Hotter Horizons (3 page)

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Authors: JC Szot

BOOK: Hotter Horizons
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Levi explained that between him and his roommate,
they needed a hand with some basic housekeeping and laundry, and that Alec
needed his uniforms ironed. Levi informed her that he worked from home, but
Alec had crazy hours, working at the area’s most notable restaurant.

Fern listened, taking in all the duties that would
be expected of her.

“Do you have any questions?” he asked, his head

Fern smiled, reaching for her mug, needing a

“I don’t cook very well.”
Fern tried to assess his reactive expression.

Levi shrugged. “We’re not concerned with that. Alec
brings home a lot of stuff from the restaurant. Does the live-in part of the
job bother you?” Levi asked.

“No, actually.
sort of what I need right now,” Fern said.

“Great.” He grinned. “What
? I mean, we’re
easy, really. You look like you can handle it.” He laughed. “It’ll be a flat
rate of five hundred a week.”

Fern almost choked on her coffee.

“Not enough?” Levi’s brow lifted.

Fern shook her head, swallowing the hot beverage. It
settled in her gut like a fireball.

“No, it’s perfect.” She pulled her hands into her
lap, rubbing them down the front of her jeans.
This is too perfect!

“Should I show you your room then?” Levi asked,
joining her on the other side of the island.



Alec parked Levi’s Audi with care and killed the
engine. His body ached, but his mind was wired. That’s often how it was when he
got home. After running all night long, his legs felt like rotting wood. It
always took him time to mentally settle down so he could crash.

When Alec let himself in, Levi was sipping a glass
of white wine, leaning against the counter in a pair of faded jeans and no
shirt. Levi’s bare chest only made Alec’s mind race faster, despite his physical

“This is a welcome sight,” Alec said, smiling. He
tossed his bow tie on the counter and clawed at the buttons of his dress shirt.
Levi’s eyes glittered in the low lighting. Alec felt Levi drinking him in as
well as his wine.

“What are you smirking about?” Alec laughed.

“Didn’t you get the text I sent you earlier?” Levi
asked, setting his glass on the island as he slinked toward him.

“Ah, no, I guess not.” Alec dug into his pocket for
his phone.

Levi grabbed his hand, his grip searing. “Don’t
bother now. I’d rather tell you the good news in person,” Levi whispered. Levi
reached for him, tugging on his belt loop. Levi’s fingers gripped his chin.
Alec fell into his dark brown eyes, disappearing into their intensity.

Levi’s lips touched his, prompting Alec to release a
deep, needful groan. Levi’s tongue pushed into his mouth, spreading the dry
tartness of the wine. He washed Alec’s mouth with it, soaking his tongue,
tickling the roof of his mouth.

Levi pulled
his brows
knitted with a seriousness that Alec knew would put him right to sleep
following whatever Levi had in mind.

“I hired our housekeeper today,” Levi said.
Levi’s sensual lips curved into a naughty

stepped back. Levi nodded slowly.
Alec laughed.

“She’s gorgeous, Alec,” Levi breathed. “She’s
absolutely perfect.” His lids lowered, his gaze simmering with heat.

“Well.” Alec swallowed. His heart tripped a bit. He
knew this look that hazed Levi’s eyes. He knew it well. He trusted Levi with
his life. Levi had been asking for a woman, but Alec’s encounters seemed to
have run dry. That their request had been met through a job applicant had him
off balance.

The dramatic effect that this girl had had on his
lover was more evident than winning the lottery. Levi’s words rushed at him,
just as they often did while having sex.

Levi loved to talk when they fooled around, always
asking Alec how he felt and what he planned to do to reciprocate, teasing them
both to the climactic heights of what was always hot and passionate play.

“She’s a bit short, average height for a woman I
guess, around five four, and curvy. Everything is in
and her eyes…” Levi sighed. “Her hair, it’s so dark and alluring…”

“Whoa,” Alec laughed. “Slow down, soldier. Do I get
a name?”

“I’m sorry. Her real name is Frances, but she goes
by Fern. She’s beautiful.”

paused. “I like it, sounds very earthy. But don’t get ahead of yourself. These
things need to be handled delicately,” Alec said.

Levi reached for his wine, downing the rest quickly.
“Will you help me? You know, try to read her? I mean, think of what this could
mean,” Levi told him, his voice rising.

Alec took his hand. “Is this something you’d want?”
Alec asked. Levi’s gaze sharpened, now alert and needing Alec to agree. “She’d
be here all the time. You’ve got to think about that.”

“Sure, babe, you know I want it. It’s been too
long.” Levi’s brow rose. Amusement filled his eyes.

“We just don’t want to scare the girl,” Alec said
softly. “Not many girls want to play with two bi-guys.” Silence filled the
space for a moment. Alec let his statement sink in. “So, she’s hot, huh?”
Alec’s free hand rested on Levi’s chest, feeling his heart race into his palm.

“Oh yeah, but so are you, baby. Let me show you,”
Levi said, groaning around his words.

Levi lowered to his knees. His fingers fumbled with
Alec’s button and fly. Alec tipped his hips toward Levi’s mouth, knowing his
dirty talk was coming, craving it after a grueling night at work.

“Yeah, baby, feed me your cock. Let me lick you
clean and taste you,” Levi said hoarsely. His night-black eyes flitted up at
Alec, making his balls pucker into tight beaded sacs.

Levi’s hands smoothed down his legs as he freed Alec
from his pants, yanking his shoes off in the process. Cooler air bathed his
dick, making it twitch against his abdomen. Levi nuzzled into his balls,
causing Alec’s bones to disintegrate.

“Oh man,” Alec called out to him, his mouth drying
at all the sensations Levi could provide. Wet heat coated his cock as Levi’s
tongue slowly edged up his stretched flesh. Alec tipped his head back. His eyes
roamed across the ceiling, feeling Levi’s tongue pleasure him. Fingers wandered
behind his sac, prodding for his hole. They both liked it all. With Levi there
was no top or bottom.

The fire raged, engulfing his body. Alec ripped off
his shirt, tossing it on the floor. The buttons hit the linoleum with a faint
clink. Alec loved being naked, especially while Levi went down on him. Alec
spread his legs. His hips began to thrust, fucking Levi’s mouth. Alec’s fingers
gripped the edge of the counter as his body soared with pleasure.

He felt his cock swell, filling with the molten rush
of blood. Levi’s finger stroked his hole. Not having the lube on hand had Levi
playing nice.

“Fuck!” Alec cried. “I love you. So fucking
, I’m ready to unload.”

This admission had Levi’s mouth working faster, his
lips tighter now, sheathing him in a glove of wet heat that brought tears to
Alec’s eyes.

“I’m feeding you, you sexy fucker,” Alec growled.
His dick shot, pulsating, rearing its head as it spilled into Levi’s mouth.
Alec dropped his gaze, stroking Levi’s cheek as he watched his lover drink him



“Good luck with the new job,” Jada
her voice snowy on the other end of the line.

“Thanks.” Fern clutched the phone between her jaw
and shoulder.

Jada asked her a few questions, which Fern tried to

“I won’t know more until I get there,” Fern said, giving
the room a last once-over.

Fern had explained to Levi that she’d booked the
room for the week, not knowing she’d land a job so quickly. Levi agreed to
reimburse her for half of the hotel stay in her first paycheck, saying that the
Fields Grove Motor Inn was atrocious and that he’d much rather get her settled
in at the house as soon as possible. Fern was a little anxious, not having met
Alec. She assumed Alec knew all the details by now. Their relationship was a
mystery that Fern knew she’d learn about soon enough.

Fern was looking forward to inhabiting her new room.
It was light and airy with the help of natural sunlight. It was furnished with
white, lacquered furniture. The walls were a soft white accented with country
blues in the curtains and bedspread. It also had a small widow’s walk, which
Fern loved. It had just enough space to put a chair outside and stargaze on
hot, summer nights.

She ended her call with Jada and went to check out.
The woman who’d checked her in the previous evening reminded her that there was
no refund. Fern told her that that wouldn’t be a problem. Her face creased with
disapproval, obviously thinking she’d found a permanent guest.

Fern slung her satchel and knapsack over her
shoulder and started walking. Levi never noticed or didn’t ask her about a car.
The sun was already warm,
the skin of her
shoulders as she made her way back to East Mill Road.

Fern passed the points of interest she’d seen the
day before. The small town was buzzing with business as she noticed a group of
locals congregated outside the small café, sharing in the local gossip, she
supposed. She turned the corner and set her sights on the small brick house,
seeing her widow’s walk above the brightly painted, red front door.

A young guy was out front on the stoop, holding a
pea-green coffee mug, the same style as the one she’d held yesterday. He
must’ve just gotten up, as he was wearing a pair of gray sleep pants and a
black sleeveless shirt. He tipped his head to greet the sun’s rays. His hair
was short, neatly clipped over his ears. It was color of autumn leaves with a
few gold strands highlighted through. He lowered his gaze. His eyes narrowed,
escorting her down the sidewalk.

Fern stopped outside the wrought-iron gate. He set
his mug down and stood, smiling as he closed the distance between them on the
other side. He raked threads of hair out of his eyes, eyes that were a silvery

“Hi, you must be Fern.” He opened the gate for her.

“Yes, how are you?” She lifted her gaze to meet his
height, his stature willowy for a young guy.

“Great. I’m Alec. It’s good to meet you. Levi’s so
happy to have you,” he said, laughing. “Come on in.” He waved her ahead,
following her up the narrow brick walk.

He bent down to retrieve his mug and then reached
around her to open the screen door. Fern’s eyes darkened for a moment before
focusing on the vivid colors of the living room.

Levi’s voice rang through the room. “Is Fern here?”

Fern felt Alec’s stare slither over her. She turned
to him briefly. He grinned, his eyes like the color of an overcast sky. Warmth
rose through her skin. They were both very good-looking, in their own unique

“Fern has arrived,” Alec called back, his reply

Levi was dark, his skin, eyes, and hair, Alec a bit
lighter in complexion and features. Alec definitely looked younger.
Is Levi his sugar daddy? Are they gay?
found herself secretly mourning over this possible discovery.

Alec directed her into the bright and cheery

“How about some coffee?”
asked, holding up the same pink mug she’d used the day before.

“Sure.” Fern claimed the stool that Alec pulled out
for her.

Alec sat down next to her, shoving his mug across
the counter in Levi’s direction. His smell drifted into her space, the residual
scent of pricy cologne mixed with a bit of aromatic man.

Levi got busy filling their mugs as the
machine droned. He turned and leaned against the
counter, sipping her in with his eyes as he blew on his coffee.

Levi had on a camel-colored t-shirt that intensified
all his rich, dark features. He crossed his ankles, his eyes holding hers. Fern
looked down into her mug, feeling her insides contort. She took a cautious sip
and set her mug on the counter. Alec’s soft voice edged through the thick

“So, are you new in town, or a local we seem to have
overlooked?” he asked, his eyes brightening.

Fern’s mind spun. She hadn’t really rehearsed any
type of story. She didn’t like lying. She hastily went with the truth. Lying
would only hurt her later, and it appeared that being here would be a safe
place for her.

She lifted her eyes, glancing back and forth between
the men.

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