Hot Shot (A Hostile Operations Team Novel)(#5) (16 page)

BOOK: Hot Shot (A Hostile Operations Team Novel)(#5)
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He pinched her nipple and she sucked in a breath. “No. I turned her down.”

He lifted his other hand and cupped her breast. The shower continued to steam.

“I’ll fire her,” Gina gasped as he tweaked her nipples.

Jack lowered his head and licked one stiff nipple and she shivered. “That’s harsh, babe. I think you should thank her.”

She clutched his shoulders as he continued to lick and suck. Her eyes threatened to roll back in her head it felt so good. “Why would I do that?”

“Because she made me realize how much I wanted you. Only you.”

“Jack,” she gasped as he glided a hand down her body and slid his fingers between her lips.

“God, you’re wet.”

He pushed a finger inside her and then another. His thumb skated over her clitoris and she wanted to scream. Instead, she bit her lip. His fingers moved rhythmically, sliding in and out of her body and driving her arousal higher. She was strung tight, but she knew she could go tighter still. And she knew the release would be incredible.

“Jack, please.”

“Please what, sweetheart?”

She gazed up at him, her breath catching hard in her chest, and knew what she needed more than anything. More than orgasms, more than his body pounding into hers, more than her next breath.

“Kiss me. I need you to kiss me.”

His mouth crushed down on hers, his tongue thrusting between her lips and stroking against her own. Gina’s arms went around his neck, but when she met the cloth of his shirt, she began to tug it upward. He broke the kiss long enough to rip it off his shoulders and over his head. Her hands splayed over his muscles, clutched him like a lifeline, while he kissed her as if he were starved for her.

She was certainly starved for him. She couldn’t hide it any longer, couldn’t deny it. He was everything she’d wanted, everything she remembered. His mouth was sweet and hard and demanding. He kissed her like he owned her soul, like he would accept nothing less.

The man kissed like a god.

He stopped stroking his fingers into her and then he lifted her and set her on the counter. The marble was cold against her ass, but she didn’t mind. The rest of her was so hot it didn’t matter.

She hoped he’d open his jeans and plunge inside her, but he didn’t. She clung to him while he kissed her hard, his fingers shaping her, playing with her nipples, her pussy. And then he broke the kiss and she whimpered.

“I have to taste you.”

Her heart hammered in her chest, her throat, as he dropped to his knees and pressed hot kisses against the inside of her thighs. And then he spread her open with his fingers and ran the point of his tongue from her clit to the wet seam of her pussy and back again. Gina swallowed the scream that gathered in her throat. Her fingers clutched the edge of the counter and her back was against the mirror. The steam from the shower glistened across her body.

And across his. His skin rippled with ink and muscle and he pushed her legs wider until she had to perch her feet on the counter to brace herself.

And then he licked her again, his hot tongue gliding against her in just the way she liked. He slid a finger inside her while he licked and sucked her clitoris. Gina’s breath came in hot gulps as she tried to hold back the tide. She wanted to enjoy it, wanted to linger in the sensuality and amazing feelings he was making happen inside her.

She should have told him no. She should have refused him. Because sex with Jack turned her inside out and made her want things she couldn’t have. Like him. He’d told her he would never forgive her, but he was clearly capable of having sex with her.

“You taste good,” he said. “So fucking good.”

And then he found the tight rim of her anus and pressed a finger just there, just barely—and it sent her over the edge. Gina’s body exploded in a wave of heat and sensation. Her orgasm ripped through her, making her cry out, but Jack didn’t stop licking her until she gripped his hair and pulled him away. She was too sensitive, too raw, her body too splintered to take another second of torture.

Gina put a hand over her eyes to shield herself from his gaze. What the hell had just happened? She’d come unglued, her emotions breaking free of the box she tried so hard to keep them in.

She was afraid of what he’d see in her eyes, so she kept her face covered and worked on breathing evenly while her skin rippled with the aftershocks of her pleasure.

“Gina, you okay, babe?”

A lump formed in her throat and she shook her head because she was afraid she’d sob if she tried to speak. What was he doing to her? How was it this was the man who affected her so deeply even after so many years?

He pulled her into his arms and she laid her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around him. He smelled good, clean and fresh like soap, and she clung to him. Eventually, he pushed her back until he could see her eyes.

“You okay?”

Her heart pinched tight. “Yes.”

“I’m sorry for being a dick earlier. That’s what I came here to say. Not for this.” He shook his head. “But you were naked, and I lost my mind. Seem to do that a lot with you.”

She reached for the button to his jeans. “I like it when you lose your mind. It feels good.”

He laughed, but his eyes remained deadly serious. “I’m not sure we should do this, Gina. Sex clouds thinking, and sex with you shuts my brain down entirely.”

She slipped the button open and started working on sliding the zipper down. His cock pressed against the fabric as she eased the zipper open until finally he was overflowing the opening.

“It’s a little too late to put the genie back in the bottle, don’t you think?”


YEAH, IT WAS DEFINITELY that. Jack wanted to lose himself inside her body for hours on end. They didn’t have hours, but they had a little while. If he could have her now, maybe he could clear his head enough to get on with this mission. What had he told her? That it drove him crazy to think of Metaxas touching her?

Fuck, yeah, it did. The genie was definitely out of the bottle, and in more ways than one. He’d told her she was his. That he was jealous and he wasn’t sharing her. Where the hell had that come from?

He didn’t know, but as she leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his abdomen, he knew he’d spoken the truth. He was jealous. Completely and utterly, and it twisted him up inside to realize it.

He knew this thing between them wouldn’t last. He didn’t see them building a life together. How ridiculous was that idea anyway?

Even if he could forgive her, he had HOT and she had her privileged existence. But he would be a part of Eli’s life; that much he knew. He just didn’t know how it would happen yet.

“Jack,” she said against his skin, her mouth moving up his body to his pecs. She wrapped her hand around his cock, but the soft cotton of his underwear was a torturous barrier between her and his flesh. Then she fastened her lips over his nipple and a shock of sensation shot to his toes.

Jesus Christ.

He gripped her by the hips and picked her up. Then he toed off his shoes and walked into the shower with her. He didn’t care that his jeans were getting soaked or that she must surely think him insane. But she was holding him tight, her head tilting back as she laughed.

He set her down and she shoved at his jeans until his cock sprang free. Her eyes widened, her mouth going slack. “Oh, you are beautiful. I want to taste you now.”

He took her wrists in one hand and pushed them above her head. “No way, gorgeous. You do that and I’m done.”

She twisted in his grip. “No fair. You tasted me.”

“And now I want to fuck you.” Except, dammit, he didn’t have a condom. He stood there as disappointment rolled through him, cursing himself silently. Gina was biting her lip. They both knew what had happened the last time, even with a condom.

“I’m on the pill. I wasn’t before. And I’m not promiscuous, no matter what you think.”

Her words made him feel like an asshole. “I don’t think that.”

But he’d implied it, and they both knew it. Because he was confused and pissed and insane with jealousy and, yeah, guilt. After all this time, the way she made him feel still had the power to make him feel like he was betraying Hayley.

He cleared his throat. “I’m clean, too. We get tested for the job. I never, uh, do this without protection.”

“I know.”

Her gaze dropped and he could feel the tension between them changing into a different kind. One less about sex and more about emotions. He didn’t know how to respond to that, so he tipped her chin up and fused his mouth to hers. When he let her wrists go, she wrapped her arms around his neck and arched her body into his. Her hard little nipples pressed against his chest, and he cupped her full breasts in both his hands. God, she was lush.

The water was starting to cool, but he didn’t mind it. He needed something to slow down this fire in his blood. Still, he felt her shiver and he reached out and flipped the taps closed.

“I want to take you in a bed,” he growled against her neck, nipping her softly, her gasps making his cock ache. “You deserve a bed.”

The last time, he’d taken her on the sandy floor of a cave. They’d been wedged tightly together, rocking into each other frantically. It had been hot and desperate and sexy—but not precisely comfortable or leisurely.

Not that they had the luxury of leisure now, either. But they had comfort.

“I want you wherever I can have you,” she replied, nipping him back.

He took a moment to shove his jeans into a sodden lump on the floor, and then he scooped her up and carried her the few steps to the bed. They were soaking wet as he laid her down and came down on top of her, but he was too far gone to care.

“You’re gorgeous, Gina. A wet dream come true,” he told her, pressing her breasts together and sucking her nipples in turn while she writhed. “I want to do everything to you. At once.”

“Yes. Oh, yes.”

Their mouths met again and he reached down to hook an arm around one of her knees and draw her wide open. She wrapped her other leg around his ribs, gripping him tight.

And then she reached down and grabbed the head of his cock, guiding him into her wetness. He groaned as he sank into her, and then he stilled. He just wanted to feel this for a few seconds. The way her body held him, the slickness of her flesh, the mingling of their breaths as they kissed. She was hot in all the right places, welcoming and soft.

He could feel her heart beating hard where her chest pressed against his. It gratified him to know she was affected by this thing between them too.

“Goddamn,” he said, breaking the kiss and cupping her jaw in his free hand. “You feel amazing, Gina.”

“So do you.” She smiled, and it was tentative enough that his heart twisted hard in his chest. How could a woman like her be uncertain about herself at a time like this? She was a goddess, a fucking sex kitten, and he was pretty much the luckiest man alive at this moment—even if a part of him still ached because she’d kept the existence of his kid from him.

“Am I hurting you?”


He flexed his hips, sliding deeper into her hot wetness, and groaned. “How do you want it, babe? Hot and fast? Slow and sexy? I’ll do my damnedest to give you exactly what you need.”

She reached up and ran her fingers over his mouth. “How do
want it, Jack?”

His laugh was broken.
Any way he could get it
. “I asked you first.”

She slid a hand between them and cupped his balls. “I want you to come as hard as I did.”

* * *

Her heart felt as if it would pound out of her chest as she gazed up at him. She wanted him to lose control the way she had, to break apart helplessly while she watched and knew she was the one who’d caused it to happen. She wanted to see raw pleasure in his eyes, and she wanted to see the vulnerability she felt reflected back at her.

But he was more in control than she was, even though she literally had him by the balls. Jack would never show her those things, and her heart ached even while it craved more from him. She was in so much trouble here. So much.

She couldn’t seem to find the barrier she’d erected between them before. It was gone, shattered into a million tiny pieces, and she was afraid he could see everything she felt.

I love you.

It whispered in the air between them, even though she was the only one who could hear it. Because she was the only one who felt it. It was confusing to love a man you felt like you’d known your whole life, but who in reality you didn’t know at all. But she felt safer with Jack than she’d ever felt with anyone else. That meant something.

Her belly clenched into a knot. Not a bad knot, but an oh-my-God-I-love-this-man knot.

“Gina,” he said—growled, really. “I could spend a week in bed with you and not do nearly everything I want to you. But no matter what I do, I guarantee I’m going to come hard. And probably sooner than I’d like.”

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