Hot Property (17 page)

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Authors: Lacey Diamond

Tags: #contemporary romance, #romance, #romance and love, #romance book

BOOK: Hot Property
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“You’re not?”

“I’m not. I’ve already decided.”

Betsy’s head drooped. “I see.”

“I will not share this house with anyone
except my wife.”

Betsy’s head jerked up. “Wife?”

“Will you have me for your husband?”

Betsy’s mouth opened and closed because she
wanted to say, my husband, but her voice wouldn’t cooperate and
produce the words.

Before she had a chance to give it another
try, Skylar took her into his arms and drew her body snug against
the hard mass of his own.

He kissed her gently before dragging his
lips off the corners of hers and planting little kisses over her
cheek until they reached her earlobe. Then he whispered those three
magical words. “I love you.”

A tingling sensation went from the tip of
her ear he was nibbling on to every part of her being in a split

“Marry me, Betsy Alexander. Make my life

Betsy pulled him tighter to her. She knew it
was impossible, but she wanted to absorb all of him. She wanted to
stay like this, entwined as one, forever. This feeling, this
glorious feeling was too awesome to try to remember what a broken
heart felt like, or to worry about surviving it. Because she had
already died and gone to heaven in this man’s arms and she’d be
safe forever.

“Yes, oh yes, I’ll marry you,” she moaned,
breathless as Skylar ran his tongue down the side of her neck.

When his lips came back toward hers, he
moaned passionately. And Betsy knew he was feeling the same kind of
aching she felt. All the kisses and caresses were bringing them to
the brink of some spectacular event. One that would occur if their
bodies united in the divine way man and woman become one.

Skylar scooped her up in his strong arms.
And as he carried her over the threshold, he whispered, “I want to
make love to you, Betsy.”

“I’ll be in total misery if you don’t,” she
whispered back as she nuzzled her head against his chest.

“No more misery, my love. I promise.”

He sealed the promise with a kiss. His lips
melted over hers as he used his foot to close the front door behind


The End



About Lacey Diamond



Lacey’s a grandmother. But
that doesn’t mean she’s a dried up old prune. Her husband can
attest to that. Lacey believes reading a romance or writing one can
give most any relationship a pleasurable boost.


Visit Lacey’s



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