Hunter's Blood Special Edition (Cursed by Blood Saga) (8 page)

BOOK: Hunter's Blood Special Edition (Cursed by Blood Saga)
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“…and what exactly are you planning to
do? Drop from balcony to balcony? Come on, Lily, tying bed sheets together
would have made more sense than dangling like a deranged rock climber.”

Without another word, Sean leaned over
and grabbed her wrists, hoisting Lily back up onto the ridge. She landed
against his chest with a faint
, her soft curves pressed against
his hard abs as he dragged her back into the room him, but this time she was
too ticked off to consider the sexy feel.

“Get off me!”

“Will you promise not to do anything
else stupid, like try and scale the side of the house or run across the roof?”

Lily squirmed. “Let me go!” But Sean
had her locked in his arms. As she fought he chuckled, incensing her more.

“You think this is funny! You won’t
let me leave, but you won’t tell me what’s going on either. It’s driving me

Sean breathed in her scent. “You don’t
like being out of control, do you, Lily? You like having the upper hand,
especially with that psychic sense of yours. But that’s all haywire now, isn’t
it? Why don’t you just give in? Don’t you think I can smell it on you? You’re
angry, that’s for sure, but underneath all that piss and vinegar burns a fire
that scares the hell out of you. You want me, but you’ll never admit it, will

Lily’s eyes bore into his. Her face
flushed with a combination of anger and embarrassment. He was right; she hated
to be out of control. Oh God! Was she that obvious?

Keeping his arms wrapped around her,
Sean let her slide down. He was careful to let her feel the full, hard length
of him before he let her feet touch the ground.
Let the games begin.

Lily hauled back to smack his face,
but Sean caught her forearm. Sliding his hand into hers, he brought it to his mouth.
Turning it palm up, he licked the inside of her wrist, teasing a couple of her
fingers with his tongue. He sucked, nipping and played until he could smell the
wet musk release between her legs.

He cupped her face, running his thumb
across her bottom lip. It trembled as he leaned down and tasted her mouth. His
lips were soft on hers, pushing her to open to him. Her scent was saturated
with need, with want, but she forced herself to hold back.

Sean’s tongue danced along the edges
of her mouth, breaking down barriers with each swirl, his rough, raspy feel,
unlike anything Lily had ever felt. Drawing his tongue across the hollow of her
throat, he worked his way back to her mouth. He pressed himself against her,
pulling her body even closer, his hardness evident.

Lily moaned in his arms, and Sean slid
his mouth over hers. She opened to him, kissing him back, deeper, and more
urgently than she thought possible.

He was hungry for her. Stepping back
he grabbed the neck of her pullover and ripped it in two. Lily shrugged it off,
and it fell to the floor. Running his hands over her smooth skin, Sean traveled
over the small of her back, his fingers trailing over the curve of her hip and
delicately across her sensitive middle.

Lily whimpered and the sound jarred him,
pulling him back. “Am I hurting you?”

“No, don’t stop,” she murmured
reaching for him.

He growled sweeping her up in his arms
and carrying her to the bed. Gently, he laid her on top of the covers. Lily
shivered as he ran his hand the full length of her body. Pulling the drawstring
on her pants, he pushed them down, lace panties and all, and tossed them to the
floor. He knelt on the bed and gathered her in his arms.

Starting at her shoulder, he kissed
the path of the angry, pink scars his brother’s claws had made in her delicate
skin. His tongue rasped over the sensitive flesh as if he could erase her pain,
marking her as his own.

He trailed past her throat, over the
full curve of her breasts, teasing with his fingers and the swirl of his tongue
until her breath caught in her throat, her nipples hardening from their

With a deft flick of his fingers, he
unclipped her bra, tossing it to the floor, as well. Leaning over he took a
single crested peak into his mouth and suckled, teasing the tender flesh with
his teeth while his fingers worked the other

Lily arched her back and she moaned as
he ran his hand past her stomach. He gently caressed the soft fuzz between her
legs, letting his fingers graze her sensitive folds.

Sean stroked her slick entrance,
deftly inserting first one, and then a second finger into her cleft. Gasping
she rolled her hips under his hand. He teased her, leaving her breathless
before moving his hand away and licking her musk from his fingers one by one.

She clamored to her knees and pushed
him backward, her honey colored eyes dark with desire. “Lose the clothes.” It
was her turn to growl, as he rocked back a bit.

Chuckling, he got to his feet pulling
his shirt over his head. His stomach was flat and hard, and Lily leaned up,
running her hands over the hard planes of his chest.

Her fingers nimbly unbuttoned his
jeans, and as she started to push them off his hips, she smirked, realizing
that beneath the denim, he’d gone commando.

“Nice,” she purred running her fingers
under the soft, blue fabric cupping his bare ass.

“I’m glad you like surprises,” he
answered, and stepping back he pushed his jeans to the floor.

Lily sat back and licked her lips.
Prominent in a thick nest of black curls, above his strong, muscled thighs was
his engorged sex—long and thick with corded veins that looked as if they would
burst through his skin.

She reached out to stroke his flesh,
wrapping her hand around his shaft. Moving back and forth, she stroked his
swollen head till it seemed it would burst with each pass.

At Sean’s sharp intake of breath, she
smiled to herself and climbed down from the bed. Raising her hands to his
shoulders, she gently raked them down the length of his chest sinking to her
knees in front of him.

With the tip of her tongue, she took
her first taste of him, circling his head in languorous strokes and quick
darts, luxuriating in the velvet feel of him on her tongue. Sean moaned and
Lily smiled wickedly, sucking harder and deeper, taking him as fully into her
mouth as she could. He growled and fisted his hands in her hair guiding her

Suddenly, he grabbed her around her
waist and yanked her to her feet, kissing her with a kind of hunger she had
never felt before. He rumbled deep in the back of his throat, and the sound was
almost feral.

He laid her back on the bed and Lily
wrapped her legs around his back, urging him, begging for him. He raised
himself up and with one hard thrust entered her. Keeping his rhythm even and
forceful, he drove his hips forward and she met him thrust for thrust.

His desire mounted, and he struggled
to keep his wolf at bay as it snarled for release. His nostrils flared, and the
scent of her desire pushed him to the brink. He was primal, predatory, and the
whole of his body trembled with the feeling.

Lily moaned, her hips matching his
tempo. As they climbed, he reared up and when he could hold back no more he
roared, shuddering, emptying himself into her as she screamed—clutching at him
as she climaxed, as well.

They collapsed, exhausted but sated
and Sean cradled Lily in his arms, holding her to his chest, breathing in her

“What are you doing?” she said,
squirming a little. “That tickles.”

“Just breathing in your scent. The way
you smell now, right afterward. It’ll make for a delicious memory.”

“I don’t think anything could ever
make me forget what we just did. Ever.”

“It was pretty amazing even if I do
say so myself.”

. Do you think it’s
just because you’re a Were and I’m human?”

“What?” he asked, turning her around.
“Lily, do you actually believe we’re all that different? That it’s us

“Well, yeah I guess. This is all new
for me. This is the first time I don’t have the urge to shoot first and ask
questions later.”

Sean rolled onto his back. He was
quiet, but Lily could see the little muscle working in his cheek as he lay
there. “Maybe it’s time I showed you a little about what’s been going on around

Lily tensed, eying him warily. There
was an odd buzzing in her ears, and then an unexpected flood of emotion and
thought poured through her mind. Her body rippled with recalled magic as Sean
allowed her to feel his dual nature, sharing his memories of racing with the
moon, his camaraderie with the pack. Lily watched his transformation in her
mind’s eye, stunned to see his majestic form, so different from the creatures
she had witnessed. She saw his strength and his humanity, as well as his
kindness and determination to do what was right for his pack.

Lily’s warm tears fell to his arm as
Sean let her see the waste and heartbreak brought by the sickness infecting his
kind. He let her see his sadness at losing his brother to its devastation. Her
breath caught in her throat when he showed her images of herself the night she
was attacked, and let her see just how close to death he, himself had come.

“I had no idea,” she whispered.

Breaking their link he relaxed,
letting his arms fall to her waist. “Are you okay?” he asked, softly.

Lily just nodded, not trusting herself
to speak after all she had seen.

“I never intended to show you all
this, but there didn’t seem to be any other way to get you to understand.”

Turning in his arms, she looked up
into his dark eyes. “Terry tried to warn me, but I couldn’t see past my anger
and my own pain. Never once did I consider that it might be the same for you. I
don’t know what to think or how to feel anymore.”

“You’re a psychic Lily; you can see
and talk to dead people. I think most definitions would qualify you as a bit of
a supe, yourself. You see, we’re not so different after all.”

“I guess, but not really. I can’t
change my species, or god-forbid, have to drink blood to survive. But I can see
your point.”

“What if you did—I mean what if you
found out, through no fault of your own that you had been irrevocably changed.
What would you do?”

Propping herself up on her elbow she
just looked at him. “I don’t know.”

Leaning up he kissed her throat and
the tender flesh beneath her jaw. “Maybe it’s something for you to think
about,” he whispered taking her mouth again.


Lily closed her eyes, a satisfied
smile playing on her lips as she replayed the last hour with Sean, over and
over again in her head.

“I leave you alone for a while and
look what happens…fraternizing with the enemy.”

Lily’s eyes flew open as she sat up.
“Terry?” she said, looking around the room. “Where are you? Where have you

Terry floated across the room and sat
on the edge of the bed. She was still barely visible, but from her smile, it
was obvious she was glad to be back.

“I haven’t actually
anywhere. I was sort of floating in some kind of hazy nothingness. It was
weird, kind of like floating in a cloud the consistency of Jell-O.”

“Are you all right, I mean I can see
right through you. Not that you weren’t see-through before, but now you’re

She chuckled. “I’m fine. Though I
don’t know if I’ll ever be any more visible than I am right now. But, it might
be a good idea for me to lay off the ectoplasm thing, at least for a while.”

Lily laughed. “God, I missed you! So
much has happened. The guy that charged out of the woods he’s the one that
brought me here. But you already know that.”

“Yeah, and that’s not the
thing I know,” she said a crooked grin spreading across her transparent face.


Terry started fanning herself. “
don’t stop…,
” she said mimicking Lily’s breathless voice. “Things have gone
way past hot and heavy with the werewolf, haven’t they?”

“You were spying on me?”

“Let’s just say I showed up at an
inopportune moment. Just be happy I decided to be discreet and left the room.”

Lily shot her a dirty look. “Thanks.”

Terry put her hands on her shimmery
hips. “Don’t go getting all pissy on me; I’m glad you’re hooking up. He
actually seems to be a pretty decent guy, and not to mention hung like race

“I thought you said you left the

Her friend shrugged mischievously.
“Well, maybe I peeked a little.”

Lily picked up her hair brush from the
nightstand and threw it at Terry’s head.

“Nice try,” Terry giggled. “You like
him, Lil, admit it. And it’s more than just physical, I can tell. You’ve got
that sappy look on your face. The same one you always get when you’re

Lily’s hands went to her face as heat
rushed into her cheeks. “That obvious, huh?”

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