Hush: Family Secrets (16 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

Tags: #Hush

BOOK: Hush: Family Secrets
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“You Baby, it belongs to you Uri,” I cry out.

“Damn right it does. You’re my wife, I’ll destroy for you. I’ll kill for you. I love you,” his last words are bellowed out as we both catch fire and go up in flames. I feel his hot seed pump into me rope after rope and it is the most amazing feeling. He tilts my head back so he can place as searing kiss on my lips.

Moments pass as Uri rests against my back where he has collapsed. I am basking in his heat and the feel of him still inside me. It is only when he twitches inside me that I realize he hasn’t worn a condom this time. I wonder if he realizes that.

When he finally straightens and lifts his weight off of me, pulling from my body I whimper at the loss. Uri kisses the back of my head. His Italian accent is thick when he murmurs my name and wraps his arms around my waist.

“Ti amo,” he murmurs into my neck.

I snuggle back into his chest and murmur the words back. I am so head over heels in love with this man. I giggle as he starts to nibble and suck on my neck.

“What’s so funny,” he asks.

“How am I supposed to go home? You destroyed my shirt and my panties,” I laugh.

“I have club t-shirts the girls wear. You can take one,” he murmurs swaying me in his arms. “You’ll have on my jacket to cover your bum.” His hand slips under my skirt to squeeze me for emphasis. “Never come to one of my clubs like this again unless you want someone to die,” he teases.

“Yes Sir,” I chuckle.

“Let’s go home,” he whispers in my ear. For the first time in a month that sounds like a great idea.











CHAPTER Twenty Three


“What the fuck is that,” Uri growls behind me.

I spin to see him with a scowl on his face as he eyes the gun I’m holding. Donatella and I have plans to go do a little shopping and something in my gut has had me feeling edgy lately. I plan to carry just to ease my mind.

“We both know what this is,” I say incredulously.

“What I should be asking you is, where did it come from and what are you doing with it?” he grumbles.

“It was what my uncle sent me when we first came back from Italy,” I shrug.

“So it is thought that I cannot protect my wife,” Uri lifts a brow at me.

“No babe, he doesn’t mean anything by it. We both know who I am. It is like a purse to me. A part of what I wear on a daily basis,” I try to sooth him.

“Shoes are something you wear on a daily basis. Not a fucking gun,” he snarls.

“Uri,” I whine. “I really would just feel better knowing it is on me.”

I plead with him with my eyes. He narrows his eyes at me just glaring. After a few moments pass he crooks his finger at me and I willingly go to him, holding the gun behind my back. He cups my face when I stand before him. He places his forehead to mine.

“I will allow this when you are not with me,” he murmurs. “But you better make sure nothing happens to my wife. If you insist on protecting yourself in this manner you better damn well do a perfect job.”

I beam up at him and he captures my lips. His hand slips behind my back pulling the glock from my hands and releasing the clip. He walks me back toward our bed placing the gun and clip on the night stand before tossing me on the bed.

“Uri your mother is waiting for me,” I squeal as he pounces on me, making sure to lie beside me.

“She can wait. I need you,” he breathes into my neck.


An hour and a half later Valentina was able to get out of the door with my mum. Although, she did have to wear a messy bun and opt for a pair of jeans and one of my dress shirts with a belt over it, the little dress she was wearing when I entered the room didn’t fare well from my attack.

I’d been wondering what was in the package her uncle sent, I had a pretty good idea. I just hadn’t gotten around to confirming my suspicions with everything else going on. My blood boiled with rage when I walked in and saw her checking the clip on her piece.

I protect my woman. She has no need to fear anything, but there was something in her eyes that told me if I insisted she get rid of the gun it would be a little too soon. Valentina has been making lots of progress.

It has been a month since that night at the club. We have fallen into an easy routine and she seems so happy. That is what I want most of all. We haven’t returned to the States as of yet because I have pending family business here in London.

Valentina hasn’t seemed in a hurry to return home. Luca and Shannon’s wedding has been on hold, which I no longer believe has anything to do with Valentina and I. I believe Valentina has been enjoying her time with my mama. My mama certainly has been enjoying her time with my wife.

I don’t think I have seen my mama this happy since I was a small boy. I guess Valentina is giving her the relationship she has always wanted with her own daughter. I also think my mama has been filling a void for Valentina. Angela Caprisi has never been a mum to Valentina and her memories of her own mum are few that are not tarnished by tragedy and grief.

This all leads me to what I have planned for tonight. Valentina truly has a beautiful heart. In the past month she has stopped by the office and the clubs more. I have watched her with the girls and I see how they have taken to her.

I’ve noticed the work environment has improved with the girls need to please Valentina and their all-around happiness in the workplace. A few of the girls have even started to seek her out. Rebecca is a great assistant but she gives the orders I give to her. She is not the nurturing type when it comes to dealing with the staff.

Valentina has fallen into a role I wasn’t even aware I needed. The more I watch her the more I want to make her dreams come true. Tonight I will make a large stride to giving her normalcy in her life. After seeing her with that glock this afternoon I know I am making the right decision.

Besides I love the way her eyes light up when I do something as simple as giving her a foot rub. I can just imagine the way her face will light up tonight. I straighten the blue tie around my neck, as I look in the vanity mirror when something catches my eye.

Valentina’s birth control pills are sitting behind her jewelry box. I stare at them contemplating throwing them out. I haven’t worn a condom with her once since we fucked in my office. I have no plans to either.

Just when I make up my mind to chuck the bloody pack Valentina walks in the room. I look in the mirror and lock eyes with her. I smirk as I watch her eyes drink me in. I turn and open my arms for her. She drops her bags and runs into my arms, offering me her sweet lips.

I don’t devour her the way my body is screaming for me to. Instead I give her a chaste lingering kiss. When I pull away she cups my face and beams up at me. I love seeing her this happy. The bitter and guarded woman I met in the shoe store has since been long vanished.

“I thought you were taking the night off,” she says looking a little confused.

“I am,” I tell her and peck her nose.

“So what’s with the suit? I was sort of hoping you would still be just the way I left you,” she teases.

I smirk at her and chuckle. “I left a dress for you in your closet. Get dressed and meet me on the rooftop,” I tell her placing a kiss to her temple.

She gives me a curious look but turns to head into the closet. I swat her bum and she looks over her shoulder biting her lip. I love this woman.

I leave her to it and make my way to the rooftop. I have had Rebecca transform the space by adding tea lights, and stringing some other lights along the railings and decorative trees that usually surround the space. A table is set in the center for two.

I go to lean against the rail to look out at the view. I knew I wanted to set Valentina free of her own personal demons but I have felt closer to the light this last few weeks. Her smile alone has placed the demons at bay.

My thoughts shift to my friend in the States. I wonder if this is how Pamela felt meeting Nathaniel Briggs. I would never tell this to Luca because it would crush him even more but I have never seen Pamela so happy. Not in the seven years that she dated Luca. There was so much joy in her eyes when she looked at Nathan.

It was upon seeing that love that I knew I would do anything I had to, to keep Luca away from her. I chuckle to myself. Valentina is just a younger version of Pamela. Neither of them sees me for the monster I am or at least they never call me on it.

Truth is I will be returning to the States soon. I want to be there when my God daughters arrive. The thought brings a smile to my face. I spoke with Pamela last week when she asked me to become a God father. I guess that is where my desire for my own children has come from.

I hear Valentina’s heels clicking pulling my attention to the now. I turn to find her in the yellow sheath dress I had Rebecca pick for her. The neckline has a deep v that hints at her ample cleavage tastefully. My palms itch to hold on to her slim waist. She hasn’t given up her two a days and it is showing. We have even started to work out once a day together.

The black heels cause me to groan as they put her sexy, toned legs on display. My wife is beyond hot. She is fucking mouthwatering. As my groin tightens I have to remind myself that I plan to ravish her later, otherwise I would clear the table in one swift swipe and fuck her right on top.

Instead I move to the table plucking two roses from the arrangement I ordered for the centerpiece, one blue and the other lavender. Valentina stops in front of me and lifts a brow as I first hand her the blue one.

“They say that blue roses represent the unattainable, the impossible. You have done the impossible by stealing my unattainable heart,” I say as she takes the rose and I reach to brush my hand against her cheek. I want her to know that I have truly fallen in love with her. It is about more than the pleasure she brings me sexually.

I hand her the lavender rose. “Lavender roses represent love at first sight. I know now that I didn’t have a chance. I was yours the moment I laid eyes on you.”

She reaches to wipe a single tear from the corner of her eye before she leans up on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on my lips. “Thank you, Uri. Words are not enough to explain how much I agree with you and more,” she says softly. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Bella.”

I place a kiss to her lips then lead her to her seat and pull her chair. Our chef sweeps in the moment I take my seat and serves our first course. It is a refreshing basil and peach soup. Valentina hums her delight while I enjoy watching her enjoy her food.

We move on to a pasta and scallop dish before Matteo brings out seared chicken in butter and garlic sauce with polenta and roasted asparagus. Once again I watch Valentina enjoy her food. Her face is so animated and it is adorable. This is the way I want to always see my wife, happy and content.

Her nightmares have become far and few between as of late. Although I think we have bonded during the few she has had. We always talk as I hold her to calm her from her terrors. My heart swells with pride each time because she is trusting me more and letting me in.

Valentina’s eyes look up from her plate and she smiles at me. Using her cloth napkin to dab at her lips, her eyes search my face. “What are you thinking?” she says sweetly.

“That you are absolutely beautiful and I am a lucky man to be in love with you,” I say with all seriousness.

Her smile brightens her face evermore as it grows in size. “What is all this Uri?” she gestures around the rooftop. “What are you up to?”

“Do I have to be up to something to show how much I love you,” I ask.

She looks skyward as if the answer is hovering above us. “Yup, pretty much,” she laughs.

I crack a smile because I love her laugh so much. “This is how you see me?” I ask teasingly.

She tilts her head to the side studying me. Her face turns serious now as well. “I have come to see you in so many different ways. But this,” she gestures toward me. “This is something different something is on your mind. So again I ask what is up, Babe?”

I smile and shake my head at her. “Finish your meal. I will answer every question in that pretty little head of yours after dessert,” I pop a fork of chicken in my mouth and savor it as Valentina continues to watch me.

“Mangiare,” I prompt waving my fork in the direction of her plate. She shakes her head at me but she does go back to eating and enjoying the expertise of Matteo.

When we are done with the main course Matteo produces Valentina’s favorite, a chocolate, caramel cake topped with caramel and chocolate sauce with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Valentina’s lips press and she looks annoyed and confused when Matteo only sets one plate of dessert right in front of me.

A laugh nearly bursts from my lips as she pouts like a small girl who’s been told she won’t be receiving dessert. I inch my chair back and hold out my arms. “Come here, Love,” I say.

Valentina smirks but stands and sways her hips as she makes her way to my side of the table. She settles into my lap and I wrap her waist with one arm. I pinch her chin between my fingers with my free hand and bring her lips to mine. Her mouth is sweet from the wine, causing me to groan into her mouth.

Valentina squirms in my lap when she feels me twitching against her bum. I groan again but pull away because I still have plans for tonight before we get to that part. Valentina whimpers and her blue eyes plead up at me.

“Soon enough,” I reassure her and kiss the tip of her nose.

I reach for the spoon and bring some of the decadent treat to her lips. She opens with a smile, her eyes closing as her lips close around the spoon. I bite back a groan because this woman is tempting me before time. I move my arm from her waist to rub her back.

Her eyes slowly open and she reached to rub her fingers against the whiskers of my beard. I noticed it’s something she does more and more as if it comforts her. I turn my face to nuzzle her hand and kiss her palm. When I look up her eyes are sparkling.

She looks as if she is about to say something but clamps her mouth shut and smirks at me while looking up at me through her lashes. I finish sharing the treat between us with her placing chaste kisses to my lips between bites.

When it is all done Matteo appears to clear things away and leaves behind the package I requested he leave. Valentina turns to look at the gift wrapped box then turns to look at me curiously. She wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. This kiss I savor tasting the caramel and chocolate on her lips.

“I knew you were up to something,” she breathes against my lips. “What’s in the box?”

“You have to open it to see,” I reply.

She turns for the box, tearing the paper away. I shift so that I can keep her in my lap and see her reaction at the same time. Her face turns from excitement to confusion as she looks down into the large box.

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