Hungry for Love (23 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Angie sighed

I was sorry you didn

t like my food.

Bill smiled. 

I was going to call you—let

s talk in my office.

As Angie took a seat opposite Bill
he worked to neutralize her hurt feelings.  His face
unfailingly kind
conveyed a sense of paternal goodness. 


m not much of a sophisticated eater. I just like plain
simple food
so really I

m not the best judge of your amazing cuisine.

Angie brightened

Oh.  I see.

Bill smiled at her and was happy to see her face grow less stormy. 

But if you

d be willing to do some simple
sort of traditional things
no reason at all why we wouldn

t love to have you cater it.  Of course it

s probably not fair to ask you to do that—no challenge to the artist in you.  So I

ll understand if….

Angie smiled in return.  He was nice.  And very handsome. 

she said


d love to do it.  Doesn

t have to be cutting edge to be fabulous.


  Bill paused to look down at her chart
then asked


s the diet going
  Having any issues with your new
thinner body

I don

t really feel all that different. I thought I would.  I

m still surprised when people look—and don

t throw up.

  Angie laughed but they both knew she wasn

t really making a joke.

Being thinner can

t rid you of problems.  All it can change is your dress size.

Angie stopped for a moment to think about this
but it wasn

t anything she didn

t already know. 

I catch a glimpse of myself in mirrors or store windows and I think

s that—and then I remember—it

s me.  Amazing.

  She grew quiet briefly while he waited and she was surprised to note that he was actually listening
actually participating in the conversation. 

At least I got a handle on the food thing.  I never taste anything I cook.  Used to taste or snack all day long.

said Bill. 

So.  Let

s talk about anger.

asked Angie.

Are you still angry at your dad

said Angie

You knew.

  Had he read that in her file
  Did Kevin tell him that

Other day I brought him some homemade Gelato and he didn

t even take it.

Have you talked to him about this
asked Bill gently.

Angie drew in her breath sharply. 

Oh I couldn

t do that.  Nobody talks to Daddy. I

d have to get arrested to get his attention.

Yes you can
said Bill encouragingly. 

I have two suggestions.  First
talk to your dad.  Secondly
go back to the deli and taste very small bites of what you

re cooking.  And then at mealtime adjust your food a bit to compensate and of course maintain correct levels of exercise.  I think you

ll discover something interesting.


Bill smiled. 


ll discuss it next time.

Angie was highly agitated as she left the office.  Dr. Masters was a nice man but he clearly was crazy and that wasn

t even the whole problem.  The problem was her plan was being foiled.  And she did not intend to give up—she was no quitter.  So she left the building and waited out front
pacing now and then and intermittently checking her watch—he would surely be going out to lunch shortly.  And there he was!

Kevin walked out of the office building and toward his Porsche
but Angie stepped right up to him with a gleaming but insecure smile.

Kevin! Dr. Flicker
she called.

He strained to recall her name
but couldn

then smoothly said

hi.  What are you doing here

Angie sounded so sorrowful as she asked

Are you mad at me

Of course not
Kevin replied.  He noticed a familiar looking black Honda cruising by
and briefly he turned in the direction of the vehicle
but it sped away.  Did he know that car

Angie took his absorption as a sign. 


re not telling me something.  I can feel it.

Kevin knew an out when he was presented with one.  Conspiratorially he said

I have to be extra careful now.  People are watching me.

  He glanced in the direction in which the Honda had gone. 

Holding things over my head.  Plotting.  They know about….

Wide eyed
Angie asked

About us

You can

t imagine how serious Dr. Masters is.  He sees us together and he worries.

Kevin smiled at her in his most beguiling way and continued

Too hard to hide chemistry like ours.

Angie quivered a little
something which Kevin did not fail to notice.

His eyes narrowed and he said

Problem is nobody has ever tempted him.  I just wish.  Well
I shouldn

t say it.  I

ll just stop here.

The air rushed from Angie

s throat as she sighed

Oh no

t stop.  Tell me everything.

Kevin looked to the right and the left as though he were making sure he was not being overheard or spotted. 

Ok.  I wish someone would come along and seduce his ass.

  He gulped a few times
then said

please excuse me.


m here for you
Kevin.  Do you still have my number
  Kevin looked so worried
Angie didn

t want to trouble him
so she pulled another card from her purse and scribbled her home number on the back before giving it to him. 

Here—take this one.

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