Read How to Seduce a Billionaire Online

Authors: Portia Da Costa

How to Seduce a Billionaire (22 page)

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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She swirled and slithered and flickered at him, but always came back to that sensitive notch, and the finely raised filament that pointed down the underside of his cock from it. He shouted out her name again when she dashed her tongue rapidly back and forth right there.

While he was still shaking his head from side to side and praising her to high heaven, Jess decided to try something a little different. Grasping Ellis’s length in her hand, she lightly ran her fingertips up and down the upper side, while caressing the ridge below with the flat of her thumb.

If she hadn’t been using her mouth on Ellis, Jess would have smiled again. Grinned. Laughed out loud. Shouted out herself, in triumph. The sense of power was intoxicating. The control she had over him. She might be the one on her knees, in the supposedly subservient pose, but she’d never felt more in command of a situation before in her life. Ellis was a slave to sensation, a slave to the pleasure she was giving him. A pleasure she could increase or deny as the whim took her. A pleasure that seemed to flow through her and transmute into gold within her own body.

Using her mouth on Ellis was making her own sex rouse and grow hot. Desire ground low in her loins, and she knew that even if her lover-man was going to be pretty much incapable for a short while when she’d finished with him, she would take her own pleasure, her own release, at her own hand.

‘Oh Jess, Jess … suck me. Suck me now.’ His voice was a ragged edge, yet warm. He wanted her to do him, but there was still a respect for her there, despite his near delirium. He honoured her, and was grateful for her gift to him.

Very well then … seeing as it’s you.

Smiling inwardly, she parted her lips, let him in, and began to suck.

Oh, holy hell, she was amazing!

Ellis dug his fingers into Jess’s thick dark hair, trying not to be rough, but not quite in control of himself. The way her tongue danced, the deep, sweet suction she was orchestrating. The way she handled him as she used her mouth; the sight of her perfect, lithe body crouched at his feet. That was, when he was able to see straight in the midst of the sublime pleasure she was creating.

How can you do this? Your first time sucking a man … You’re a prodigy, a divine genius, beautiful Jess Lockhart.

If it had been any other woman since Julie, he would have now have been questioning her claims of inexperience. Such mouth skills as these were exceptional even in women who’d been pleasuring men for years.

He believed Jess utterly though. She was all truth and honesty, and she’d been a physical virgin, there’d been patent proof of that. In another woman, he might have suspected one that ‘did everything but fuck’, but not Jess.

She’d been a consummate fantasist, that was for certain, her erotic daydreams no doubt rich and vivid, fuelled by art and sensual reading and perhaps other sources of erotica.

But in every way that mattered, she’d come to him in innocence. He
that. He’d been her first fuck … and now he was the first man to whom she’d ever given head.

Oh, you lucky, lucky bugger, McKenna. You’re arrogant, capricious and contrary, and you still get rewarded with

This … an increase in delectable, devilish suction. This … virtuoso fondling with the tips of her fingers and thumbs, travelling up and down his shaft, and also experimentally and with sublime delicacy, straying over his tensing balls and the excruciatingly sensitive plain of his perineum.

Her fingertips danced like fairy feet over his genitals, while her lips and tongue were those of an angel divine. White, boiling sensation surged down his spine like a wave, and his hips started to buck.

No! He couldn’t just do that!

How the fuck could he stop himself?

‘Jess … Jess … let me slip out. You don’t have to let me come in your mouth.’ His voice sounded like an alien’s, not his, torn to shreds by the fight not to ejaculate.

His closed eyes snapped open. She wasn’t letting go. When he looked down at her, there was a supreme smile of triumph in her eyes.

Beautiful, despite having her lips stretched around him, her face blazed with power, and as her tongue jabbed hard at his tender spot, he growled out her name and shot his seed into the warm haven of her mouth.


Afterwards, he swept her up to bed and made love to her slowly and thoroughly, mapping her body for all the places where she best liked to be touched. And the ways she liked to be touched and kissed there.

Fierce kisses on the side of the neck while he was fucking her sent her into orbit!

‘I must be into vampires.’ Jess touched her fingertips to a spot close to where her neck met her shoulder. It was tender. ‘Have you marked me?’

Ellis sat up and leant in close. ‘A little bit. You might have to put a bit of makeup on that at work.’ He kissed it again, exquisitely gently this time, stroking the little reddened place with his tongue. ‘Or you could take a few days off on the sick. Nobody’s going to dare sack you or discipline you now, you know.’

‘I do know. I get some very funny looks around the place at Windsor now. Both from bosses and other employees. I’m sure they’re all dying with curiosity, desperate to know whether anything happened as a result of that performance of yours in the office.’

‘I’m sorry,’ said Ellis with a shamefaced grin, ‘I was terrible, wasn’t I?’

‘Not terrible,’ countered Jess, sitting up, and automatically tweaking the sheet over her breasts. It still seemed weird to be in a bed with a man. ‘But certainly noteworthy. Things like that don’t normally happen at Windsor. In fact I think they probably don’t happen in most insurance company buildings. Except in films …’

Ellis was looking at the sheet. Jess shrugged and let it drop. His smile widened, yet somehow, it wasn’t a desiring leer, more a satisfaction that she was relaxing her inhibitions when they weren’t making love, as well as when they were.

‘Believe me, it
the first time I’ve done something like that in a business or workplace environment. I like to drop in on acquisitions, and surprise the management teams. But I’ve never hijacked a woman before …’ His eyes lowered a moment, as if veiling a thought from far away, another life, perhaps. ‘Although I once swept Julie out of a very, very posh party so I could make love to her. Not long after we first went to bed.’ Ah, she’d been right … the ghost of Julie was always with him. The woman he’d loved so deeply. The wife he probably still loved as much as when she’d been alive.

‘I hope she told you off for being imperious.’ Jess was surprised at her own words. She hoped she’d not spoken out of turn, but somehow she was almost coming to know Julie, through Ellis, and to feel a kinship with her. She was relieved though, when he smiled broadly.

‘She did. In that respect she was much like you. She didn’t take any shit from me, I can tell you.’

Jess didn’t know what to say at that, but suddenly, with a flourish, Ellis threw the sheet aside. ‘We left your drawing book down in the kitchen. I’d like to see some of the other work in it. I think I’ll go and fetch it. Can I get you anything while I’m down there? Something to eat? Or drink? A glass of wine?’

She’d not wanted alcohol earlier, but now, a glass of something not too strong would go down nicely. ‘Mm … yes. I wouldn’t mind some wine.’

‘White? Red? Rosé? Champagne?’

‘What? You’ve got rosé? I didn’t think wealthy sophisticates approved of pink plonk for the masses.’

Ellis laughed, reaching for his robe and shrugging into it. What a shame to cover such a body up, but hey. ‘I might have plenty of money, but I’m no sophisticate, Jess my sweet. I’m a total philistine, really. Much to my mother’s chagrin.’ He strode to the door. ‘Rosé it is … and some nibbles. Making love to you makes me really hungry.’ He winked at her. ‘Back in a trice, baby!’

Jess took the opportunity of Ellis’s kitchen raid to dash to the bathroom and freshen up. Like the kitchen, the master bathroom was modern and beautifully appointed. The major rooms that had been restored so far were more in keeping with the house’s Queen Anne history, but clearly some rooms were entirely new in the renovation. In front of the big mirror, she studied her reflection, looking for more differences, more signs of her new eroticised state.

You just look the same … only a bit more so.

She was still herself, but somehow ever so slightly larger than life, as if some of Ellis’s special charisma had flowed into her via osmosis when they’d been joined. Or maybe it was her own specialness? And sex had made it flower?

On the shelf in front of her, she studied Ellis’s toiletries. Cologne, shaving lotion, something called ‘skin and stubble balm’; all with a white label as if they’d been specially blended and formulated for him. Only the best for Mr McKenna.

At the end of the shelf, in a space he’d obviously cleared for her, bless him, she’d placed her own bits and pieces. Because to her great surprise, he’d invited her to share his bedroom. To sleep with him. All night.

‘Um … are you sure?’ she’d asked. ‘I was assuming you didn’t actually sleep with your conquests. I thought that was something you … well … would only have done with your wife?’

He blinked, looking at her, clearly surprised. ‘To be honest, I’ve never actually brought a woman here before. I’ve invited lovers to my London pad, and to various hotels, but never here.’ He gave her a wide grin. ‘You’re the first.’

But not the last … probably.

That thought, now, cast her down a bit. But she gave herself a stern inner shaking. The rules of this arrangement must never be forgotten. She could allow herself to be fond of him – hell, she couldn’t stop herself, she was already infatuated at least – but possessive thoughts, and ‘forever’ thoughts were forbidden.

He isn’t Mr Right. He’s Mr Handsome, Mr Rich, Mr Generous and Mr Sex, but that’s it. And that’s good. That’s the deal.

Shaking her head, she fluffed up her hair, attempting to dispel her disquieting detour and focus on the now.

Yet she couldn’t. Not entirely. It was too late. She wouldn’t allow herself to say the words. Or even think them.

But picturing Ellis in her mind – his eyes and his smile, and every wonderful thing about him – the twist in her heart said everything the forbidden word couldn’t.

He was waiting for her when she emerged, flipping through her Moleskine. A bottle of wine stood in a cooler on the bedside table at his side, and he’d already poured two glasses.

‘Are all these hands and eyes and ears and mouths mine then?’ he enquired, passing her wine to her.

‘Yes, I must admit they are. You’re pretty much my muse at the moment. Hence your unexpected appearance at my life class.’ She took a sip of the rosé. Ooh, it was nice. A girly wine, but Ellis seemed to be enjoying it too. She didn’t have many other men of her acquaintance, but the few she did have would have pulled a face at pink wine.

He grinned, almost radiantly. ‘I’ve never been a muse. I rather like the idea. It makes me feel really valued.’

Jess frowned. ‘Don’t you feel valued because of the work you do?’

‘Pah! Just pushing money around … anybody can do that. But being a “muse”, now that must be rare.’

‘I guess it is. I’ve never really had a regular one before. Apart from an actor in a vampire show once. I drew him a lot at the time. He was a blond though. Not a bit like you, but hot all the same.’

‘Do you have any pictures of him?’

‘Oh no … well, yes, I do. But a lot of my framed stuff and my art materials are in storage, with my gran’s old belongings.’ She frowned again, realising how she’d let her art aspirations lapse in recent years. Circumstances and all that, but still. ‘I’ve not done as much as I should recently. It was difficult to work on anything big when I was looking after Gran, and afterwards it just seemed like too much of an effort to start with paints or pastels and the easel and the whole shebang. I just drew in notebooks to keep my hand in, and signed up for the occasional class, now and again.’

‘You shouldn’t let it lapse, but I can understand why. I used to do all sorts of things before Julie’s death, family activities mostly … but since then, it’s mainly been work, a bit of exercising, and reading and watching television. Pathetic, really.’

‘And the occasional woman,’ Jess pointed out.

‘Yes, the occasional woman.’ He grinned.

So, I’m just a part of one of his ‘hobbies’.

‘A self-indulgence?’

He had the grace to look shamefaced. ‘Yes, you could say that. Sounds a bit despicable, doesn’t it? As if I treat women as a disposable commodity.’

It did. A bit. Yet there were extenuating circumstances.

‘We all have to do what we have to do to get by.’

He gave her a long, considering look. ‘We do. I’ll drink to that.’ He leant across and clinked his glass to hers.

The rosé was delectable, fresh and sweet and fruity. Very, very cool. It wasn’t strong, but suddenly she wished it was, a bit.

‘And you, how do you get by? I … I feel that’s what you’re doing, Jess, getting by. Instead of living life to the full.’

He was right, so right, but the truth hit hard. She’d been marking time so long she’d almost come to accept that as the norm. Waiting for Mr Right. Waiting and hoping that her gran would get better, even long after she’d known that was impossible. And afterwards left with a void where all that waiting and hoping had been. To her horror, tears threatened, but she fought them, taking a deep swig of her wine. No way did she want Ellis to feel sorry for her. It was demeaning, and she wanted to keep things light, and fun for both of them. Focus on the sex weekend.

Her glass was empty and, wordlessly, Ellis reached out with the bottle and topped her up. There was sympathy on his face, but more than that, almost as if he understood the complexity of her feelings, the mirror of his own.

Gah, no getting away from it.

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah … okay, so I am marking time. I have been for months … years … I suppose I’ve just got into the habit of hiding from life.’ The tears welled up again, and this time she couldn’t quell them. ‘How pathetic is that?’

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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