Hungry for Love (55 page)

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Authors: Nancy Frederick

BOOK: Hungry for Love
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Excuse me
said Erin
who rose and marched over to her husband

s table and began a conversation that rapidly devolved into a shouting match. 

What are you doing
following me
at Henry. 

How did you find out where I

d be
  Are you hacking my schedule in the computer
  Had to hire a hooker to be your beard

Go fuck yourself
said Henry
as people around him looked moderately shocked and extremely annoyed at the shattering of their peaceful dinner hour.


m not a hooker
said the woman


m his attorney.

Explain the difference
staring down the inflated cleavage with a sneer.


m going to have to ask you to leave
said the attorney.


m going to suggest you take makeup lessons at a new clown college

Henry stood and signaled to the waiter to call security.

Bill looked toward the exit of the restaurant with deep yearning.  Couldn

t he just slip away and pretend he didn

t know these people
  He needn

t pretend—he didn

t know them.  But then what.  He

d surely see
at school and leaving her stranded at a restaurant wouldn

t be a good idea.

After tossing a glass of wine in her husband

s face
returned to the table.  Bill could almost see the waves of red
angry light rising from the top of her head as she seethed and spoke of her former husband and the financial tricks he

d been playing on her.  This rant went on for quite a while and Bill listened with only half an ear after a short time
although he nodded appropriately.  There was no need to ask a question to keep the conversation moving because apparently this woman could continue speaking without stopping for air.  Eventually she did stop speaking and just looked at him
clearly waiting for some comment
so he said

Well love is a battlefield like they say in the song.

Ah thanks for being so understanding and letting me rant.  Say—would you like to come home with me tonight

Bill gulped.  All he could picture was one of those female insects that during copulation devour
the male. 

Gosh I can

t—kids at home
you know.  In fact

d better get the check.






Butch and Wimp were having a nice lunch at the cute little deli down the street from Zero Tolerance. 

said Butch

This place is much better than it was the last time we were here.

for sure.  I almost didn

t want to come here today.  So are you ready to hear my news

Ready as rain.


s not raining.

Wimp stood up to look out the window to be sure.


s an expression.


s right as rain.

What does that have to do with being ready

So this doctor called in a standing order today—hundred buck bouquet—daily—for his wife—and a two hundred dollar one on Saturday.  Sounds like some big time cheating to be atoned for.  Wonder how many weeks he

ll be good for.

well aren

t you the Mr. Moneybags
said Butch

The business is going very well
but with this windfall
I think it

s time.


For me to take you on that trip to

ve always wanted to go on.

Butch sighed with pleasure and reached her hand out to Wimp. 


s fantastic.  Look at us.  Like an old married couple.


ve mellowed.  Like those two over there—the perfect couple.

  Wimp pointed across the deli to Bill and Laura
who were laughing about his recent dates.

said Butch. 

Nobody would hire us to teach him a lesson.

Nobody hired us to teach anybody a lesson
said Wimp.


t cast aspersions on the mood
said Butch.

At another table Ben sat with Clint
eating panini and jicama slaws.  Clint spoke hesitantly

So how

s it going with you and Colette

Oh I just love her
said Ben


s such fun and such a wonderful person.

she is
said Clint

And you love her.  Well

m happy for you.  Sad for me but happy for you.

Why are you sad

Because oh never mind
just be happy.

Are we getting confused here
asked Ben. 

Have you forgotten the plan

You mean you and Colette getting married and moving away to have a bunch of babies
  No I didn

t forget.

Ben laughed. 

Wow.  I guess we really put that over.  It was a ruse
to snap Angie out of her crush on that doctor and realize we

re meant for each other.

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