How the French Won Waterloo (or Think They Did) (32 page)

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Marengo, Battle of, 49, 68, 184, 221

Marggraf, Andreas Sigismund, 220

market, 208

Marmont, Marshal Auguste, 30, 206


Martin, Lieutenant Jacques-François, 56, 63, 71

Mauduit, Hippolyte de, 53, 56, 69, 105

Médaille de Sainte-Hélène, 158

Mémoires d’Outre-Tombe, 177

memorabilia, Napoleonic 184–5, 221–8, 222, 245–6

Mémorial de Saint-Hélène, Le, 144–6

Mercer, Captain Alexander Cavalié, 78, 79

‘Merde’, 92, 111

merde, 110–15

Metternich, Clemens, 24, 42, 77

Meuse, River, 165

Michelet, Jules, 4

military music, 104

military units, 10

ministerial red boxes, 204

Misérables, Les
, 60, 71, 75, 80, 91, 112, 174, 238

anti-war writing, 176

French patriotism, 175

fun of British, 111

merde, 110

Napoleon and God, 53–4

Ney, Michel, 91

Monge, Gaspard, 126–7

Mont Saint-Jean, 52

Montereau, 29

Montholon, General Charles de, 126

Montmarte, 242

Mormant, 29

Moscow, 20, 21–2

mud, 56, 57, 63

Muiron, Jean-Baptiste, 68

Murat, Joachim, 68

museum, new, at Waterloo, xiii

music in France, 241

muskets, 77

Napoléon homme de guerre
, 163

Bonaparte, Napoleon

Napoléon III, Emperor 113, 159, 172, 198
see also
Bonaparte, Louis-Napoléon

Napoleon on Board the Bellerophon
, 131

Napoleonic Wars, 3, 5

and allies, 26

bloodiest day of, 19

last battle of, 96, 125

Napoléon: l’Immortel de Sainte-Hélène
, 18

‘Napoleon’s Farewell’, 182

‘Napoleon’s shadow’, 68

Nassau regiment, 74

nature and Waterloo, 52

Nelson, Admiral, 13

New Army, The, 118

newspapers, 39

Ney, Marshal Michel, 38, 50, 91, 101, 206

and artillery attack, 85–7

and cavalry charge, 78–82

charged with treason, 81

death-wish, 89

description of, 65–6

Nietzsche, Frederich, 188, 189

Northumberland, HMS
, 133

Norway, monument, 196

Nouveau Larousse Illustré
, 96

‘Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte’, 181

Old Guard, 31, 43, 47, 64, 66, 69, 104, 106, 108, 120, 124, 125

Orchardson, William Quiller, 131

Orgon, riot in, 231

Palmerston, Lord Henry John Temple, 155

Panorama, xii, 196–7

Parc Napoléon, 247

Paris, 30

auction house, 222

funeral procession, 156

Napoleon flees to, 120

Napoleon’s march north to, 37

shops, 237

speech in, 42

tomb, 160

Parisian taxis, 113

Parisians, rich, 29

parliament, 41, 151, 235

pavements, 208

peace in Europe, 232

Père Lachaise, 208

Petit, General, 109

Philippeville, 118

Pitt the Younger, William, 7–8

Place Vendôme, 207

Plymouth, 132

poison, 31

Poland, 17

Polish Legion, 195

Polish National anthem, 195

Ponsonby, Sir William, 78

Pope, 209

post-Napoleonic France, 234


British, 124, 132

censorship, 151

freedom, 39, 41, 235, 241

pro-royalist revolt 1793, 39

Prussia, 24, 27, 42

defection of, 23

France falls to, 123

Prussian, 28, 29

Ambassador, 4, 5

army, xii, 24, 106, 118

atrocities, 93

cannons, 86

lines, 50

War, 112

Prussians, 69, 83, 85, 93, 100, 166, 180

paid by British, 6

Valmy, at, 151

Quatre-Bras, 50, 94

Racine, 31

‘ravine of death’, 82, 83

re-enactments, xiv, 64, 194, 225, 227, 228

Réfutation des calomnies de la vie de Napoléon par Walter Scott
, 180

Reille, Marshal Honoré, 70

retour des cendres
, 159

rifle manufacture, 104

River Berezina, 169

River Meuse, 165

roads, 55

Rochefort, 123, 126, 128

Rocquencourt, 125

Rostand, Edmond, 223

Rouge et le Noir, Le
, 168, 169

Rougemont, Michel-Nicolas Balison de, 110

royalist revolt, 6, 9

Russia, 12, 14, 19, 24, 27, 42

buying British goods, 17

war with, 15

Russian, 5, 28, 47

retreat, 20

troops, xii, 30

Saint Helena, 84, 132, 229, 248

memorial ceremony, 249

Saint-Denis, 199

Saint-Nicaise, rue, attack on Napoleon, 5

St Petersburg, 21

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 214

satire, 238

Scandinavia, 12

Scott, Sir Walter, 106, 142, 142–3, 177–80

Scottish, 100, 106, 116, 122, 147, 196

Shelley, Lady Frances, 135

shoes, 141
see also

slaughter, senseless, 75

social mobility, 215


die on march, 19

last moments, 176

from many countries, 18

ordinary, 69, 99

song, invasion, 239

Sorel, Julien, 169

Sorrows of Young Werther, The
, 189

Soult, Marshal Jean-de-Dieu, 66, 69–70, 80, 85

Souvenirs d’un cadet
, 105

Souvenirs Militaires
, 86, 98

Spain, 14, 17, 66

Stendhal, Marie-Henri Beyle, 168, 169, 176, 187

strawberry breakfast, 67

streets, 205–6, 208

sugar, 4, 220

surgeons, 60, 80–81, 106, 163

Sweden, 14

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles-Maurice de, 15, 23, 30, 35, 36, 119, 156, 231

quips of, 26

in Vienna, 42

tax, 230

‘Taxis de la Marne’, 113

teacher-training, 217

Thiebault, General Baron, 237–8

Thiry, Jean, 109–10

Times, The
, 124

toilets, 196

Torbay, 132

Toulon, 9, 39, 43, 140, 153

Toulouse, 24, 70

Tours, 121

Trafalgar, 13, 128

tricolour, 48, 152, 168, 212

Tuileries Palace, 23

Tulard, Jean, 17, 231

Undaunted, HMS
, 33

uniform, 203–5

Uxbridge, Lord, 78

Valls, Manuel, 246

Vandamme, General Dominique, 53

Vauchamps, 29

Vaulabelle, Achille Tenaille de, 84

vermine verte,

Victoria, Queen, 198

Vieille Garde
, 88, 108, 179

Vienna, 42

Villepin, Dominique de, xii, 12, 53, 54, 67, 89, 127

French taste for defeat, 114

on governing, 43

Napoleonic memorabilia, 221

Napoleon’s three weapons, 47

Vitoria, and Wellington, 190–1

Voltaire, 131

Wallonie, xiii

Warsaw, statue of Napoleon, 195


accounts of the battle, 46, 57

aftermath, 93

French victory, 97

glorifying, 112, 174

regrouping at, 51

(film), 82

(play), 112

(poem), 109

Wavre, 84, 86

weather, atrocious, 55

Wellington, Duke of, xiii, 3, 42, 52, 69–70, 74, 83, 118, 136, 175, 243

admired the French navy, 99

anti-French jibes, 35

army of, 49, 165

closed his line, 88

despair, 86

Dutch troops, and, 50

against execution of Napoleon, 122

and his hat, 90

his view, 119

importance of Waterloo, 51

meets Blücher, 93–4

nickname, 241

report of Waterloo, 46

‘scum of the earth’, 99

in Spain, 24

well-organised republic, 244

Whig government, 136

wine, 230–1

women, equality of, 145, 213–14

Wybkici, Jozef, 195

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Copyright © Stephen Clarke 2015

Stephen Clarke has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this Work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First published by Century in 2015

(First published in Great Britain by Penguin Random House in 2015)

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 9781780893082

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