How to Find a Job: When There Are No Jobs (Book 1) a Necessary Job Search and Career Planning Guide for Today's Job Market (Find a Job Series) (5 page)

Read How to Find a Job: When There Are No Jobs (Book 1) a Necessary Job Search and Career Planning Guide for Today's Job Market (Find a Job Series) Online

Authors: Paul Rega

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Self Help, #Business, #Reference, #vocational guidance decision making & problem solving career planning, #Job Search, #career job search resume, #job hunting interviewing, #job search strategies

BOOK: How to Find a Job: When There Are No Jobs (Book 1) a Necessary Job Search and Career Planning Guide for Today's Job Market (Find a Job Series)
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In an effort to assist you in the discovery and acceptance of your career path, we will use the process of “Intuitive Personal Assessment” to rekindle your child-like fearlessness. Fear is our enemy for which we all battle from time to time and must attempt to conquer. “Intuitive Personal Assessment” or IPA is a career self-assessment tool that utilizes all of your life experiences coupled with your intuition to assist you with the discovery and acceptance of your career path.

Discovering Your Career Path

Begin to prepare yourself for the next steps of the “Intuitive Personal Assessment” process by asking yourself the following very important question: What are your specific reasons for wanting to make a career move?






“Intuitive Personal Assessment” or IPA is an individualized, self-directed twelve-step process you create using your individuality and intuition as your guide. After having previously completed step number one of IPA, the “Strength and Weakness” exercise, you will continue the IPA process by completing steps two through five with the creation of what I have termed your “Life’s Master List.” Your master list is the culmination of four separate lists you will create that will allow you to explore areas of your life such as “Your Ideas,” “Your Skills and Talents,” “Your Interests,” and “Your Values.” Your “Life’s Master List” can be described as a detailed outline of your life’s options and aspirations. The creation of your “Life’s Master List” is an important step in the IPA process towards the successful discovery of your unique and individual career path.

Begin this segment of IPA by allowing your mind to expand and focus on all of your thoughts and ideas. Your “Life’s Master List” may appear similar to that of a Christmas wish list. But that’s okay; you are trying to reach back into the depths of your mind to a point in your life you may have surrendered a long time ago, namely, your childhood. Do you recall your Christmas wish list as a child and how it took on mammoth proportions? There were no boundaries or limitations to what you wanted or the perception of what you could or could not have.

Step Two: Intuitive Personal Assessment, Your Ideas

Step Two of IPA, “Your Ideas” is the first of four lists you will develop to assist you to identify and achieve your career objectives. “Your Ideas” is a list you personally create highlighting all of your ideas. 

* Please refer to the work sheet titled, “Your Ideas.”

Use this worksheet to make a list of all your ideas as crazy and absurd as they may seem to you. This is the time to allow your mind to be free and list all of your ideas about anything that you have ever thought of. The ideas you indicate on your list do not necessarily need to be career related.  Remember, you alone are in control during this exercise and will decide what is and what is not relevant.

An example of a potential idea for “Your Ideas” list may be the startup of a business to assist other companies to develop and organize all aspects of their computer file systems. The system you develop for your customers would emphasize a high tech and high touch relationship between computers and a hard copy system. Another example of an idea may be the development of a pretzel and nut combination snack, where the nut is attached to the pretzel with a chocolate or caramel coating. Consider the development of a new and funky toilet seat that illuminates or glows in the dark for easy location during the evening hours.

I think you see my point as your list of ideas is about you and what you care about. Your idea list can be comprised of anything your imagination can conceive or wants it to be. Set your mind free, and enjoy yourself during this step of the “Intuitive Personal Assessment” process.

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 2

Your Ideas






Step Three: Intuitive Personal Assessment

Your Skills and Talents

Step Three of IPA, “Your Skills and Talents” is the second of four lists you will create highlighting all of your skills and talents, both innate and learned. 

* Please refer to the work sheet titled, “Your Skills and Talents, Innate and Learned.”

For example, you may be an excellent skier, writer, organizer, or negotiator.  Be as specific and detail oriented as you can with this list. Do not be concerned with being vain or self-absorbed during this step of “Intuitive Personal Assessment.”  Relax and allow yourself to become self-absorbed as you develop your personal list of your skills and talents.

Each one of us has been blessed with certain innate talents and skills that we have been born with. An example may be your unique artistic talent or a special musical or athletic ability. You may have been born with exceptionally strong leg or arm muscles enabling you to be a very fast runner or weight lifter. In addition, you may have certain talents and skills due to what you have learned. These specific skills and talents should be made part of your skill and talent list. Further, you may have developed certain areas of your life that combine innate and learned skills or talents. Those particular skills and talents should also be added to your master list.

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 3

Your Skills and Talents, Innate and Learned






Step Four: Intuitive Personal Assessment, Your Interests

Step Four of IPA is the creation of a list highlighting all your interests and the things that excite and inspire you. Be honest and forthright with your feelings and thoughts during this segment. Do not be afraid to indicate all of your interests. Remember, these are your personal notes, so be free, pure, and uninhibited. You may currently have or have had children between the ages of two and three years and are familiar with what is known as “The Terrible Twos.” A child’s attitude towards life during this particular age bracket is almost totally without consequence. Try to visualize having a similar demeanor and mentality as a two year old at this point in your IPA exercise. Allow your mind to be uninhibited and without fear of any perceived consequences. Be fearless and accepting of your unique interests and allow yourself to be open-minded as you create your IPA list of interests. 

* Please refer to the work sheet entitled “Your Interests, Things that Excite and Inspire You.”

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 4

Your Interests, Things that Excite and Inspire You






Step Five: Intuitive Personal Assessment, Your Values

Step Five of “Intuitive Personal Assessment” is the fourth and final list you will create, highlighting your values including what you care about and what is important to you. This segment of IPA will require a great deal of thought, reflection and contemplation. 

Values may have very different meaning for each individual. For example you may have a very strong desire and internal need to assist poor children in this country. You realize that children born into poverty often do not have a good chance to succeed in life and are caught in an inescapable cycle of poverty when they become adults.

The core of your soul may be exposed during this segment of IPA if you allow it. The key to succeed with step five of IPA is to completely trust your intuition and let it communicate with you. Start to trust and rely on your intuition by beginning to accept and act on what it is telling you. If you can train yourself to become more aware of your intuition and listen to what it is telling you, followed by acceptance and action, you will be able to discover your unique career path.

* Please refer to the work sheet titled, “Your Values, Things You Care About and Feel are Important.”

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 5

Your Values, Things You Care About and Feel are Important






Your Goals, the Intuitive Process Put into Action

Once you have completed the first five steps of “Intuitive Personal Assessment,” you are ready to proceed to step six of IPA and begin the creation of a unique goal-setting and achievement process.

Setting goals and taking action to achieve your goals as they relate to your ideas, skills, interests and your values will enable you to visualize and accomplish your career objectives. Your goals are a tool and a vehicle that encourage action through visualization and decisive movement towards your desired career. 

To gain the greatest benefit from IPA during the goal setting process, incorporate as many of your personal thoughts from each of the previous five steps of IPA. The goal segment of IPA is based on the principle of establishing and maintaining balance in all of life’s seven components including: Health (Mental and Physical), Family, Knowledge, Relationships, Spiritual, Financial, and Career. Balance is the key to life’s longevity and by achieving balance in your life your career will prosper.

Step Six: Intuitive Personal Assessment, Your Goals

Begin step six of “Intuitive Personal Assessment” by establishing a number of goal related statements under your first goal heading of Health, Mental and Physical.

Health, Mental and Physical, One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by 01/01/14

* One year past the current date.

* Please refer to the work sheet entitled “Health, Mental and Physical, One Year Goal and Achievement Plan” IPA step number six.


GOAL #1:
Maintain my total cholesterol level at or below 200. Increase HDL to a level greater than 45 and reduce the LDL to a level less than 130. Maintain my triglycerides at 117 or below, decrease total cholesterol HDL ratio to 4.6.

GOAL #2:
Continue my workout schedule of four to five days per week with a combination of exercise programs emphasizing aerobics. Lift weights to strengthen my entire body. Incorporate stretching exercises into my workout. Include martial arts, tennis, golf and skiing into the program.

GOAL #3:
Work up to four massages per month at the health club.

Be very specific regarding each goal related statement and try to visualize your goals possibly using pictures, signs, etc. to help reinforce your thoughts. There is no limit to the number of goals you may choose in any segment. However, it is important to realize that you do have some limitations and must try to set realistic and achievable goals.

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 6

Health, Mental and Physical

One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by:  / /






* Once you feel comfortable with the number and quality of your specific health-related goals, begin the next goal segment, namely, the subject of Family, by using the following heading:

Family, One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by 01/01/14

* Please refer to the worksheet entitled “Family One Year Goal and Achievement Plan” IPA step number seven.


GOAL #1:
Spend at least one hour per day during the week with my children and one full day on the weekends.

GOAL #2:
Plan a vacation with my children twice per year to go fishing, boating, skiing etc.

GOAL #3:
Plan a vacation once per year with a trip out West in 2014.

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 7


One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by:  / /






* Once you are comfortable with your Family Goals, begin the next goal segment of Relationships with the heading of:

Relationships, One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by 01/01/14

* Please refer to the worksheet entitled “Relationships, One Year Goal and Achievement Plan” IPA step number eight.


GOAL #1:
Continue to build and nurture current friendships and establish new relationships in our community.

GOAL #2:
Plan a canoe or rafting trip with some of our friends in the spring of 2014.

GOAL #3:
Plan a ski trip with Doug out West.

GOAL #4:
Continue to coach and become more involved in our youth soccer program.

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 8


One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by:  / /






* Once you are satisfied with your Relationship goals, move forward to step nine of IPA representing your Spiritual Goals. Begin with the heading:

Spiritual, One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by 01/01/14

* Please refer to the worksheet entitled “Spiritual, One Year Goal and Achievement Plan” IPA step number nine.


GOAL #1:
Learn more about Christianity and begin to study other religions. Completely reread the New Testament of the Bible and continue reading the Old Testament. Listen to CD’s on these subjects as well.

GOAL #2:
Discuss what I learn about the New Testament with my children and establish specific times to do this. Plan to locate a new church in our community.

GOAL #3:
Further study Tai Chi and begin to work out more with this style. Contact Preston and train with him once again. Incorporate more Yoga into my schedule and further my studies in the Martial Arts. Begin to study eastern philosophies and their cultures.

GOAL #4:
Develop more confidence in myself and learn to appreciate my success. Begin to reward myself after each accomplishment.

GOAL #5:
Continue to write and think about human experiences. Develop a schedule for writing and do more research and strive for consistency. 

Intuitive Personal Assessment, Step: 9


One Year Goal and Achievement Plan to be Completed by:  / /


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