Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters (76 page)

Read Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters Online

Authors: Cari Quinn,Cathy Clamp,Anna J. Stewart,Jodi Redford,Amie Stuart,Leah Braemel,Chudney Thomas

BOOK: Hunks, Hammers, and Happily Ever Afters
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“Why do you guys wear these things?”

Mica laughed at him as he flung it in triumph to the floor.

“You try running around with these things.” She cupped her breasts and Cam groaned in appreciation. Her skin was golden brown from the sun. He traced the tops of her breast with his fingers following the tan line she’d acquired running around in the heat.

“I can think of better things to do with these than run.”

“But then how are you going to chase me?” Mica feinted left and Cam let her take a few steps before grabbing her around her waist.  He nuzzled her neck as he peeled her shorts away from her hips.

Mica hands brushed his as she helped him get her shorts down her legs. She turned in his arms and demanded a kiss off her own. Her busy hands brushed his abs as she divested him of his shorts. Mica had turned the tables on him. He’d expected to be the one in charge. The one to seduce her. Instead she was the one seducing him. Cam found he was happy that she was the one to make the first move. Eager to meet him kiss for kiss. Skimming off his clothes with her quick hands.

He had to grab them before she pushed him over the edge. Cam picked her up and threw her onto the bed and when she grinned up at him, her arms wide, he felt his heart melt. Mica was beautiful, her golden brown skin glowed against his white sheets. Her curls piled atop her head curtsey of her ponytail.

“God you’re beautiful.”

He answered her unspoken request by covering her body with his own. He didn’t restrain his groan when his skin touched hers. She made it worse by sliding her legs against him as she kissed him senseless. Her hands were the last straw when her fingers glided over his back he grabbed them and held them over her head.

“No fair.” She panted up at him.

“No one said life was fair.” He took her mouth again and left her breathless as he worked his way down her body. His breath ghosting over her belly has her muscles clenching in anticipation. Cam smiled against her thigh as he heard Mica suck in a breath.

At the first touch of his tongue her thighs clenched. Cam pushed her legs back to give him better access and relished in the sweet taste of Mica. He drank up like a man dying of thirst. Each sigh, each moan music to his ears. Her fingers clenched in his hair as her back bowed and her body succumbed to release.

Cam sat back on his heels and took in the sight that was Mica. Her head was thrown back. Her eyes closed as her legs quivered. He couldn’t wait any longer. Reaching out he opened the nightstand.

Mica’s eyes opened on the sound of foil tearing. She licked her lips as she watched him roll the condom on.

“No fair. It was my turn.” She reached out to run her fingers over his thigh.

“You can taste it another time.”

Her mouth widened into smile. Under his hot gaze she stretched and preened and caused him to pounce. Mica let out a laugh of triumph as he dove for her mouth.

Cam held her hips still while he slid into her. Cam groaned Mica felt like home. The sounds of her pleasure escaped her lips and he reveled in them as he began to move. He hands urged him closer as she wrapped her legs around. All thoughts of finesse left his head as he drowned in her. Mica surrounded him and urged on. He lost himself in scent, her touch her, her feel. Only when she was begged him to did he let himself go.


he bed was a wreck. Mica moved her head, she could see the pillows on the floor next to her. The sheets were tangled around her legs and she was pretty sure half her face was actually touching the mattress. At some point her hair had slipped its ponytail and her curls here now in her eyes. She didn’t want to move just yet.

Mica wasn’t sure she could face the man whose back she clawed in blind passion, something she hadn’t done before. Jonathan had never made her feel this way. No one ever had. She felt lost in the chaos that was her feelings for Cam. And the woman she’d become in bed with him was unrecognizable.

“Hey.” His hand stopped kneading. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” She cleared her throat and flipped over, pushing her hair out of her face. Cam reached out and pulled her towards him. Mica ended up sprawled over his chest. Cam’s arms wrapped around her. He dropped a soft kiss against the crown of her head. The simple act made her heart squeeze.

Mica stopped fighting it and breathed deep as Cam caressed the line of her spine in hypnotic movement. She was in a light doze when his other hand cupped her cheek. At his urging she tipped her head back and his mouth covered hers.

Mica pulled the sheets up to cover her body. She’d hit the master bath as soon as Cam had left to get them something to drink and eat. Part of her wanted to get dressed and hightail it out the door. The devil on her shoulder told her she should stay and soak it all up.

She took the devils advice, stayed put and enjoyed the view as Cam slid out of bed and hit the bathroom. Even now, he made her feel safe. The door to the bathroom opened and a very naked unashamed Cam exited.

Mica couldn’t help but return his smile and when he leaned down to steal a kiss she sighed into it.

“Bathroom’s all yours. I’m going to get us something to eat.”

Cam was carrying a tray and wearing a sheepish smile. Mica tilted her head at him in question.

“I just lived up to the bachelor stereo type.”

Mica deliberately arched brow at him.

“There was hardly anything in my fridge and I won’t tell what some of its in habitants said.”

She laughed and peered at the tray. “So what do you have there? Did you bring some of them to meet me?”

“No. We were in agreement that would scare you away and we didn’t want that to happen.” He shook his head as if he couldn’t believe the conversation they were having. Cam put the tray down on the bed in front of her and stole a kiss. “Orange juice.” He whipped a napkin off of the plate triumphantly. “Fresh fruit.”

Mica smiled down at his offering. “Fruit?”

“Smoothies. I need more yogurt though. I need go grocery shopping, haven’t had a chance.”

Mica patted the bed beside her. “I accept your offering. Come join me.”

He didn’t slide in beside her. Instead Cam piled pillows behind his back and sat behind her. His arms enfolded her as he dropped kisses along her shoulder, making her shiver. Mica sipped at her orange juice and let the feel of him, warm and solid at her back drive away her fears. And when he took the glass from her and moved her to the edge of the bed, she rode him to completion, reveling in her new found power to make him moan in ecstasy.




he security guards still teased her when she saw them alone. Nothing major, just a question about where her favorite elevator tech was. She blushed every time. Today she could feel their knowing gaze following them all the way to the elevator.


“Hmmm.” She looked at him. “Sorry, what did you ask?”

“Are you still nervous about the proposal you put in?”

Mica still wasn’t sure what had possessed her but she told him about the proposal she’d submitted. Technically it had been a bid to Alexa’s charity.


What she didn’t tell him was that every time she thought of it her heart. Mica had never wanted anything so badly. Well almost, it was second only to Cam. Who it turned what was a very good distraction to have when in an elevator.

“Well, don’t be. Your friend Alexa doesn’t strike me as the type to put you in harm’s way or her career for that matter.”

“You’re right. I knew that.”

The feeling of panic had only just subsided when the elevator opened and Cam walked her to her door. They’d spent the rest of the afternoon at his place. What had surprised Mica was how comfortable they were with each other in such a short time but she didn’t want to make the same mistake she had with Jonathan. So even though she wanted to stay, she’d made him bring her home.

Mica unlocked the door and knowing if she invited him in they’d end up in bed, she didn’t open it.

“Good night, Cam.”

She went up on tiptoe and brushed her lips against his. Cam hand gripped her waist as he pulled her towards him, leaving no room for her to doubt that he wanted her again. When the kiss ended she fell back on to her heels wavering.

“Night, Mica.”

She watched him walk back down the hallway. Mica forced herself to go inside. Yes, they’d gone to bed but it didn’t mean they had to spend every waking minute together. Her studio seemed small and lonely but Mica had promised herself that she wouldn’t rush ahead so she left her bag on her island. Checked her calendar and grabbed the keys to the condos she needed to take a look at and got to work.


he call from her mother came as she had booked another house sitting gig in another complex.


“We need to talk.”

Mica’s heart stopped.


“I just need to see you. You could come for brunch. That is, if you job allows. And we’ll just talk. I miss you.”

Her mother didn’t play. Though truth be told Mica had missed her too, but she was new to setting boundaries with her parents. And she hadn’t been exactly confident that she could pull it off. She still wasn’t but she found herself agreeing to brunch anyway.

“Text me when and where and I’ll be there.” Mica hung up and focused on her business. She seemed to be getting better at compartmentalizing because she didn’t panic nearly as much as she used to.

It seemed word of mouth really was the best way to get business and as she’d just sent out her latest patch of invoices and people were paying almost immediately she felt better that she hadn’t heard from Alexa yet. Another thing she didn’t’ want to focus on.

Which was why she was standing in front of her floor length mirror unsure of what to wear. In one hand she held what on anyone else would have been a perfectly fine dress. It wasn’t hideous. It was a pretty blue with a beaded Peter Pan collar that her mother would have picked out for her.

In the other she held a dress she’d picked up while shopping with Alexa. It was a light green sundress that hugged her curves and made her feel alive. She tossed the other dress aside and pulled the green one on. If she was going home to face her mother over brunch she might as well go as herself.

The drive didn’t take as long as she wanted it to even though she’d purposefully driven the speed limit and taken back roads and still she arrived with ten minutes to spare.

The garage doors were down, the driveway empty of all but her car. She’d grown up in this house with its two stories, a pool and its perfectly manicured yard. Mica took a deep breath and turned off the ignition. Her keys deposited in her purse for safe keeping, she strode up the walk.

Finger on the door bell, she waited. Footsteps heralded her mother’s passage through the foyer across travertine tile around the small mahogany table in the center, the one she’d put there to hold the fresh flowers she loved to display there.

Mica could see her mother’s silhouette through the frosted glass doors as her mother opened the door. Cherise was dress for battle. A linen sheath, pearls and heels. A southern lady at home. More Palm Beach than Savannah, but southern nevertheless.

“Mica. Why didn’t you use your keys?”

Mica backed up a step. Her mother’s greeting was effusive. The smile she gave Mica was blinding.

“This isn’t my home anymore. I don’t think it’s right for me to barge in.”

Her mother smile dimmed a bit but it held. “Nonsense, this is your home. Not that tiny studio you’re renting from Alexa.” Cherise turned and stepped back.

Mica followed her mother into the kitchen and onto the enclosed patio. Soon, maybe mid-October when the thermometer didn’t read scorching, her mother would throw open the French doors and let the Florida air in.

The doors opened onto the screened-in patio and across the way was her brother’s bachelor pad, the pool house. Both he and their father would be at work.

“Your father couldn’t clear his schedule.”

Mother than likely her mother had simply mentioned she would like to have brunch with him but hadn’t mentioned who would be over. Cherise could be like that. Usually though, she used her powers for what she thought of as good. Or at least what she’d convinced herself as good.

“I made your favorite. Scones and clotted cream with strawberries and, of course, French toast.”

“You didn’t have to.” Mica’s stomach was churning so hard that it would be a miracle if she could drink water. Her mother had brought out the big guns and Mica was afraid. Mica forced herself to breathe steadily. Last thing she wanted was to hyperventilate when dealing with her mother.

“Oh, but I did. I’m so glad you came home.” She leaned over and gave Mica a hug. She smelled just as she always had, like talcum powder and roses. Mica longed to lean into her arms. Her mother wasn’t bad, in fact, she loved Mica. The problem was she loved her too much.

Mica took a look at the table and noticed that there were three place settings. Was this what her mother had meant when she’d volunteered the information that her father hadn’t been able to clear his schedule. Mica had the sinking feeling it wasn’t so.

“Is everything all right Mica?” Her mother took her seat and snapped her napkin open in a graceful movement.

Mica followed suit as a feeling on unreal calm settled over her. Whoever it was that was joining them for brunch wasn’t going to be welcome but she wasn’t going to find out until her mother was good and ready.

Her hands shook as she raised her glass of water to her lips. Her grandmother’s crystal sparkled in the bright sunlight. It was when her mother had dished out the strawberries that the other shoe dropped. A shadow moved in the house. Footsteps announced the new arrival as he came through the doorway.

“Jonathan.”Mica’s panic was full bore. If her ex was here with her mother, this wasn’t going to be good.

“Come have a seat, Jonathan.” Her mother smiled up at her ex as if it was perfectly normal to have him at her table.

It took Mica a full minute to get her tongue to work.

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