Hot Wired (12 page)

Read Hot Wired Online

Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/m/f), #PolyAmour

BOOK: Hot Wired
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“Save some of that love for me, beauty.”

In an instant, she changed partners and clung to Sham with loving enthusiasm. He hugged her tight, kissing her face and slowly tasting her mouth with delicious sweetness. “I always have enough for both my loves.”

She walked between them into the kitchen and waited for them to sit down at the table. Now that they were home and she had a second look at the chili-mac she’d made, her spirit dropped a bit. Baron moved first, filling his plate with the gut-burning fare. Sham followed suit, pounding catsup onto the pile of macaroni.

Sham chewed and swallowed while Baron got the bread she’d forgot to put on the table. He spooned some of the food on her plate and nodded. “Come on, honey, eat up.”

She couldn’t help herself. The scene was straight out of a bad movie. “Damn it, you guys.” She grabbed for their plates. “You don’t have to eat this crap to please me. I know I suck at cooking.”

Baron grabbed her hand, laughing as he pulled her onto his lap. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, babe. You’re first-rate at just being you.”

Across the table, Sham raised his glass in a salute of agreement. “Actually, I like it.”

She grinned at their attempts to pass off her piss-poor way with a sauce pan. “You two are the best at everything.” She pushed her hair back from her forehead. “Especially making me feel like a hot number.”

She knew they were becoming aroused. The smoldering dark desire in Sham’s eyes and blue glints of awareness in Baron’s gaze engulfed her in a rush of possessive pleasure. Baron playfully squeezed her breast before unbuttoning her blouse. He paused, his gaze suddenly serious.

“I knew the food would give you indigestion, but not this quick.” She pushed her fingers into his hair. “What’s on your mind, golden boy?”

“Did you go back to your apartment today?” He didn’t let her go when she pushed against his shoulder. “Aw, hell, don’t get pissed, baby. I just wondered what you did to fill the time.”

She had the stabbing feeling they knew she’d helped her no good bastard of an ex-husband, but she wasn’t in the mood to discuss it. “If you must know my schedule, I’ll make one up for you from now on. Okay?” Hit by the feeling of being under someone’s thumb again didn’t sit well. “No, damn it. I will not be spied on or questioned by either of you. If that’s not agreeable, then kiss my ass goodbye.”

Sham left his chair to hurry to her, pleading in his eyes. “Carol, he didn’t mean to sound like an idiot.” His gaze swung to Baron. “Did you?”

“Of course not.” Baron rose to stand with them, his smile engaging as always. “I didn’t mean to pry, just making conversation.” He touched her hair. “Forgive me, babe?”

She shrugged, accepting the fact she had gone off for no reason. It was a lifetime flaw. “Nothing to forgive, baby face. I just didn’t want to admit I’d used so much gas running around today.”

Sham opened a drawer in the center island and drew out a card. “Here you go, love. Use it anytime you want.”

She was ashamed for becoming a bold-faced liar, especially with them. “Thanks for trusting me. I won’t abuse it.” At that moment, she needed to be close to him and leaned against Sham’s solid frame with a deep sigh. “Gosh, our first family fight.”

Baron placed a noisy kiss on her cheek on his way out of the kitchen. “Let’s go hole up in the den and watch a movie.”

Just like that, the tension vanished, and Carol looked forward to a quiet evening with her men.

Now, if only Gordon doesn’t throw a monkey wrench into the works

Chapter Thirteen

Rain splashing on the window woke Carol the next morning. She yawned and rolled up in the soft comforter, content to just laze around. Obviously, the men of the house had other plans. She sat up, rubbing her eyes when Sham knocked on the door and peered in at her.

“Good morning, beauty.” He didn’t walk in, but his smile was warm as he took in her appearance. “Lousy weather, but Baron and I have jobs lined up today.”

She tried to straighten her hair out with her hand, feeling messy and unattractive. “Okay, so I’ll see you later today?”

“We have separate jobs, so I’m afraid we need both cars.” He gestured as if he’d thought of something good. “I’ll come by later this afternoon, and you can go anywhere you want. If you need anything before then, give me a call.”

He walked to the bed and leaned over to kiss her. She wondered where Baron was. Sham left the room, and she heard him on the stairs then going out the door. She just had to get her car to stop putting them on the spot.

She waited until the guys had time to get a few blocks from the house before she hopped out of bed. Money. Did she have any after spotting Gordon his begging money? She dug her billfold out of her handbag and breathed a sigh of relief. Four tens in the secret pocket would save her life, or pay cab fare to and from her house.

After a fast shower, she worked her hair into one long braid and dressed in a long cotton skirt and T-shirt. She found a pair of flip-flops in her duffle bag and grabbed her purse. Downstairs it seemed ominously quiet. She dialed the taxi company’s number and ordered her cab then went out to wait on the front steps.

By the time the taxi arrived, she was soaked to the skin. The air was on full tilt in the cab, and she rubbed her arms to stay warm, glad as hell when they finally reached her apartment. After paying the sullen looking driver, she ran to the front door, using her extra key to get inside. She wrinkled her nose at the odor that had accumulated during her absence.

She recognized the stink of joint smoke and the other stink had to be booze and take-out food.

Damn him, anyway

“Gordy.” He had to be laid up in bed, probably nursing a hangover of some sort. “Gordon. I’m taking my car today.” She glanced at the coffee table, the stack of envelopes reminding her she hadn’t read her mail for several days. She carried the mail with her and moved toward the bedroom. “Did you get rid of that junk?”

Gordon came out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a winning smile. “Hey, little momma, you’re here early.” He shot her a look meant to be sexy, but it fell way short of being that. “Want a fast dose of Gordy love?”

“You have to be crazy.” She threw a pair of jeans in his direction. “I don’t want the dose you could give me. Get dressed.” He was still laughing when she turned on her heel and headed for the living room. After a sniff of the foul air, she yelled at him. “What have you been doing in here? The place stinks to high heaven.” She looked toward the bedroom door. “I’m serious, Gordon. Your time is up here.”

She absently sorted through the mail, quickly opening the one from a design house in New York. Expecting it to be another job assignment, she scanned the letter quickly, her heart thudding when she read the offer of her own studio with the prestigious cosmetic manufacturer. Her own studio at the head office, plus extra benefits for housing, transportation, and several weeks paid vacation to start. For a moment, she forgot the trouble standing in the bedroom doorway, staring at her with a smile on his puss. She turned back to her letter, almost shouting with joy after checking to make sure she’d really seen the six figure salary offer.

“Hey, Carol baby.” Gordon had gotten dressed and was buttoning his shirt, obviously waiting for her to change her mind about him having to leave. “I’m gonna get ready to go. Anyway, I have to get to the bus station. I don’t want to miss my ride out of town.”

Her head jerked up as his words sank in. “Bus station? You hate riding the bus.” She shoved the letter into her purse. “Where are you going?” She didn’t love him but didn’t really want anything bad to happen to the no-good bum. “What are you really going to do?”

He peered out the window before gathering up his belongings that were scattered over the living room. “Aw hell, Carol. I have friends coming to pick me up.”

“You were skipping out without letting me know?” She scowled at him.

“Ain’t like it would be the first time, babe.” He looked out the window once more. “I made a sale last night, so I’m fixed for cash for a while.”

“Did you ever consider taking a real job?” She remembered a time when he could have been almost anything but a lowlife. “Stay out of trouble, Gordy. I’ve had all I can handle.”

He looked out the small slit window panes in the door, groaning as if he couldn’t wait to leave. “I’m planning to start up a new business in Brownsville, close to my buyers.”

“What are you selling, Gordon?” She punched him on the shoulder. “It can’t be legal or you wouldn’t be so nervous.” Her voice broke with emotion. “I forgave your whoring and drinking, but this is too much. I wasted a lot of time trying to believe you would straighten up. I was wrong.”

She pushed him against the door. He spread his arm out, resisting her heavy-handed tactics.

“Come on, Carol girl. So what if I sell a few things over the border?” He held his arm out to keep her away. “I don’t want to be like everyone else. I am my own man. It’s not your business how I make my money.”

This was it, the final cutting of their ties of any kind. “You can wait out front. I don’t want to see the trash that’s picking you up.” She took a final look at Gordon before going into the kitchen. He looked like a pathetic boy in a man’s body. Angry as she was, pity weighed heavy on her heart.

* * * *

Baron flipped on the overhead light in the truck, checking the data on the warrant he’d carried for four months. He couldn’t ignore the facts or delay doing what he’d been paid to do any longer. Gordon Bell had finally crossed the proverbial line, and he was going down.
The snitch they’d been paying for months pointed out the apartment where Bell’s chicks lived. The Feds had carried out a surprise bust to the place and found illegal weapons, drugs, and a dozen underage girls being groomed for a brothel in Mexico.

He couldn’t wait on Sham any longer. Having him for a backup was great, but he could do this on his own. He shivered and turned off the air conditioner. Tired of being wet and tired of waiting, he drove out of the fast food parking lot and headed for Carol’s place. Doing this alone might not be the best way, but the chicks had said Bell planned to make a run for it today. Damn it. He hit Sham’s number on his cell phone, breathing easier when he heard his partner’s voice.

“Yeah, Sham. It’s been confirmed that Bell is making a run for the border today.”

“You wait until I get there.” Sham didn’t ask, he ordered. “We don’t want him injured in this fracas.”

Baron laughed. “He gives up quietly, no problem.”

“You wait.” Sham always sounded serious, but this time he was icy. “I’ll meet you there in five.”

“I’m already counting, partner.” Baron closed his phone and inhaled a deep breath.

He knew Sham was trying to carry the arrest off with as little trouble as possible. He was probably right. But, something about that Bell guy pissed him off. Yeah, something all right. Carol. She had probably gone through hell with that loser, and she still felt protective of him. Maybe someday, she’d feel that deeply for them.

Maneuvering around slower traffic, he wondered where Sham had been for the last half hour. He’d supposedly been picking up new warrants at the Sheriff’s office, but that wouldn’t have taken so long. Shit, he was thinking like a jealous wife. Sham was the best lover and friend he’d ever had and the most faithful. And his ability to keep him on an even keel was unbelievable. Yeah, he loved the guy.

Feeling confident, Baron drove on, turning the corner to the street where Carol lived. Okay, he’d wait on Sham. For a while. He used the field glasses to check out the front of the unit, swearing because of the fog on the windshield. He switched on the air and waited for it to clear. The place appeared to be deserted, but most criminals kept their heads down when they were getting ready to run.

He sat up straighter to get a better look at the front door. The darkness and rain made him uncertain if he’d seen the door open or if the rain had distorted the scene. Hell no, the door had opened. Time to act. He started the truck and coasted to the driveway. His hand was on the door handle when Sham’s car pulled in behind him. He got out, turning his collar up, and waited for Sham. He looked upset, waving his arms like a madman.

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