Hush 2: Slow Burn (9 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

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chapter Thirteen

Time for Change


New York

I am on edge right now and just want to get out of here as soon as possible. Despite what you may think, I am not uneasy because of the men in this warehouse gathered around this table. I could give two fucks about them. I just want to get back to Shannon. This is the first time I have been away from her since I arrived from London.

I have slept, ate, and breathed that hospital room from the moment I stepped into it. I wouldn’t be here now if it weren’t for the importance of this single meeting. When I leave this warehouse, I will no longer be the son of the Don, but I will be the Don.

The gravity of this meeting is not lost on me. I would just rather be elsewhere right now. I look around me and notice that there are more people here than I was expecting.

I was not expecting to see the Locatelli Family. They usually call the shots from the top. If you want to do anything around or in between the families, you don’t do it without their approval or knowledge, or else.

It’s just rear to have them present for such an event. I expected to have to fly to Italy to show my respect. Seeing this I straighten in my chair and push my thoughts of Shannon to the side for just a little while. Everything that happens in the next two hours will shape my first steps as the head of the Donati family.

Once Uri and I are formally announced as the new Dons of the Caprisi and Donati families, we’ll really get down to business. I am thrown once again as Sam Mairettie enters the room. He first steps next to a man standing behind Don Locatelli and says something in his ear. The tall man with thick black curly hair nods and turns to look in my direction. He nods at Uri and looks at me.

I am taken back at the fact that this guy looks like a Northern Italy version of Nathan Briggs. He could be one of the Briggs brothers just without the blonde hair. Sam then takes a seat to the right of Don Locatelli. I take a side glance to see Uri’s reaction, but he is not moving a muscle as his eyes stay trained on what seems like everyone in the room.

“It has come to our attention that someone is targeting my family and those close to me,” Don Locatelli says looking towards Uri. “I want to make it clear I am here under no disrespect to you, Don Uri. I would have watched from afar, that is until one of mine was harmed. Well, one of mine has been touched. I don’t respect a coward. To target unsuspecting women to get to their men is a coward’s move.

“I want you both to know that I am involved in this now. You have full advantage of my resources to find the one behind this. Uri, it is clear that someone is aware of what we have been working on. I believe we should start with looking back home,” Don Locatelli says with a nod.

“I believe you are right,” Uri replies. “However, there are some things that aren’t adding up. As soon as my wife is completely cleared of the false charges I will hush this noise for good.”

A few throats clear in the room and some nervous glances pass over a few faces. I almost chuckle out loud. This meeting has been tense from the start. I am sure a few of these guys have pissed their pants to have not just Uri in the room, but the Locatelli family as well.

As I assess the words being passed back and forth, I take in the information I have filed over the last few weeks since my father announced he was retiring. Once again my eyes fall on Sam Mairettie. Things start to fit into place as I think of the relationship I have seen between my father and the Mairettie family. As the conversation goes on, I finally get it.

It all comes to me and I realize how much I have been exposed to without giving a fuck. I have listened to many stories with just one ear, but now it is all coming in handy to help me understand some of what is unraveling in front of me. I bring my attention back to the room and the men around me.

I can read the discomfort in the room. I know it doesn’t sit well with many that two loose cannons are taking over two head families. We may be unpredictable in two very different manors, but Uri and I are still both considered unpredictable none the less. Uri for doing things as he pleases and giving two fucks about who he offends or deletes from the equation. Me for my well-known temper that has caused Uri to delete a few people or erase the ones I happen to pull the occasional trigger on.

However, it is something else that has my attention as I watch the room. Something I bank for later review. I bank the fact that there are at least two individuals that continue to twitch, wince, and shift in their seats as Don Locatelli speaks of getting involved in the recent events.

Now let me break down what I have gathered in the last hour and a half. You will need these details to understand why I am hyper aware of the men and events around me.

Tension is clearly high with the attacks aimed at Shannon, Valentina, Nellie Black and apparently someone had the balls to go after Marie Ann Mairettie. Someone is poking the bear and hard. Here is some background to let you know how serious shit is about to get. Marie Ann Mairettie is not only the mother of James Mairettie and Grandmother of Bobby, Sam, Marcus, and Marie; she is also the best friend of Catherine Locatelli. Catherine Locatelli is the mother of Minnie Mairettie.

Are you seeing the picture here? When I say that Catherine and Marie Ann are best friends, I mean like sisters. Back in the old country they were known as sisters they were so close, so much so that all five of the Locatelli Brothers saw Marie Ann as a sister as well.

Now here is where you have to pay attention. The oldest Locatelli brother, Alanzo, the current Don, happened to be best friends and partners with Marcello Mairettie. Marcello met and fell head over heels for Marie Ann and they married. Alanzo thought it best to let Marcello fade into the background as he made his way to the States and take over Mairettie and Mairettie with his own brother.

They have run the legit side of the Locatelli family for years. James met Minnie when he and the Briggs brothers went to Italy one summer. It was love at first sight. Now keep in mind. Minnie and her four brothers were born as Greco. However, their father crossed Alanzo and his brothers. Let’s just say they were not too forgiving. Rumor has it he put his hands on Catherine, big mistake.

Minnie and her brothers took their mother’s maiden last name as they were raised by their uncles. All the Locatelli men are just as protective of Marie Ann as they are of Catherine and Minnie.

Minnie’s uncles only allowed James to marry their niece because of his father and the connections and opportunity they saw in the future. James agreed to their conditions. Somehow the Briggs family became part of the equation, which only sweetened things in the end. Rumor has it, at the time the Briggs brothers needed a favor.

Are you feeling me yet? If you think that Uri is dangerous, then multiply that times two generations of Locatelli brothers times nine men. Shit is about to get real. I am not the only one out for blood right now. I can name at least fifteen men that are in this meeting that has a taste of blood in their mouth.

My jaw clenches just at the thought of all that has been revealed in the week since Shannon’s accident. As you can see, I have started to pay more attention to what’s going on around me. My head has been reeling with all that Uri has set up for the family in the last seven years while I had my head up my own ass.

I leave the meeting wondering if I deserve not only Shannon but my seat at the head of the family. I have been so foolish. Leave it to my father to read my thoughts and set me straight. According to him and Uri, I am exactly who I should be.

“I see the look on your face,” my father says as the three of us ride in my father’s SUV heading back to the hospital. “You deserve all I have handed you. I have raised you for this. You will make me proud because it is in you to do this.”

“Everyone sees me as an errant child. What have I done to say I deserve this?” I grumble.

“Then you show them you deserve this. You show them you are no child,” Uri states simply as he looks out the window beside him in the front seat.

I look at the two men I have admired my whole life. They both speak as if they have no doubts in my ability to lead. It is right now in this minute I vow that no one will ever question me again. Not even me.



chapter Fourteen



New York

There is pain everywhere. I want to open my eyes, but my lids hurt. My head is throbbing and I feel like I have been run over. I try to remember why I feel like this, but nothing is coming to mind. I feel like I am under a fog trying to push through and just being pushed back.

I may not be able to open my eyes, but I hear everything, which is a bit confusing. There is a beeping sound and every so often I hear the squeaking of shoes.

What has thrown me the most is the voices I keep hearing. Especially one voice in particular. It is deep slightly raspy and sexy as sin. I know that voice better than my heart wants to admit.

What doesn’t make sense is why I am hearing his voice. Why is he here? Where is here? What happened? Why is he here now? I have been floating in and out of the blackness and each time his voice is there.

At times, he sounds frustrated with the people he’s talking to. I don’t know their voices, just his. Other times he sounds annoyed. Those are the times when I hear Rita’s voice as well. I think she is the one that keeps pissing him off.

I love Rita. I can hear the smile in her voice each time his voice gets all growly. One time I thought I heard Marcus as well. He said something about watching how someone talks to his wife.

I snickered when I heard that one. I’ve heard stories of Marcus busting a few noses for his wife. Luca better watch it. Heck, I hope Marcus waits until I can open my eyes. I want to watch him kick Luca’s ass.

Well, that’s what I thought when I first heard his voice. I may have changed my mind a little. The last few times I have come out of the darkness I have only heard Luca. I have to say I’m not sure how long has passed between each time, but his words are melting me with each pass.

Like right now. I want to open my eyes. I want to see if he is sincere in his words. I don’t really trust people anymore. Luca is no different. I don’t think I can ever trust him with my heart again.

I never should have allowed myself to fall in love with him, but I did. That was on me, but I won’t be so naïve again. So why are his words beating at my heart?

“Baby, you have to wake up for me,” his voice vibrates through me. I can feel his lips on my forehead briefly. Then they brush my lips. My heart squeezes, Luca has never kissed me before. Not on the lips. He has kissed my cheek, my hand, my forehead, anywhere but my lips.

It isn’t much of a kiss, but it is enough to have me wanting to pry my eyes open. I try. I really do. I want to wake up and ask him what is going on. Where has he been all this time? Why did he leave me in the first place? I may not be able to open my eyes, but it feels like they are stinging with tears because I really want to.

“Shannon, Cara, there are so many people that have come by to see you. So many people that want you to wake up, Baby. You have so many friends that miss you. I miss you. I want to take you home. Wake up, Baby. We have a life to start together,” Luca’s voice coaxes.

I hear so much emotion in his voice while at first it melts my heart and I want nothing more to hold him and be in his arms. It hits me that wherever I am, I am here because he walked away from me. He left me without a look-back. How dare he be here now? How dare he beg for me to wake to him?

I am so pissed I start to fade into the darkness again. I fight it for as long as I can.
Wait until I can open my eyes, Luca
, is my last thought before I give over to the darkness.



“Any change,” Marie asks softly as she enters the room.

“No,” I grumble as I rub my tired eyes. I have been by Shannon’s bedside since I arrived here in New York a week ago. The only time I have left her side was for the meeting that was called yesterday.

I have showered here at the hospital and dressed in the clothes Uri has brought for me. I am grateful to him and Valentina. Even with all of the chaos going on right now they have been here for Shannon and me as often as they can.

They have done more than I have asked for. Bringing me clothes, food, and talking me down when I’m ready to lose it on the hospital staff or Rita. I think she is being paid to piss me off.

I know she is just worried about her friend, but the looks she gives me only irritate me to no end. I know I fucked up. I don’t need any more reminders than the one glaring at me from a hospital bed. If I were here, if I were with Shannon this would never have happened.

I would never let something like this happen. This shit with the family could not have come at a worse time. Everyone is looking at me to take over things and I intend to. I also intend to be here for Shannon. In the back of my head, I know I can’t ignore one and focus on the other, no matter how much I may want to.

Right now all I want to do is stay by Shannon’s side. I need her to wake up so we can get out of here. When I get her home, I’ll take care of her and I can handle everything else without leaving her.

“I can’t believe you order fresh flowers every day,” Marie says with a light laugh as she sniffs at a dozen of the white and purple roses I had brought in today. Each day I order fresh ones and give the ones from the day before to the nurses.

The first day I believe a few of them kept them for themselves. A few days later, I overheard a couple of the nurses mention that they were putting the vases in the rooms of other patients that didn’t have family or visitors as often as Shannon.

“She deserves nothing but the best. I don’t want her waking to old roses,” I shrug.

“It’s sweet,” Marie smiles. “I know she would like it. You care about her, don’t you?”

I just stare at Marie at first. I have to remind myself that she is not only Shannon’s friend. Uri and Valentina have made a life here in New York with new friends. I reign in my irritation.

“Yeah, I do,” I sigh running my hand down my scruffy face. I haven’t shaved in two days. It takes too much time away from me being here by Shannon’s side. I hate the thought of her waking and me not being here.

I was short tempered the entire time I had to be away from her yesterday. The glares I received from some of the other heads of the families didn’t faze me. Most of them wouldn’t express their disdain out loud while Uri sat at my right anyway. Now that I am the Don, far and few between will overstep.

“Did you hear me, Luca,” Marie interrupts my thoughts.

“No, I didn’t, what was that?”

“Have you eaten? Rita is stopping to bring us something,” Marie replies.

My face twists up. “I don’t want her spitting in my food.”

Marie laughs, so hard she bends over wiping at tears. When she straightens, I am still frowning. She smiles at me. “What do you want? I will say it is for me. She’ll think I am just eating for two,” she giggles.

I look at her still flat stomach. My heart squeezes to know she was with Shannon the night of the accident. She could have been in that car. I look back at Shannon and brush her hair with my fingers. I want to know she is having my baby someday.

“You know Rita doesn’t hate you,” Marie says quietly. “She is just protective of her friends. It is in her nature as a Briggs.”

I snort and shrug. “Whatever you order is fine. I could stand to eat,” I answer her first question. “I don’t owe anyone, but Shannon an explanation. She is the only one that needs to know how much I love her.”

I say the words as I wrap my fingers around Shannon’s hand for the millionth time. I try to will her to wake with my own body. I won’t dare to think about her never waking. I need her, more than I care to think about right now.

“You’re right, but that’s not going to stop the way Rita or Valentina have been looking at you. They are both the closest to her. Everyone thinks the real bond is between Rita, Shannon, and I, but it’s really the three of them,” Marie smiles.

I look up at her once again with my brows furrowed. I know she is trying to tell me something here, so I give her my full attention. As I have heard it she’s right, everyone has said that Rita, Marie, and Shannon are peas in a pod.

“I don’t mind. I admire them. They have all had great losses in their lives. I have never known that type of loss personally. I was close to Rita’s mom, but it is not the same,” Marie shrugs her shoulders this time. “Valentina and Rita bond in their protectiveness and Shannon just happens to be who they have bonded together to protect. I get it.”

“Well, they can both take a break. I’m here now. I have her,” I reply.

Marie lifts a brow. “Are you sure, Luca? You know caring about her doesn’t mean you are going to stick around this time.”

“That’s exactly what it means, Marie. Because I don’t just care about her, I love her,” I say through tight lips.

I go to snap a little more. I have totally lost my patience, but I stop cold in my tracks as Shannon’s fingers move within my tight grips. My head snaps in Shannon’s direction, but her eyes are still closed. I loosen my hold a bit to make sure I am not hurting her.

“What is it?” Marie asks moving closer.

“Her fingers, I think she moved her fingers,” I say as I stare at her hand in mine willing it to move again.

“Maybe she heard you,” Marie chirps.

“Did you hear me, Baby. I love you, Sweetheart. Wake up for me, please Shannon,” I plead.

I keep on talking for I don’t know how long, but her hand doesn’t move again. I try holding her hand tightly again, but nothing. Nothing happens at all.

When Rita arrives with food, I can’t bear to pull myself away long enough to eat it. If she moves her hand again, I want to be here holding it.

“Boss, we have a problem,” Charlie steps in the room to say.

I look up and glare at him. I gave specific orders not to be disturbed. Charlie has been one of my men long enough to know that when I say I don’t want to be bothered, I don’t fucking want to be bothered.

He shrugs his shoulders. “You’re going to want to deal with this,” he huffs.

I look at Shannon’s face then her hand once again. I growl not wanting to leave. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I close my eyes. I am torn, but I know I have to figure out what is going on.

“We’ll be here,” Rita says. It is the first time she hasn’t hissed at me. I look at her and lift a brow. “Look, there is a lot going on out there. If you are going to be here for her, you have to handle all of that first.”

I nod. Leaning over Shannon, I place a kiss to her forehead. I want to brush my lips against hers, but it is too intimate with prying eyes in the room. I can’t believe I have never allowed myself to sample her lips before the brief kiss I placed on her lips yesterday.

“I love you,” I whisper in her ear once more.



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