Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1)
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A few hours later, Eric was drawn back to the kitchen at the mouthwatering aroma that floated through the house. Entering the dining room, he watched as Rebecca was serving up dinner and setting the table. His knees nearly buckled at the sight of the food she was putting out. Rebecca had made beef stroganoff with freshly made bread rolls. She’d prepared a salad as well, but he knew that he wouldn’t be touching that rabbit food.

He was nearly knocked over as his children came barreling down the stairs and straight into the dining room. He watched with as Emma and Travis hovered around Rebecca at the stove; attempting to get a closer look at the food she was dishing out.

“Go sit down.” She said, effectively shooing the twins from the kitchen as she finished her task.

Moving back to the dining area, Travis and Emma raised their perplexed faces to him as they seemed to notice their father leaning against the wall for the first time. He could understand their confusion. It was rare that he got to eat with his children. Pack concerns and his architecture business kept him busy. But tonight nothing would pull him away; he’d made certain of that.

When Rebecca had exited the kitchen area carrying several plates, she froze too at the sight of him. Smirking at her with a knowing look, he settled into a chair without as much as a word. Almost immediately his children followed his suit and climbed into their seats, eyeing Rebecca eagerly as she approached the table with their food.

“You’re eating with us, Dad?” Travis asked snatching up his fork as soon as Rebecca placed a bowl of stroganoff in front of him.

“Yes, I am. That is if I can have some. Rebecca?” he asked with false innocence, gesturing to his empty plate. Glaring back at him she all roughly slid a full bowl at him, nearly dumping the contents in his lap had he not caught the dish.

Rebecca made several more trips back to the kitchen; bringing out the large salad bowl, drinks and a bread basket before taking her seat between Emma and Travis. Attempting to ignore the fact that Eric was sitting with them, Rebecca attempted to turn her attention solely on her food.

Taking a bite of the pasta dish in front of him, Eric nearly swore as the creamy sauce covered noodles and meat exploded on his tongue. “Rebecca?” he groaned out with pleasure, drawing her attention.

Rebecca’s eyes drifted up from her bowl with a raised brow. “What is it?”

“This,” he began, motioning at his food. “…is incredible. If you always cook like this I may just have to keep you.” His eyes watched her for a reaction. She didn’t disappoint him as her cheeks flushed before she quickly looked away.

“Thank you…” she mumbled, attempting to cover up her embarrassment.

Reaching for a dinner roll, Eric dipped it in his bowl before bringing it to his mouth. Half way through their dinner, Emma’s small innocent voice cut through the silence that swelled within the room.

“Can we have ice cream after dinner, Daddy?” Emma asked, flashing him her best pleading look.

“Sure, I think I might need something sweet too.” He glanced conspiringly at Rebecca across the table. “How about it, Rebecca? Do you know where I can get something creamy and sweet?” he asked with a grin. He couldn’t help but smirk at the wash of color that flooded her cheeks once more as she caught his hidden meaning.

All through the remainder of dinner, Rebecca did her best to avoid talking to him, much less even looking at him. Phase one of his plan was accomplished, she was aware of his interest, and she wasn’t as indifferent as she’d like him to believe. As soon as Emma and Travis were in bed for the night she would have nowhere to run, he’d begin laying phase two into motion.

After the twins had eaten as if it were the last scraps of food on the planet; they smiled with happiness as Rebecca collected their plates and returned with two small bowls of chocolate ice cream. Eric noted with a soft scoff that she had purposely not brought him one as well. After they had practically licked their bowls clean, Eric leaned back in his chair, folding his arms behind his head.

“Time for bed.” Almost instantly both of the twins groaned in despair. Shooting them a firm look before they could begin to barter for more time, Eric shook his head. “Go get ready for bed.”

For a brief moment the twins cast a glance toward Rebecca as she was collecting the dishes and carrying them to the sink to be washed. Seeing that she would not aid them against their father’s wishes; with frowning faces, the twins slid from their chairs and headed off to do as they were told.

After collecting the last dish from the table, Rebecca returned with a damp wash cloth and began to whip the table clean. His eyes never strayed from her for a moment.

“Stop it!” she huffed out in loss of patience as she tossed a damp wash cloth in his face. Jerking the wet cloth off his face, he smiled up at her as she headed back into the kitchen.

“What did I do now?”

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what? Am I making you nervous?” he teased.

“No.” she mumbled. Filling the sink with soapy water, all the while she was too aware that he followed behind her.

Dumping the dishes in a sink full of wash water, Rebecca stiffened as she felt his body heat at her back. He didn’t move to touch her or even to speak. Ignoring him the best she could, her hands moved quickly through the water. When she found herself all too focused on her task, Eric started her by wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her back tightly against his front.

“You should be nervous, Rebecca. If you knew the things you make me want to do to you.”

“You’re acting crazy, Eric.” She inwardly groaned. It felt so good to be in his arms. The warm steel bands around her caused her to feel protected and loved. Which made it hurt all the more. Shoving at his arms, Rebecca forced herself to put space between them, for both their sakes.

“Why are you doing this? Why can’t you just leave me alone? I work for you! Don’t you have any self respect?”

His eyes flashed over her with amusement and unhidden interest. “What does self respect have to do with it? I want you and I know you want me. Why fight it?”

“So what? You just decide that I’m to be your new sex toy and I fall in line?”

Rolling his eyes, Eric scoffed. “If only.”

“Look.” Rubbing her tired eyes, she took a step closer to him. “I need this job, Eric. I like this job and I’m not going to risk it.”

“Tough. I am willing to risk it.” Quickly moving forward, Eric backed her against one of the counters.

Wrapping her fingers around the edge of the counter, Rebecca lifted her chin; refusing to shrink away from him like the rabbit he’d called her. Reaching out; Eric wrapped the length of her ponytail around his fist, using her hair like a handle to tip her head back as he pressed against her.

“Be as stubborn as you wish, but I have never backed down from a challenge and I will win.” Rebecca answered him with a doubtful glare. Before she could throw a barbed insult at his arrogant statement, his lips covered hers as if she were the last drop of water in the desert. His teeth nipped at her bottle lip demanding entre. Rebecca tried to remain motionless beneath his lips, but his kiss made her blood sing. Made her body ache in ways she’d only read about.

How she wanted to give herself to him, to love him as she desired to. But the image of her parent’s bloody, mangled bodies flittered into her mind. It very may have been one of his pack members that killed her parents. Would he take her side against his own kind, people he’d played with and grew up with? No. he wouldn’t.

Shoving her hands between their hypersensitive bodies, she shoved with all her might against an impenetrable wall of hard muscle. However, she succeeding in only pushing his lips off of hers. Taking a steady breathe, her hands struggled to pry his strong arms from around her waist.

“We need to stop.” She whispered breathlessly, refusing to meet his eyes as he looked curiously down at her.

Eric shook his head. “There is no stopping this now. There is no going back for either of us. That chance became out of reach the moment you let me touch you.”

“I won’t accept.” She argued in a haunting voice. Shaking her head with worried eyes, she took a step backwards, forcing a safe distance between them. “Just because we…” her hand waved between them, awkwardly indicating to what had happened between them. “…did
, doesn’t mean that you get to suddenly own me.”

“I may not own you, but you are mine and I refuse to let you run away from this cause you are scared.” Eric bit out.

“I am not scared of you, Eric.” It was a lie. The truth was; she was terrified of him…of her need of him. Eric had this pull about him, drawing her closer to him even as she struggled to stay away from him.

“Then prove it.” Eric replied gently. Stepping closer to her, He reached out. His large hand cupped her chin and forced her eyes to meet his. “Stop fighting this. I don’t understand this need I have for you, but the thought of being forced from you shreds my insides. I want to explore it. Give whatever is between us a chance.”

Briefly, Rebecca’s eyes searched his. She didn’t know what she expected to see within his emerald eyes. It was honesty mixed with pleading. Eric…was pleading? That was a mind-boggling concept. Not once in the couple of months that she’d known Eric had he
looked or acted pleadingly. Deep down, she wanted trust what he was saying, but she couldn’t. Her chest ached with as a terrifying voice from a distant memory echoed through her mind.

None of my kind will let you live now. Others will come for you and you will never know mercy from my kind…

Jerking her head away, she forced herself to look at him with indifference. “I don’t want to give it a chance.” she whispered with a flat tone. “The other night was a mistake; one I don’t want to repeat with you.” Taking in a deep breath, she forced her next words out as a knot twisted her stomach tightly. “I don’t want you.”

For a moment, Eric had no expression or reaction to her words as he took in her words. Had he even heard her? Soon his relaxed expression shifted. His eyes darkened in reaction to her lifeless words. His lips pressed together into a tight line before he finally spoke. “
” his voice came out sounding more like a growl than anything and it made Rebecca shiver with fear. She flinched back as he pointed at her accusingly. “I know you feel the need—the connection between us. That won’t go away. Sooner or later; you will be forced to acknowledge it and when that happens, you will come to me.”

Rebecca scoffed, tossing her head back. “Get a grip! You just want sex and I’m convenient. I don’t even like you, Eric, and I know you definitely don’t like me. Why in the world would I
come to you if I wanted a relationship?” she asked, sarcastically holding her arms out at her sides.

Eric’s eyes narrowed.”You think Damon can give you what I did?” he growled out.

Turning around, Rebecca grabbed her purse off the back counter. Spinning back to Eric’s stubborn face, she smirked coldly up at him. “Perhaps. If not; I am sure I can find someone else.”

Moving toward the front door, Rebecca was jerked to a stop when Eric’s hand clamped roughly around her forearm. Jerking her fully against his front, he looked down at her, his eyes burning with anger and jealously at her words.

“Know that if someone touches you, they will be taking their life out of their hands. You are under my protection.”

“I don’t need your stupid protection!” she frowned; attempting to break free of Eric’s restraining hand.

Eric lowered his head until their noses were touching. “I. Am. Serious.” He bit out. “Don’t put an obstacle between us that I will have to remove.” He warned in a low voice. Tangling his freehand in her loose hair, he held her immobile as his lips came crashing down over hers. He dominated her mouth with a near punishing force. His teeth captured her bottom lip, nipping at it before sliding his tongue over the tempting flesh. Rebecca gasped against his lips. The force of his kiss made her want to return it; all the while she knew she should fight it.

Twisting out of grip, Rebecca broke the kiss. Her lungs burned for air, and left her panting heavily. Without saying a word, she ran. Jerking the front door open, she rushed out of the house, allowing the door to slam behind her. She didn’t stop her running legs until she had slid into her small car, pressing her back tightly against her seat. Her chest rose and a fell with her heavy breaths, her heart thundering in her ears.

Her trembling hand reached up to touch her pulsing lips. She could still feel him touching her, kissing her as only Eric could. Her stomach clenched and trembled all at once with need. She wouldn’t go through this again, she silently promised. Eric didn’t own her or own her reaction to him. She was needy and that was easily fixed. Perhaps it was time that she did.

Then prove it…
Eric’s rumbling words from earlier echoed in her mind.

That’s just what she would do.  The only way to prove that Eric had no hold; sexual or otherwise, over her was to prove it. The only way that she could prove it to Eric was to prove it to herself.


* ~ * ~*


Gulping against the lump in her throat that threatened to chock her, Rebecca stared up at the glowing red lights of the
Red Horns Bar and Grill
sign. With apprehension she looked up at the angry image on the sign of a fiery red bull’s face. Within the small town of Ravenwillow the
Red Horns
was the only bar within miles, which meant this was her only option.

BOOK: Hunger of the Heart (Wolves of Ravenwillow Book 1)
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