How I Became Lotus Raine...the Porn Star (26 page)

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Authors: Erika Ashby

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #How I Became Lotus Raine the Porn Star

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“Good idea.”

He slowly undressed me and kissed his way up and down my body as we made our way over to his bed. I did the same to him once the back of my legs hit the mattress. Once we were both completely bare, I scooted myself up his bed and laid down waiting for him to join.

“Stay focused on me,” Brent said as he spooned me from the front. “And remember, this is for you.” He rubbed a finger across my cheek bone before pulling me in for a kiss. “So, whatever goes is up to you. Same for whatever doesn’t go.” I felt his arm reaching around me and then heard the noise of his side table drawer. I glanced back and saw that he’d grabbed two condoms and a bottle of lube.

“I don’t want you wearing one,” I said before placing my leg around his hip. I grabbed his face, pressing my lips to his. Brent wrapped his arm underneath my leg as he began to slowly rock himself into me without the need of guidance. My mouth claimed his in a battle of moans, licks, sucks and bites. It was confused and greedy, wanting to feel every sensation possible.

Brent’s thrusts on the other hand were strictly slow and so sensual. “Concentrate on how my cock feels going in and out of your pussy.”

I licked my lips at the sensation. His pelvis kept gently rocking into me and I just wanted to roll him over and ride him. Then the bed dipped, and I tensed.

“Remember what I told you about tensing up.” Brent rubbed his hand up and down my thigh, then started rubbing my ass cheek, pulling and spreading it out as he teased me from behind with his finger. “Close your eyes, baby.” He dipped his finger into the tight hole and my head fell back as I moaned. I knew we weren’t alone. I knew there was a guy watching me get fucked. And I knew he was about to be partaking in it. “Let go of your thoughts and just feel.”

I did what I was told and felt four hands expertly navigating their way around my body. I had no clue who’s was who’s. And once I let go, and took in every single sensation that having two men worshipping my body brought to me. I didn’t even care what was going on.

I opened my eyes, catching Brent staring at me with pure pleasure sketched into his features. With his free hand he cupped my cheek and mouthed, “Are you okay?”

I shook my head and smiled in response. I lifted my leg even higher as I wrapped it around his hip.

You’re so fucking perfect,” he breathed out before tangling his hand in my hair and crashing his lips to mine. I was lost in ecstasy. I welcomed the kisses that were being placed along my back and the hands that were moving up and down my body. I trusted Brent. I’d only met Tyson that once. I was glad he wasn’t invited over beforehand for some drinks or something. I needed it to happen the way it was—with me in complete bliss and too high on Brent to care that there was another guy lying behind me.

I wrapped my arms around Brent as best I could, gripping him tightly as I felt Tyson teasing me from behind. I felt the movement of his fingers first, working their way in, spreading me out.

Brent tsk’d at me as he wrapped his hand under my thigh and gripped it tightly, holding me in place. He became possessive with his thrust, claiming me the only way he knew how.

I heard the click sound of the lube shutting again and knew what was coming.

Tyson positioned himself and then slowly started pushing in. He’d push in a little, and then pull out. My body reacted in an approving manner as it drifted backward on its own accord.

It only took moments before he was no longer teasing me as he kept going, filling me completely up. I felt his body shudder behind me as he momentarily gripped my hip, his nails bit into my skin. But I welcomed the burn. He began moving, slowly, for my benefit I’m sure. His masculine arm clamped around my side as he firmly placed his hand flat against my stomach. I covered his with mine, showing him that I was okay. With that simple gesture, his hips began a beautiful rotation as he moved in and out within me. His lips never left my body, even when he moaned.

I could see the possessiveness in Brent’s eyes. I could feel it between, within, around, and in every fucking prepositional phrase known to the English world within each of his thrusts. When Ty would reach up and grab my breast, pinching my nipple, I’d gasp. But not because of the sting of pain it’d ignite; I did so because of the nature it’d create within Brent. I could see that he didn’t like the idea of sharing me. But more than anything, I knew he didn’t want to share what my body was feeling with anyone else. He didn’t want another guy to be responsible for me getting off.

I happened to find stingy, possessive Brent to be very sexy. And for that I was going to reward him—by making him feel like the only fucking man in the room. At that point, I was over the whole threesome. Yeah it was good, and I enjoyed it, but the course had taken a sudden detour and it involved only pleasing one man.

I didn’t kick Ty to the curb or tell him his time was up. I simply turned my sole focus onto Brent, and didn’t pay any mind to what Ty did from behind. He had proven himself worthy of my cupcake.

“I want to ride you.” I pushed back on Brent, rolling him over. He gripped my hips pulling me with him—pulling me away from Ty as well. I ripped his hands from my sides and held them above his head. “You’ve been very unselfish today,” I moaned as I pushed myself all the way down his hard dick. “I think it’s time I show you just how appreciative of that I am.”

“Mmmhmm,” he licked his lips, closing his eyes.

I felt Ty behind me, rubbing my ass.

“Then tell me how I can do that.” I pressed my body over his as I whispered in his ear before licking it.

His eyes flew open and held mine. “Make me come so hard I see stars.”

“Only if you promise to tell me how many you see.”

Ty eased his way back in me as I slowly started gliding my body against Brent’s. I released his hands so he could touch me in that possessive way of his. It didn’t take much longer and I felt Ty gripping my hips tighter as he groaned and cursed. Even though he was on the verge of losing control, he wasn’t reckless with his thrusts. He leaned over me, pushing me even more into Brent and I felt his hot breaths hitting my back as he found his release. He placed one soft kiss on my shoulder before I felt him pull out and the bed dip. I was thankful that he inconspicuously removed himself from the situation so Brent and I could finish.

I sat straight up and started riding him. One of his hands clamped were my legs were parted and his thumb moved across my clit. I knew I was close. The whole experience had me teetering on the edge the whole time. I pushed my hands down against his stomach and began to move my hips in a way I’d never done so before.

I held my breath and closed my eyes. I came so hard that if it were possible to see stars, I would have. But when I opened my eyes, all I saw was Brent. He was so close—so fucking close. I let him bounce me hard and fast on his cock.

“I’m going to come,” he barely moaned.

“Come in me,” I said with no reservation.

“Fuuuuccck, Lu,” he growled and I reveled.

I had just had two guys ravaging my body at the same time. I wanted to feel dirty, but it felt too damn good. I wanted to feel like a slut, to validate the reasoning behind the mindset I’d had all those years. But the only thing I felt, besides multiple orgasms, as both guys moaned, shook, cursed, and praised me as they each came, was motherfucking powerful.

I collapsed on top of Brent and he held me tightly. I enjoyed that more than I should have. Once my breathing was normal, I started to slowly peel myself off of him. As I laid there looking down at him, he pushed back a piece of my sweaty hair with a smile.

“One,” he simply said. And I looked at him with total confusion. “I only saw one star.” He smiled brighter than twisted his hand in my hair behind my neck, pulling my face back down to his. “You.”

Afterwards, I thanked Tyson before he left and gave him a hug. He thought it was weird, but hugged me anyways. Brent kindly explained to him that I’m just a very thankful person and will always give thanks where thanks are due.

“For the record,” Ty stated as he grabbed a piece of pizza for the way, “that was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done.” He went on his merry way making sure to put it in the open that anytime I wanted to try that again, to call him first. Knowing that would be my first and last time experiencing a threesome, I laughed at his eagerness to please.

Brent locked the door as soon as it closed and pulled me in for a hug. “How do you feel?”

“Mentally? Fine. Physically? Pretty much fine. I do feel like I need to take a hot bath, though.”

“Done,” Brent said walking to the bathroom.

Brent sat behind me as we quietly relaxed in the warmth of the tub. I enjoyed the way he felt behind me. I enjoyed the way he took care of me, always putting my needs first while still being able to push me. I’d enjoyed everything I had gained in such a short time, but I also hated that it was going to end. I couldn’t shake it. The closer and closer it got, the harder it was.

“This whole situation is a disaster waiting to happen,” I said, feeling the inevitability of it all suffocating me.

“Doesn’t have to be. It’s all in how you look at it.” He trailed a finger down my bubble covered arm.

“And how do you look at it then?” Of course he’d be the optimistic one. He’d be the one getting paid to sleep around.

“I told you. I’m all about finding the beauty in things. But with you, I didn’t even have to search.” His answer was sweet and made me swoon and all those girlie things, but it didn’t offer me any other sort of solution. All it did was further confuse what I was feeling.

I stood up, letting the soapy water drip down my body. I lent a hand out for him.

“Come on. Let’s go get a tattoo.” At least the only kind of pain that’d involve would be physical. I could handle that.

The part I found to be the overall hardest when it came to getting a tattoo was location. I loved the idea of something big along my ribs, but I only had a day and a half left with Brent so the location of my tattoo was based on that. The lady copied an image of Brent’s sketch and shrunk it down to fit on my foot. The cage part would rest in the center and the bird emerging through the opened doors would move up, wrapping around my ankle.

“You okay in here for a minute? Because if you need me to hold your hand or something, I will.” His willingness to stay in the room with me was sweet. I hated it. I wished he’d start being a dick so Monday would be easy for me.

Thirty minutes later, Brent returned and held my hand for the duration of my tattoo. He didn’t grab my hand because he sensed I was in pain. Yes, the needle digging into my flesh hurt at times, but it was tolerable. Brent simply grabbed my hand because I think he felt the black cloud looming over us and wanted to grasp the blue sky for as long as he could.

“WHAT DID YOUR last day together consist of? Was it sad? Did you guys stay in all day hanging out?

“No, we actually went out. We didn’t stay inside, hiding what was going on between us. We both had grown attached to one another, and for our last day of the assignment, we went out and experienced life around us. The assignment was over as far as I was concerned and had been over since the day it started. The last day we spent together, we didn’t allow my payroll to keep us apart and we didn’t let the fact of his job starting the next day dictate how we spent our last day together—even though we knew how it all ended.

EXCITEMENT FLOODED ME as we turned the corner and the sweet, tortuous voice serenaded me as it bleed through the speakers.

I looked up at Brent in awe. He was always amazing me with small gestures that were leaving big imprints on more than just my body.

“I hope this is okay.” We stopped in the middle of the blocked off road. “From your answer this morning, I gathered you enjoyed music and books. I hope I assumed correctly.”

“That you did.” I pushed up and kissed his cheek. “And it’s your lucky night. My favorite band is playing.”

“Wouldn’t that make you the lucky one
His lip curved up at the side, telling me his mischievous grin was soon to come.

“My luck runs out tomorrow.”

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