Hush: Family Secrets (7 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

Tags: #Hush

BOOK: Hush: Family Secrets
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“Where the hell are you,” an angry voice bellows through the line. I pull the phone away from my ear to look at it. Obviously someone has the wrong number.

I see the caller ID says asshat and I frown. Raphael had somehow gotten a hold of my cell phone number awhile back. Once he started to call me on a regular I programmed it as asshat to monitor and avoid his calls. I suck my teeth and put the phone back to my ear.

“You must have the wrong number. I’ll hang up so you can call the right person,” I say.

“Valentina, I have the right damn number. I’m here at the house and you are not here. It is seven thirty in the morning, where the hell are you?” He growls into the phone.

I’m beyond annoyed now. I have no idea who he thinks he is talking to and to add to my ire Uri has started to stir. I have woken him with this stupid call. He was so tired last night. I had been a little disappointed that he was too tired to take things further than that hot kiss, but when I really looked into his eyes they were red rimmed and he was forming circles under those beautiful eyes of his.

“I have no idea why you are looking for me, but if I were you I would hang up now,” I seethe through the phone.

“I am looking for you because you are my fiancée. I wanted to take you to see my jeweler so you could pick out a ring since you always send my gifts back. I wanted to allow you to pick something to your liking,” Raphael snarled.

“At seven thirty in the morning,” I snap.

He snorts. “I thought we could spend some time together,” his voice turns husky with lust that turns my stomach. “You
my fiancée now.”

“No I am not. You can actually lose my number and never call me again,” I hiss into the phone. I hang up on whatever Raphael’s response is.

I have felt his eyes on me for a few moments now. I turn slowly to see the storm brewing in his amazing ice blue eyes. Uri looks like he is going to explode as his eyes roll over my face. When my phone starts to ring again I wince. Raphael really is too stupid for his own good.

Uri plucks the phone from my hand and answers it. “Hello,” he says into the phone, accent thicker than usual and heavy with sleep.

I strained to hear what is being said on the other end. Uri presses he lips and I can’t hear much. “Hello,” Uri hissed again.

This time something is said and an evil smile stretches across Uri’s face. A shiver runs down my spine with his next words. “This is her husband motherfucker. Don’t call my wife’s phone again,” With that Uri hangs up.

He looks at the screen on my phone then tosses it on the nightstand on his side of the bed. He leans into me kissing my temple then falls back against the bed throwing a muscled arm over his head.

“It is late, I didn’t mean for us to sleep in this late,” Uri sighs. “My assistant is to be here in a half hour to take you for your dress fitting. Make sure to pick whatever you want. You have no limit. I just need one more hour. I will see you this evening at the ceremony.”

“Wait, what?” I ask in astonishment. I know he said he would marry me last night but I hadn’t thought he meant so soon. I’m not even sure how I feel about all of this. I know he is just trying to help me.

I just don’t want him doing this out of pity. I have been nothing but a mess sense seeing him last night. None of this is me. I haven’t been vulnerable like this in so long. I bite my lip as I contemplate whether or not I can go through with this just to avoid marrying Raphael.

Uri lifts his arm and looks at me long and hard. “Did you think I was playing some game last night? I told you I would take care of this. We will marry this evening and you will be my wife. I will deal with the fallout from what we are about to do. All I need you to think about is getting ready to meet your husband at the altar.”

“Uri, is this really how you want to do this? I mean you don’t have to marry me. I can figure this out. Was that your girlfriend last night? How will you explain this to her,” I ask not looking him in his intense eyes.

Uri sits up again lifting my chin so I look up at him. “She was far from my girlfriend, Love. I remember you saying last night that you admire me for not doing things I don’t want to do,” he lifts a brow at me. “Have you lost faith in your husband so soon?”

I give him a small smile and shake my head. “I bet those shoes were the most expensive gift you have ever bought. You are still paying for them,” I tease.

“I say it was money well spent. Tonight when I claim you as my wife in every way, fucking my new wife into the mattress, I will have tripled my investment,” he says with a cocky grin I am sure not many get to see.

I gasp and my eyes fall to the tent he is making of the sheets. I clinch my thighs as I think of what his mouth did to me last night. I have no doubt that he will make good on his words later tonight.

He winks at me before lying back and closing his eyes once again. “Get going, Love. Rebecca will be here for you soon. You have a lot to do before tonight,” Uri murmurs on a yawn.

My mind is racing as I step from the bed totally forgetting I am completely naked. I had removed the t-shirt Uri gave me to sleep in before slipping under the sheets for the night. I don’t usually wear clothes to bed.

I hear a low growl behind me and look over my shoulder. Uri is sitting up on his elbows with his eyes locked on my ass. I smirk to myself and turn back to head into the bathroom putting a little more sway to my hips. I may not be experience in sex but I am a master in seduction. My job requires it.











“Thank you so much Rebecca, this gown is absolutely breathtaking.” I gush as we enter the dressing room back at Uri’s villa.

I couldn’t have found a more beautiful gown if I tried. I knew it was the one the moment I saw it. Once on it fit like a glove and it complemented my shape in all the right ways. The strapless sweetheart neckline and the fitted bodice put my breasts and shoulders on a delicate display.

The intricate beading of crystals and diamonds along the bodice made the gown fit for a queen. The skirts drape in intricately place fabric that makes it look like flower petals turned upside down. The front is shorter revealing my legs and feet.

I now have the perfect dress. I thought of my mother as I stood in the mirror trying it on. I wondered what she and my sister would have thought of it. I wondered if Lissette would be married by now. Would I have gone with her to pick her gown? My thoughts turned to Shannon and I felt a ping of guilt that I would be doing this without her.

She’ll kill me when she finds out. Even if this is not a real marriage, Shannon is so romantic she would want to be a part of the fantasy. Just as I am thinking of the bittersweet circumstances of my wedding day once again I notice Rebecca hasn’t responded to me. Which is strange, I haven’t been able to get her to stop talking all day.

I turn to look at her and she is looking beyond me. I turn to see what has her attention. I had been too wrapped up in my thoughts and the gown clutched tight in my hands to notice the other person in the room.

When I see the face beaming back at me I gasp. I am in pure shock. Just as if I thought her up Shannon is standing in my dressing room in the cranberry knee length dress Rebecca had asked me about. She’d asked me which gown I would like if I had bridesmaids. I was spitting mad and annoyed when she brought it up, but I went along with indulging her because up until that point she had been really nice.

I’d picked a simple silk cranberry colored sheath dress that I knew would look great on Shannon. She would be my only bridesmaid if I had any. Now here she stood in London, wearing the exact dress I picked.

“Oh my God, what are you doing here?” I asked as Shannon runs to me squealing.

“I should be asking you that,” she gushes as she pulls me into a tight hug. “I can’t believe you were going to do this without me.”

“It is not like I have a choice,” I snort. “Wait, how did you find out and what are you doing here?”

“You don’t want me here?” Shannon pouts.

“Of course I do but how is my question?” I furrow my brows.

“I guess Luca was the first person Uri called with the news. One minute we were out to dinner the next Luca was rushing me to the airport with him,” Shannon shrugs. “Papa is going to shit a cow you know.”

I laugh at my sister. She has no idea the shit I am stepping in right now. When my father finds out he is going to hit the roof. I know this could cause tension between the families but I refuse to think of that now. There is no way I can live with my alternative options.

“He will but then he will get over it. Uri had been his first choice before he took off,” I shrug.

Shannon frowns, “Yeah, but why did he take off?”

“I still haven’t gotten that answer,” I frown myself. Uri never did tell me why he left. He steamed over that bit of information once I told him that my father intended to announce my engagement.

“He seems to be really into you. I mean to do this, to marry you without Papa’s permission. I told you he was into from the first time I saw you two together at the engagement party,” Shannon gushes with a goofy grin on her face.

“Wanting to sleep with me and being into me the way you are implying are two different things,” I huff. I pull out of Shannon’s arms and move around her to hang my dress and head for a shower before the glam squad shows up to finish my look.

Uri had not only sent me to find a dress but I also spent the day in the spa. Rebecca informed me that a separate team would show up at the house to get me ready for this evening. I don’t really wear a lot of makeup but tonight being what it is I figure it couldn’t hurt to be glammed out.

“Why do you do that?” Shannon whines. “Uri has been nothing but sweet to you, but every chance you get you act like he has the plague or something. If he just wanted sex he could have accomplished that without pissing Papa off. It is so clear that he cares about you.”

“Whatever,” I mutter more to myself.

“Don’t whatever me. You like him. I can tell,” Shannon says as she follows me.

“I’m doing this because I don’t want to marry that weasel Raphael. Uri is just the lesser of two evils. I have no clue why he is agreeing to this but it really doesn’t matter at this point,” I huff at my sister through the mirror.

She gives my reflection a silly smile. “Whatever,” she repeats my words giving me a knowing grin.

I roll my eyes at her. “I need to start getting ready,” I sigh.

“Sure, but you should know one more thing before you do. Luca is not the reason I am here. Uri asked him to bring me,” Shannon says with a smug grin on her face as if she has just sealed some great deal or proved the ultimate point.

Okay, she got me. I wasn’t expecting that.
Really Uri, what are you up to?











What the fuck am I doing?
I can’t believe I am about to get married. I never thought I would settle down. With the life I have led I never thought I had room for a wife. I can just see the smug smile on my uncle’s face now.

Or at least he would have had a smug smile a few days ago. Right now I’m not sure how he is going to feel about what I am about to do and honestly I don’t care. I’m not nervous but I am happy that I called Luca’s ass and made him hop on the jet to be here with me.

I wanted to do something for Valentina knowing that this is not the ideal wedding or circumstances. I felt she should have at least one person in her family here for this. Shannon was the only real option so I told Luca to bring her along. I haven’t seen Valentina since she sashayed her sweet, plush arse into my bathroom this morning. I passed back out before she dressed, in the clothes I had delivered to the house for her, and left with my assistant.

As much as I can’t believe I am doing this, not going through with this has not crossed my mind. I want Valentina like I have never wanted a woman before. I want to be the one that teaches her how to put the darkness to rest. Not that I have a clue of how to do that for myself. I just have the hunch that we will figure it out together.

I want to coax out the woman I see peeking above the surface. I want to take my time learning who Valentina is and who she will become. I feel insane to have these feelings for a woman I have known for a few weeks but I have seen enough in my life to know not everything has to take forever to reveal itself. Valentina revealed she was the one for me the moment I met her in that shoe store.

I don’t believe in coincidence. Valentina and I were meant to meet the way we did. And this here right now, me standing here in a tux with my cousin standing at my side is where I should be.

I have resigned myself to the idea of being a husband to the woman who will be making her way into the study at my villa. This is my true home. I don’t invite many here. When I brought Valentina here last night it was with the idea in mind that I want her in my home. This villa was the first place that popped in my head.

I thought it only right we marry here in my study. I have a beautiful view of the gardens from this room and today it is offering a spectacular backdrop for a wedding as Rebecca, my assistant has done everything to make sure this room is worthy of a wedding for Valentina.

The double doors to the study open pulling me from my reverie. In walks Shannon, she is a stunning young woman much like her sister. I watch her give Luca a shy look. I glance over at Luca and he looks like a lost puppy in love, i

I’m not surprise really. Luca loves the idea of being in love and possession. I don’t know if he ever really falls. I know he cared greatly for his ex, Pamela, but love…I think not. Luca was in lust. He never thought he had a chance with the beautiful vixen to begin with.

It didn’t stop him from approaching her but he was surprised as was I when she gave him her attention. Not that Luca isn’t a good looking man, oh it is quite the opposite. Luca is too good looking for his own good. He is just spoiled and can come off that way to women. I never thought a woman like Pamela would put up with his selfishness for long, if at all.

I hope he does better by this young woman. I have a feeling I will be saving Luca from my wife this time if he messes this up. I chuckle at the thought. I think Valentina might be a little scarier than Nathan Briggs. I am quite sure Nathan was going to hush my little cousin if I didn’t step in.

All thoughts of Luca and his love life go up in smoke as my bride comes into view. I am no one’s sap, but right now I swear I am looking at an angel. I can’t breathe for a few moments.

Valentina is glowing in her wedding gown. The top is strapless showing off her beautiful shoulders and her full breasts. The bodice is covered in crystals that capture the light in the room giving her an otherworldly glow. At the waist the gown begins to stack in large folds of fabric. It gives me the thought of upside down lilies that were sewn together. The front of the skirts stop a few inches above her ankles, showcasing her shapely legs.

I quirk a smile when I see she is wearing the shoes I purchase for her. I fleetingly wonder if she traveled with them with me in mind. I vow in that moment to shower her with gifts that will remind her of me.

When my eyes meet her face I swear a jolt of electricity shocks my heart to life. I had no idea my heart had gone so cold until this moment. Valentina has caused it to beat again. 

Her lips call for my attention as they shimmer bronze against her glowing brown skin. With her hair pulled back from her face her eyes sparkle and her delicate neck is on display. The sparkling crown on her head is not misplaced, because right now she looks like a Queen. My Queen, my Bella Donna.

Shit, what have I gotten myself into?


I can’t believe I am about to do this. I am more than nervous. I am also warring with the fact that I might be falling for my soon to be husband. When I returned to find Shannon waiting in my dressing room I almost cried. Almost, I have gotten my emotions in check since last night.

I hadn’t told Uri that I wished at least my sister would be here with me for this, even if it was not a real marriage and just Uri’s way of helping me out. I get it. He is attracted to me but I know he can’t possibly really want this marriage any more than I do. So a gesture such as bringing Shannon all the way here has touched an untouchable part of me.

Standing here looking up into Uri’s blue eyes has me entranced. God he is so handsome. I search his handsome face for any sign that he wants to back out now before it is too late.

“La mia vita,” Uri says in Italian as he brushes his fingertips across my cheek bone.

His words give me chills. The look in his eyes tells me they are not just words. Some part of me wishes that his words were true. I want to be his for life.

I have never been this attracted to a man in my life. Standing before him now I can see the light lines around his eyes that show a bit of his age but not much. Uri looks so good in his tux. His eyes seem so much brighter against the blue of his tie.

I love those full lips of his. I shiver as I think of what they did to me last night. At least I will find some pleasure in being married to this man. I don’t think I would have ever been able to live a life with Raphael, but Uri. Yes, I can do this with Uri.

“I do,” I say as I come to the conclusion that this is really happening and I will go through with this.

I just need to guard my heart. I could fall for Uri and never see it coming. I am already fighting with myself as it is. He didn’t have to bring Shannon in. He didn’t have to insure I had this gorgeous gown either.

He has made this just like the perfect wedding for me. I didn’t really expect the dress or the tux he is wearing. I thought we would just sign some papers and call it a night. I may be all types of fucked up in the head but I have dreamed of a real wedding a time or two and Uri has gotten pretty close to that dream whether he knows it or not.

So much is going on in my head I yelp when Uri pulls me into his arms. He cups my face and lays one of the hottest kisses in history on my lips. His hand moves from the back of my head to the back of my neck. Uri tightens his grip on me as he deepens the kiss. I clutch his lapels to hold on so I don’t melt into a puddle at his feet.

When Uri does break the kiss he places his forehead to mine. He is breathing harshly against my lips. His eyes are piercing mine as if he is telling me something he wants no one else to know.

I release his jacket and smooth my hands down his lapels. When he doesn’t move to release me I wrap my arms around his waist. I let myself be in the moment. For once I just go with it not calculating my next move or the next move of others.

Luca clears his throat and Uri finally takes a step back from me but not far. He looks at Luca who seems a little puzzled as he looks between the two of us. Shannon is beaming at me. I know this is all so romantic to her. I am grateful she didn’t try to talk me out of this.

I have asked her to keep it between us until I am ready to tell my father. I know he is going to be livid, but right now with Uri’s hand on my bare back stroking my skin and the fire within, I don’t care. I would do this all over again.

“We leave for Italy in the half hour. I’ll give you time with your sister before we leave. I have taken care of everything so just meet me in the foyer when you are ready,” Uri says then kisses my temple.

“We’re leaving,” I furrow my brows as I look up at him.

“Yes, I am taking my wife on our honeymoon,” he says with a wink.

“Oh,” I look from Shannon and Luca to Uri as this all becomes more of a reality.

As if reading my mind Uri says, “I would invite them to come along but I think it is safer for them to return to the States. The less they are involved from here the better.”

I sigh knowing he is right. “Okay, thirty minutes.”

“Don’t change a thing,” he leans to whisper in my ear. Uri pulls me in for another kiss before releasing me to spend time with my sister.




















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