Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)

BOOK: Hunting Lust (Orion the Hunter Part Three)
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© J. D. CHASE 2013 (All rights reserved)




All characters in this book are fictitious and have no connection whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names.  All events are either a figment of my imagination or are linked to personal experiences!  Any similarities are purely coincidental … or just plain luck!




All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.  The text of this publication or any part thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in a file retrieval system, or otherwise without the express permission of the author.

Chapter 1


I awoke feeling too warm and became aware of two other things very quickly.  Firstly, my arm and leg were draped across something … no … someone, and secondly, I was not in my own bed.  I was sleeping with my head on something other than my pillow ... I could hear a loud, strong, steady heartbeat.  I cracked an eye open and tried to remember the events of the night before. 


Memories quickly filtered into my brain and I became aware of a slight rise and fall of the object under my head.  I tentatively lifted my cheek and found that it had been resting on a man’s chest. 
Lucas’ chest!
And it was Lucas’ body that my limbs were draped across. 
What the hell? 
He was lying on his back, keeping his arms and legs to himself.  As soon as I attempted to extricate my limbs, I heard, and felt, a deep rumble in his chest as he chuckled softly.


“Good morning, Issy.  Sleep well?”


I immediately rolled onto my back and broke all contact.  I didn’t think I would ever get used to waking up in the same bed as someone else.  It felt awkward, and I was very relieved that I wasn’t naked.  I wondered how quickly I could get up, dressed and out of there without being rude.  “Mmm.  Good morning.  What time is it?”


“It’s just after five-thirty.”


“Oh, gosh, I didn’t realize it was so early.  Did I wake you?”


He turned to face me and leaned over me slightly.  His eyes searched my face.  He seemed as anxious as I was.
Perhaps he feels awkward about waking up with someone in his bed too.
He probably wants me out of here as quickly as I want to go.


I tried to keep my face as impassive as possible under his close scrutiny.  He seemed to relax slightly before answering, “No, I’ve been awake for half an hour or so.  I think it was your snoring that woke me.”

I was about to refute the snoring allegation when I saw the corner of his mouth twitch. 


“Oh no! I am so sorry to have woken you with my terrible snoring.  I think it might be best if I slept alone in future so that this doesn’t happen again.  I would hate to deprive you, or any other man, of a good night’s sleep.”


At the mention of ‘any other man’, Lucas gave a low growl and his expression hardened.  I slid my body to the edge of the bed and swung my legs out of bed, preparing to stand up.  Before I had chance to stand, Lucas’ arms were around my waist.  “I was only joking.  You didn’t wake me; I’m always awake by this time.  In fact, I’m usually in the gym by now.
  I didn’t want to move in case I woke you.”


“Well, don’t let me stop you from completing your daily routine.  I’ll just get dressed and then go home to shower and change for work.” 


His grip on me tightened slightly.  “There’s no need for you to rush off.  I’ll order us some breakfast.  It‘ll be here by the time I‘ve had a quick workout in the gym.”


I couldn’t imagine sitting down to breakfast with him - I felt awkward enough as it was.  “No, honestly it’s fine.  It’s too early for breakfast for me.  You go and have your workout.  I’ll just get dressed and go back to mine.”


“And how are you going to get to your apartment?” He sounded annoyed.


“Walk, of course! I‘ll be home in a few minutes,” I replied.


“Issy, there is no way that you are walking through Manhattan alone at this time of day.  If you don’t want to have breakfast yet, we could work out together.”

Does he mean that we could go to his gym together or does he mean that we could have a different type of workout?  Actually, a bit of time in the gym might help the awkwardness that I’m feeling - and it’ll make Lucas keep his distance.


I decided to ensure there was no confusion.  “Okay, you have a quick workout and I’ll pound the treadmill for a while and then you can accompany me to my apartment, if you think it is so dangerous out there.”


Lucas’ hesitation in replying told me that he would rather opt fo
r the other option but he allowed me to stand by loosening his grip on me when I moved.


I turned to face him and self-consciously pulled down his tee-shirt when I saw the lascivious look in his eye.  Then I became aware of a rather obvious problem. 
How on earth would I be able to use a treadmill when I lacked any sportswear?


When I voiced the problem, Lucas just laughed and said that I needed no clothes, that it would be liberating to run naked!  I just glared at him and reminded him that it was his fault that I didn’t have any panties to put back on. 


Ten minutes later, I was dressed in my bra, another one of Lucas’ tee shirts and a pair of boxers that, although they clung to Lucas’ frame, they hung off mine.  I put my hair up using just one band and used the other to shrink the waistband of the boxers so that they didn’t fall down.  Annoyingly, Lucas found the whole thing amusing and, as he dressed in tight fitting gray sleeveless running top and black shorts, he watched me struggling to keep the boxers up.  I stuck my chin in the air and ignored him.


I followed him down the hallway; past the rooms that I’d already visited and many that I hadn’t (closed doors meant that I couldn’t sneak a peek).  Eventually, we emerged into his gym.  I’d been expecting a small home gym but oh no - this was an enormous room with every piece of state of the art fitness equipment that you could think of.  I wandered around looking at all of the machines as Lucas hit the treadmill.  I couldn’t help but cast glances in his direction every so often.  He was so graceful, even when he was sprinting at top speed. 


He finished up on the treadmill and moved to the bench press. 
God he is fit!  No wonder he’s so good in bed!  Look at those muscles working.  Look at how his skin glows when he is working out.  Oh my, look at that bead of sweat running down his neck and over his collar bone … I could just-


“Are you going to just sit there ogling my body all morning?”  His voice startled me and reigned in my stray thoughts.  I huffed in indignation and walked over to the treadmill.  I started off at a fast walk, studiously ignoring Lucas.


As I worked up to a run, he moved on to lifting free weights.  I couldn’t resist watching his biceps expand and contract and I found myself wishing that he was topless so that I could properly see the muscles in his chest and back properly.


He then did an impressive number of sit ups and crunches before picking up a skipping rope.  He was unbelievably agile and skipped like I’d seen boxers do on TV.  Faster and faster he skipped.  When he finished he was dripping with sweat. 
Oh my, why is that so hot? 
He saw me watching and walked over and asked if I was okay.  I could only nod and then
… oh my god …
he dropped down and began to do push-ups. 
It looks so sexual.  Don’t stare at his ass going up and down!  It looks like he is fucking the floor … lucky floor! 
I was thoroughly entertained as he performed a variety of push-ups, one-armed, knuckles and some that I couldn’t name, but fully appreciated as a spectator. 


I was having trouble concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other so I slowed down the speed of the treadmill and adjusted it so that it was inclined.  That way, I figured I could still get a good workout but I would be less likely to end up in an untidy heap on the floor. 


He walked back towards me, hair damp, skin glowing and eyes sparkling.  “Enjoying the view, Miss Prince,” he asked suddenly and I realized that I was staring - again!  I was feeling distinctly hot and bothered, despite the air conditioning and I didn‘t think it had anything to do with my workout.   I cast my eyes down and ignored his question, concentrating on feeling the stretch in my calves.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him get a glass of water from the cooler and stand there watching me.  I brazenly pulled off the tee shirt and threw it onto the floor.


My temperature shot up another few degrees when I felt him get on to the treadmill behind me.  I felt his hands on my hips as he fell in step with me.  He got steadily closer to me until we were touching.  “Faster,” he whispered suddenly so I adjusted the speed slightly.


“Faster,” he whispered again.  I obeyed and we were running together, uphill.  I was incredibly aware of the proximity of our hot, sweaty half naked bodies.  The air around us seemed to be charged with electricity and, when I felt his breath on the back of my neck, I shivered and stumbled.  The next thing I knew, we were a tangle of limbs on the floor.  I had a safe landing - Lucas had grabbed me around my midriff and I had landed directly on top of him, both of us face up.


I turned to check that he was okay but he was completely still, eyes closed.  Concerned, I knelt next to him and softly called his name.  Nothing. 
Oh crap!  Has he hit his head?  Is he unconscious?  What should I do?  CPR?  No, check that he is breathing first.


I leaned forward to put my ear over his mouth to listen.  I listened carefully … nothing!  Panic began to well up inside me. 
What do I do? Oh my god! Please don’t let him be dead! What do I do?  I know - check his pulse!


“Lucas - don’t you dare be dead!” I muttered as I leant back over him to check for a pulse in his neck.


I squealed as hands grabbed me roughly and pulled me down. “Okay, I daren’t be dead,” he chuckled.


Before I had chance to retaliate, his lips were on mine.  It was fiercely all consuming and all thoughts of anything, except returning his kiss, left my mind.  Suddenly, I was flipped over, onto my back and he rolled on top of me.  His urgent, probing kiss resumed.  There was something very primal about two hot, wet, sweaty bodies writhing on a cold, hard floor.  I could smell his fresh masculine scent as my hands roamed up, under his top.  I could feel his aroused cock against my thigh.


Without warning, he pushed himself up onto his hands and looked down, into my eyes.  “God Issy, I resisted you when I woke and found you draped all over me but I sure as hell can’t resist you when you’re like this.”


“And I sure as hell don’t want you to, when you’re all hot and sweaty like this.”


He raised an eyebrow, and there was a twinkle in his eye when he asked, “So, when you were ogling me while I was innocently working out, did you like what you saw?”


His pupils were dilating and his irises had darkened wickedly. Gone was the good natured twinkle.  I swallowed and just nodded.


“Did watching me getting hot and dirty turn you on?”  Those black eyes were boring into mine now.


My throat was suddenly very dry and I couldn’t speak so I nodded again.


“Hmmm.  Did it make your pussy wet?”


My eyes flew wide open and I gasped.

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