How to Be a Submissive Wife (5 page)

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Chapter Seven – Cracking
the Whip

“At some point your
submissive wife will start to test the Rules and attempt to get away with inappropriate
behaviors.  It is very important for you to crack down severely when these
transgressions occur.  Otherwise, you will be on the slippery slope back
to the way things were before you’d introduced Domestic Discipline into your
Excerpt from
How to Be a Dominant Husband by Penelope Wiggins

About two months into their agreement,
Sarah looked back on all of the positive changes she had seen both personally
and in her marriage with her submission to her husband.   She had
managed to get into better shape physically due to the physical exercise Joe
mandated in The Rules.  She also had been able to make all of her
deadlines for work and start the erotic novel she’s planned to write with the
time Joe had allocated for writing in her schedule.  Her marriage was much
better with Joe as the head of the household and her as his supportive
helper.  Her sex life was ‘off the charts’ improved with daily
orgasms!   She sighed when she thought of this.   Unfortunately,
she felt that lately Joe wasn’t as diligent in enforcing her compliance to The
Rules as he had been in the first part of the agreement.  He’d been
checking in and spanking her in the evenings in the last week or so but the
spankings had felt more like erotic foreplay rather than deterrents for
inappropriate behavior.  Sarah wondered if he really had what it took to
keep her on track.  

One weekday lunchtime, Joe came home from
work for lunch.  Sarah looked up at him absently and said, “Hi Hon, I will
serve you lunch and then I will have to get back to working on these cookies
for Nick’s class.  He needs them for tomorrow.”  “Don’t you have time
to finish that tonight?”  Joe asked.  “Yes, but I just have so much
to do, I want to get them done now.”   “Like what?”  He
inquired.  “I’m behind on my deadline for work and I haven’t really gotten
a dinner plan set up for the week.”  She said while looking at him in
irritation.  “Why are you behind on all of these things?”  He asked
starting to put some steel in his voice.  “I don’t know.  I guess I’m
just not as perfect as you!”  She snapped.   With that she
stopped and looked at him in horror.  Uh, oh she knew she shouldn’t have
said that.  His eyebrows drew together and he held out his hand to
“Bedroom now!”
  Knowing she’d pushed
him too far; Sarah dropped what she was doing and went to him.  Grabbing
her hand, he towed her to the bedroom. 

Reaching into
his bedside stand, he pulled out a large wooden hairbrush with an oval shaped
handle.  Sitting on the chair in the corner of their room he patted his
lap.  “Lay over my lap with your skirt pulled up now!”  She complied
flipping up her skirt to expose her bare
Lifting the hairbrush up, he brought it down on the middle of her butt with a
whoosh and a smack!  Sarah lifted up and cried out, “I don’t know if I can
take this Sir.”  He replied by paddling first one check and another. 
Her ass now showed three distinct rectangular shaped red spots. 

that you asked for this and in fact signed a contract agreeing to my
rules.  Do you remember this, Wife?” 
He punctuated his words with three more hard smacks to her
buttocks.  “Yes Sir…I am sorry.”   She started sobbing.  “I
will accept your discipline.”  He finished up with two smacks to her thigh
crease and two to the bottom of her buttocks.  After he’d finished, her
buttocks were a swollen red mass from the top of her full cheeks to the top of
her thighs.   “I am more than sick and tired of your sharp tongue and
I will not allow things to go back to things the way they were.”  Joe
rumbled.  “I am going into the kitchen to eat my lunch.  I want you
to follow me into the kitchen and stand in the corner with your skirt pulled up
to show your red ass while I eat my lunch.  Do you understand?” 
Still sobbing with tears running down her cheeks, Sarah said, “Yes
Sir.”   He got up and adjusted his trousers around his
erection.  Sarah followed him with tears running down her cheeks. 
After serving him his lunch, Sarah stood in the corner of the kitchen with her
skirt raised.  Joe glanced over frequently while eating, noting her bright
red ass and shaking shoulders.  After finishing his lunch, he placed his
plates in the sink. 

Leading Sarah
to the bedroom, he instructed her to strip and kneel on the bed with her ass up. 
“I’m going to fuck you.  You are not allowed to come.  If you do
come, I will give you ten more with the brush.  Do you understand?” 
Sarah nodded her head and complied with his orders.   Raising her
crimson buttocks up as she lowered her head to rest on the bed, Sarah prepared
herself for his possession.
full breasts swayed as she took her stance.   Joe took off his suit
coat and unzipped his slacks.   Climbing up on the bed between her
splayed legs, Joe took his iron hard cock and rubbed it up and down between her
sopping wet cunt lips.  “Seems like you enjoyed having the hairbrush used
on you
.”  Sarah blushed in response to his
teasing tone.  Grabbing her hips, Joe thrust himself in to the hilt with
one strong push.  Sarah gasped at his penetration.  Fucking her quick
and fast Joe finished quickly, groaning as he filled her cunt with his
seed.   Sarah managed to keep herself from orgasm and accepted his
use of her body.  As he pulled himself from her he said, “Proper organization
and a sweet attitude towards your husband would have served you well today
Babe.”   With these words he slapped her ass and climbed off of the
bed.  “Turn around and clean me off.”  Sarah pushed herself up and
dutifully licked her husband’s cock clean.  “Put it away.”  She
tucked it back into his slacks and zipped them up.   “Get dressed and
get caught up.”  With these words, he stalked out of the
bedroom.   Sarah shakily righted herself by getting dressed and
returned to her tasks in the kitchen.  

That evening
when Joe came home
from work, he patted
her on the butt as he walked by her in the kitchen.  “How are you tonight
Babe?”  Roses bloomed in Sarah’s cheeks at his question.  “Just
fine…S…Dear.”  Rubbing her warm ass for a second, Joe reveled in his wife’s
chastened attitude and her verbal slip. “So are you caught up on
everything?”  He questioned.  “Yes, I am thank you.”  Sarah
smiled up at him shyly.  Later that evening, he fucked her to a screaming
orgasm in the missionary position.  The added stimulation created by her
sore buttocks rubbing on the bed sheets increased her sensitivity to an
incredible degree.  Sarah smiled in satiated exhaustion as she fell
asleep.  Maybe the hairbrush wasn’t so bad!

A few weeks
later, Joe walked into the living room after dinner and extended his hand to
“Time to work out Hon.
go.”   Sarah looked up at him and demurred.  “I’m a little tired
  I think I’d like to sit
out.”  Joe tapped a fist on his right thigh and stuck his index finger
down to tap it on his thigh. Sarah frowned at this.  “No, really, I just
want to watch TV tonight.”  She said.  “Are you sick…indisposed in
any way?”  He asked. 
“No, not really.
Just don’t want to do it tonight.”  He tapped his fist against his thigh
now with his middle finger next to the index finger.  Comprehension dawned
on Sarah.  Oh shit!  Two demerits and on direct orders from
Joe!  She hurriedly sat up and said, “I guess I’m not that tired. 
Let me go get my workout gear.”  As the kids looked at her in puzzlement,
she scrambled up from the couch and headed towards the bedroom.  Joe
followed her.  As she got into her workout gear, Joe opened his bedside
table and got out the hairbrush.  “Let’s go to the gym and work this out
Wife.”  “Yes Sir…I am sorry for my disobedience.”  She
answered.   Grabbing her elbow, he led her to the home gym over the

On reaching
the gym, he sat on the end of the weight bench and
ordered her over his lap.  Pulling her shorts
down, he exposed her bare ass.  Taking the wooden hairbrush, he brought it
down with a hard thwack on her bare buttocks. “
she yelped.  “You, Will, Not, Disobey, A, Direct, Order, From, Me. 
Understand?”  He punctuated each word
with a smack on a different part of her ass.  “Yes Sir.”  She
cried.  Her butt cheeks burned bright red.  Taking the brush, he
brought the tapered end of the handle and lubricated it in her seeping
slit.  “You will like the hairbrush even more when we are done tonight
Sweetheart.”  Pushing the oval shaped handle into her creaming cunt, he
started fucking her with deep strokes.  Sarah pushed her hips back against
the wooden invader moaning as she quickly approached climax.  Joe pulled
the handle out of her pussy just before she reached her peak.   Sarah
groaned in disappointment.  Pulling down his gym shorts and pushing hers
off over her tennis shoe clad feet, he lifted her up to face away from him and
sat her down onto his erect cock.  With her legs spread wide over his, she
was at his mercy as he worked her up and down his dick.  Looking into the
full wall mirror opposite the work bench, she saw them reflected in the
mirror.    She saw a muscular man with close cropped graying black
hair holding a blond haired, curvaceous woman by her waist.   Her
legs were splayed out over the sides of the man’s muscular thighs exposing her
hairless pussy.  The muscular shoulders of the man bulged as he lifted the
woman up and down on his large purple tipped penis.  His head tilted back
and he breathed hard through slightly parted lips.  His penis glistened
with their combined juices as it split her denuded pussy lips.  
Sarah tipped her head back and watched as the woman narrowed shimmering
blue-green eyes and spilled her blonde hair again the man’s chest.  High
color spotted her cheek bones.  Gasping sobs came out of her soft pink
opened lips.  The man stopped lifting her up and down and settled her upon
his penis.   The sight of his large shaft resting balls deep in her
red cunt in the mirror was almost enough to make her orgasm.  
Letting go of her waist, he lifted his hands to pull off her shirt and bra and
then reached to caress her breasts. 

“You are so
beautiful Babe. 
I could look at you
like this all night.”  With these words, he started rubbing her breasts
and plucking her nipples.  “I love your tits Babe.  I don’t think you
realize how sexy you are.”  Sarah reached her hands back to cup his
.  “Thank you, Honey.  I am so glad that I’m
married to you.  I think you can tell from my body’s responses that I find
you attractive.”  With these words, her cheeks pinked slightly. 
Turning her head to the side, she reached back to kiss him deeply.  As
they kissed, he started moving in her again with his arm around her
waist.   Reaching the other hand to her clit, he started pressing on
it and increased his rate of penetration.  Sarah arched and gasped as she
finally started reaching her long sought climax.  Joe groaned and started
roughly thrusting into her cunt while leaning her over to take her as deeply as
he could.   Crying out, Sarah came.  Her vagina convulsed
rapidly on Joe’s
cock.  Joe groaned
and his penis lengthened enough to hit her cervix.   Spurt after
spurt of warm cum bathed her womb.   Sarah could feel her cervix dip
to suck up as much of his sperm as possible.   Joe collapsed against
her back, breathing heavily.   Sarah’s cunt continued to gently milk
his penis of his seed for quite awhile.  Finally, they both quieted and
sat quiescent for a moment.   Clearing his throat, Joe lifted her off
of his cock.  A rush of their combined fluids escaped Sarah’s passage to
coat the end of the workout bench.   Joe grabbed one of the towels
they used to clean sweat off of the workout machines and wiped up the pool of
cum under them as well as Sarah’s crotch and his softening penis.  
“Okay Hon, it’s time to work out.”  He stood up and pulled his shorts back
on.  Sarah looked at him as if he were crazy. 
He laid a hand upon her ass.  “Do you really want to question me?” 
She snapped to attention and pulled on her bra, shirt and shorts.  “No
Sir.  Let’s get started.”  She smiled at him in appeasement.

Later that
week, Joe called Sarah from work and requested that she bring him a bag
lunch.  He stated that he was slammed at work and didn’t think he would be
able to leave his desk most of the day.  Sarah hurriedly put together a
meal and placed it in the insulated container they used for cold lunches. 
Checking the time, she made sure that her appearance was in order.  Since
it was cold outside, she’d put on stockings attached to a garter.  She
decided to eschew underwear since Joe often wanted to
look at and fondle her bare pussy during lunch at home.  Wrapping herself
in a warm overcoat, she left the house and drove to Joe’s office. 

The bank where Joe was employed was located
downtown in an historic building.  Sarah waved at the tellers as she
walked into the front entrance.   The security guard buzzed her
through with a friendly nod and a smile.   High heels clicking on the
granite floor heralded her arrival at Joe’s office.  Julie, her husband’s
secretary, smiled at her as she came in and waved her through to his
office.  Sarah opened the door and peeked in, “Surprise! I’m a little
early.”  Joe looked up from the documents he’d been perusing on his desk
and motioned her to come in.  “Lock the door.”  Sarah looked at him
in askance. “What?”   “You heard me, lock the door.”  
  Sarah turned to quietly turn the lock. 
Joe pressed the intercom on his desk.  “Julie, you can go to work
now.  I’ll see you in an hour.”  “Okay, sir.  I will see you
then.”  Julie signed off. 

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