her lips were full and soft, slightly swollen. “If I kiss you again right now, I’m going to lose it. I don’t want to rush you.”

With no hesitation at all, she said, “You’re not.”

Her fast reply was so endearing, his grin went crooked. “I will be if we don’t slow it down a little.”

“But I don’t mind.”

Damn, she obliterated his control. “Sadie—”

“You don’t understand, Buck. I didn’t think anything like this would ever happen to me.”

She looked so vulnerable, it bothered him. “That’s just crazy.” He knew damn good and well that other men had wanted her. But her eyes were now wide and sincere.

“No, it’s not. Men like you don’t look at me twice.”

“Men like me?”

“Nice men. Attractive men.” She again ducked her face, leaving him to look at the top of her head. “I’ve been asked out a few times, but it was by men I wasn’t interested in. Maybe my standards are too high. Maybe I expect too much. But I just couldn’t encourage a man I wasn’t attracted to.”

“Who asked you out?”

Her little nose wrinkled. “There’s this one guy who cleans at the shelter. He…smells funny. And his hair always looks dirty.”

In a dry tone, Buck said, “Cleanliness doesn’t qualify as part of a high standard.”

“There’s also this man who won’t get his cat spayed. Three times now he’s dropped off litters at the clinic.” Her brows puckered. “I don’t like him.”

“Anyone who doesn’t take proper care of their pet is a jerk, and of course you wouldn’t date a jerk.” He tipped his head to see her face. “What about in high school or college? Surely—”

She shook her head, cutting him off before he could finish the question.

“Well, why not?”
dated as teenagers. Even if she’d just gone to a few school dances, they counted.

Her bottom lip was caught in her teeth. Sadie touched his chest, absently toying with his chest hair. Buck didn’t think she even realized what she was doing.


“I didn’t date then, either.”

Buck could tell the topic was difficult for her. He had a feeling it was important, though, so he pushed her. “You said you trust me.”

Her sigh was long and exaggerated. “Back in high school, a few guys asked me out. But I had to turn them down.”


“They just asked me as part of a dare. Like a…a joke.”

Suspicions rose. “What makes you say that?”

“Because once, only once, I said yes.” She lifted her chin, catching him in her dark gaze. “It was prom night, and I got stood up. That next week in school, everyone was laughing about it.”

Aw, hell. His gut cramped. Stupidly enough, he wanted to find the punk who’d bruised her feelings and pound on him. “It was his loss.”

Sadie smiled, then laughed. “I doubt he saw it that way.”

“So you’re attracted to me?” Buck deliberately took her off guard with that question, changing the subject at the same time.


“You said you couldn’t get involved with a guy you weren’t attracted to. And since we’ll be getting involved…” He waited, but she didn’t deny it. “I figured you must be attracted. Right?”

She stared at him in disbelief. “Of course I am. What woman wouldn’t be?”

He had to laugh. The confusion on her face was priceless. “Honey, plenty of women turn me down.”

“But…why would they?”

Buck tucked her face into his shoulder so she wouldn’t think he was laughing at her. “You’re going to make me conceited.”

He felt her lips touch his skin. “No. But you are sexy and strong and handsome and funny.”

“Sadie, stop.”

“It’s true.”

Her compliments should have pleased him, except that he knew she drew unfavorable comparisons between them. “You’re not too strong from what I can tell, but you’re definitely sexy.”

She snorted, and coming from Sadie it seemed a very odd sound.

Buck caught her face and turned it up toward his. “It’s true. You’re about the softest thing I’ve ever touched.” He kissed each of her eyelids and felt the flutter of her long lashes. “Your eyes could eat a man alive.”

She looked away in embarrassment.

“And your big heart just turns me to mush.”

Her gaze swung back to his. “My big heart?”

“The way you love the animals.” She’d shared so much, he figured he should share a little, too. “Do you know, I’ve stood at my window and watched you with them? A few times, I even hung out in the yard, wanting to join in.” He flicked the end of her nose. “But you never asked me to.”

Her brows shot up. “I didn’t think you’d want to.”

“So now we’re both learning something.”

Tish let out a squeaky bark, drawing their attention.

Sadie groaned. “Oh, no. She wants out again.”

The dog stood on Buck’s underwear, her ears back, waiting.

“I can help you get the leash on her.”

“Easier said than done. She runs from me, and as you’ve already seen, she’s hard to catch.”

Buck decided to try his luck. But sure enough, as soon as he got close to Tish, she grabbed up his underwear and ran off with Butch in hot pursuit. They shot under the couch and out of reach before Buck could stop them.

Sadie stepped up behind him. “See? This is why I had to buy a carpet shampooer.”


“Because she wants out, but she’s afraid of me, so she sneaks off and ends up…piddling on the floor.”

Buck grinned. Piddling, indeed. “Let’s put our collective minds to this one. We’re bigger, definitely smarter and human. I might not be the swiftest guy going, but no way am I going to be outwitted by a Chihuahua.”

Sadie sat on the chair opposite him. “Any ideas?”

Buck bent and looked beneath the couch. Butch, normally so nice to him, had turned into Demon Dog. He snarled and growled, placing himself in front of Tish.

“You’d think I was a marauder of Chihuahuas the way he’s carrying on,” Buck complained.

“He thinks he’s guarding her.”

“Easy boy. She’s all yours.” Butch was not reassured, given the way he continued to bristle. Then, a thought coming to mind, Buck said, “Wanna go out? C’mon, Butch. Wanna go out?”

Butch’s ears perked up and he barked in excitement. He started to crawl out from under the couch, but when Tish didn’t follow, he whined.

Buck moved to stand behind Sadie’s chair. “Let’s be really quiet. Don’t move, okay?”

She shrugged.

“C’mon, Butch old buddy. Let’s go outside.”

Again, Butch came out, then grumbled and whined until Tish poked her little bald head out. She had Buck’s underwear clamped in her teeth. She eyed the humans, then crept toward the patio doors.

“Where’s the leash?” Buck asked.

“On the wall by the door. But don’t pounce on her. If you do, she’ll never learn to trust me.”

“I haven’t pounced on you, have I?”


“Remember—trust.” He slipped out from behind the chair. Butch saw him and started yapping in happiness. Slowly, Buck knelt down about five feet from the dogs. “Come on over here, Butch. If you do, she might.”

Butch never turned down a nice pet session, so he did as instructed. Buck spent a long time just stroking the dog, playing a little, lavishing attention on him. Tish watched from a safe distance in fascination and obvious yearning.

She reminded Buck of Sadie.

He turned to her. “Sit with us. Slowly. Tish knows you better than she does me.”

Sadie sidled over to them, took the leash off the peg on the wall, then knelt down beside Buck. She scratched Butch behind his big ears. Finally, after a long, long time that strained Buck’s patience but didn’t seem to bother Sadie at all, Tish took a few steps toward them.

She halted, eyeing them warily.

They deliberately ignored her, hoping that without their attention on her, she’d feel safe and join in. Eventually she got close enough to lean on Sadie’s foot. The yellow underwear hung from the side of her mouth, looking like a flag.

Sadie cautiously reached out and scratched the dog’s chin. As long as she didn’t raise her hand or move too fast, Tish was tolerant. But the second Sadie went to pet the top of her head, Tish flinched away.

Buck’s voice was soft, hiding his frustration. “It’s okay, baby girl. No one’s going to hurt you.” He held out his hand, palm up. Tish sniffed, but wouldn’t rejoin them.

Butch didn’t like being ignored and again insisted on going outside as promised.

Very, very slowly, Buck caught Tish. She went spastic, howling and moaning and kicking.

He held on to her, and she held on to his underwear.

If it hadn’t been for the dog’s fear, Buck would have been amused. “You can keep my drawers, baby girl. Whatever you want.”

Sadie, fretting like a worried mama, hurried to get the leash on her and open the door. Buck scanned the yard, thankful it was empty, and set Tish outside. To their surprise, she didn’t fight the leash as long as Butch stayed beside her.

And Butch, bless his savage little animal instincts, didn’t move more than an inch away from Tish. It was almost comical watching them. They kept bumping into each other, tripping over Buck’s colorful boxers.

Sadie sat in her one and only lawn chair, and Buck stood beside her, holding the reins on the dog. “Tish makes a better leash for Butch than the one Red usually uses for him.”

Sadie grinned. “He’s protective.”

Buck bent and kissed her temple. “Most of the male species suffers the same affliction.”

Because the dogs were happy, they spent a long time outside. The sun shone directly on them, warming their skin and burning the chill out of the morning air until the day felt pleasant. The dogs were sometimes playing, sometimes just lying in the sun-warmed grass. Tish forgot all about her leash.

Sadie watched the dogs with a pleased smile, and Buck watched Sadie.

The sunlight did amazing things to her hair, and showed the perfection of her skin. In the bright light, Buck could see that her lashes were tipped with gold, and there were a few faint freckles over the bridge of her nose. He thought she looked beautiful, especially when she smiled so sweetly.

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