How to Light Her Fire!

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Learn From a Woman What Women Really Want


How to Light Her Fire!




Madame X





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Are you bombing out with your honey?

Is she avoiding sex and you think a hair transplant or penis enlargement will help?

Think again.


All of the ads have it wrong. They’re sucking up clueless men by feeding the myth that a big penis will make a woman happy.


They’re so wrong it’s amazing they stay in business.


They stay in business, however, because their customers are clueless and desperate to score with women. Men, knowing their mates are unhappy, have no idea why or what to do about it, so they spend a fortune getting hair transplants and trying to make their penis’ larger.




If it were simply a matter of hair, why do most women adore Dr Phil?

And my friend’s husband had a penis so large that after sex, she walked straddle-legged for several days. But she still divorced him.



She wasn't getting what she really wanted--and needed as much as she needed air to breathe.


Want fireworks in your bedroom?
Learn how to light her fire!

If she's not happy, you might as well do it yourself.


Let me tell you what women
want. Let me tell you about


won't tell you,
I will


Satisfy Her
- In Bed and Out


Learn from a woman what a woman wants!












Are Women Naturally Cold Creatures?
Why Do Women Avoid Sex?
Touchy, feely


Hygiene - One Big Turn-Off
Beard Stubble
You Were Right: Men & Women
The Emotional Connection Women Crave
The Differences Between Dogs & Cats and How They Relate
To You in Your Relationship


You Want It and She Doesn’t. What Can You Do?
The 2 Surefire Ways to Get her Interested
Physical Techniques Women Like:


The Art of Kissing
Positions and Why They’re Important
Clitoris & Vagina
How to Perform Oral Sex on Her
Sex Toys
The ‘G’ Spot


Why Are They So Popular?
What Can You Learn From Them?





Are We Naturally Cold Creatures?


Women are wonderful. We’re warm, curvy, cuddly, and we have soft bodies that are wonderful to cuddle with, and of course, we can offer to have some of the best sex you can imagine.


We can be a friend, lover, mother of your children, partner at home and/or in business, and we can do them all very well - if we’re in love.


Once you’re lucky enough to have one of us fall in love with you, we’ll give our hearts fully and without reserve. And, we’re loyal and will be in love forever. We’ll also forgive most anything you do - if you express true sorrow, regret, and demonstrate that you love us more than anything else in the world.


And for those of you who wonder, yes, women want sex just as much as men, although circumstances sometimes interfere with our desires. The only difference is that a woman can postpone sex without much difficulty and concentrate on other urgent matters, such as a sick child or the need to prepare dinner.


We can also revert from a sex kitten to a spitting tiger in an instant. Your job is to keep us happy. If we’re happy, I can almost guarantee you’ll be happy - in every way.







Why Do Women Avoid Sex?


The biggest compliant I’ve heard from men is that their lady never wants sex and only gives in after endless begging and pleading. The men say they have the bad luck to have a frigid mate.


Let me clue you in; most women aren’t frigid, and I bet I’d be safe to bet your lady isn’t either. She just doesn’t want sex with




It could be a hundred reasons, and we’ll explore the most relevant. But remember this: most of the time women make love first with their
. Seldom do they simply have sex, although when the circumstances are right, they’ve been known to happily engage in spontaneous hot sex.


But unlike men, most women are turned on—or off—by how their men treat them—and not only in the bedroom.


Touchy, Feely


For women, the arousal, or their resistance, begins long before the lights go out, in how their mates look at them during the day, at the way they talk to each other, and, a biggy, one you’d better remember, in the way they touch.


One of the biggest complaints I’ve heard from women is their mate doesn’t touch them unless it’s to grab them when ready for sex. Women want to be touched, caressed. As one lady told me, “I’ve been married for six years, yet my skin feels starved.”


Be attentive. Your lady has receptors all over her skin that can’t be measured, but if you’re attentive, you’ll learn. Caress her, kiss her, and enfold her into your arms. Hold and stroke her back. If there’s no time for an embrace and the kiss is brief, then delicately, just above a whisper, brush your fingertips over her cheek and down her jaw line. Lightly run your fingertips down her arms. As in every other technique, learn to watch her reaction. If she closes her eyes and learns toward you, you know she’s affected—and receptive for more.


If you haven’t been attentive in ways other than for sex, she won’t respond no matter what you do.


On my first date with my husband, he took me to dinner. He was a take-charge type of man and I loved it. He’d asked me what I liked to eat and made reservations at a restaurant that served what I liked. I was impressed. He was also a gentleman after the date and I was eager to go out with him again.


Our second date was the most erotic experience I’d ever had, and it wasn’t during sex. It was in public, at the movies, and he simply held my hand. He didn’t grope me or do anything but hold my hand during the movie. But it was the
he held my hand that made me more aware of him than the exciting movie on the screen.


How did he hold my hand? He didn’t tongue it or do anything crass. He simply and casually, stroked it lightly, gently, with his other hand, stoking the knuckles and running his fingertips down my fingers. He wasn’t overt; he didn’t watch me. That’s what added to the pleasure. We both kept our eyes on the screen, but I was aware of every breath he took. Occasionally he’d bring my hand to his mouth and ever so gently, sucked. The sensations zinged all the way to my genitals, and if I hadn’t been a lady, I would’ve climbed onto his lap and dug out his penis right in the theater. As it was, I leaned over and whispered an invitation to leave and head for my place.


o simple, so easy for him and for you. Stroke your lady, hold her. Let her know it pleases you to touch her and she’ll please you.

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