How to Hook a Bookworm (2 page)

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Not that I would’ve told anyone.

“I lied.” I pop my gum again. “I don’t lie to her anymore though.”

“So… you’ve never been kissed.”

“Seriously Adam, it’s not a big surprise. I have like three friends. Four if you count my brother. People don’t talk to me, and I don’t talk to them.” I shrug and kick a loose rock across the lot. Adam’s hood creaks like his door as he shuts it, and I can’t help but snort…

“Is that why you think it’s an impossible wish?” He slides next to me, arm bumping mine as he cleans his hands off.

“If it hasn’t happened before I’m sixteen, doubt it will happen before I’m seventeen.” I roll my head over to look at him and smile. “Maybe eighteen when I’m forced to socialize with people my own age. And that’s if I find someone to stand me long enough to kiss me.”

“Stop that.” He tosses the oil rag over his shoulder into the open window. He folds his arms, but not before he pushes his glasses back in place. The look he gives me is similar to the one I get from Levi when I’m being a real pain in the butt. “You’re not as bad as you think, you know.”

Only Adam would say that. He finds the good in everybody, I swear. Even me, who has about an ounce of it in my whole body.

“Thanks. I guess.”

“Was that gratitude? See, you’re getting better at it.”

I knock him with my hip, and pick up his wrist to look at his watch. 10:22.

“I’ll be officially sixteen in three minutes. Want to take bets on if I’ll get my wish this upcoming year?”

“Did what you wish last year come true?”

I grab my boobs, give them a nice squeeze, and then wiggle them up and down. “Sure feels like it.” I smirk back up at Adam who has gone Hawaiian Punch red. Just the reaction I wanted.

“So, are you going to wish for a kiss this year?” he mumbles out of his adorable blush.

“No. I want my wish to come true, Adam. Need something more realistic.”

“Stop being so cynical. You’re a beautiful girl, and you’re funny. You’ll find someone to kiss you.”

His hand lightly taps the skin by my elbow, letting me know he’s about to lean over me. He reaches inside the car to the Target bags and dumps the contents over the hood. I watch him rip the candle package four times before he actually gets through the cardboard to the big huge “You’re Sixteen!” decorated wax.

“I think you’re the only one who sees that in me. But thank you.”

A grin quirks at the corner of his lips, but his eyes are focused on opening the big Reese’s cup he got me. “More gratitude. You’re doing so well tonight.” He checks his watch and cranks his head over his shoulder. “And we still have one minute before you’re officially sixteen. I’ll find someone to kiss you before then so you don’t have to wish for it.” His eyes frantically search the empty parking lot, and when he gazes back at my not-so-amused expression, he snaps his fingers and goes back to my impromptu birthday treat. “Damn, guess I’ll have to make sure it happens next year.”

Because I like seeing his ears flame red, I say, “Why don’t you do it?”

“That’s what I just said.” He laughs. This is my chance to take it back, but next year…he won’t be around. Why does he keep talking like he’s going to be here forever? Whatever big time university he ends up at will be far from me, and my seventeenth birthday.

“I meant, why don’t
kiss me?”

Just like I thought they would, his ears go up in smoke. “Huh?”

“Give me my first kiss. And do it quick. Before I’m sixteen. Then I can wish for something else when I blow out my candle. Win-win.”

He scratches the top of his head, smooshing several of his reddish spikes and still holding the candle in his hand. “You serious? I can’t tell.”

“Yeah, I’m serious.”

“And you’re okay with that? No weirdness?”

“No weirdness. Promise. I just, want to feel less lame about it. I don’t know.” My palms fill with sweat. Did I seriously just ask him that? I’ve lost my freaking mind. Must be the fumes from the beat up car. “Forget it. We’re running out of time anyway.”

He lets out a breath, setting down the candle and turning toward me. “You can’t tell Levi. He’d beat the shit out of me.”

I laugh, because like Levi would beat the shit out of anyone. Maybe give him a stern talking to.

Adam gulps and looks me straight on, his brown eyes light and friendly, but also kind of nervous. “And you gotta promise you won’t get mad that I took something that could’ve been highly special for you. First kisses are big. But they’re awkward too, so don’t expect fireworks, ‘kay?”

I roll my eyes, because he should know better. I’m not
girl. I don’t get bubbly or excited about this kind of stuff, even though everyone and their mom thinks I should. I want my first kiss from someone I trust. And before I’m fifty-two and losing my hair.

“It will be special, Adam. You’re my best friend.”

He smirks, checks his watch again, then settles his hands on my cheeks. “I do know how to be a friend,” he says, then his lips inch their way closer to mine. I don’t have time to change my mind or back out or tell him I was sort of joking. And once he’s kissing me, I’m glad I didn’t.

My hands automatically plant themselves to the sides of his shirt. I don’t dream about this stuff, so I don’t know how my body knows what to do, but it does. And the first kiss always seemed like it was overrated to me, but I can see that I severely under…under…underestimated its value.

I feel connected to him on a much deeper level than I ever thought I could. Like it’s just his lips, but it’s a part of Adam I haven’t seen before. It makes me happy that he’s letting me experience it—that he trusts me enough to know how his lips move when he kisses. How gentle his hands are. How controlled he is, yet uncontrollable too. He breaks away before I have a chance to get
into it, but I feel every moment of that kiss as if it were a million moments.

Adam grins, drops his hands, and immediately plops the candle into the Reese’s Big Cup. He clicks the lighter on and puts it in my face as he lights it up. “Now that I’ve proved you wrong, you can wish for another wish that you think is impossible…but really isn’t.”

I bite my smile back, focusing on the reflection the flame makes in Adam’s glasses. Maybe this year, I can find it in me to let go of the attitude, make friends who are my age, and try to be happy. I wonder if Adam laces his kisses with caffeine or something, because I feel like I’m on a major high. Closing my eyes, I suck in a breath and hold it.

I wish for a better heart so someone will want a piece of it.

Then I let the air out, the flame disappearing into smoke that floats over Adam’s head and into the night sky.

Chapter 2

I know I wished for a better heart, but a hot new guy with some serious cash is good too.


Okay…people are acting really weird today.

I mean, the people in my school always act weird, but they’re acting

My eyes scan our cafeteria, my brows inching lower and lower as I try to figure out why it’s so loud in here. Why the popular beauties are suddenly talking to the science geeks. Why the nerd table isn’t playing their Dungeons and Dragons game. Why are even the teachers buzzing with the lunch staff? Seriously… what’s going—

“It has happened.”

I jolt in my seat as Jolie, one of my four friends, takes her normal spot across from me. Her lunch tray is overloaded with lettuce and a big orange juice because she won’t eat anything other than salad at school. Last year Steve Harpes gave her shit about eating two slices of pizza and hitting the vending machines for a Snickers. Jolie’s a bit on the heavy side, but what the hell is it Steve’s business what she eats?

I pick a crouton off her plate and ask, “What has happened?”

“You know all those movies when the hot new guy appears out of thin air, in the middle of the semester, only to sweep you off your feet with his accent and money? Well, apparently, that’s not a fantasy. It
happens. And Orchard High is now one of those movies. We just have to figure out what lucky girl will be playing the lead.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

Her fork pauses on her ranch covered lettuce as she glares at me. She doesn’t like it when I cuss. I try to keep it to a minimum around her, but sometimes I forget.

Sierra plops down on the other side of me with a gusty sigh she usually reserves for my brother. “Have you guys seen him yet?” She settles her chin on her hand with a lovesick look on her face. I wrinkle my nose. “Don’t give me that look, Brea. He’s quite possibly the sexiest sixteen-year-old I’ve ever seen.”

Jolie laughs, sliding a big chunk of lettuce past her teeth. Ranch collects in the corner of her mouth, but she quickly licks it away. “You have a boyfriend. Let the rest of us ogle.”

“Oh, Levi is still the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen. Hands down.”

“Even in that old band uniform?” Jolie waves her fork in teeny circles, suppressing another laugh.

“Especially then,” Sierra answers, then she goes back into blissful sighs. “The way that sash hangs across that muscular torso, and oh, those red slacks make his butt look so tight and—”

“Okay, that’s my limit.” I hold my hand up before she keeps going. I’ll let girl talk slide, as long as I don’t have to hear about my brother’s tight anything. My eyes desperately search for Adam’s red-brown hair in the crowd. He always comes to my rescue, and I need him stat.

“Adam’s not here today,” Sierra says before she reaches over and snags one of Jolie’s croutons as well. Jolie jabs her in the back of the hand with her fork. “He’s got some major sinus thing going on. I was going to go over later with movies and soup to keep him occupied while he’s out of commission. You wanna come?”

I slouch back in my seat, sniffing a few times to see if I’ve caught anything because of my proximity to Adam last night, but all seems okay. The cold must’ve hit him out of nowhere or he’s lying his ass off, because he was totally fine twelve hours ago. “He doesn’t like soup. But yeah, I want to come.”

Sierra’s forehead wrinkles, and she puts her slice of pizza to her lips. “Yes he does. I give him some every time he’s sick.”

“He’s too nice to tell you he hates it.”

“And you know this how…?”

I shrug. “He told me.” It was actually pretty funny. I caught him dumping the last cup Sierra brought him in his dog’s food dish. His face when he saw me looking was priceless. Half panic, half embarrassment, then he begged me with his eyes not to say anything… whoops. Forgot about that part. My bad.

“Don’t tell him I told you,” I dart in to cover my butt. Adam will figure it out though. I’ll make it up to him somehow.

Jolie’s fork drops out of her hand, and she stares bug-eyed at something over my left shoulder. “Holy. Freaking. Shit.”

Jolie just cursed. I almost comment on it, but Sierra laughs interrupting me.

“I told you. Sexy… wet panty level.”

Curse my curiosity. My head swivels around just to see just exactly how much Sierra’s exaggerating.

But she isn’t. Not in the least.

I can’t believe it, but the second my eyes land on him…whoever this piece of heaven is…my hearing goes fuzzy, my vision blurry, and my skin numb. I blink a few times to try to get a grip on myself, because I know I’m swaying and swooning like every other female in this room, and probably a few of the males too. Hell, anyone with eyes.

His dark hair is styled up in front, and a cowlick in the back that makes him look GQ sexy. He’s got a wide grin on his face so he doesn’t look like a complete douche. He’s wearing a leather jacket that’s probably worth as much as Levi’s moped, but he shrugs it off to sit in a seat across from who the hell knows because I can’t tear my eyes from him. The whitest T-shirt I’ve ever seen on a high school student pulls across his chest and hugs his arms.

“You…you said he’s sixteen?” I croak, and big bubbled laughter jolts me out of the new guy trance and back to reality.

“Is Brea actually expressing interest in a guy…
out loud
?” Sierra grabs Jolie’s arm and laughs again. “Check the thermostat! Hell must be freezing over!”

“You guys are dorks.” I laugh, but I can’t help the blush creeping through my neck and cheeks. I pull my long hair around and quickly start braiding it, just to give my hands something to do. Wish I had my sketchbook. “I was just asking because he doesn’t look sixteen.”

They exchange a glance like they know I’m full of shit, but they won’t call me out on it. Sierra takes a sip from her water bottle, then cracks her neck as if she’s about to give a speech in the auditorium. “Yes, he’s sixteen. A sophomore, like you. His mom just married Greg Garrick—yeah, the gajillionaire—and he took his last name probably to inherit that major fortune. So he moved out here, and his mom insisted he go to public school, not private like Greg wanted him to, because she wanted things to be as normal as possible or whatnot. He’s in Debate with me, and he’s ah-maz-ing…either that or I was way too distracted to give a good rebuttal. Don’t you dare tell Levi any of this because I love Levi and there is no point in getting him all revved up and jealous over something so stu—”

“Sierra, I don’t talk to Levi about really anything. So don’t worry about it.”

“So, you think you’ll talk to the new guy?”

Jolie and Sierra lean in with big eyes, and I bolt out a laugh. “Guys, just because he’s my age doesn’t mean we have enough in common for me to just walk up and talk to him.” I shake my head and play with the cap from my juice. “Besides, I make better friends with seniors. You know that.”

Sierra’s smile widens. “Especially Ad—”

“We’re leaving at the end of the year.” Jolie cuts Sierra off, picking her fork up and diving into her salad. “You may as well make friends with people in your grade or high school will become a very lonely place for you.”

Sierra nods, and I guess whatever she had to say about Adam wasn’t that important. I won’t tell them that school is already a lonely place, and that every time they talk about graduating I want to flee the conversation like an elephant flees from a mouse. But she has a point, and I should let myself open up enough to at least make one more friend who won’t be graduating this year.

Problem with that is, the one time I let someone in, he picked up and left.






My bladder is the size of a peanut. I knew I shouldn’t have had that full thing of apple juice, plus the rest of Jolie’s orange juice, but I had to keep chugging so I wouldn’t look over my shoulder every two seconds. And keeping my lips busy was priority one with all the he’s-so-hot-you-better-make-a-move talk. But I’m paying for it now. I practically had to get on my knees before Ms. Weber finally let me take the bathroom pass.

I’m just getting to the girls’ room in the main hallway when I spot a tall guy with a bright white T-shirt shining under his jacket walking my way. My feet lose the ability to function properly, and I trip right into the water fountain.

He smiles as he gets closer, and I know the appropriate response is to smile back, but I can’t make myself do it. I need in the bathroom now!

“Hey,” he says with a wave as he passes. He sounds so casual. Like, “Dude, we know each other. What’s up?” I straighten my stance and try to get my feet to move again.


I turn my neck to watch him retreat, letting my gaze float to his ass. But he turns around on me, and suddenly I’m looking dead on his crotch. My eyes zap up as my face flames.

His mouth forms an “o” and he snaps his finger. “Do you know where the G hall is?”

I gulp, and nod, pointing over his right shoulder. “Two hallways down, take a left, then a right. It’s kind of hidden away.”

He lets out a sigh of relief and throws me a smile that must’ve been given to him by gods. “
Thank you
. I’ve been looking for it all day. It’s my last class, and I figured I’d get a hall pass just to find the damn thing.”

I laugh, and I’m surprised it comes out completely normal. I feel like I’m clenching every body part. “It took me a year to find the guidance counselor’s office. This place is a maze.”

“Tell me I’ll get the hang of it at some point.”

“Just follow the crowd. You’ll eventually get blown into a classroom and maybe learn something.”

He laughs, and it’s gravelly but light, and damn it…so, so fine. “What grade you in?”


“Me too.” He takes a step back toward me and the water fountain. I jam my hands in my pockets because I have no idea what to do with them. “I’m Jay. Not the letter…but the actual name…” He puts a hand over his face and mumbles through his fingers. “That sounded much smoother in my head.”

He could’ve said his name was Dinkleberry, and I would’ve swooned in my pants. “I’m Brea. Like the cheese, but with an accent.”

“See, that’s a smooth introduction.”

Now, to find a smooth way out of this conversation so I don’t end up doing the potty dance in front of him.

“Well, I um…gotta get back to class. Come find me if you need any more navigation expertise.”

“Oh…” His smile twitches like he’s trying hard to keep it there. “Um, I will. Thanks again.”

“No problem.” I’m not trying to blow him off. I’m trying to prevent an accident here. But I don’t have time to reassure him, so I turn on my heel and walk as casually as possible around the corner. Once I’m out of his sight, I bolt to the nearest restroom. It’s not till I’m washing my hands that I realize I had a pretty normal conversation with someone outside of my circle of friends. Let’s hope my bladder shuts the hell up if I get the chance for another one.

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