Read Huddle With Me Tonight Online

Authors: Farrah Rochon

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

Huddle With Me Tonight (18 page)

BOOK: Huddle With Me Tonight
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“Well, when you invited me here, I expected entertainment as part of the package.”

“I’m not much of an entertainer,” he said. His unzipped his pants and pushed them down past his hips. His erection strained under the confines of his boxers. Paige’s mouth dried up at the sight. She wanted that
bad and

“Um, I think most of your fans would disagree,” she said, trying to concentrate on their little game instead of his body. “You’re very entertaining on the football field,” she said, bringing her eyes back up to his face. The smile she found there was inspiring.

“I guess there are some similarities between this and football. I strive to do my best in both arenas.”

Paige held up one finger as he knelt next to her on the bed. “One difference,” she said. “This time you’re guaranteed to score.” She plunged into a fit of giggles at Torrian’s eye roll. “I know that was so cheesy. Sorry, I couldn’t help it. It was just too perfect.”

“Kind of like this spot on your neck.” He dived for the spot just behind her ear and nipped at her skin.

Paige angled her head to give him better access, her eyes closing as pleasure seized her. He knew just when to go from biting to licking to sucking. He trailed his tongue from her neck to her collarbone, pulling the strap of her bra down her arm in the process.

“I can’t take much more of this,” he said.

Paige brought her hands to his chest and gently pushed him away. She knelt in the center of the bed and brought her hands behind her back, releasing the single clasp and letting the bra fall from her breasts.

Torrian’s chest expanded with his huge, audible intake of breath. He came up on his knees; he was so close Paige could feel the heat from his body. She took his hands and brought them to her breasts, shutting her eyes and letting her head fall back as she pressed her hands over his. He played upon her skin, squeezing, releasing, applying more and more pressure with every clasp of his huge palms.

He went for her throat again, nuzzling the spot that had come to expect his touch. The erotic swipes of his tongue along her skin, the roughness of his fingers as they pinched her nipples, the pressure of the erection that stirred back and forth against her stomach, wrangled a moan from deep within her throat.

Torrian’s hands moved from her breasts to her waist, then around to the small of her back where he undid the clasp of her skirt. He unzipped and pushed the garment down, dragging her silk panties with it. He leaned her back upon the pillows and pulled her clothes the rest of the way.

Paige lay before him completely naked, her skin burning with the need to have his hands all over her.

For long, passion-filled moments, Torrian just stared at her, his heated gaze scorching. “God, you’re beautiful,” he breathed.

Paige closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, her chest expanding. Her body tensed as she felt his fingers graze lightly along her throat. They traveled down the center of her body, through the valley between her breasts and over her stomach, which tightened under his touch. His fingers lingered, smoothing up and down her ribs, then went lower, closing over the spot between her legs. His palm pressed against her, one finger slipping between her folds to circle her clitoris.

Her body arched to meet his erotic caress, a soft cry escaping her throat. Torrian pinched the silken bundle of nerves between his thumb and forefinger, then slipped a single finger inside, coaxing another cry from her. All of her muscles spasmed simultaneously. Paige could hardly breathe, her senses concentrated on that one spot.

The tip of his tongue found her breasts, swirling around one nipple and then the other, sucking the distended tip into his mouth and tugging with just enough pressure to wrench another moan from her. His fingers continued to play between her legs, slipping in and out with increasing speed.

Pleasure, exquisite and intense, began to build low in her belly. Every muscle in her body tensed as Torrian’s expert fingers worked their magic inside of her. Her body clenched and Paige exploded, sharp white streaks of light shooting behind her closed eyelids.

She fell back onto the bed with a satisfied groan, her body like putty.

“Oh, my God,” she breathed.

Torrian lay beside her, strumming his fingers up her body to caress her breasts. “You do know that was only the beginning, right?” he whispered against her jaw.

Another ripple of sensation flowed over her body at his softly spoken promise.

He rolled off the bed and went for the pants he’d tossed on the floor, retrieving his wallet from the back pocket. He flipped it open and pulled out a condom. He shucked off his boxers and covered himself with the latex before he reached the bed.

Paige welcomed him back with a deep, soul-melting kiss. The weight of his body pushing down on her felt amazing. Torrian wrapped his arms around her and rolled over, placing her on top. His erection nudged her open, and with one swift, elegant movement, he entered her body.

Her back arched. Paige couldn’t contain the shriek of pleasure that escaped as Torrian captured her waist with his hands and guided her up and down the length of him. Her body blossomed, opening for him, sucking his powerful erection deeper and deeper inside.

Twin shouts of unadulterated pleasure echoed around the room as they both yelled with satisfaction. Paige leaned forward, gripping the covers on either side of Torrian’s head in her fists. His head came up and he pulled her nipple between his lips as he continued to pump into her body.

Paige pitched her head back, her neck muscles straining, the pleasure coursing through her almost too powerful to contemplate.


With his hands on her hips, Torrian increased her pace, moving her up and down with swift, firm strokes that caused the tension pitted low in her belly to boil over and erupt in a shout of pure pleasure.

Paige collapsed on top of him, satisfaction flowing over her in waves. Finally, she rolled off him and flopped to the side, not bothering to cover herself. A relaxing contentment pulsed through her bloodstream.

A gurgle of laughter started deep in her throat. She tried to suppress it, but couldn’t help it. She was overcome by a fit of silly, contented giggles.

“And you’re laughing why?” Torrian asked.

“Because it’s been a long time since I’ve felt this good,” she managed to get out.

He rolled over and braced himself on one arm, looking down at her. The wide grin on his face was an outward manifestation of what she was feeling inside.

“I can live with that answer,” he said. He dipped his head and covered her mouth with his.

Paige sighed into his kiss, opening her mouth and accepting his tongue. “Mmm…you do that well.”

“You’re pretty good yourself, Ms. Turner.”

“Did you know we were going to fall into bed as soon as we got here?” she asked.

“No, I didn’t know for certain,” he said, nipping along her jaw. He hovered just above her, gazing into her eyes. “But it is evidence that God does indeed answer prayers, because I’ve been praying for this since the minute I asked you to come out here with me.”

“Did I live up to your expectations?” Paige asked.

“You’re so far beyond that I can’t even describe it.”

Paige wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him on top of her.

“Let’s see if I can help you find the words.”



Paige tried to raise her eyelids, but they were not cooperating. She was completely spent, her body replete with pleasure. She heard the shower in the connected bathroom, thought about joining Torrian inside, then realized she couldn’t lift herself from the bed if she tried.

She had no idea how many times they’d made love. It seemed as if they’d wasted away the entire afternoon in bed. Paige managed to open one eye and stared at the ceiling in awe. She’d just spent hours having sex with Torrian Smallwood. She tended to forget just who he was when they were together. He made it easy to forget; he didn’t act like a superstar. He was just Torrian.

She looked around the room and, for just a second, allowed herself to imagine what it would be like if things became more serious between them. They had yet to talk about where things would go once they were done with the cook-off. She was hesitant to bring up the subject; afraid it would force them to make a decision neither of them were ready to make just yet.

For now, she was content to enjoy what they had found together: good conversation, great sex—okay, unbelievably amazing sex—and the ability to just have fun.

But a part of her wanted more.

Paige threw one arm over her eyes and groaned.

Don’t go there,
she pleaded with her brain. She would not set herself up for disappointment by expecting more than Torrian had agreed to give. She was too smart to fall into that way of thinking.

The shower stopped, and moments later Torrian walked out of the bathroom, a plush towel wrapped low across his hips.

“You’re awake,” he said, coming over to the bed and placing a kiss on her lips.

“You sound surprised.”

“And relieved.” He nodded. “For a minute there, I thought I’d killed you. You came and just passed out.”

“Think about the headlines
story would have made.” Paige laughed.

“I try to keep my private life out of the headlines,” he said, nuzzling her nose. “I was going to run to the grocery store. You need anything in particular?”

“Other than another hour or so of sleep?”

He chuckled, dropping the towel and pulling on a pair of running shorts and a T-shirt. The thought of him buying groceries commando put a smile on her face.

He snatched his wallet from the dresser, came back to the bed and captured her lips in a swift but thorough kiss, whispered “goodbye,” and left.

Paige waited until she heard the front door close before rolling over and burying her face in the pillow. How had she allowed herself to fall so hard so fast?

Chapter 15


orrian switched the second canvas sack to his left hand and fished the keys from his pocket. He stopped to take a deep breath before unlocking the front door. He’d spent the last forty minutes trying to calm his body so he wouldn’t rush straight to Paige when he returned. He wanted to spend the entire weekend wrapped up in those sheets with her.

A wave of need rushed over him and Torrian had to pull in another deep breath. He’d had his fair share of women. Not nearly as many as the tabloids would have people believe, but enough to be able to compare.

With Paige, there was no comparison. After less than a half hour in bed with her, every other woman he’d ever been with had been eradicated from his mind. After the fourth time they’d made love, Torrian knew she’d ruined him for anyone else for the rest of his life.

He entered the kitchen and nearly dropped the grocery bags. A firm, round butt peeked out of the open refrigerator. Paige was wrapped in a bath towel, her feet bare. The sight was so delicious that all he could think to do was strip the towel away and turn her body inside out.

Reining in the desire that was threatening to overcome him, Torrian called out, “See anything good in there?”

She jumped and turned, a huge grin spreading across her face. “Bottled water and a box of baking soda.” She laughed.

God, he loved her laugh. Especially her after-sex laugh. She seemed unable to stop herself from erupting into a fit of giggles after each climax. Desire culled in his stomach. He’d give anything to get her back in bed right now.

The low rumble of his stomach reminded him that they would both need sustenance before going for another marathon lovemaking session.

“I was thinking we could have dinner on the beach,” he suggested. “There’s a grill out there.”

“That sounds lovely. Let me go and slip something on.”

“You don’t have to,” Torrian quickly told her. “The beach is semi-private and the sun will be setting soon,” he added, hoping to convince her to remain in her near-naked state.

She barked out a laugh. “I am not going out there in nothing but a towel.” She walked toward him, stopping a scant foot away. “But I promise whatever I wear will give you easy access to whatever it is you want.”

Torrian groaned. If lust could kill he would be
dead right now.

While Paige dressed, he got started on dinner, firing up the gas grill on the patio and throwing on the ready-made kebobs he’d picked up at the grocery store. She exited the sliding glass door wearing an airy sundress that stopped mid-thigh.

Easy access, indeed.

Her feet were still bare, and Torrian was more than just a little encouraged at how comfortable she’d made herself in his home.

“That smells good already,” she said.

“I can’t take any credit this time,” he answered. “They came this way.”

“Well, I’d rather you spend your time with me instead of cooking.”

“You’re just saying that because you don’t want me brushing up on my skills before the final cook-off segment,” he said.

“You found me out.” She laughed, leaning over to give him a kiss.

Torrian placed the kebobs on an oval platter and carried it, along with a bottle of wine, to a blanket he’d arranged on the beach. Paige followed with two wineglasses and an assortment of fresh fruit and cheese.

They settled onto the blanket and enjoyed their meal, engaging in light conversation as they feasted on the grilled meat. Paige regaled him with stories of how her brothers tortured her and her younger sister, who both now suffered from a fear of frogs and butterflies due to their antics. It was evident by the joy in her voice as she spoke of them that she cherished her family just as much as he cherished Deirdre and Dante.

She asked him to elaborate on some of the childhood stories she’d read in his book. Every time her head fell back with that unrestrained laughter, Torrian had to fight back the urge to grab her and pull her to him. He was drunk with his lust for her. Her mouth was the sweetest addiction, calling to him with a promise of more pleasure than he could handle.

BOOK: Huddle With Me Tonight
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