Howl (Witches & Warlocks Book 4) (3 page)

BOOK: Howl (Witches & Warlocks Book 4)
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Twinks bolts off the couch, and runs towards the stairs, a little ball of crazed fur blazing over the hardwood floors. The hairs on my arm are still on edge, and the hairs at the back of my neck join them.

Muttering a protection spell or twenty, I slink towards the window, careful to stay near the wall in case there is someone, or something, watching me through the glass. When I still don't see anything, I reach out to twist the blinds closed, eyes searching the night, looking for whoever — or whatever — was stalking around outside my house.

I see nothing. Hear nothing.

With unease boiling in my stomach, I keep the lights off downstairs. Grab my phone and head up to my room. Keep the lights off up there until I can be sure that the blinds in my windows are closed and then, even though I saw nothing outside and I’m pretty sure I’m safe, I opt for nothing more than a small globe of magic for light until I head to bed.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in this life, it’s that you can’t really trust anything to be what it seems.


Chapter Three








I wake up to a blindingly bright December morning and peek out through the window, unease from last night still raking its way up my back. There’s a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. Undisturbed snow. As in, not a single footprint to be found anywhere. So, either whatever I heard last night was nothing to be concerned about, or it snowed after the something to be concerned about left. Regardless, with the sun up, it feels more like I was just being silly last night than anything else. I take a deep breath and stretch, determined not to let today be ruined by yesterday’s weird mood.

I check my phone and find a text from Noah.

It’s a beautiful day for a beautiful girl. Can’t wait to see you.

I smile and shoot one back.

Good morning, Mr. Wonderful. Can’t wait to see you, too.

And that’s totally true. As pragmatic as the decision to live separately is, I still feel better when he’s around. Miss seeing him in the morning, all bare chested and crazy haired. Miss watching him cook eggs and toast. Miss hearing him sing to himself in the shower.

And so, with all those thoughts in my head, I get dressed, have a quick breakfast and make my merry way to the gym. It’s a longer drive than it used to be, but it’s one that happens in my new car rather than a smelly old bus. So for one, it takes about half the time, and for two, it's a way more enjoyable experience. Radio on, seat warmer on, head boppin’, ready to get my blood pumping, I pull into the parking lot. I’m greeted by the now familiar blast of musty, humid, gym-sweat smelling air when I open the door to the Wolf Den.

“Hey! Lil’ witch!” Xavier slides the sign-up sheet over to me and I sign below Noah’s tidy signature. No matter how on the ball I am, that guy is always more so.

Albert sticks his head out his office door as I head back towards the locker rooms. “Your guy here yet?” he asks.

“Think so. Bet he’s in the locker room.” I pause and lean against the door. “You gonna break him in real good for me?”

Albert gives me a funny look and I realize that’s
not what I meant to say. I start to sputter an explanation and a blush works its way up from my toes to my hairline. “I really didn’t mean—”

Albert holds up his hands, laughing. “No worries. I know what you meant.” He lifts an eyebrow and hits me with a devilish grin. “You want me to break in your boyfriend,
real good.

Oh man, he’s never gonna let me live this down. “You know what I mean, Albert.” I point my finger at him and level him with my most serious of serious looks, trying desperately to recover from the foot in my mouth from just a moment ago. “Make him sore.”

“You want me to break him in until he’s sore?”

Oh, hell.

I just shake my head and walk away. At least here, I don’t need to pretend to be sad over losing my best friend. Everyone here knows the truth of what really happened.

I pass Noah on the way to the lockers and he swoops in close for a big kiss. Ignoring the whoops and hollers coming from the wolves, I kiss him right back, threading my hands up into his hair. I resist the urge to run them down his back and grab his ass, figuring you know, public place and all. Noah doesn’t do so well with the whole resisting deal. His hands slide down my low back, and then keep right on sliding. The whoops and hollers explode into whistles and cat calls. The wolves are a vivacious bunch.

“I missed you last night,” he whispers into my ear before kissing my neck, that sweet spot right below my jaw.

“Seems like it,” I reply, trying to ignore the rush of heat he’s got building in my body. You know, public place and all.

“We’re running with the wolves, baby. Gotta stake my claim on you.” And then, with a little pat on the butt, he’s off to meet Albert, leaving me all hot and bothered and suddenly the focus of way more attention than I really want to deal with. I rush to the locker room and get dressed before hurrying out to find Allison, my personal trainer. Thankfully, she’s got me on the same side of the gym as Noah today. I get to watch as he makes his way through the workout Albert crafted for him. Noah’s not as big as the wolves, but he’s not small, and his muscles look decidedly yummy in his white tank top and low slung sweat pants.

“Hey!” Allison waves a hand in front of my face. “You’re gonna need to focus on you, chickadee. Not the man meat. Hear me?” I chuckle and try to devote myself to my workout, but fail miserably. At least Allison has the eyes of a hawk and catches me every time my attention wanders.

I make it through the hour and am feeling pretty good. I’m definitely stronger. Don’t get tired as easily. I think I’m starting to see changes in my body. I was never one to care about the whole
get fit
craze, but now, I’m starting to understand why everyone thinks it’s such a big deal.

“That felt great!” Noah’s dark hair is still damp from his shower and is falling in little clumps onto his forehead. He stretches and rubs a hand across his chest. “Gonna be sore in the morning I think.”

“Ya? You think you’re gonna like this place?” I ask, resisting the urge to dry his hair for him. Just a little spell would do it. It’s cold outside and that’s no good with wet hair. But he’s a big boy and needs a girlfriend, not a mommy.

“For sure,” he says with a big old grin. “Even better when I get to watch you prancing around in your tight little work out get-up. Bending over, reaching for stuff. Bouncing around on the treadmill.”

I know I’m supposed to be offended, but it feels really good that he likes looking at me, especially considering how much I like looking at him. We leave the gym, his arm wrapped tight around my shoulders and make plans to spend the evening together. Noah watches me get into my car and lock the door. Smiles as he turns the key in his ignition and pull out of the parking space. For just a second, while I’m turning my car on and  getting the seat heater cranked up to molten lava hot, I get that strange feeling like someone’s looking at me. Like there’s eyes on me from somewhere that I can’t see. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I shiver despite the fact that my tush is getting warmer by the minute.

And then, just as quickly as it happened, it’s gone. I throw the car in gear and head to Windsor Manor. For a second, I thought I’d pop in and say hi to Daya, but then I remember that she’s probably not going to be there. I wonder if her replacement’s been chosen yet. I wonder what said replacement will do to with the color wheel explosion that is Daya’s office. I might just have to detour over that way on my way to the library, because you know, inquiring minds and all.

I’m pulled out of my thoughts by some jerk in a truck pulling up way too close behind me, riding my tail for a few nerve wracking seconds, and then blasting past me, throwing slush my way with his massive tires. The wind from his passing rocking my car. What the hell? I’m going over the speed limit.

Some people...

I pull up in front of the foreboding brick mansion that is Windsor Manor and hand my keys over to the valet. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to that, but considering the size of my monthly stipend, it seems the witches do enjoy their luxury. Even though the sun is shining, the day is cold. I pull my coat up a little tighter around my neck and duck my chin low, looking for more warmth.

Head down, hands in pockets, I stride towards the stairs, intent on taking them two at a time and therefore getting indoors and out of the cold as quickly as I can. I’m so not prepared for the hand on my arm, pulling me to a stop.

I whirl, magic at the ready, a glare on my face.

“Whoa!” The guy from Becca’s funeral holds up his hands. The one standing in the back. The one I didn’t recognize. “Down girl. Not gonna hurt you. Just here to talk.”

His words are saying one thing, but his actions are saying another. He’s still standing way too close to me and I don’t like the nasty little glint in his eyes. The scruff of his beard, gone too long between shaves. The greasy mess of his unkempt hair. I continue moving up the steps, walking backwards, not willing to turn my back on the guy.

Wolf, actually. This guy’s one of Albert’s, even though I’ve never seen him around the gym. He follows me, staying just inside my personal space.

“I’m not in the mood for talking” I say, reaching the top step and turning to walk towards the door.

“I won’t take long. Not even long enough to warrant that guy over there taking my truck,” he says, indicating the valet.

My eyebrows want to shoot into my hairline, but I don’t let them. Better to keep a cool exterior in these situation. But the fact that he came here in a truck just about finalizes the whole ‘I’m not comfortable with this guy’ deal. Was he the asshole that blew past me on the road? Did he follow me from the gym?

I really wish the valet hadn’t taken my keys so I could have them in my hand, ready to lash out if this guy makes a move for me, but then I realize how silly that is. I don’t need a weapon. I
a weapon. I reach out for the tiger and find her ready and waiting, eager to be set free.

I push through the front door and Mr. Crazy follows me right on in. “What do you want?” I ask as the doors swing shut behind him.

He takes another step towards me, putting himself even further inside my personal space. “I need your help with something,” he says.

That takes me a little off my guard. Me? Why me? I may know Albert well enough to joke with him at the gym, but that’s not going to put me in a position to do this guy any favors. If this guy thinks I can talk to Albert and pull a few strings for him, he’s got another thing coming. I tell him as much and he laughs at me, his stinky wolf-man breath blasting me in the face.

“Not that kind of help, sweet stuff. Magic.” He wiggles his fingers and looks at me like I’m an idiot.

“You’re here because you need a spell? You need to put in a request…” I have no idea if that’s true or not, but I want nothing to do with this guy. I turn to leave and he grabs me by the arm again. I whirl and zap him with just the tiniest of dark magic, just enough to make him regret ever putting his hands on me.

He grins and licks his lips. “Ya. Like that.”

“Look, I’m very busy. Why don’t you just go ahead and tell me what you want so I can go ahead and tell you no and we can go on about our days.”

“I don’t think it’s gonna go that way once you hear what I want.”

“Try me.”

“You’re the witch who can make vampires human again, right?”

I consider hitting him with another jolt of magic just to get him to shut up. Sure, I can make vampires human again, but I’m not necessarily interested in having that out as public knowledge. Seems like a quick way to end up with a vampire sized bullseye on my throat. If I react badly, my actions will confirm his question and it won’t matter how much I deny being able to do what he says I can do.

I scrunch up my face and do my best to look shocked. “What? No.” I even stop trying to get away from the guy, just come to a standstill and do my best to ignore him being too close to me. “Who told you that?”

His confidence stumbles a little. “It’s common knowledge, babe. Zoe Tate. Vampire slayer.”

“News to me.”

Dear God. It if
common knowledge, then there’s sure to be more than one vampire out there who wants me dead. Maybe that’s what I heard outside my window last night. A big bad bloodsucker, looking to drain me dry. With Mr. Crazy being a wolf, I know he can sense my fear. Sense my elevated heart rate, and quickening breath. Instead of trying to hide them, I acknowledge my fear, try to hide behind it.

“Do you realize how bad it is for me if that’s what people think? How many vampires are gonna want me dead?”

Mr. Crazy just nods. “Yep. All of ‘em. Even the new guy taking over Lucy’s spot at the top.” He leans in. “Now, I know you’re pretending. Which is smart. I can smell your fear.” He takes a deep breath in through his nose. “But I don’t believe you for one second. I’ve got this vampire that’s causing problems for me—”

I put my hands on his chest and push him away. “The only pretending that’s going on around here is you pretending that I care what you have to say at all.” I take a few steps down the hall. “I can’t do what you think I can do. I’d appreciate it if you leave me alone.”

Mr. Crazy gives me a double thumbs up. “Whatever you say, Vampire Slayer.” And then he turns on his heels and slips out the front door. A blast of wind howls through the hallway, hitting me in the face.

I’m panting. Close to panicking. Having
know that I can undo undeath? Shit. I am so screwed. My legs feel all quivery and are begging me to slide down the wall and have a seat on the ground, but I ignore them and stride down the hall towards Daya’s old office. Maybe she’s there. Maybe the person taking her spot is there. Maybe someone’s there who’ll know what to do and how to keep me safe.

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