Hunter Reborn (20 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

BOOK: Hunter Reborn
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Swallowing hard, she looked at his chest. Her fangs ached, the urge to strike his vein and assuage her hunger was strong. But she wouldn't, even if it offended him. She'd already taken too much from him recently and she wouldn't risk feeding and weakening him. “No.”

He growled softly, drawing her gaze up to his as his hands flexed on her hips. “Do you believe what she said?”

She frowned at him and clutched tighter. The edges
of darkness pushed in on her vision and a spark of fear skittered through her. She worried she'd pushed herself too hard. Without knowing the specifics of her gift, she didn't know what this could mean for her. “It was hard to decipher truth from lies, but I believe some of it was real. What did you scent?” His ability to pick out lies from truth was stronger than hers.

I mean about me killing your parents.

There had been a very small part of her that had reacted to the witch's words, but it had been borne out of fear, not because she didn't trust him.

Don't lie to me.

I'm not. Now is not the time for this, Aiden. We need . . .
She swallowed hard and gripped him tighter. A wave of dizziness rushed through her as something wet dripped down over her lips. Blood? But that didn't make sense. Confusion intermixed with that darkness creeping in on her. What the hell was happening?

Aiden's eyes widened, all annoyance replaced by pure fear.
Shit, Larissa, talk to me.

“Wh—” She tried to find her voice as it registered that her nose was bleeding. That had never happened before. Not that she remembered. It felt as if something was weighing on her eyes, tugging them down. She tried to hold them open, to grasp onto that link with Aiden, but she couldn't even do that as blackness consumed her.

Chapter 21

Sixty years ago

hat was that sneaky male up to? Larissa lifted up on her toes to peer over the long stone wall in the local town. What she'd seen of the Isle of Skye was beautiful, but her coven had remained centralized to the Nicholl pack's castles and extensive land. They'd had no need to look for food as they brought their own humans with them—who they paid handsomely—as donors. Tonight Aiden had told her that he had something to do while his pack put on a big festive Christmas party, but that he would meet up with her later.

A dark, jealous part of her had decided to follow him. She knew it was crazy and something she'd never done before with a male. The truth was, no male would dare stray from her while they were lovers. Partially because of her father, but more likely because they feared her own wrath. But Aiden was maddening and even though he seemed completely taken
with her, she couldn't help the strange irrational urges he brought out of her. She knew the emotion was jealousy and she did not care for it. She was not a jealous female. Or she hadn't been.

Larissa found herself feeling possessive when a pretty female from Aiden's pack entered the room or gave Aiden a lingering look. She knew he'd likely slept with many of them, and it shouldn't bother her. But it did. For all she knew he had a human lover he was coming to see in this nearest town. At that thought her claws dug into the stone. As pieces crumbled off and fell onto her new coat, she barely reined in her curse as she swiped them off her and took a step back. Her heels sunk into the grassy earth.

Despite the cold weather, she was wearing a knee-length blue ribbon-trimmed gingham cocktail dress. She'd seen a lot of fashion over the centuries and she loved this era with its fun, flirty dresses. To blend in with any humans she might stumble across, she'd worn a thick, ankle-length fur coat.

After hoisting herself back up, she glanced around and when she was sure there were no humans lingering about, she jumped over the wall in one quick move. Her heels barely made a sound on the cobblestone street.

Using her gift of speed, she walked lightly over the street down to the one she'd seen Aiden turn on moments earlier. He'd been carrying a big sack of something with him. Maybe presents for a human lover. As she looked around the corner she saw that the street was devoid of humans or other life. A long row of brick town houses lined the quiet area. They were set close together, as seemed to be common in this little town. Most of the homes had candles in the windows or wreaths on the doors to celebrate the holidays.

As she contemplated her next move and the insanity of her actions, a door three homes down opened. She slid back into the shadows and watched as Aiden walked out with a smile on his face. A pretty, wholesome-looking blonde walked out with him and gave him a big hug, profusely thanking him. Larissa's claws descended, wanting to swipe the smile right off her face. And definitely off his.

Her anger faltered when two young children appeared beside the female, clutching on to her legs and staring up at Aiden in awe. When they shyly thanked him, she frowned, confused. And when a young, handsome male about the same age as the female appeared in the doorway, her confusion grew greater. She noticed immediately that the man had a cane. Smiling, he shook Aiden's hand with his free one before he wrapped it around the female and pulled her close. He also thanked Aiden, true appreciation rolling off him, and if she wasn't mistaken, there were tears in his eyes.

Moments later they went inside and shut their door as Aiden descended the short set of stairs to the street. Standing there, he looked up at the full moon, his profile one of true beauty. Despite the cold, he hadn't bothered with a coat. His shirt was pushed up to the sleeves, showing off all those taut muscles she could make out even from her hidden position. And she knew under his kilt he likely wore nothing. Something she couldn't dwell on without getting flustered. Feeling incredibly foolish, she started to turn and leave when he spoke. “You can come out now.”

Since she was the only person skulking around like some thief, she had no doubt he was talking to her. She figured she should be embarrassed—and perhaps she was a little—but she wouldn't show it.

Squaring her shoulders, she stepped from around the corner and strode toward him. He looked at her then, his wolf in his eyes as he took her in from head to toe. He watched her with unconcealed hunger and a shiver spiked through her.

“You spying on me, lass?”

She lifted her shoulders casually as she came to stand in front of him under one of the dim, whining bulbs of the streetlight. With her extrasensory abilities she could hear the buzz of the light. It seemed overpronounced in the quiet evening air. “Just curious.”

“You could have asked to come with me,” he murmured, his big hands settling on her hips as he pulled her close to him.

She didn't bother not to be affected by his simple touch as she slid her hands up his chest and linked her fingers behind his neck. “You didn't ask. What are you doing?”

“It's not important.” He dropped a soft kiss on her lips, the light touch igniting a spark of desire in her that not even her gift could match with its beautiful flames.

She pulled back. “It is to me. I . . . found myself wondering if perhaps you had a human lover.” She didn't form it as a question but it clearly was.

“Are you jealous, little lass?” he murmured, his head dipping to her neck where he nuzzled her gently.

She moved her hands down his shoulders to his arms and dug her fingers into his biceps. “Maybe I am.” The confession cost her a big chunk of pride, but she didn't want to play games with this male.

Now he pulled back, surprise etched on his face. “Why would you be jealous? You are the only female for me. I never believed in mates until I met you.”

The seriousness of his statement slammed into her. She felt the same way, but had been terrified she was just a challenge to him. She knew she was the first vampire he'd been with. And she wanted to be the last—and only—female for him. But admitting that was something else entirely. She wasn't used to showing weakness, and if she admitted to a shifter that she was willing to give up everything for him . . . “Mates?”

His jaw twitched. “You think this is a game for me?”

She bit her bottom lip. The past couple of weeks they'd spent every second possible together and made love more times than she could count. But he was a shifter and she was a vampire. Their species did not generally mate. Or even sleep together for fun. They were both from strong lines and she knew neither of their parents would ever accept their mating. “I wasn't sure.”

Anger darkened his expression for a moment before he sighed and scrubbed a hand over his face. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and led them back the way they'd come. “How did you get here?”

“I drove, but parked near the outskirts of town and just followed your scent. I wanted to rip your face off when I saw that female hugging you.”

He chuckled. “Didn't realize you were so bloodthirsty.”

“I didn't either.” It was the truth.

He motioned to the left once they reached the end of the street. It was a different direction from which she'd followed him.

“So what were you doing tonight?”

Aiden was silent for a long moment and she wondered if he'd even answer her. Finally he did. “Most of the humans
here know about our pack. It's not a huge secret. The Highlanders have always believed in more than one can see.”

She nodded. “It's the same for our coven.”

“I've known Donnan Brodie—that's the human's house where I was—since he was a babe. We've been friends a long time and I was bringing presents to his family for Christmas.”

Smiling, she nuzzled her face against his chest as they strolled down the street. “That was very sweet.”

“Aye, it was. And if you want to show me just how impressed ye are by my actions, I'll let ye take advantage of me in the next dark alley we come across,” he murmured seductively.

Laughing, something she seemed to do a lot of these past couple of weeks, she playfully pinched his side. “You are hopeless.”

“I also wanted to say good-bye to Brodie in case I'd be leaving soon,” he said softly.

It took a moment for his words to register. But she wasn't sure she understood him. “Leaving?”

Slowing, he nodded and pushed her back up against a brick wall. She could vaguely hear the sounds of music and laughter a block or so over, but she tuned it out as he rolled his hips against hers. He spread open her coat and ground himself against her. Through his kilt and her dress, his erection was unmistakable and insistent.

When he didn't say anything else, she swallowed hard. She'd never put herself out there for any male, but Aiden was worth fighting for. Worth taking a risk for. If he didn't mean what she thought, she'd survive the rejection. Or try to. “Our parents have come to an understanding over the shield
and protection of your people near our region. My coven is leaving in a few days.”

He nodded. “Aye, I know.”

“Do you want to come with me?” They would have so many obstacles to face that she wondered how they would make their relationship work. Even though it would be hard she wanted to try.

He shook his head and it was like he'd pierced her with a silver dagger straight through the heart. She struggled to suck in a breath at the unexpected agony. But his next words changed everything.

“I want to start over somewhere new with you. We'll never be accepted by our families. At least not right away. Let's go to America, start a life together. Once our families get used to the idea, we can go from there.”

A cacophony of emotions exploded inside her. Pure joy at his declaration, but it was tempered by sadness because he was right about their families. She didn't want to admit it was the truth, but knew it was. Her mother had mentioned something about leaving this disgusting shifter den and Larissa had felt as if her mother had been watching her for a reaction. Throat tight, she nodded. “Yes.”

His dark eyes seemed to glow under the moonlight. “I want to be more than just mates. I want to bond with you, Larissa. You're mine.”

Bonding would unite them until death. They'd never be able to leave each other. And she knew she wouldn't want to leave this male. No sane woman would walk away from him. “And you're mine, Aiden.”

She crushed her mouth to his, savoring his groan of appreciation as he gave back just as hard. As he ground his hips
against hers it took all her restraint not to shove up her dress and coat, wrap her legs around him and let him push deep inside her. But she had more decorum than that. Maybe not.

“Wake up, Larissa. You have to wake up.” A vaguely familiar female voice invaded her head. Larissa pulled back from Aiden as her surroundings started to fade and morph.

Fear slammed into Larissa as Aiden's face started to grow fainter. What the hell was happening? “No,” she yelled at the unseen female. Mentally shoving away the voice, she grasped onto Aiden's shoulders and continued kissing him until her surroundings came back into focus. She didn't want to leave Aiden. She wouldn't.

Chapter 22

iden held Larissa in his lap in the backseat of Angelo's SUV, his grip tight but not suffocating. Her head lay on his shoulder, her petite body lax, but not as if she was unconscious. Almost as if she was in a deep sleep. He tried to temper his fear, but he was losing that battle.

“Come on, Larissa. You need to wake up. I know you're in there.” Brianna's voice was soothing as she worked her healing magic on Larissa. Her hands glowed that soft green as she held Larissa's hands in her own. She'd been trying wake Larissa for the past hour since leaving Magda's house and Aiden was starting to get worried the female fae was draining too much of her power. But he was more worried for Larissa. After her nose had started bleeding, she'd passed out. He'd caught her before she'd hit the floor, but she'd lost so much blood. He'd sliced open his arm and fed her.

That was when he'd guessed she wasn't exactly unconscious so much as asleep because she'd actually taken from him. It hadn't been much, but she'd drunk and had stopped bleeding.

Sighing, Brianna pulled her hands back and leaned against the seat. Her face was paler than normal. “I'm sorry, Aiden. There's nothing more I can do for her. She's not in pain or even injured. I would be able to sense it. She's just . . . sleeping for lack of a better word. She'll wake up when she wants. Whatever she did in that basement expended a lot of energy and sleeping is likely the only way for her to recuperate. I'm not asking about her gift because I can tell you want to keep it private, but have you ever seen her do that fire thing before?”

He nodded. She'd shown it to him right after they'd bonded and it had been . . . magical. He could still envision that night, watching the way she let her flames run all the way around the lake he'd taken her to. The fire hadn't burned anything in its path, just lit up the area like the best fireworks show ever.

Brianna seemed to relax at that. “Good. Have you ever seen her overextend herself?”

Feeling sick, he shook his head. “No. But she never had a reason to overdo it front of me. It was always about having fun with her gift when we were together.” And she'd been full of rage in that basement.

They both turned as Angelo slid into the front seat. The vehicle was still running so he quickly pulled out of their parking spot at the hospital. “Dropped the human off in the ER and hurried out. Made sure to avoid
the cameras,” he said. “Baby, how are you feeling?” he asked Brianna without turning around.

“Good, just a little tired.”

“How's your female, Aiden?” Angelo flicked him a quick glance in the rearview mirror, his packmate's expression worried.

“Okay.” He knew what Brianna had told him, but he still wasn't convinced Larissa was okay. Nothing could convince him of that until her eyes opened. His throat tightened and he couldn't force himself to continue. Right now he was barely hanging on to his sanity. The only thing keeping him in control was the fact that their bondmate link was the strongest it had been since he'd found her again. It seemed like each second that passed, the link was tightening and strengthening to where it had been back when they'd first bonded. Though he wasn't sure how that was even possible.

“You should let one of us take you back to the ranch,” Angelo murmured as he turned down a side street.

Aiden glanced out the window and watched as cars and homes passed by in a blur. He tightened his hold, resting his chin on the top of her head. “No one has time to make an extra trip right now.” And they couldn't afford to lose even more warriors guarding the ranch. Whether he was there with Larissa or here, it wouldn't change her condition.

Angelo grunted as he turned down another residential street, taking them closer and closer to their meeting point with Connor. After Larissa had passed out they'd turned their cell phones back on and Angelo had gotten in contact with Connor. Connor and the rest
of the packmates who'd come to Winston-Salem had managed to lose the reporters attempting to follow them.

Thankfully Ana and one of the warriors had brought different vehicles and traded out with Connor and the others, so it would be damn near impossible for anyone to track them. Now his Alpha and packmates were meeting up with the four of them back at Magda's. They needed to start cleaning up the mess, including disposing of the witch's body and locking down the house in case Magda's vamp “master” showed up. Aiden also planned to give Ryan all the cell phones they'd found at Magda's house in the hopes he could work his magic with them. Ryan had said he could do something with the GPS, but Aiden didn't really care about the specifics.

As they turned onto Magda's street, Aiden grew even more tense. The homes in the historic neighborhood were far enough apart that everyone had a lot of privacy. Not to mention the hedges or walls surrounding each house. He wasn't worried about being seen by humans, he was worried about his bondmate. All the reassurances in the world wouldn't help him right now.

Wake up, Larissa. Please.
Closing his eyes, he buried his face against the top of her head, inhaling her sweet familiar scent.
I can't survive without you again, sweetheart. Come back to me.

*   *   *

“I had no idea you could dance so well.” Larissa linked her arm through Aiden's as they left the local pub.

A few drunk men stumbled out behind them, singing off-key as they headed in the opposite direction.

“You shouldn't be so surprised considering how well I dance between the sheets,” he murmured, his seductive voice wrapping around her like a warm caress.

“Is that what you call it?” Grinning, she looked up at him. The night had turned out nothing like she'd expected. Larissa had been so worried that he'd been going off to meet a human lover but had found him giving presents to friends instead. Then he'd taken her to a local pub and sang and danced with such abandon. Watching him so relaxed, so happy, made her feel freer than she ever had before. She knew that life with him would be the greatest adventure and though she was worried about both their families' reactions, there was no turning back for her. Without a doubt she knew he was the male she wanted to be with forever.

He hummed a familiar Christmas melody as they made their way down the quiet streets. By now most humans would be asleep. In a few hours the sun would be up and everyone would be celebrating Christmas. But she was celebrating something else entirely. The start of a new life with the male she loved.

“This way,” he murmured, reaching into his sporran and pulling out keys as he turned them down another side street. She spotted his car immediately, one of the few parked along the curb.

She snagged the keys from his hand and was thankful when he didn't protest. It took a lot to get a shifter drunk, and while he wasn't, he was definitely tipsy.

Once he'd settled in, she started the drive back to his pack's land. But they'd made it only ten minutes outside of
town when he pointed down a beaten pathway she'd have missed if not for his direction. “Turn here, I want to show you something.”

Curious, she slowed the car and turned off the main road. The road wasn't paved and was bumpier than she'd expected as they drove through a thicket of trees. Eventually the trees started to thin and the dirt road grew even more uneven.

“You can stop here,” he murmured in a tone she might mistake for sleepy if she didn't know him by now. There was something wicked in his voice that sent a pleasurable shiver down her spine.

Before she'd pulled the key from the ignition he'd gotten out of his seat and was opening her door. Taking her hand in his, he plucked a bag from the backseat before he led her down the rest of the pathway until it opened up into a lush valley. Even at night she could see how beautiful the place was.

A wide lake glistened under the moonlight, surrounded on all sides by sloping hills that couldn't quite be called mountains. She could imagine how beautiful it would be in the daylight hours with the sun shining down on all the greenery. A pale mist seemed to cover most of the surrounding grass and sloping land, giving it a magical quality.

“What is this place?” she whispered though she wasn't sure why she did.

“My favorite place to run as a wolf. Most of the pack runs near the castles, but I love it here. It's peaceful.”

She was touched that he'd brought her somewhere so special to him. She'd already seen him in his wolf form and he was a magnificent animal. So beautiful and fierce. “Thank you for showing it to me.”

He just nodded and continued walking until they reached a
grassy patch in front of a cluster of rocks that lined the lake. Releasing her hand, he unzipped his bag and pulled out a folded blanket. “Take the other side,” he said as he let it fall open.

She did and they worked to open it up and lay it flat on the grass. As she sat on it, she frowned. “Why did you have this bag in your car?”

He chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I'd planned to bring you here tomorrow morning, but tonight is better.”

She leaned into his embrace, soaking up his warmth. Though she wasn't affected by the cold like humans, Aiden put off the best kind of heat.

He nuzzled the top of her head, his warm breath teasing her. “You know why tonight is better?” he asked.

“Why?” She buried her face against his chest as she wrapped her arm around him. The male smelled like pure heaven. She wanted to bottle his scent.

“It's a full moon.” His quietly spoken words left no doubt what he meant.

Vampires didn't undergo any rituals when they mated for life. Not in the way shifters did. For an instant, she went still before she looked up to meet his dark gaze. His eyes glittered with so many emotions. Love, lust, and just a hint of fear. That one nearly knocked her back. But she planned to make sure he never felt fear again where she was concerned.

When she stood, she saw his fists clench at his sides, as if he had to restrain himself from tugging her back down to him. Her thick coat pooled around her feet seconds after she slipped it off.

Aiden sucked in a sharp breath, his wolf in his eyes as he watched her slowly reach around and unzip the back of her
dress. After it joined her coat on the blanket, she stepped out of it and straddled him.

He shuddered, his big arms coming around her in a tight grip. “You're sure?”

“More sure than I've been about anything in my five hundred years.” She'd lived long enough to be secure in her decisions. And she knew there was nothing about tonight that she'd ever regret. She wanted Aiden to claim her, to mark her under the full moon with his canines so that everyone would know they belonged to each other. Afterward he would be marked with a tattoolike symbol so the world would know he was hers and she'd carry small scars from his canine piercing. He'd been so damn careful about not marking her so far because he could have mated her without bonding. But she knew it had been a lesson in restraint for him. Now they didn't have to show any restraint. And in a few hours, the world would know what they'd done.

“Larissa, come back to me.” Once again Larissa's surroundings blurred as Aiden faded away. She wanted to shove the voice away again, but this time it was Aiden speaking.

Aiden begging her to come back. She'd do anything for him. Confusion slammed through her until she opened her eyes and found herself sitting on Aiden's lap in the backseat of a vehicle. His head was tilted back against the seat, his breathing steady, as if he was sleeping or dozing.

Larissa barely moved her head as she took in her surroundings, not wanting anyone to realize she was awake. A female shifter she didn't recognize was sitting in the driver's seat muttering under her breath
about some male's pigheadedness and a male with a computer in his lap sat in the passenger seat talking to himself. The vehicle wasn't moving or even idling, but where were they? And how had she gotten here?

she shouted through their telepathic link.

His eyes popped open as his head snapped up. Relief flooded his expression before he pulled her into a crushing hug. She let out a yelp of surprise as he buried his face against her neck, inhaling her scent in that shifter way she loved. Eventually he pulled back, his dark eyes warm as he locked with hers.
How are you?

Okay, I think. Who are the people in the front seat? Are they safe? What happened to me? Where are Angelo and Brianna?

Yeah, they're my packmates and Angelo and Brianna are at Magda's.
He cleared his throat. “Kat, Ryan, this is Larissa, my mate.”

Larissa half turned to find two sets of curious eyes on her. The beautiful female gave her a warm smile. “It's so nice to meet you. I'm glad you're finally awake.”

“Nice to meet you too.” She nodded at both of them before turning all her focus on Aiden.
Where are we? What happened at Magda's?
She remembered the female stabbing herself, then Aiden trying to get her to feed, then feeling weak.
Did I pass out?

More or less. Brianna said it's more like you've been in a deep sleep. And you've been out a couple of hours. I got you to feed a little, but you need a lot more. You expended a lot of energy using your gift. We took that human male to the hospital, but now we're back at Magda's.
He nodded once and she turned to look out the windshield.

That was when she realized they were at the end of the long driveway at the front of the dead witch's house. They'd come in the back before but she recognized it from the recon they'd done.

My Alpha and a few other packmates are inside right now sweeping for clues and Ryan is running scans of the phone records from the cell phones we found at Magda's. They're all disposable phones. He thinks he might be able to find something useful.

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