How to Write (11 page)

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Authors: Gertrude Stein

BOOK: How to Write
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Why is an hour glass what they knew was a treasure as they went without their wanted as they knew as a tree at Christmas. It is a sentence as first to last that they had it in their out of their however power. They will not give it with their permission.

To tell it all in a sentence is not what I wish to do I wish to tell it all in a sentence what they may make it do. What is a sentence a sentence is not carrying it away. I wish you a very merry Christmas. Name and place is mentioned.

A sentence is their wedding.

What is a sentence. A sentence is an anniversary of their begging them to be seen.

How many days are there in it.

How many leave it to me.

How many come when they have theirs as they with out more pressure just as seen.

How is not a name it is a verb of their pretension. How are they.

She does not love him as they say, they do not love him as they say they do not like to have him waiting so they say they do not wish him to be waiting for them as they say they do not wish him to be waiting for them they say they do not want him to be waiting for them they do not want him to be waiting when they come and find him waiting they do not want him to be waiting and moreover if it is questioned it is a question of paper rattling when it is writing paper that is writing paper that is rattling without altering when they are she makes this as an attempt to refuse a bugle which is bugling which is all to a column call they call that is their game to a name which is a deer in the next to the appointing of their main in different in difference with our out obliged so they collect recollect mainly main abate.

Yes please. Why yes please. Why please. Why to please. Yes please, why yes please, why please, why to please. An authority in sentences.

Why please why not please why yes please why to please why as to a place to piece why it pleases.

A sentence is exactly an eagerness to have a sample of their with them.

A sentence makes it their pair in respect to willing to be hurried.

The Roussets having been successful are now going to Lisbon not as being successful nor as having been successful. The Roussets had been successful. Leaving a sentence to their unhappiness.

A sentence is how to overdate the referring them to theirs aloud. Supposing they must go. Must they call here on the way.

A sentence is mainly their allowance of when they care to have it as a manner of their may be they do but they have a doubt concerning it they are uncertain they are mainly in their way perfect. This is a sentence. They are mainly in their way perfect.

An effort to remain there is what they are not as they are allowed having with their having received having given it as an azalea. Honey can be covered with a cover underneath and under a cover. A cover is over.

A sentence is made to be divided into one two three six seven starting with one. Lain. Camille Lain. Two. Pampas grass has been watered. That is a sentence which makes it very much at the time and so two are likely. A sentence divided into two. Pampas grass. A sentence divided into three. There are these in dissatisfaction. One must make three be for them seldom as a chance. Never allowed to wait. A sentence divided in three. He is never to be allowed to continue to commence to prepare to wait. He is never to be allowed he is never to be allowed to wait. A sentence divided into three which is that he is is never to be allowed allowed to wait. A sentence divided into six. They have purchased what they have been to see. A sentence divided into six. They have purchased what they have been to see. A sentence divided into seven. It is partly why he will and more nearly why he will come. This is how a sentence is divided into seven and a sentence is divided into eight.

A sentence comes to be for use.

There is no reason why they should compare them with themselves.

A very needed lending in advance.

There is no use in as much as they have it left.

There is much need that they will have the use of it for their advantage with however they are about.

A balance in a sentence makes it state that it is staying there.

There is no us whatever they may take as their politeness. Without it left to them.

What is the mistake of their making that it is not having thought without their outdistanced a ridden without their shoal shoal in an afternoon.

A sentence is very well then that they say in at any rate.

Commence and order a sentence.

They will follow them out.

That is what they mean by especial and also what they mean by theirs as extreme in an allowance.

Order a long sentence.

Finally they will bother whether they like their way to be whatever they were to favorably decide being doubted by before them. They will announce serving as as rates.

Commence a sentence with an advice against their idea.

Why will they be willing to go which is an advantage whether wherever it is as their advantage when they like.

A sentence is made for their use.

How much of it can be arranged as they call theirs to be known in part.

A sentence does not amount to vary with possibly like and when they like.

She thought of their future.

Future means fortunate without that they could lain where they made have it known.

Trying a sentence so that it can be left at night.

Left and right they may be much wished for having fairly left within a dare dare to do right.

What is a sentence.

A sentence is an acceptation of why they are rightly known as their scarcely left as shown.

Suppose a sentence could be in whether it is more than they must as it is very much. He might be weighed and he might without with while like it.

This makes a sentence that they surmount.

Very much while very much they awhile very much they will be very much more very much awhile in their liklihood need in with in their kind. Does she think.

That it is time to do so and that it is a disturbance because they can be away from them.

This is a simple thought and therefore they will be willing.

They can be ready now.

They are accidentally met.

Without which way. This is a clause that reminds them of Simon.

Because they were with a welcome.

With or whether they were with a welcome.

A clause is when they concur.

They must remain nicely having not been in name.

A clause in praise.

He has been liked by coming.

A clause in dispraise.

He has been alike in coming.

A clause which fulfills their having been very amusing.

They made their advances.

A clause which fulfills their having come together.

They were in their way.

This is what is after all more than one.

A noun.


A noun.

As a chance.

A noun.

Might with hands.

He might remember with his hands that it was a Monday.

A noun.

Might. He might.

A noun.

Might with hands.

A noun.

He might with hands.

A noun.

He might remember with hands.

A noun.

He might remember with hands that it was Monday.

A verb.

Their manner.

A verb.

Their manner of their camels.

A verb.

They accepted in the manner of their having theirs as a gift.

A verb.

They accepted in their manners that of their having that they were giving this with that as they were with that as a gift.

Verb noun and participle.

Verb noun and participle and preposition.

Every one knows whatever what ever evidently what ever, what ever is by this with a separation that does not stop. A stop is to call. All told.

Thinking separately does unite a verb to be additional in a participle.

They make a two a year artificially.

With having seen her older.

She came to replace with them as in change when they were with them in their with hers.

Was it she to whom one should be grateful.

This is nicely bought in a way to preposition.

A preposition for with to withstand or prepositionally with when ever it is making in circumstances left to them might by hand he bought. Be bought. A preposition is for that use. May and meant might and covered made for and with to be bought. Made to be bought. A preposition is made to be bought.

For theirs. That is an idea. This is for them. That is hers. That is hers for this for theirs that which they have for them. They have this for them. This is hers for theirs theirs for hers with this for hers this for theirs with for hers. With her.

They gave this to him.

In this the pronouns do not count they are only the story. The pronouns in this do not count they are only the story.

Prepositions are like burning paint paint burns when it is on the fire on fire when it has been put on fire when it has been set on fire.

Been placed where it has been.

It having been made thin it has not been replaced where it had been.

Not by them he in collide colliding has not been placed there by him.

It is that they stretch out the fingers which made the hand.

An article.

It is that they have had a hand which has leant itself to tapestry in knitting which is at hand.

A is an article.

They are usable. They are found and able and edible. And so they are predetermined and trimmed.

The which is an article.

With them they have that. That which. They have the point in which it is close to the purpose.

Think in articles.

The the inclusion.

The in inclusion.

A fine finely in in fanning.

A is an advice.

A is an advice.

If a is an advice an is a temporal wedding.

If a is an advice an is an is in an and temptation ridden.

Temptation redden.

If a is an advice an is a temptation ridden.

An article is when they leak without their wishes.

An article is of them when they leak without their wishes.

An article is when of them when they leak without their wishes.

An article is when of them they leak without their wishes.

A grammar.

A an article. A an article.

A the same.

A and the. An and the.

The this that not.

The this that and an an ended.

An article is when they have wishes.

A is an article.

The is an article.

A and the. Thank you.

A preliminary survey of them they the a day of two a day.

A preliminary survey of them they day of two a day.

An article is by and my and my hope.

An my hope an article is by and my and hope. An and. An an. An announcement.

When this is a tree. They when this with this a tree.

When this as a tree they when this with this a tree.

When this as a tree when this with this a tree.

With articles.

Night with articles.

Right with articles.

A light with articles.

Alight with articles.

A and the.

Articles and days.

Articles are a an and the.

An article in an and the.

An a man and the.

What are blushes. Blushes are a part with their hope. That makes a verb a noun. They are partly with their hope that makes a noun. A noun is always a sacrifice.

A noun is whether they are in play.

Sense a noun.

Arrangement a noun.

It is to be sold again. A noun.

It is to be sold again. A noun.

A noun is the name of anything. And who has held him.

Who has held him.

A dislike.

A noun is a name of everything.

To go easy means to go easy.

He said sense.

To go and uneasy.

A noun means he said sense.

What is sense.

Sense is their origin in relieve.

They relieve the tention.

Relieve is not abominable.

A noun is the name of anything.

He got angry. About the hope.

He got angry about the hope.

A noun can be best.

What is best. A noun can be best. As favored. A noun can be best. Favored. What is a noun. A noun is grown with petals. Petals are springing with their Christmas. This makes a noun.

Never make dolls. Dolls should be seen. They should be gathered. They should be. With all my heart.

What is a noun. They mean strings. Strings mean they will be well with a melt well below. That is a noun. That they use winces.

There is no strength in their calling. For a noun. What is a noun.

Forget the heart of their weeding.

If they know in threes and azaleas.

Not to adopt.

The making of never stop. Or the making of stop or stopped.

The own owned own owner.

This is a sentence. Or either.

For getting the heart of their weeding they were asked to be when they went and forget the heart of their weeding.

Face well they face well they face well well they face as face well.

A sentence. Have they been bequeathed.

A sentence. Have they very well placed their engage as well.

A sentence. Will he destroy an apparently their pressure.

A sentence. Never seen as have ever.

A sentence. Happy New Year Miguel Cova-rubias.

A noun. That is always refreshing.

A noun. With manage have lean have leaned, leaning is authorise. That is a noun. A noun is there. The difference in a noun in conversation. He said he envies him. He fills him with their pigeon. This is a noun in conversation. A noun in conversation reserves their pressure which they make. A noun in conversation makes their have their in wither in apply apter if rested confusing chosen or shut for the without seen. Seen is a verb which is not as heavily. Verbs in conversation let it lie. It lies it lays it before which way is it a way with their positive in call. How do they make prepare another in case of will surety as surely. A verb is like if they rest for it.

Better than without it which is for it that it it is better than without.

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