Howl of the Wolf (12 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Howl of the Wolf
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She bit her bottom lip, stifling a cry as his cock sank into her. He was so large, so thick that he stretched every tender inch of her sheath. Her inner muscles contracted and relaxed around him. He didn’t stop, not until every last inch of him was lodged inside her.

It bordered on pain, but it felt so good. Her thighs gripped his flanks tightly, squeezing. He leaned inward, using his body weight to keep her positioned where he wanted her. His cock pulsed hot and hard inside her, like a heartbeat, matching the rapid flight of her own.

She clung to his neck, her breath coming in sharp pants. Heat enveloped her and a bead of sweat rolled between her breasts.

“Mine.” Arand began to move slowly, flexing his hips, moving them up and in and then back and out. He supported her behind with one of his hands, holding her steady. He slid the other between their bodies and found her clit.

“Oh my sweet Lord,” she cried out when he touched her. If he’d jolted her with a blast of electricity, her body couldn’t feel more alive. Her breasts ached so she pulled him closer, rubbing her distended nipples against the fine covering of hair on his chest. She undulated her hips and moved with him, crying out when his cock filled her to overflowing.

“Come for me.” There was no denying his deep command. Her body splintered and stars exploded, obscuring her vision. Her pussy spasmed, clutching his cock tight. He grunted and kept rocking her on his thick shaft.

She cried out his name and wondered how she was going to survive this. She was breaking into pieces and was afraid they’d never all come back together in the same way again. He’d changed her, somehow taking fragments of her that she would never get back.

A lone tear rolled down her cheek and he leaned in, capturing it on his tongue. His expression was one of pure male satisfaction, which surprised her. His cock was still hard inside her. It was obvious he hadn’t found release. “You didn’t come.” She felt slightly miffed and a little insulted that she could experience something so life shattering and he seemed totally unmoved.

“That time was for you.” He slipped out of her and she flinched slightly as the sensitive tissue of her pussy protested his blunt removal. He spun her around so she was facing the wall.

She slapped her hands against the hard surface and turned to glance over her shoulder. His eyes seemed to glow and his features seemed to almost shift from moment to moment, his face overlaid by that of a wolf, as though the two were almost one. But he wasn’t looking at her face. He was staring transfixed at her back.

He traced the design on her back. “You wear my mark on your skin.” She could hear the wonder in his voice.

She shrugged. “I got the tattoo when I was a teenager. Wolfe is my last name. It’s spelled Wolf with an E. I always felt as though the wolf was my spirit guide, my protector.” She didn’t know why she was telling him all this, but it seemed the right thing to do.

“Sabrina Wolfe,” he whispered, her name a prayer on his lips. “You are marked for me. Named for me.”

He moved closer, his wide shoulders and chest making her feel small and fragile in spite of the fact she was tall for a woman. He used one of his feet to nudge her foot, urging it to move. “Open yourself to me.” His sensual command left her breathless. She’d never had a man take her this way before. It seemed more primitive, more dangerous. After all, he’d be in total control and there would be nothing she could do to stop him once he started.

Did she want to stop him?

She opened her legs wider. Hot breath fanned across her skin as he gently lifted her hair to hang over the front of one shoulder, leaving her nape bare. Sharp teeth teased her neck, sending shivers of pleasure through her. Oh, her fantasy lover was sexy and dangerous, a potent combination.

He reached around and cupped her breasts with his large hands and teased her taut nipples with his clever fingers. “You fit my hands perfectly.” He nibbled on the side of her neck and she tilted it to one side to give him better access. He nipped the skin and then soothed the slight wound with his tongue. She wondered if she’d end up with a hickey. She hadn’t had one of those since high school. Then she had to remind herself this was only a vision. None of it was actually happening, no matter how real it felt.

He shifted behind her, bending slightly. His cock nudged her folds and he stood, pushing his shaft into her once again. Although she’d already had him inside her, it was a snug fit. He seemed even larger than before.

“Your pussy was made for my cock.” He pulled out a couple of inches before pushing hard into her again. “You were made for me.”

She gasped and curled her fingers against the wall, wishing she had something to cling to. He was too big, too overwhelming, too everything.

“You’re so tight.” His voice was even rougher than before. “I can wait no longer.” He closed his hands around her breasts and began to thrust hard and fast, hammering his hips against her.

She let her head fall back against his shoulder. He growled and captured her mouth, stealing her breath. He thrust his tongue into her, claiming her, owning her.

A fragment of fear, of self-protection welled up within her, but it was swallowed by the building erotic pleasure. As impossible as it seemed, she was close to coming again. She never before had two orgasms in the same night, let alone during the same lovemaking session.

“I’m close,” she cried, wanting the release now that the promise of it was so near.

“Come then.” He dropped one of his hands between her legs and used his thumb to stroke her clit. “Give me your cream, your heat.”

Her entire body clenched and she screamed as she came. A long, low howl joined her cry, practically deafened her it was so close. No, not close. It was Arand who was howling. Then hot jets of semen filled her as his cock spasmed and pulsed inside her. She cried out again, legs trembling, totally spent.

Sabrina sagged against the wall. “Hell of a vision,” she muttered.

Behind her, Arand stiffened. He pulled out of her and spun her around so she was facing him. “You still believe this is nothing more than a vision?” he demanded.

“Has to be.” The alternative was more than she could handle at the moment. If it was real then she’d had unprotected sex with a stranger, a stranger who could turn into a wolf and was in the midst of a war with the god of the Underworld.

It was too much for her to take in. Exhaustion swamped her and the pain in her head, which had disappeared, was back with a vengeance. She touched the crown of her head and winced slightly.

“You are hurt?” The concern in his voice warmed her.

“Just where I hit my head earlier. I’m okay.”

His hands were gentle as he pulled down her bra and shirt, smoothing them into place. He lifted her into his strong arms and carried her to the sofa. Arand settled her on the sofa and stretched out beside her. It was a tight squeeze and he was lying half on top of her with his feet hanging off the end. “Rest. We will talk later.”

Good advice. Her mind was already on overload and she couldn’t handle anything else. She inhaled, breathing in the unmistakable scent of sex and sweat and the woods. Whatever cologne Arand was wearing, she wanted to bury her face in his hair and stay there forever.

Even if he was nothing more than a vision brought on by deep meditation, she could see herself going to the department store, sniffing all the men’s cologne until she found that particular scent and buying a bottle of it to remind her of him.


What if he was real? She couldn’t even begin to wrap her brain around that idea.

Her head ached and she closed her eyes. But there was no blocking him out. She could feel his body against hers, one of his hands resting against her belly and one of his legs lying across hers. His deep breath fanned over her skin.

Slowly, her breathing matched his and she relaxed. Whatever reality existed, she’d deal with it later.

Chapter Eight

Sabrina’s eyelids fluttered open. It was still night, the streetlights casting their glow on the room. She was so tired, and her eyelids slowly drifted shut again. The image of what she’d seen made her frown.

Why was she lying on the sofa and not in bed?

She racked her brain, trying to make sense of it. She started to move and groaned as various aches and pains in her body made themselves known. She fell back against the sofa and moaned. What in the name of all the saints had she done last night?

She forced her eyes open and blinked to help clear away the fog in her brain. No sudden movements this time as she assessed her body. She was lying partly on, partly off the sofa, her head resting against the arm, and not on one of the comfy pillows. And she was half naked.

Memory rushed back. The wolf. Arand. Hot sex.

What a crazy, realistic vision her meditation had created. She’d never had one where she’d stripped off most of her clothing before.

She pushed herself up and saw her panties and jeans in a heap by the wall. Cautiously, she padded over, picked up her underwear and slipped them on. She felt sticky between her thighs and her frown deepened. She didn’t bother with her jeans as she planned to get a quick bath and go to bed.

“What a night,” she muttered. She glanced over at the corner of the room and froze. Her wooden wolf was gone.

“How do you feel?”

The male voice so close had her shrieking and swinging around, leading with her right fist. He caught it easily and cocked his eyebrow at her as if to ask, “What next?”

She glanced down and heaved a sigh of relief when she realized he was wearing pants. Granted, they were tight leather pants that clung to his rock-hard thighs and emphasized the impressive bulge in the front, but they were pants.

“I can’t still be having a vision.”

He released her hand and put both of his on his hips, studying her. “No, you’re not. We need to make plans. I don’t think it will be long until we have company.”

Sabrina swallowed hard and forced herself to take deep, slow breaths. Otherwise, there was a danger she’d start hyperventilating. This was no lifelike vision. This was real. All of it—the wild ride on the wolf, the tinny carnival music, the hot sex. She rubbed her forehead. “Crap.”

“Does your head hurt?” He cupped the back of her head in his palm, and she felt a blast of heat seep through her skull and into her brain. The pain disappeared instantly.

She pulled away and stared up at him. “What did you do?” Amazement swept through her. She didn’t know whether she should hug him or run screaming from him. Her heart was racing, her palms were sweaty and she felt a little lightheaded.

He shrugged his massive shoulders, bringing her attention, once again, to his smoking hot torso. She shook herself and brought her gaze back to his face.

“I merely rid you of the pain in your head. My powers have not fully returned, but I can do minor healing.”

“What else can you do?” Sabrina was equal parts terrified and enthralled by Arand. If what he’d told her earlier was true, she was in a heap of trouble. She tried to remember everything he’d told her. None of it was reassuring. In fact, all of it was downright scary.

He put his hands on his hips, sliding his gaze over her bare legs. She held her jeans more securely in front of her. But that was sort of like closing the barn door after the cow got out. He’d already seen her all but naked.

“I can conjure clothes and weapons.”


A four-foot-long blade appeared in his hand, the metal gleaming in the light beam from the streetlight. Oh, shit. This was suddenly all too real.

Sabrina swayed on her feet and leaned against the wall for support. “All of this is real, isn’t it? The devil is coming for us.”

Arand slowly inclined his head. “He will come or he will send one of his minions to bargain with us. Or he will send demons to destroy us.”

A blast of anger gave her renewed strength. “What’s with the
stuff. How did I get involved? I didn’t ask for this.” And why had the evil been stalking her before she released Arand? Was it simply fate that she was the woman to release Arand? Was this entire situation something beyond her control?

No, she refused to believe that. The evil or Hades or whatever he wanted to be called might be urging her to do certain things, but she was still in control of her life, still had choices. She couldn’t believe anything else or she’d end up curled in a fetal position in a corner somewhere, too afraid to move.

He tilted his chin up and his jaw tightened. “No, you did not ask for it, but it is a fact nonetheless. You released me from captivity and now your fate is tied to mine.”

“Great. That’s just great.” She stormed past him, or at least tried to. Anger was a much better emotion then fear. He snaked out an arm, catching her as she went by.

“Let me go.” She curled her hands into fists. Honestly, she was ready to pop him one.

No, it wasn’t his fault that she released him from the curse. That was all on her. She’d just had to have the wolf. But he shouldn’t have had sex with her. He’d known that she thought all of it was nothing more than a vision.

“Where are you going? We must stay close.” Even in the dim light she could see the honest concern in his eyes. A little of her anger drained away, leaving her frightened and slightly lost. She had no idea what she should be doing.

“I’m going to get cleaned up and then I’m going to figure out what to do.” She glanced down at his arm where it was wrapped around her and then arched a brow at him. He slowly released her and she stomped off to the bathroom. She could feel his gaze on her all the way and cursed the fact she was only wearing panties and carrying her jeans.

She shut the door solidly behind her and leaned against it. “What are you going to do?” she muttered. She turned on the light and stared at her reflection. Other than her tousled hair and slightly pale complexion, she didn’t look any different from a few hours ago. But everything had changed, including her perception of reality.

She was in the middle of an honest-to-goodness war between a god and a goddess. It was crazy and would be absurdly amusing if it weren’t happening to her.

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