How to Love a Blue Demon (9 page)

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Authors: Sherrod Story

BOOK: How to Love a Blue Demon
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groaned at his borrowed memory, and Cass laughed seductively.

“I guess I
don’t have to wonder what you’re thinking about,” she whispered.

“No, my dear, you don’t.”

Eyoen would have swept her into his arms, but she squeaked in alarm and he belatedly remembered his injuries. Grinning he shrugged and captured her lips in a voluptuous kiss that stole both their breaths. He tangled his tongue with hers until she tore her mouth away, laughing and struggling in his arms. He’d picked her up anyway without realizing it.

“Put me down. Y
ou just barely left the hospital!”

He set her on her feet
, but not until they reached her bed, where he immediately began to remove her clothes. He relished his first chance to remove the unfamiliar feminine undergarments. There were no bras on his star, and panties were only worn during a woman’s inconvenience. More than one man had petitioned the king to find a cure for it.

His father, brilliant statesman that he was,
always sympathized mightily, his eyes on his own owl-eyed wife, who never refused him at any other time, but he wouldn’t commission research to stop this particular physicality. Nature had its place, he always said. And who was he to alter something universal to nearly every species, in one form or another, around the galaxy?

And thank Gods for
, Eyoen thought, feasting his eyes for the first time on Cass’ nude, ripe curves, live. His Owe crystal could not show the exact shine of her skin, or telegraph the warmth and softness of her breasts overflowing his hands. In his right body they would fit perfectly. Her waist was tiny and flared out into womanly hips and a pair of tight luscious thighs he couldn’t wait to get between.

His nostrils flared as he filled his s
enses with her scent. Today, as most days, she’d forgotten her Chloe perfume. As he dragged his nose up the side of her neck all he got was the clean rich smell of Cass, and he filled his lungs as he sucked gently on her ear lobe.

“Take off my pants,” he said quietly.

Cass’ arms fell from around his neck as she stepped back to obey him. She stared at him for a moment, her head tilted to one side, a slight grin playing around the corners of her mouth.

“Don’t want to obey?” he asked softly. “We’re feeling rebellious today.”

The grin spread into a full-fledged smile.

Lee ha
d never played a game like this with her before, and he could hear in her heart’s increased beat that she approved. Her breath was rapid and shallow as she waited to see what he would do next.

lowly he pushed his pants down; they cleared his hips and dropped to the floor. She licked her lips as he palmed his erection and stroked it slowly, his free hand rubbing absently at a bruised but still visible six pack.

He sighed audibly and appeared sad as he
stepped out of his pants and turned away.

“Wait,” she breathed.

He turned back, and pretended to yawn, his hands leaving his body to stretch above his head. His cock stood straight out from his body and held her eyes riveted. He wanted to laugh in glee, but maintained a straight face. Who knew such obvious manipulation would have such a delicious effect? He had no doubt Cass knew what he was doing. Nor did he doubt how much she liked it.

“I’m tired,” he said, falling back
ward on the bed in a seductive sprawl.

had been a simple man, primitive even. He had never tried to seduce her so deliberately, to play with her mind or to dominate her with a gentle hand. He had stumbled upon a few things that turned her on though, and those memories were going to come in very handy.

closed his eyes, listening as she moved closer. He covered his smile with an arm over his face and was rewarded when he felt her tug the socks from his feet. He tamped down the delighted laughter that wanted to escape and kept his eyes closed as the bed dipped under her weight, and she worked his t-shirt over his head.

He let her crawl over his body before he op
ened his eyes and stared into hers. She’d removed the rest of her clothes, the eager little thing. She was lush, his Cass. A perfect specimen of feminine beauty to rival any to be found on his star, and that was saying something; Eyoen did not come from an ugly race. And as a prince of his people he was accustomed to seeing the very best in all things, especially women.

He thought of his houris
and realized in that moment that he would give up dozens of incomparably beautiful women in a heartbeat if it would assure him of Cass’ love. But it was a fleeting thought. Eyoen did not lack confidence. He would win his lady, despite the disadvantage his human body presented.

“It actually won’t be a disadvantage, sire,”
Rierdane said. “Cass has already noticed the differences between you and your host. And you heard her yourself when she said she’d planned to break up with him. I’m fairly certain that time has passed. In fact, I would say with confidence that she is falling for “you” all over again in a new way. You will know for sure that she loves you for you, not for your wealth or position. I suppose the body does present some difficulty, but –”

Not now,
he told his servant, lips capturing Cass’ to suck her tongue into his mouth. He stretched beneath her warmth, loving the slight weight of her long body rubbing his as he filled both hands with her flesh.
Go away until I call for you.

“Yes, sire.”

Eyoen waited for his servant’s presence to fade. Then he rolled his lover onto her back and smiled. “What a sweetheart, you are,” he praised softly, and his eyes glittered, pleased when she preened slightly beneath his praise. “So generous and caring,” he whispered. “You deserve a treat, I think,” he said, in a matter of fact tone completely at odds with his hands explicit movements on her body.

I’m going to kiss you until you beg me to stop,” he told Cass slowly. “Then I’m going to shift my attention from your mouth to your neck. Then I’ll caress your big breasts until the tips get tight. I’ll nibble on that sweet, luscious little belly.” He laid a large hand over the area under discussion, and she shivered.

He kept talking, a soft
ly spoken, running commentary of all he planned to do to her. Happiness surged through him as she grew more aroused with every word, the anticipation or perhaps the visualization, acting as a potent aphrodisiac to her sensitive nerves.

He felt her shift restlessly beneath him, impatient for his promised seduction to begin, and d
eliberately he closed both hands over her wrists and squeezed. She instinctively tried to tug her way free, but laughed when she found that she could not. “No, you can’t get away from me, little girl,” he whispered, loving it as her legs fell open wider. “I’m going to have a lot of fun with you tonight.”

He’d observed that a
light touch often irritated his beauty. Cass liked a firm hold, liked to know that he was stronger, yet capable of being weakened in her arms. It was the same on his star. Women were often appointed to positions of great power in society, but many chose to let their husbands take the lead in certain situations.

Unlike on Earth, where such behavior was frequently met with scorn, Cyani females did not see their physical dif
ferences as weaknesses, though even the smallest male demons were ten times as strong as their female counterparts. But such was the world. It was the natural order of things, and smart females knew that physical strength was a boon and a gift for them. Just as their sweetness was a priceless gift for the male. His Cass was extremely smart.

I’ll stroke your arms, the bend of your elbows, and hold you down when you wriggle too much. I know you like that,” he smiled. “Don’t you baby?”

She said nothing, wouldn’t respond out of stubbornness he knew, but her panting breaths, the faint tremor he discerned in her body, the rapid tattoo of pulse at her neck, these signs were as clear and bright as neon.

“Each slender finger will receive the caress of my mouth. Then I’ll lick lines down each long leg and lave the backs of your knees. I’ll pull the tension from your toes and press against the arches of your feet until you feel the pleasure pulse between your legs. And only when you’re throbbing and running wet will I kiss you where you want my mouth the most. And I’ll keep kissing there until you scream out my name.”

Chapter seven


Cass listened attentively, her body creaming as
he’d foretold as Lee told her in explicit detail what he planned to do to her. He’d never acted like this before, and it was making her so hot she felt like the top of her head was going to blow off from the steam.

Whatever had gotten into him since he’d been in the accident, she hoped it didn’t fade. He’d never been sexier or more appealing. The idea that she’d almost broken up with him made her sick. Or it w
ould have if hot, thought scattering curls of pleasure had not followed his lips across her body. It was like he was heating her from the inside out, first with words, then with his actions.

Her hea
rt was beating hard, the blood flowing through her body so quickly a light sweat had broken out over her skin. She felt like she’d just had a run, but she wasn’t winded. She’d never felt so relaxed, or so horny. She lay pliant as he pleasured her. She squirmed as he kissed the inside of her thighs, licking softly until the rhythm echoed at her core, just as he promised. His breath whispered over her pussy as he turned to gift the other thigh with his tongue and the gentle sucking motion of his mouth.

She groaned, her head tossing
restlessly on the pillow. She wanted to order him to eat her, to kiss her clit the way he had her lips earlier at the dinner table. To lick her until her heart ran away inside her chest, and she couldn’t breathe for the pleasure, but she couldn’t say a word. Her vocal chords seemed locked to everything but sounds, movements, wordless pleas for more.

“Ahhh!” she gasped when he began to massage her feet. She felt the pleasure right where he said she would. Her neck and back arched, breasts trembling as he stretched her legs
open wider with a smooth stroke on the inside of both. “Please,” she begged.

“What, my dear? Tell me what you want,” he whispered, his deep voice a wicked rasp amidst
panting gasps and rustling sheets. He forced both legs back suddenly, opening her crudely as he rose on his knees and looked down at the wet gift that awaited him.

whimpered, desperate to animate her limbs. She wanted to grab him, to pull him down between her legs so she could feel his weight as he came into her body. She wanted him to fuck her, and to do it hard so she’d feel it the next day and remember. But she couldn’t move. Her arms and legs seemed to have liquefied; she felt heavy and slow.

was helpless before him, and he knew it. It was like he had willed it so. He seemed to want her loose, as open as she could be to the pleasure he would give her. It was like he had no choice, and for the umpteenth time since the accident she thanked God for the changes he’d brought into this aspect of her life.

She’d planned to break
up with Lee before the accident. To get him healthy, get things on track in his life, and after a little time had passed, let him go. Now the thought of not having him in her life – she clutched him to her almost fearfully.

As if sensing that something had pulled her
full attention away, he whispered, “Look at me,” and she opened her eyes to a wicked smile. “Watch,” he told her as his head lowered.

She couldn’t look away, could only gasp ecstatically as he licked her
nether bits from back to front. He was thorough, his rough, wonderful tongue not missing a spot as he bathed her with heat and sensation. When he finally pulled her clit between his lips and began to suck, Cass sobbed in relief, tears leaking from her eyes as he alternated between rapidly flicking his tongue and sucking so hard and slow she thought she would go out of her mind. He took her right to the edge not once, not twice but three times before he let her body take over. She came crying his name, tears leaking from her eyes; she was practically insensible, trembling, her entire core clenching with the strength of her pleasure.

“I, I,
God,” she whispered, her voice thick and shaky. “Lee,” she said laughing.

The pleasure had been so intense, for a wild moment she wasn’t sure she would make it. Her toes had actually curled. Sex had never been like that for her, never, and she stared at him, smili
ng when he sucked gently on her inner thighs before moving up her body.

e came inside her then, and she sighed in relief as he slowly slipped in to fill the ache he’d made. He fucked her mouth explicitly with his tongue in the exact same way his cock penetrated her body, and each firm thrust shook her inside, around the heart. Her breasts bounced with each swing of his hips, and the lovely pressure of his big body on top of hers pushed the breath from her lungs in rhythmic grunts. When it came a few minutes later, the next orgasm was so plush and sweet her lips quivered, and he kissed away another tear.

moaned in triumph when Lee began to shake above her, the deep pulse of his seed inside her felt like a reward from the long, strong body shivering beneath her hands.

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