How to Kill a Ghost (11 page)

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Authors: Audrey Claire

BOOK: How to Kill a Ghost
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A sense of urgency came over me, and I jumped to my feet, cutting off Monica’s speech. I focused so hard on locating my body that I didn’t say a word to her. I winked out. First, I blinked in to a road not far from my house. I searched the area. In the distance, I heard Monica scream my name, and a car engine roared to life. I should have told her I’d be back, but what if I lost this opportunity? What if the person who brought me there killed my body to cut all ties to the incident in the hardware store? I envisioned in my head several different places in town and then willed myself there. Nothing. At last, I arrived on the opposite side of town to where I lived. The road led out of town and eventually to the highway. Here there were lights enough to see a woman standing at the side of the road. I materialized behind a tree and started out to confront her. She hadn’t seen me yet.

Shock hit my system, rendering me speechless and unable to concentrate. I faded from view and blinked to clear my vision, but my sight was already fine.


The woman standing there on the edge of town was—
. My face, my body. Different clothes and style, but I knew myself. That made no sense. Could I have a twin sister? I supposed it was possible because I didn’t know anything about my family. Come to think of it, Isabelle had said the person who had attacked me might have a connection to me, and she would use that connection in order to draw them to Summit’s Edge. That must be it. Yet, I couldn’t get myself together enough to materialize and question her. Then there was the fact that I sensed my own body.
was me. Not a twin.

Tires squealed to a stop behind me, and I ducked into hiding although I couldn’t be seen. Monica hurled herself from her car. “Libby!” She ran straight past me to the woman and threw her arms around her. The stranger stood stark still, saying nothing. I imagined she was just as shocked.

Monica drew away and looked into the woman’s face. “What are you doing out here? You just disappeared and didn’t say anything. I thought you weren’t coming back.”

What my friend said corresponded with everything that just happened between us, but in that instant, I realized it could be interpreted differently by the outsider. One day suddenly I disappeared without a trace, and Monica thought I wasn’t coming back. Weeks had passed, and then here I was. For all intents and purposes, that might have happened. Except, I had continued my life as a ghost. Monica knew this, but maybe this

Sobbing because I had in essence told her I was leaving, Monica dragged the new Libby to her car and stuffed her in. To my surprise, this person didn’t resist. Maybe curiosity kept her silent. Just in case the person sensed me as I sensed my body, I didn’t ride in the car. I risked floating higher above it as Monica headed back to my house. In the still night with the windows down, I picked up her shrill voice. She rambled on and on about Jake and how he would feel. I wondered that my friend hadn’t figured it out yet. I had left the house in one outfit and ended up on the edge of town in another. Maybe she thought it was within my abilities, or her emotions were too raw to notice. Monica must be too distracted to wonder how solid this person felt, so different from my simulated form.

We arrived at my house, and I maintained my distance until we entered the house. I phased through the wall while Monica opened the door and led the other me into the kitchen. She sat her down and began making tea, her hands shaking. My heart went out to Monica, and I thought about what to do.

Hesitant, I positioned myself in front of the person, watching, waiting. No reaction. Her gaze passed through me to Monica. Curiosity sparked in the depths along with something else I couldn’t put my finger on. Watching my own face freaked me out, but now I was sure. There was someone else inside my body. I should have realized it was a possibility since I could possess a person in this form. What did it mean? Who was this person?

I waited while Monica made the tea, and then she brought over a single cup. The stranger reached for it to slide it closer and add sugar. Monica frowned and opened her mouth to speak. I leaped to her and touched her arm. “Don’t scream,” I whispered.

Monica gasped and then covered by coughing. The woman looked up at her. I stood behind Monica frozen.

“Are you okay?” the woman asked. My voice. Goose bumps would have prickled my skin if I had been in it.

“I’m fine.” Monica forced a smile. “Um, I’m going to check on something real quick. Be right back, okay?”

The woman made a small sound of agreement and sipped the hot brew. Monica stared for a few seconds. I knew how to pretend to drink tea, but I never bothered when it was just my best friend and me. She had made the cup for herself and been surprised when this person assumed it was for her.

Monica walked into the hall, and I floated by, whispering, “my room.”

We headed there and shut the door. Monica faced me as I materialized. “What the heck is going on, Libby? How are you in two places at once?”

“I’m not. Well, not technically.” I paced. “That’s not me out there.”

“You think?”

I gave her a reproving look for the sarcasm. “Someone jumped into my body, Monica, and is living in it. I didn’t think it was possible, and it’s freaking me out.”

“You’re freaked out?” she echoed. “I invited that imposter into your house and gave her tea!”

“That’s not so bad.”


“Shh.” I put my fingers to my lips and stuck my head through the door. The hall was clear, and I leaned back in.

Monica groaned. “Would you not do that? It’s creepy.”

“You should be used to it by now.”

“I’m losing it. First you run out on me. Now there’s two of you.”

“I didn’t run out on you, Monica.” I hugged her. “I’m sorry it looked like it, but I sensed her, and I didn’t want her to get away.”

“So that really is your body?”

I nodded. “Unfortunately.”

“What the heck has she been doing with it all this time?”

All kinds of bad images popped into my head, and I sank to my bed and held my head in my hands. A knock on the door made us both jump, and I hopped to my feet then faded from view. Monica wrenched the door open, and there stood the imposter. I prayed she hadn’t heard me speak.

“What are you doing?” the person said.

Monica charged past her. “Nothing.” They both entered the kitchen with me trailing behind. “Do you want some more tea?”

“No. You mentioned Jake…my son,” the fake said. “Where is he?”

The eagerness in her tone grabbed my attention, and I floated around to see into her face. Monica caught it too and stared. Fear crawled up my back at the malice in the eyes that were mine. I had never wished ill on anyone, but here it was in my own gaze. I hated it but felt so helpless.

“Where’s Jake,” the person repeated.

Monica scowled and put a hand on her hip. “You should know. You took him there, Libby.”

Silence reigned, and then the person stepped closer to Monica. I floated back so she wouldn’t come into contact with the chilled air around me. Her eyes narrowed on my friend but as was Monica’s way, she didn’t back down.

“Are you in there?” the woman asked.

Monica blinked. “What’s your deal, Libby?”

The woman hesitated.

“Did you get hurt while you were gone? Maybe we should go to the hospital and get you checked out. Everyone was worried about you, and I’ve been looking everywhere.”

Monica, sweetie, you should win an Oscar for this performance.

The fake Libby straightened and seemed to accept Monica’s act. She forced a smile. “Something to eat would be great, if you have anything.”

“Of course! You know how much I love to cook.” Monica moved about the kitchen preparing food. I followed her, trying to figure out a way to get her a message. Whoever this person was, they had no idea right now that this was my house and not Monica’s. I hoped Monica could keep her in the dark a little while longer because I wouldn’t ask Monica to feed me in my own house. I would cook it.

Finding no other way to signal her, I squeezed Monica’s hand, hoping she realized I was leaving everything up to her for the time being. I needed advice and fast. I dared not call to Ian in case his brother followed, so the next best person would be Isabelle. She might be able to give me insight as to how to handle the stranger. I would get back to her soon and trust Monica could take care of herself.

Chapter Eleven


I willed myself to the hall outside of Isabelle’s hospital room and scanned the area. No one was in sight, so I started to materialize. Clark’s voice boomed through Isabelle’s open door as he lectured her, and I froze. For an instant, I stood in the doorway. Clark’s back turned, I let Isabelle see me, and then I faded out. At her bedside, I leaned down and whispered. “Please, get rid of him. It’s important.”

Clark started and swung around, frowning. “Did I just hear Libby?”

“Darn your ears,” Isabelle declared, confusing him even more.

“What is that supposed to mean?” he grumbled. “What are you hiding from me, Isabelle?”

She affected a yawn. “I’m hiding that you’re abusing your position by staying past the visitor cut-off hour, and I’m tired. I guess you don’t care about your sister at all. Maybe you want me in here.”

Her half-teasing, half-serious tone wiped me from his thoughts. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll stop by in the morning.”

“If it’s to browbeat me, Clark, please don’t come.” She busied her hands straightening the sheets around her, and he kissed her head in an awkward movement.

“I won’t.” He straightened and shoved his hands into his pockets, defeated, and left the room.

Once I was sure he was gone, I materialized and shut the door then turned back to Isabelle. “You’re amazing with him.”

She waved a hand. “Years of practice. You look odd. Get right to it, Libby. I wasn’t lying to my brother when I said I’m beat. Did something happen?”

I approached the bed. All my worry resurfaced as I thought about the situation. “I’m at my house right now.”

Isabelle blinked at me, and I rushed to explain.

“I don’t know how it’s possible, but someone is inside my body. Or maybe it’s one of those things. What do you call it? Um, a doppelganger?”

Isabelle shook her head. “Too much of a coincidence, and a doppelganger doesn’t necessarily have a connection to you.”

I didn’t like it that she had taken me seriously. No one wanted to believe another person existed in the world with his or her face.

“You said you felt it?” she asked.

“Yes, as soon as she entered our town I knew. Ian told me once I’m still tethered to my body because it’s mine, but that tether is weakening.”

Isabelle’s eyes went out of focus, and she rubbed her forehead.

“I’m sorry. I should—”


I fell silent.

She looked at me. “Did you look—or your body rather—did it look sick?”

Terror struck me hard, and I winked out. Isabelle called my name. I hovered in the room, but for a few minutes I couldn’t say a word that she would hear or even show myself.

“I know you’re still here, Libby. I feel you,” she whispered. “This is scary. I can’t imagine how awful it must be for you. Just know, I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stick by your side, and if the worse happens, you can stay with me. I promise.”

Her words moved my heart, but they did not make me feel better. Still, it helped to know one more person other than Ian would be a companion if I couldn’t make contact with the living anymore. After some time, I was able to settle down and show myself, if just a transparent form. Isabelle accepted it and didn’t ask for more. Although I saw curiosity and impatience in her gaze, she remained silent and waited for me to speak.

“There’s a person or being called Death. He places his mark on people to collect them. I don’t know if the mark draws him to the person or pulls them from their body at an appropriate time. I just know the mark means death.”

Isabelle paled more than she already was. “Certain?”

I nodded.


“Two to ten years.” I drew courage around me like protection, but it felt weak and flimsy. “When a spirit possesses a person, he has a limited amount of time to stay in there. Otherwise, he can cause the mark to appear.”

The full impact of what I was saying seemed to hit her, and she fell back against her pillows. She shut her eyes, and I began to wonder if I should call a nurse. When thirty seconds passed, and she said nothing, I started toward the door. Her voice stopped me.

“Libby, can you see the mark?”

I hesitated. “I’m able to, in this form.”

Isabelle seemed just as hesitant to hear the truth as I was to share it. “Did you see a mark on your body’s forehead?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it, and now that I’m trying to remember, her—
—hair lay over my forehead. I can’t be sure.”

“You’ll have to look.”

“Yes, I know.” That was the last thing I wanted to do. Just thinking after going through all of this I might still die was too much for me to handle. A sharp dislike of the person occupying my body came over me, and I wanted to go back home to face her head-on. Then what? How did I get her to leave my body? Was it a matter of jumping in and evicting her? The thought seemed ludicrous. After all, the body belonged to me. Maybe I needed to order her out, command her or something. “Isabelle, how do I get my body back even if…no matter what state it’s in?”

“That’s a good question.”

I groaned. “Meaning you don’t know the answer?”

“I’m new to this just as you are.” Two spots of red appeared on her cheeks.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” I materialized fully and sat on the side of her bed. We were both silent for a few moments. I was just about to say I needed to check on Jake to see what he was up to. Then I recalled this was not my home, and Jake wasn’t with me. The dark cloud resettled itself above my head, but I squared my shoulders. I would fight. “I can try to get inside my body and kick her out from the inside.”

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