Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance) (5 page)

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Authors: Emily Cantore

Tags: #alpha male werewolf curves, #bbw werewolf erotic romance, #Hot Springs Werewolf, #bdsm werewolf

BOOK: Hot Springs Werewolf Complete Series (BBW Werewolf Erotic Romance)
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In my half-drowsy, half-aroused state I fumbled for the drawer and found the red vibrator. The one Red surely had seen. I put in the batteries by touch alone and then pressed the tip of it against me, though my underwear.

Red, on top of me, stroking my hair, his body against mine, that large bulge in his pants pressing against me.

I began moving the vibrator against me, feeling the pressure of it. Even switched off, it felt amazing. The mind had led and my body had followed. I pressed the soft button on the base of the vibrator and then gasped as it buzzed to life.

Oh Red.

He pushes me down on the bed and then pulls my underwear down, leaving them hanging around one ankle. He's out of his jeans in a moment and I catch a glimpse of his thick cock before he's on top of me, my legs making way for him. His hand clasps the back of my neck and I feel the rough spots on his skin. His cock is touching me, sitting at my entrance and I move my hips, trying to get him to slide inside me but he holds himself still.

"Are you mine?" he asks and I feel the strength of his hand on my neck. His other hand brushes through my hair and then grips a handful. He pulls, gently and I tilt my head back, presenting my throat to him. I gasp as I feel his cock slide in, just an inch. I want more. I want it all but I'm utterly under his control.

He asks again. His voice is low, dangerous. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I'm tiling my hips, involuntarily. I just want him inside me. He slides in another inch and then his lips brush my throat.

"Yes," I whisper and then he slides inside me. He grips my hair and fucks me hard and fast. My skirt is pulled up around my waist. My blouse is open.

I can feel my orgasm building with each stroke. His grip on my hair is pain and pleasure entwined.

His eyes glowing gold, his teeth sharp and deadly ... he growls
and I come, my pussy clenching around his cock, screaming and panting but he doesn't slow down. He speeds up, pounding into me, faster and faster until I feel him come inside me. His muscles tighten, his teeth close on the side of my neck and the bite is pain and pleasure once more.

And then I'm back in my room, the vibrator buzzing against my clit, my heart pounding. My eyes are closed and in my imagination Red is still on top of me, his thick cock inside me. I can feel it throbbing in time with his heartbeat.

I turned the vibrator off but kept holding it against me. The road trip hangover had well and truly caught up with me and the orgasm sealed the deal. I felt myself getting sleepy but the image of Red was vibrating in my mind. I haven't seen him with his shirt off but I've felt the strength of his body against mine. To have such a man in my bed. To have such a man between my legs.

I turned the vibrator back on.

Oh, what the hell. Just one more time.


woke up in the afternoon from a confusing mix of dreams:

Red behind me (hot and awesome), the wide open spaces (calming), driving forever (ugh).

It was just past four in the afternoon and the clear day had turned dark and cold. The sky was pale gray and ominous storm clouds were rolling toward me. I opened the door for all of five seconds before the first splatter of rain hit and within a minute it was pouring down and the wind was howling through the trees.

The nap (and orgasms) and done me good and while the storm thrashed outside, I made myself a coffee, turned on my laptop and wrote a bit more of my novel outline. I'd started it on the night of the will reading. Soon I slipped into creative daze of writing and before I knew it, two hours had passed. The storm had eased off a little (from crazy drench-you-to-the-bone-in-five-seconds to crazy drench-you-to-the-bone-in-thirty-seconds) and the wind howling through the trees had gone from angry to just mournful.

Even with the storm it was peaceful out here. I felt calm.

This evaporated in an instant as someone pounded on the front door.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

I went from calm to panic. This was it. Some madman was here to murder me and burying my body in an unmarked grave. Or maybe a marked grave with my finger bones nailed to a tree to show the way.

"Harper? You in there?"

It was Red.

With the sound of his voice came an almost overwhelming relief. I fixed up my wrinkled clothes, rehearsed an opening line (Hi Red, how are you?) and opened the door. He wasn't dripping wet as I expected and I was surprised to see his truck parked nearby. He must have driven up and I was so lost in the writing daze that I didn't hear it.

My opening line died in my throat when I saw the gash on the side of his face and the blood down the side of his neck.

"It's okay, it's okay. A tree fell down as I was driving up here. Caught a branch in the face through the window."

"But you're bleeding!"

Thank you Captain Obvious. And it's raining too.

"Don't worry about it. Can I come in?"

I nodded and stepped back to let him inside. He was trickling blood from the cut but seemed rather unconcerned. I shut the door behind him and then rushed to the cupboard to find my newly bought paper towels. I handed him one and he pressed it against the cut.

"So, how are you going?"

"I'm... um..."

Sentences whirled and spun in my mind like bingo balls but none of them landed. I'm great, good to see you. Are you sure you're okay? Instead of these basic responses I mumbled something between good and okay. It came out as

"I didn't come to stay long. I wanted to ask you to come out with me on Saturday night. There's a dance in town."

"I'm already going."

Great, now you're making sentences and you come out with that?


I saw his face fall, just a little.

"No, no it's not with anyone! I don't have a date. I'm going with Katy from my new job."

"So I guess I'll see you Saturday night."

Before I had a chance to answer, we both heard a buzz start from my bedroom. Red turned away from me to look into the bedroom. I knew immediately what the sound was. That damn red vibrator. Although I panicked again, some part of me knew what to do.

"Thanks for coming by!"

I hustled a smiling Red out my door. For a man with a bleeding wound he seemed pretty damn happy.

"I'll see you then," I said as the door closed behind him. This time I heard the truck start up and pull away.

"Oh, what is wrong with you Harper?" I asked myself out loud and then looked through to my bedroom where the red vibrator sitting on the bed in plain view was buzzing its little heart out.

I groaned to myself and shut my eyes. He still likes me. He doesn't think I'm some vibrator-loving weirdo. Even if he did, sex toys are perfectly normal and that was his hang-up. Although some part of me thought a man like Red didn't have many barriers.

I turned the vibrator off and pulled out the batteries and firmly promised myself to focus on writing, going to my new job and not thinking about Red and the dance.


wo red-eyes, three big breakfasts, short stack and egg-white omelet!" I slipped the order on to the revolving spinner and picked up two big breakfasts for the travelling couple on table three.

"Two red-eyes, three big breakfasts, short stack and egg-white omelet!" Reggie yelled back the order and whacked his spatula on the grill.

It was Friday afternoon on my third day of work and I was getting the hang of it. Reggie loved to yell the orders. There was another cook, Jeff, who wasn't so loud but was just as fast as Reggie. Katy had helped train me and slipped in local gossip whenever possible.

"Table six want apple pie and she is not his daughter." Katy raised her eyebrows at me as she put the order up.

I grinned at her and took my orders out. Everyone loved Greasy Manna's all-day breakfast and the Big Breakfast was one of our bestsellers.

I had waitressed at college but it had been hell. High staff turnover, a sleazy boss who was handsy and his wife, the manager, who took our tips "to share them out" and stole a big chunk for herself. Greasy Manna was heaven compared to that place. It was fast and busy and on my first day the lunch crowd was crazy but Sarah, Reggie and Katy did it all with a smile. Best of all was the fifty percent employee discount. Katy and I were on the same shift so we'd had dinner the last two nights together. I don't know how Sarah had done it but my uniform was both comfortable and damn good-looking at the same time. The tips were rolling and while I'm sure some of it was due to my charming personality (as I often told my sister), the rest was down to Sarah's amazing uniforms.

After I delivered my orders I headed back to the kitchen for a glass of water. I was two mouthfuls into it when Katy burst in, her face glowing.

"You have to go to your table four right now. Or let me. Please. I'll do anything you want." She pulled me to the serving window and there he was. Red. Dressed in his building clothes with scuffed boots and a few paint droplets and looking as sexy as hell.

"That's my neighbor, Red."

"The builder? He can renovate my kitchen any time he likes." She had the end of her pencil between her lips.

Tara joined us and fanned herself with a menu. She didn't say anything but I caught her biting her lip.

"Does he have an outdoor swimming pool or spa? You know, one he swims in during the day, maybe wearing little more than his birthday suit?" Katy didn't take her eyes off Red as she asked me this.

"That is really specific. And strange. I'm going over to take his order."

him, don't ya mean?"

Katy and Tara burst into laughter as I straightened my uniform and went out to the dining area. Red looked up at me and I felt his gaze trigger something inside me. I had to fight against my hips swaying as I approached him. My hand almost undid another top button all by itself.

I pulled out my order pad.

"Hi Red, what can I do for you?"

I meant it as a simple question. What I meant to say was "Can I take your order?". My body betrayed me at the last moment though and what came out sounded like I worked on a sex hotline. My voice turned throaty. The emphasis hit the wrong words.

A flicker of a smile played across Red's perfect lips just long enough for him to let me know he'd caught my tone.

"Reggie's Big Sandwich, please Harper."

"Anything else you'd like?"

Damn it to hell and back I meant to ask if he wanted a drink with his lunch. I heard Katy and Tara still giggling from behind me.

"Many many things but they'll have to wait until the weekend."

I turned bright red and scurried off to the kitchen before I caught fire .

"One big sandwich please."

"One big sandwich!"

Katy and Tara appeared at my side like they were teleported there.

"You wanna marry him and have his babies!" Katy. Five seconds away from being karate chopped.

"He does have an outdoor pool doesn't he. Have you seen his bits?" Tara. Two seconds away from a kick in the ass.

I grabbed a glass and filled it from the ice water jug. I took a deep gulp while Katy and Tara laughed it up.

"You two should be nice to me you know."

I let out a breath as the cool water hit my stomach and I instantly felt better.

"I've seen the guys he works with and if you want to meet them..."

The bell above the door rang right on cue and in walked Fen and Jake to meet Red. Katy and Tara sucked in air so quickly my ears nearly popped.

"We take it back." Katy clasped her hands together like she was praying.

"Yeah, we take it back." Tara was staring at Jake like she could see through his clothes.

"I don't know..."

I left them groaning and went out to take their orders.


he afternoon wore on and although I was loving my new part-time job, I was very ready for the day to be over so I could get home. Red, Fen and Jake were long gone but Katy and Tara kept trying to extract information about them out of me.

I was down to my last forty-five minutes when the doorbell rang and this time it was Freyr, Mr. Tall-dark-and-handsome, closely followed by the girl from Red's place. The one who had been naked. The one who was a werewolf.

Thankfully they took a seat at one of Tara's tables as I vanished into the kitchen, trying to work out if I could just hide until the end of the shift. Tara burst in a moment later and dropped her pad on the table.

"Gotta go to the toilet! Can you handle table nine for me? I'll be back soon."

She didn't give me a chance to answer and vanished into the employee change room. I peeked out the front to see where Katy was. She was talking to a table of eight retirees who looked to be in no hurry to order. Damn, it was going to have to be me.

Okay Harper. Opening line is "Hi, can I take your order?" I played it over in my mind a few times and then went out to the table.

The girl looked up at me and smirked. It reminded me of being in school and dealing with bitchy teenage girls. Yes, I had a part-time job, what of it?

"Hi, can I take your order?"

Yeah. Delivered perfectly.

Freyr looked up at me over the menu, his face dead straight and expressionless.

"I prefer my girls to not take orders."

There was an awkward pause in which I blinked, the girl smirked again and Freyr watched me with his cold eyes. Then he smiled, like what he'd said was funny.

"Just a joke. Harper, this is Talia."

"We've met."

"Of course. Can we order two steaks, rare?"

What did he mean
of course
? I scribbled down their order, or something vaguely resembling it.

"Any drinks?"

"Milk. Shake. I do enjoy a good shake." Talia looked at me the way she had when we met on Red's property. Like I was naked and she was appraising me.

I wrote it down and then walked off back to the kitchen, ignoring the feeling of being watched trickling up my spine.

I gave Reggie the order and he shouted it out and then Tara returned in time for me to disappear into the change room myself.

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