Hurt Me So Good (12 page)

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Authors: Joely Sue Burkhart

BOOK: Hurt Me So Good
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“No, baby,” he panted, even though the thought of slamming into her body as hard and deep as he could wormed through his blood-starved brain. “I won’t hurt you. I swear it.”

“That’s too bad.” With agonizing care, she rolled the condom down his length, licking and kissing before encasing his flesh. “I hoped you would jam deep into my throat, pressing so deeply that I can’t breathe without your permission. I hoped you wouldn’t have any mercy at all. Just the way I like it.”

The words barely came out of her mouth and he had both hands in her hair with his cock buried deep in the back of her throat, just as she’d suggested. Horrified at how quickly he’d lost control, he tried to draw back. Swallowing to work those muscles on him, she pushed deeper and groaned out a pleading cry around him.

An iron fist hammered against his spine. Fire tore through his body, leaving him trembling, sweating, arching into her mouth on a ragged shout of release.

He’d thought the worst thing he would do was injure her with his darker lust, but he’d been wrong. Shame churned his gut with acid. Instead, he’d absolutely lost control. He’d performed no better than a high-school nerd in the back of his daddy’s car, getting to first base for the first time in his life.

She slipped the soiled condom off and threw it in the small wastebasket. Flashing a sultry smile over her shoulder, she fished another condom out of the drawer. “Now for round two. I hope you have quite a stash in the drawer.”

Round two started with her slammed flat on her back and Victor glaring down into her eyes. “Do you have any idea how long it’s been since I lost control like that?”

She blinked up at him innocently. “You said you wanted to make love to me as the man, not the Master. I thought that meant you didn’t want your control.”

“Damn it, Shiloh, I can’t lose control. Don’t count on any sort of normal, moral instinct to protect the female to stop me. Don’t you understand that I could hurt you? Badly?”

“Don’t you understand that I
you to hurt me? Badly?”

Groaning and cursing beneath his breath, he dropped his forehead against hers. “What am I going to do with you?”

“Love me.” When he didn’t move, she pressed her mouth to his ear. “Fuck me real hard, V. You know I’ll love it.”

Cursing louder, he wrenched away and sat up. He jerked at his hair, over and over, while she knew what he really wanted to do was use those big hands to punish her.

Shivering with longing, she sat up and hugged him, pressing against his back. She kissed his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Victor. I’m terrible, I know. I’ll be good. I won’t say another dirty thing. I promise.”

He gripped her arms, holding her tighter against him. Raggedly, he laughed. “Look at me, the big bad Master, afraid to lay a finger on the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. You are a dream come true, Shiloh Holmes, and here I sit trembling in my boots.”

“You have your boots on?” She made a big show of peering over his shoulder. “I don’t see any boots, but I see that someone is very eager and happy to begin round two. As eager as I am.”

He turned back to her and slipped his arms around her waist. “Someday, when I’m old and gray and too decrepit to swat a fly, then you can tease me about this.” He dropped his head to her shoulder and clutched her hard. “I’m such a fool, Shiloh. I wanted this night to be special for you, to make up for how vicious I’ll be on the show.”

Tears burned her eyes. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she opened her thighs and shifted so she could wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. She held him, soaking in his heat, without trying to instigate more intimate contact. “That sounds incredibly sweet, but I have to be honest. Vicious turns me on just as much as tender. Either way, I want you. I need you so much I hurt, and that, too, is turning me on.”

He eased her back to the mattress, settling his weight between her thighs. “Where does it hurt, baby? I’ll bite it and make it hurt better.”

Payback’s a bitch
, she realized, for his words made her entire body stand up and scream for attention. She felt swollen and feverish, like her eyes blazed fire. “So now you’re going to tease me?”

“But of course.” He grinned, winking down at her. “Wherever should I start?”

She clamped her mouth shut to keep from blurting out exactly where he could start.
No more dirty talk.

He nibbled at her lips, soft and gentle. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth and stroked his tongue with hers, and all she could think about was getting that wicked tongue to head a bit further south.

The sharp sting of his teeth on her bottom lip made her jolt. “Does that hurt better?”

She wanted to beg and plead with an entire laundry list of places he could bite. Instead, she whispered, “Yes.”

“That’s it?” The big bad Master pouted, startling a laugh out of her. She cupped his face and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth for some teeth appreciation. All too quickly, her hunger raged out of control. She pushed at his chest, determined to roll him over so she could finish round two before he even got that condom on.

Instead, he slithered lower and snagged her left nipple in his teeth.

“Oh, yes, harder, V.”

He tilted his head so he could watch her reaction, working his tongue over her captured flesh. He grated his teeth back and forth and then released her to teasingly lick just the tip.

“You would look fantastic in a custom set of nipple clamps.” He gave the other breast the same treatment, until she was sure her nipples were huge and as hard as marble. “Is that the bondage you’ll pick for tomorrow?”

“If you want it, it’s yours.”

Without answering, he wandered lower on her body, planting small, sharp bites on her tummy that had her hips arcing off the bed. “You never told me where it hurt, Shiloh. You never told me where you most wanted me to bite.”

“I promised!”

He skipped her groin entirely and she ground her teeth in frustration. Opening his mouth wide, he gripped her inner thigh in his teeth, not biting, exactly, but applying pressure to the muscle underneath. He ran those powerful jaw-gripping bites down to her knee and switched to the other leg, working his way back up.

She took the opportunity to snag his ponytail, giving him a hard yank that must have hurt like a bitch because he wore it so tight. “Please!”

“Promises are made to be broken,” he purred against her inner thigh.

“No, they aren’t,” she growled out.

“Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to lick and bite me until I beg you to stop!”

He started to move back down her thigh, trailing his tongue in a wet path toward her knee. “Isn’t that what I’m doing?”

With a quick twist of her wrist, she wrapped her hand in his hair and tugged him back where she wanted him.

,” he whispered, letting his breath puff out against her. “Pull my hair harder, baby. I think I’m starting to understand what you want.”

“Please, Victor, please.” She twisted another length of his hair in her hand. Babbling, she knew she was babbling, “Oh, God, yes, there, please!”

With agonizing delicacy, he nibbled a path of fire around her sex. “I’ve been hungering for a taste of you, Shiloh. Dying to get my mouth on you. Burning to get inside you. Is that what you’re trying to tell me? Is that what you want?”

She let out a shaking groan.
Clean, smoking hot, but not dirty.
“I want to be under your tongue.”

He flattened his tongue against her and she moaned and whimpered and likely ripped a bald spot in his hair, and just when she thought she’d die, he sucked her clit into his mouth, gripping her with his teeth in such exquisite, delicate pain. No mercy, no quarter, he worked her with his tongue and teeth until she trembled from head to toe and begged him to stop.

Just as she’d asked.

When he finally settled his weight against her and slid inside, she could only cling to him and stare up into his eyes and cry at how tender and sweet the Master proved to be. He calmed her with his body, his thrusts slow and deep and druggingly tender. He slid his big palms up and down her arms, flanks and down her legs, pulling her higher against him. His fingers were strong and sure, massaging her as thoroughly as she’d done his knee the previous night.

Kissing his throat, she worked on that holder, determined to free his hair. She’d already pulled it horribly, so she didn’t try to be gentle this time. She yanked the rubber band out and tossed it as far as she could. Cupping his head between her hands, she rubbed his head and combed his hair through her fingers.

He groaned, deep in his throat. For any other man, she might have eased the pressure, but for Victor, she pressed her fingers harder against his scalp. She felt the subtle answering shift in his body. Instead of stroking her so carefully, he shifted to his elbows and thrust deeper, harder, grinding his pelvis against hers. He cupped her face in his big hands, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs while he took her mouth, his tongue as deep inside her as his cock.

Even tender, even sweet, he demanded her pleasure, the ultimate surrender of her will and body to his. Shuddering, she sucked on his tongue, clamped down tight on him with every muscle in her body, taking him as deep as she could until he came too.

Cradling her beneath him, he kissed her softly, still cupping her face. “Did I hurt you?”

“No,” she whispered, combing his hair with her fingers.

The last bit of tension bled from his body. Shifting his weight off to the side, he drew her close so she cuddled against him. Stroking her back, he sighed heavily. “I will.”

She couldn’t help but shiver with anticipation.

Chapter Eleven

V’s Gift Blog

So it happened. The Master took me to His bed.

Why am I not jumping up and down, squealing with excitement? Because it was nothing like I expected. No crop. No punishment. No games. It was incredibly sweet. Just a man and one desperately horny woman pushing him to give me everything He needs to give.

And He refused. It was like making love to a man who wears a mask. Every time I tried to peek beneath it and see the real V, he slammed another brick wall into place.

I hate it when He holds back on me. When He hides what I most need to see.

Don’t get me wrong—Master V is an incredible lover and man. He blew my mind. Even sitting here bright and early before work, remembering last night, makes me sweat and moan, squirming in my chair. I can’t help but wonder what it’ll be like to see Him as my boss and not my lover, my Master. Will everyone know, just by looking at me, that I’m His?

God, I hope so.

Most of all, I hope He looks at me and sees his V plastered all over me. I know it sounds crazy, but I’d let Him brand me like a steer. I want Him burned into my flesh, claiming me as His for anyone to see.

But I don’t know if that’s what He wants. Oh, sure, I know what the sadist needs—because I am the fuel for His fire—but I don’t know that He’ll ever allow that beast its freedom.

Even though my heart is howling His name, begging Him to come subdue me.


Victor avoided meeting Mal’s gleaming gaze. Even Patrick’s table of pony gear was more tolerable than his friend’s curiosity. With a busy morning of going through tape and too many witnesses around to overhear, she hadn’t been able to interrogate him yet. Maybe he could diffuse her interest by stroking her ego. “You were right.”

“Mistress M is always right.” She preened a moment, twirling a lock of hair about her finger. “I saw her this morning. She didn’t bear any horrible wounds or bruises.”

“No.” Somehow, he managed to sound insulted, even though that had been his fear.

“You’re more relaxed today, so I’m assuming…”

“Give me a break, Mal. Do you want a play by play?”

“You know that’s not my kink.” She brought a paper bag over to his table and dumped out its contents. She’d known without asking that he would need help; his table was glaringly bare of bondage equipment. “Are you happy with how it went?”

“Sure. It was great.”


Sighing, he threw himself down in the folding chair. After a few more finishing touches to his worthless table of trinkets, Mal sat down beside him. She waited, calm and steady, persistent without harassing him, giving him time to find the words. “She’s fantastic, sexy, daring, everything I ever wanted or hoped she would be. We had a good time, don’t get me wrong. But the whole time, I felt like I was fighting her.”

“Or fighting yourself?” Mal asked softly.

“You told me to take her as the man and not the Master.” Even to his own ears, he sounded accusatory. He tried to take down his intensity a notch. “It was all I could do to touch her without hurting her, and she kept pushing me. Mal, you have no idea how fearless she is. She pushed every button I have, including a few I didn’t even know existed.”

“Sounds hot.” Chuckling at his groan, Mal sat down beside him. “The best submissives are the ones who push us to our limits too. You wouldn’t be as interested if she didn’t challenge you.”

In his mind, he heard Shiloh’s sultry voice again, begging him to fuck her hard, real hard, just the way she liked it, and he had to shift into a more comfortable spot. “A smart submissive knows her Master’s limits, though. She doesn’t push him beyond safety or sanity. It’s like she knows the absolute worst thing to say or ask for.”

“Or the best.” She raised her hand to halt his retort. “Name one submissive you’ve played with in the past five—even ten—years who truly pushed you. Who made you work at being a Master and controlling your instincts? You were bored to tears at Silken. I think that’s why you hooked up with Kimberly. At least you had a new challenge then. You had to pretend like you were

“Well, it sure as hell won’t be boring with Shiloh around.”

“And you’re just getting started.”

He couldn’t help but grimace, even though his heart rate accelerated at the thought of seeing her today, working through this staged game, and then, the best part of all—taking her home with him again. “She’s going to end up hurt and I’ll never forgive myself.”

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