How to Meet a Billionaire: Part 1 (BBW BDSM Erotica)

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Authors: Sasha Livingston

Tags: #bdsm, #bbw, #submissive, #dom, #dominant, #alpha male, #romance erotica, #romance bdsm, #erotica bdsm, #billionaire erotica, #erotica bbw, #romance bbw

BOOK: How to Meet a Billionaire: Part 1 (BBW BDSM Erotica)
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How to Meet a Billionaire

Part 1 of The Billionaire

(A BBW BDSM Erotic



By Sasha

Published By Sasha

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[email protected]




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information storage and retrieval system without express written
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This is work of fiction. The
characters, incidents, and dialogues in this book are of the
author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any
resemblance to actual events or person, living or dead, is
completely coincidental.

How to Meet a

My horniness and a computer started
this. My curiosity and affinity for dating websites had led me to
meeting this man I had only known a week. Knowing him was a loose
term. Rather my past seven days of texting and emails of intense
flirting was my extent of knowing Brian.

Finally, we were meeting after
flirting, sexting, and many nights that left me masturbating. I
insisted it be during the day, a lunch date to be exact in a place
of my choosing. Now I waited, using his profile picture as my
distraction. The picture was only of his face, electric blue eyes
staring back at me with a clenched jaw and an expression that would
lead one to believe that he never smiled.

With every person that walked past me
I glanced to see if it was him.

He was late, but with a face like his
I could wait. In the meantime, I reread his dating profile. In the
area that described his personality he wrote, “Hard to love.” That
was exactly how I felt sometimes. But of course this would probably
be a lie like the rest of the guys online. To get in a desperate
girl’s pants, these men would say anything.

Little did anyone know, I was
desperate for someone to get in my pants. I hadn’t had a boyfriend
in three months, sex in five months, and good sex in a longer time
span than that.

I hope he likes big
I crossed my fingers praying he
wasn’t expecting a skinny appetizer instead of me as full course
meal. I sipped water and thought of my Achilles heel. My weight
being 5’9 with more curves than a California highway. I always
deferred to my size as a point of reference when I was nervous.
Many times I used my culprit when things went wrong.

If Brian didn’t like me, it would be
because my breasts were bigger than one hand full. Or that my ass
wasn’t small enough for single digit clothing sizes. For some
reason, I just couldn’t process the fact that everything wasn’t
always about my weight. Plus I hated the game Men tried to play
with plus size women. They assumed we all have super low
self-esteem, so they try to prey and pounce on us like hungry lions
in the jungle. I was no gazelle, but I sure as hell wasn’t a dummy
either. I humored them and acted as if I didn’t know of their

I was a plus sized girl and for some
reason men assumed my brain cells decreased as my waist size,
expanded. Yet, here I was giving online dating a try since real
life meeting people wasn’t working out for me.

Kara?” I felt a long hand
radiate heat through my bare shoulder. Looking up and staring back
at me were the same blue eyes that I memorized from his

Brian?” I asked as if I
didn’t know. His suit fit his frame perfectly like it was tailored
just for him. His sand colored brown hair looked meticulously
styled with not one hair out of place. But that facial expression
was exactly the same, void of hair and a square box like jawline
that was hard like a fist ready to jab.

I gave a nervous giggle as I put out
my hand to shake his. Long fingers clasped my hand in a firm shake.
As big as I thought I was, under Brian’s glare I felt two inches

Sorry to keep you
waiting.” He didn’t return my smile, nor did he frown. More like an
indifferent neutral expression. Serious like this was a business
meeting deal instead of a date. “I had a meeting that ran over.” He
said now glancing around the bar.

So this is where you
wanted to meet?” He asked questioning my choices. I swallowed hard.
Feeling a tinge of embarrassment at my choice for our first

Yeah, I feel safe here. I
know the place.” I defended the dive bar that stood as my makeshift
safe haven.
The Shack
was a legendary place that served me on many nights of
cramming, drinking binges, and pure boredom.

Dressed like he was expecting more of
a fine dining establishment. Instead of table clothed clad tables
there were old wooden booths with words carved into the dark oak
wood from patrons long gone. Tonight it served as the interview
area for my date with Brian.

Very well.” He slid in
the booth opposite me. Sitting face to face with him seemed unreal
as if I were in one of my dreams. One of the more vivid ones I had
been having for a week since we decided to meet. They always ended
with me in some compromising position. One had us both 69 style in
the forest. My head in between his legs and he in between mine. The
thought of it caused me to fan myself with the menu.

I shook the images away as a waitress,
Miranda, came back to take our order.

Oh. How are you?” Miranda
said giving Brian the eye. She twirled her ginger colored hair with
her pen as she gawked at Brian. I couldn’t blame her, as he was
more attractive in person than on his profile picture if that were
possible. She glanced at me with the look of awe probably trying to
verify if I noticed he was gorgeous. Brian looked over the two
paged brown menu, but his lips never departed from a frown.
Perfect, that meant he didn’t like this place.

Miranda was still there giving me the
googly eyes and pointing to Brian with her eyes. She mouthed the
words hot right before he looked up at her.

Just ice water with lemon
for me thanks.” He said handing her the menu.

Just my usual Miranda.
Thanks.” She grinned and walked off saying nothing. My usual
consisted of a cheeseburger with bacon and fries with cheese. As
she walked off I followed Miranda with my eyes, thinking that maybe
I should have canceled the order. It was a little awkward for
someone to watch you eat.

Turning back to Brian, his attention
was his eyes were stuck on me. An intense stare into his ocean like
eyes. Breathe Kara I told myself as I engaged in his game of
chicken, the staring addition anyway. My heart felt like the
fluttering of a hummingbird's wings; he had me frazzled. With any
other guy, I was slick, quick witted, but with him I
was...flustered. It was easy being flirty and bold through emails
and over the phone, but in person I was afraid of this

So you were afraid to
meet me at night?” He spoke still not breaking eye contact. No
warming up for this man; he went straight for the gusto.

Just thought it would be
safer to meet here?” The other choice was my house, and that wasn’t
a good idea on the first meeting.

From the way you act on
the computer, I’m surprised anything could scare you.” I stopped
myself from chuckling. I could see he wasn’t amused and showing
weakness wasn’t attractive. Thinking of all the ways I taunted him,
but it was hard to read someone through a monitor. Now here at this
table he looked ready to fight back.

I thought the same about
you.” I looked down, focusing on a signature in the table trying to
avert his stare as I squeezed my thighs together under the table. I
thought of all of the things he claimed he would do to me, the
things I thought were a lie but now seemed possible.

Miranda reappeared with his water. Her
eyes still big as grapefruits eyeing Brian, but he paid no
attention to her. Which was weird, all the guys usually paid
attention to Miranda. She scurried off, and he said nothing as he
placed two lemons in the water stirring them around with a

Would you let someone
take control of you?” He blurted out the question. Looking at me,
he searched my confused expression. mean like take
care of me? If I’m sick or break a leg or something.” My nervous
giggle overcame me again. I wasn’t sure what he meant. He did some
mumbling under his breath picking up his now vibrating phone and
tapping some keys.

Sorry, that was work.” He
sipped his water eyeing the caveman like carvings on the booth from
the previous bar customers.

Why did you ask me that?
Like...what did you mean?”

It’s just a question.” As
if he asked me something simple like the weather or the color of
the sky. The weather actually would have been better to lead in
with instead of this verbal war we were in.

So you don’t have a
girlfriend you…correct?” Men scouting for their mistresses online
calling themselves single was like an epidemic of online

That question provoked a small chuckle
from Brian as he took a sip of his water.His pink lips wrapped
around the straw. I wanted to kiss those lips, moisten them with my

I’m not the boyfriend
type. I’m not that easy to be in a relationship with.” There was no
break in eye contact when he said that.

Now this made no sense. Was this the
same man that I sent so many messages to? The one that longed for a
relationship like a previous one that went bad. Telling me of the
ways he wanted me to please him.

That’s not exactly what
you said before.” This was one hell of an initial meeting. Already
we were coming to a disagreement.

Well, I remember telling
you that I wanted a relationship but I didn’t say boyfriend.” Now
he was right that was what he said.

I guess he was right, but this now
sounded weird. What did he really want then?

So you just want to toy
with girls on websites?” I saw a tinge of annoyance pass through
his face.

That mouth is going to
get you in trouble one day.”

It already has.” I shot
back. Playing this verbal tennis match with him was fun. Thinking
of all the times in grade school that I served detention for
mouthing off to one of the Nuns made me cringe. I was a grown woman
now and could say what I wanted.

I like that about you.
That you speak your mind,” He glanced around as if to see who was
listening. “You don’t often find those qualities in a

In a what.” That ‘S’ word
he used almost sounded like an insult.

His eyebrows raised, tilting his head
as if he were unsure of what my problem was and couldn’t figure it

That word you used. What
does that mean?” His furrowed brow stared at me as if I were
speaking a different language.

What do you mean? You are
Kara from online right.” He looked around the bar as if he were in
the wrong place.

Yes but you lost me at
being submissive.” That was a word I heard in marriages about the
wife succeeding to their husband. I wasn’t sure why Brian was using
it now.

The site we were on…” His
voice trailed off as if he were trying to find the words. “Do you
know what it was for?”

Now that must have been a rhetorical
question, but the way he looked at me, Brian was, in fact, waiting
on an answer.

Ummm a dating site
right?” His lips, shit I just noticed them. Thin succulent pieces
of flesh that I wanted to kiss.

Yes put BDSM on
your profile.”

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