How to Break a Cowboy (7 page)

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Authors: Daire St. Denis

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: How to Break a Cowboy
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“Do you know,” I say, after I’ve taken a sip of wine and set
my glass down. “I can’t think of any other place I’d rather be right now.” The
western sky is turning pink and gold as the sun lowers beneath the grey peaks
of the Rockies. My hands slide up into Wade’s hair and I massage his scalp,
digging my fingers in, doing my best to relieve his tension.

Wade lolls his head against my chest and he says, “How was
your trail ride?”


I see his eyes crack open as he glances at Connor. “How many
times did Connor fuck you?”

I dig especially hard and say, “Believe it or not, none.” I
pause before I continue, “But I did get a chance to get to know Dallas better.”

I expect Wade’s reaction, which is to tense at the mention
of Dallas’s name, so I lean down and lick the side of his neck. “He’s hot. I
like him.”

Wade’s quiet and I half expect him to make some cruel remark
like, ‘well why don’t you go fuck him.’ But like I’ve said before, Wade’s too
much of a gentleman…when he’s not in bed.

With my hands still working magic, I whisper, “I hope you
don’t mind, I invited him to join us tonight.”

Pulling out of my grasp, Wade turns a fierce look my way.
“He’s coming here?”

“Yes.” I motion toward the door. “In fact, here he is now.”


Chapter Six


first I think Wade’s going to bolt when Dallas joins us on deck all
bare-chested, with a towel wrapped around his slim hips. Goddamn. The man is
delicious and by the way Wade’s breathing deepens, I know he agrees.

All I can say is, thank God for Connor because, as usual, he
has the ability to lighten a tense situation. “You’re late. I was beginning to
think you weren’t going to show.”

Of course this is a ruse. We’d planned for Dallas to join us
later so that we could get a couple of beers into Wade and relax him a bit.
However, despite my best efforts, Wade’s as tightly wound now as he was when he
first arrived.

“You went riding with Connor and Tessa?” His remark is a
statement not a question.

Dallas nods as he unties his towel and hangs it on the peg.
I catch my breath at the sight of him and a vision of him without his swim
trunks flashes through my dirty mind.

“You better get in this pool quick before Tessa jumps you,”
Connor jokes. But it’s Wade’s stinging gaze I feel on my face.

I’m determined to pretend like I don’t notice his reaction.
“Lord have mercy, do you men have any idea how hard it is to be semi-naked with
three such hot cowboys?”

“Three cowboys? Is that what you want, Tess?” Wade asks in a
low voice.

I move over to him and, with one knee on the bench on either
side of his thighs, I straddle him. Leaning forward, I whisper in his ear. “I
don’t know. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but now…I’m not sure I can
handle three.” I kiss him but his lips don’t move.

Suddenly, Connor grabs my arms and yanks me off Wade. He
keeps my wrists shackled behind my back. “I’ve got an idea. Let’s see just how
much cowboy, little miss city-girl can take.”

The last thing I see before Connor wraps something dark and
silky around my head, forcing me to shut my eyes, is a ferocious gleam in
Wade’s eyes. What does it mean? Is he pissed? Is he going to leave? Is he going
to make me and the other two pay for what we’re about to do? It’s hard to say.

“What are you doing?” I finally remember to ask. I’m supposed
to pretend like I’m completely surprised by this whole blindfold thing.

“We’re going to conduct a little experiment. Just to see how
well you know us.”

“Mmm,” I say smiling. “What kind of experiment?” I wriggle
my fingers out of Connor’s grasp and reach for him behind me. Fuck me, he’s
hard as a rock. For just a second he leans into my hands and lets me rub him
through his trunks, then he moves away.

“How well do you know us, Tess? Do you think you can tell
which one of us is touching you?”

Oh hell. We’d talked about this, but the thought of it and
the actuality are completely different. My clit swells and chafes against my
bikini bottoms as I wait for the kisses and caresses of the men.

“Here’s how it’s going to work. You need to guess which one
of us is touching you. If you’re right, we drink. If you’re wrong, you drink.”

“Easy.” I say.

“Oh really?”

“Mmhm. I hope you’ve got full beers, boys. Because you’re
going down.”

“I don’t think so,” Connor whispers close to my ear. He
flicks the tie around the neck of my bikini top and, as easy as that, the top
slithers down my chest.

“Hey!” I say, covering my exposed breasts.

Connor laughs and says, “Game’s started. Who was that?”

“You, you jerk,” I say, making as if to tie my top up again.

Connor stops me by taking my hand and placing a wine glass
in it. “Drink, darlin’.”


“That was Dallas who undid your top. And don’t even think
about doing it up again.”

“No shit,” I say as I take a little sip of wine and hand it
blindly back to whoever will take it from me.

“A couple of rules.” Connor says as he—at least I think it’s
Connor—takes the wine glass out of my hand and kisses my palm. “No touching.”
He places my hands on the edge of the pool, forcing me to lift my naked chest
higher. “No speaking.”

Someone grunts. I’m not sure who. Damn. I thought this was
going to be easy.

“Is everyone playing?” I ask.

“You’re just going to have to figure that out,” Connor

The water moves around me, lapping around my breasts. Even
though I can’t see, I know my nipples are peeking up just above the waterline
because the cool air on them tightens them into rock hard points.

“When you said no talking, was that a rule for me or for—”

A pair of lips silence me. Whoever it is, they aren’t
touching me anywhere but on my mouth and then just barely. A tongue flicks out
to tease my lower lip. Just when I try to touch that elusive tongue with mine,
the man moves, licking the corner of my mouth. I turn my head and his lips
graze mine before moving away.

Shit. I’m not even playing at pretending I don’t know.
“Connor?” I say tentatively.

Once again, the wineglass is placed in my hand and I drink.
So, that must have been Dallas. Or was it Wade? Is Wade playing? Did he give in
so easily?

“How do I know you aren’t lying?” I ask after handing my
wine glass back. “Maybe you guys are just trying to get me drunk.”

Instead of an answer, the water shifts around me again and I
feel someone moving close. Breathing in deeply, I try to use my sense of smell
to identify the person. But it’s no good. Everything smells like pool-water and
fresh air.

“Ahh,” I sigh. Someone has flicked my right nipple with
their tongue. I raise my chest up and out of the water and teeth abrade my
puckered flesh. Lips and teeth and tongue pull at one nipple and then the other
and for the life of me, I can’t tell who it is.

It must be Dallas. But when I whisper his name, my wineglass

“Shit,” I mutter but I have no time to wallow in my failure
when someone slips a hand around the back of my head and holds me tight in
order to kiss me. It should be easy now. It’s a full on lip lock,
tongue-duelling kiss. Hot as hell, passionate, maybe even a little angry…

“Wade,” I whisper against the man’s mouth.

In a flash he’s gone and the wineglass is back in my hands.
“I thought cowboys were supposed to be honorable? You guys have to be

Connor laughs. He’s just off to the right of me. There’s a
splashing sound and I sense someone right in front of me. So, it’s not Connor.
Okay. I can do it. Surely I can tell the difference between Wade and Dallas.
Somehow, this game has taken a different turn. It’s no longer about engaging
Wade in a little foursome-fun. It’s simply about playing the game.

Something wet grazes my nipple and is drawn up my chest around
my neck. It’s the dripping wet strap of my bathing suit. I’m just about to
complain about the fact that whoever it is, is cheating again, when the
man—Wade or Dallas—reaches around behind and undoes the rest of my top and
removes it. Hands reach for my hips and lift me up, tugging on the ties on
either side of my bikini bottoms. With the strings undone at my hips, the
bottoms can be pulled through my legs and the movement of the wet material
thrills my sensitive clit.

Before I have a chance to protest the divestment of my
bathing suit, strong hands grasp my hips, lifting me and turning me to face the
pool lip. It’s got to be Wade, but I can barely think because my hips are out
of the water now and I’m pushed forward, bending over, my ass exposed to the open

For no more than a second.

I cry out in shock and pleasure when someone spreads my ass
and their mouth closes in, tonguing me from behind. The hands that grip my hips
are strong, but all three men are strong. The tongue sweeping me from clit to
ass is wet and warm. Fuck! It could be anyone and I don’t care anymore who it
is because their tongue against my pussy feels so goddamned good.

Without warning, the man moves away and my over-heated pussy
pulses with the cool breeze left stroking me from behind. Then he returns, or
is it someone else? But instead of his mouth and tongue, his cock butts up
against my slick opening, playing with me and teasing me.

I’m so taken with the sensation of cock against clit that I
hardly notice someone sliding their legs between where my hands are propped on
the lip of the pool. Someone is sitting right in front of me and whoever it is,
takes the back of my head and gently guides me forward until another cock butts
up against my lips.

Oh hell!

I reach for him with my tongue and graze the tip while
someone else’s cock is grazing the tip of my clit. Opening my mouth, and
gyrating my hips, I do my best to encourage entrance but both men continue to
tease me; running their cocks against my two pairs of moist, inviting lips, dipping
into me only to pull out again.

My brain is a haze of fuzzy reds and purples, the color of
the blood pounding desperately through my veins. The fact I have no idea who is
doing what to me only elevates my excitement. The fact that there is a third cowboy
watching drives me fucking insane.

Someone grunts, or cries out. It could be me, I don’t know.
Whoever it is, it’s the impetus for the man standing behind me to plunge his
cock deep. The force of his thrust pushes me forward and the second man’s cock
finds a home in my open mouth. It’s like a cord attached from cock to cock runs
through me, sending erotic friction all the way through my body from my pussy,
up through my abdomen and chest, all the way through my throat.

I’ve completely given up on Connor’s rules when I blindly
reach for the man’s thighs in front of me. I hold on for dear life, working one
hand on the base of his cock while I raise and lower my mouth along his length
in time to the man plunging in and out of me from behind. With my eyes closed,
my imagination takes over. One second it’s Dallas behind me and Wade in front.
The next it’s Connor and Dallas with Wade watching.

It’s the thought of the third cowboy watching the three of
us that sends me over the edge. With a firm grip on the cock I’ve been sucking,
I raise my head and let out a guttural moan as my pussy clenches and releases
in a wondrous pulsing orgasm.

The man behind me keeps hold of my hips and gives me three
more swift-pounding thrusts.

“Wade,” I say, gasping, pulling off my blindfold and
glancing behind me.

With one more thrust, Wade embeds himself inside of me and
then slowly withdraws. By the look of his still-stiff condom-covered cock, he
hasn’t come yet.

Feeling like my legs are jelly, I collapse onto the bench
and glance up at Connor who is the man sitting on the ledge. He’s stroking his
erection and smiling irreverently at me. “Damn girl, you have quite a set of
lungs on you.”

“Enough to scare off the coyotes,” Dallas says softly as he
moves closer. His eyes are heavy lidded and sexy as hell. His hand is beneath
the water and by the way his muscles are tensed along his shoulder, I suspect
he’s busy stroking himself.

“Why don’t we take this indoors,” Wade says, moving toward
the hanging partition that separates the indoor from the outdoor pool.

I’m the last to follow, partly to enjoy the fading sunset
and partly because my legs don’t seem to want to work. I can’t keep a smile
from my face. So far we’ve managed to accomplish the first step in breaking our
cowboy. We’ve caught him and lord help me, that part of the process was a

Instead of trusting my legs, I swim through the hanging
partition to the indoor pool. We may have caught Wade, but we’re far from done.
Oh no, the hardest part is yet to come because Wade—the epitome of control—has
to learn how to give it up and it’s a lesson I don’t think he’ll take to so


Chapter Seven


up to Wade, I wrap my arms around him and kiss him full on the mouth. I’m
pleased to see his lips are soft and pliant now, unlike our first kiss of the
evening. “That was amazing,” I whisper in his ear. “The pool is definitely a
welcome edition.”

“I’m glad you like it.” He kisses me back and I worm my hand
down between us to grip his hard shaft.

“What are we going to do about this?” I ask. I turn to the
other guys who are talking quietly off to the side. “Wade’s turn,” I call.

As expected, Wade stiffens in my embrace. “Oh no,” he forces
a laugh. “I’m good. In fact, I hate to be a killjoy, but it’s been a long day.
I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll head in.” He kisses me lightly and swims toward
the pool’s edge.

I glance at Connor. He winks and I notice Dallas’s jaw
tighten with resolve. The two men follow Wade out of the pool, Dallas moving to
block the door. Oh God! Connor wasn’t lying when he said the man was
well-endowed and for just a second I forget our plan because I’m riveted by
Dallas’s impressive erection.

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