Hungry for Love (36 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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s what

s going to happen
said Bill with icy precision. 


m going to a party to make excuses.  Happy Birthday
by the way—surprise!  When I get home you won

t be here.  And Monday
pointing at Kevin

When I get to work
you won

t be there.  The both of you can go to hell where you belong.

I can

t get all my stuff out of here tonight
asserted Chrissy
determined to stand up to Bill despite the look on his face. 

Who do you think you are anyway
not like I don

t know what

s been going on with you and her.

  She pointed toward the door where Laura no longer stood as Bill just shook his head at her.

Kevin looked toward the doorway his wife had vacated and wondered only briefly what Chrissy was talking about
then returned his focus to the more important issue. 

Why should I give up half a practice that

s mine
asked Kevin.


ll get moving men to deliver your exercise crap wherever you want.  And I

ll get a lawyer to split the practice.  Both of you—get the hell out of my house.  I

m calling the security company and they

ll make sure you

re out
stuff or no stuff.

Bill turned and strode out the door
grabbing a suit jacket from his closet.  He walked outside and stood next to Laura by their cars
a hand on her arm to steady her. 


m sorry you had to see that
he said.

Which part
she asked

The screwing
the smoking or the fudge

Bill shook his head

What a couple of schnooks we are
huh.  Thank God the kids weren

t with us.

Laura nodded wryly. 

So what do we do now
  Call the caterer and cancel

I hate to do that to her

s so sensitive

ll take it personally.  Plus so many friends are probably already there.   I

ll just go
make up a lie
hope it ends early.  If I stay here I might take a baseball bat to them.


re always stuck being the grownups
said Laura. 

Should we just take one car

And that was what they did.  According to Bill
Chrissy was sick and each time someone asked where she was
he made up a new
even creepier disease.  As most of the people there were Bill

s friends
not Chrissy

nobody really minded her absence and they also didn

t leave early.  They had a good time and nobody noticed how subdued both Bill and Laura were.

Sophie and Bert were the last to leave because Mrs. G had wanted to stay and help
although no help was needed.  Angie

s crew was top notch and the party would have been a huge success under different circumstances.  Sophie smiled toward the back
where the girls had conked out on some chairs.  Will was riding the carousel
determined to set a record and each time he did another round
he shouted out the number. 

It was a lovely party
said Sophie
although she could see something was wrong when she looked into Bill

s eyes. 

Need someone to listen
she asked.

Bill smiled at her and made a gesture
his hand slicing across his throat and a squawky sound coming from his lips.

maybe it

s for the best
she said
knowing instantly what he meant. 

Want us to stick around a while
  Bert stood by her side
and although he was tired
he said nothing. 

Bill hugged his neighbor and said

Oh no
thanks though.  We

re leaving too in just a couple minutes.

Okay then

s up this hill to our car.  If you want to stop by later

ll be up for a while.

Bill smiled at Sophie and watched her and Bert go up the tall hill that led from the pier to the street.  He didn

t know if they

d parked on the pier itself
on the street
or in one of the nearby lots but it was a bit of a trek and he hoped they

d parked on the pier.

He gazed off into the distance
where a few feet away Laura had raced over to a young couple who were smoking.  They peered into her eyes
growing more and more alarmed
not so much because of her message but because she was becoming so emotional that she sounded almost unhinged.

Oh no

re smoking.  Please!  Think about what you

re doing.  You could lose your life
lose each other.  Everything would be over.  Dead. I

m talking final here
no more
nothing more
completely over and dead.

Without a word
the couple turned and raced away
their pace becoming more rapid with each step.  Laura observed them and began weeping
and she stumbled toward the carousel as Bill walked toward her and took her in his arms.

Her sobbing grew more pronounced
her breath ragged
her words coming in breathy gasps. 

Control was all I wanted.  I thought if I could make a difference
make them stop smoking
then at least I could feel I had a handle on something
was doing something
getting something right
something good.

  Then she laughed
sobbed some more
and sniffled

Fighting the devil.

Bill dabbed at her eyes with his handkerchief.

Laura sobbed and wheezed a bit

But there is no control.  I should know that by now after all these years with Kevin.

Ah honey
said Bill
cleaning up her streaky face with his handkerchief.

Do you think I married him so I could face all this
  Face that there

s never any control
  Face that there

s no safety
  She took the handkerchief and mopped at her eyes then resumed sobbing. 

If I could live with Kevin all these years
maybe I don

t need as much control as I thought.

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