Hybrid's Love (2 page)

Read Hybrid's Love Online

Authors: Seraphina Donavan

Tags: #menage, #mmf, #aliens adventure, #erotica science fiction and fantasy, #aliens coming to earth

BOOK: Hybrid's Love
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“The Aldacyians… those were the creatures
that came to the café?” At his nod, she continued, “What kind of
ship is this?”

“It is an Ursa shuttle, a small craft that
has been modified to allow for longer journeys through space.”

Space, as in outer? As in aliens?” she
asked, her voice rising with slight hysteria. Had she truly lost
her mind, she wondered? All those years of premonitions and visions
with no one believing her had left its mark. Her greatest fear was
that all that people who said she was crazy were right. Alien
abduction and space travel seemed to be a decent harbinger of a
psychotic break.

I come from Region DF 745 in the
Artynian Galaxy. It has been a member of the Core 7 Alliance since
its formation nearly two hundred years ago, following the
Intergalactic War.”

She swallowed. “Intergalactic war. You are
from another planet.” She was having hot, dirty fantasies about
E.T. Oh, god, she thought, and dropped her head onto her drawn up
knees. She couldn’t cope with what was happening. She felt like her
mind was whirling in a billion directions.

I know you are upset, Wren Marlowe,
but know that I mean you no harm. Your safety is my primary

She felt dizzy. She wanted to call him a
liar, to say that she was the victim of an elaborate prank. The
simple fact was, she could not deny what her eyes had seen, what
she had seen time and again over the years, and there was no one
who would go to such lengths to fool her. There would have been no
purpose in it. “You kidnapped me to save me from being

There was anger in her, and confusion, as
well. That bothered him. He attempted to explain, “I have not
kidnapped you. I have rescued you. You are not a prisoner.”

“You took me out of my place of employment,
put me on a ship and took me into outer space. I have no way to get
home and I am totally at your mercy. If that isn’t kidnapping, what

“The Aldacyians are a brutal race, Wren
Marlowe. They do not treat their captives well, and most do not
survive. I cannot return you to Earth, as they now have your
location. They would not stop pursuing you. You would be hunted,
and eventually, you would be caught. It is imperative that you not
fall into their hands.”

She wanted to be kept out of Aldacyian hands
too. Remembering their frightful appearance, she shuddered. It was
not the first time she had seen them. They had kept to the shadows
mostly, but from time to time, over the years, she had seen them
watching her, stalking her. Sitting up, she met his gaze, “Why do
they want me?”

He watched her shiver, his gaze drawn
immediately to the soft globes of her breasts and the puckered
nipples that strained against her clothing. He forced himself to
look away, to focus instead on what she had asked. It was a simple
question, one that he had contemplated for himself.

With complete honesty, he said, “I cannot
answer that question, Wren Marlowe. My superiors have not given me
that information.”

“Wren,” she said. “You don’t have to use my
first and last name every time you address me.” She had felt his
eyes on her breasts and was keenly aware of his interest. It only
heightened her earlier reaction to him. Against her will, she
thought of his strong, powerful thighs as he had crossed the
parking lot. In that moment, she wanted to wrap her legs around him
and feel his body sliding against hers. She didn’t care where he
was from.

“Wren,” he acquiesced. Again, he held out the
bottle to her, “This will ease your stomach and your headache.”

“Are you human?”

He was and he wasn’t. It was a difficult
question to answer, and undoubtedly, the answers would only
distress her more. In spite of that, he was unable to lie to her.
“I am a hybrid. I was bred specifically to be able to complete
missions on Earth without alerting natives of your planet to our
existence. My body is human and works much the same as yours does.”
He did not include that she was a hybrid, as well. She had been too
young when taken from the Core 7 facility to have any understanding
of how unique she was.

Wren looked at him again. She didn’t fully
understand what he meant by hybrid. He looked like a man, albeit an
exceptional one. His body was lean and powerful, his face a study
of masculine perfection. She was attracted to him, regardless of
what he was. Forcing those thoughts aside, she said, “What sort of
missions on Earth? Why would you need to be there in secret?”

“There are many galaxies, Wren, inhabited by
many species. Some would view the humans of Earth as their prey,
just as the Aldacyians do. The Core 7 Alliance is a governing body,
ruling many of these galaxies and preventing intergalactic
difficulties. At this time, with the limited technology of Earth
and the aggressive tendencies of the human race, it is not possible
to allow them to be fully aware of our existence, but it is still
our duty to protect them.”

So what happens now?”

He would keep her safe, by whatever means
necessary, and he would gain her acceptance of him. “We are on
course for Quadrant Four, where we will link with another ship and
more of the Sentinel Guards. In the measurement of time used on
Earth, we will reach it in about four days.”

Four days, trapped in a small ship with a
gorgeous man. No, she corrected mentally, a gorgeous hybrid. Her
eyes traveled over him, from the broad shoulders and massive chest,
lean waist and hips. The bulge of his sex was impossible to miss.
In the tightly fitted pants he wore, he was both impressive and
intimidating. She could feel the tell-tale dampness between her
thighs. It was going to be a long four days.

Kyr could feel her eyes on him. With his
heightened sense of smell, he was also aware of her response to
him. It only intensified his need of her. He wanted to join their
bodies. He wanted to sink into the warmth and heat of her. “There
are clothes for you in the locker, and the lavatory is through that
doorway. The cabin temperature will be cool as I have diverted all
the extra energy to the engines for speed.”

Wren nodded and rose from the small berth. As
she did, she swayed on knees that were still weak. She would have
fallen had he not caught her. His arms closed about her again, this
time crushing her full breasts against his chest. She could feel
the hard ridge of his cock pressing into the softness of her belly.
It was a delicious feeling. Her body clenched in anticipation, and
without conscious thought, she pressed closer, rocking against him
slightly. Images assailed her again. She could see him rising above
her, sinking the hard length of his cock into her wet sheath. The
image shifted and he was behind her, taking her wildly, claiming
her. Over and over again, flashes of erotic tableaux filled her
mind, making her ache for him.

The fantasies running through her mind were
his. He recognized them as she broadcast them back to him, along
with her desire. He could hear and feel her body calling out to
him, begging for the relief that he could give her. When she moved
against him, molding her body to his, he had to fight back the urge
to simply take her. He knew she would be wet and eager, but he
wanted more for her, for them both, than a hurried fuck. He cupped
her head in his large hands and claimed her mouth. His lips pressed
against hers, his tongue exploring the sensual curves. With lips,
teeth and tongue, he played over her mouth, dipping inside it,
swirling his tongue against hers, imitating the far more intimate
invasion that would soon follow. He reveled in the sweet taste of
her, the yield of her body against his. When he felt her arms curve
around him, clasping about his waist, he allowed his hands to roam
freely over her. He traced the slope of her shoulder, the delicate
arc of her collar bone. His hands grazed the curves of her breasts,
and her back arched. It was an invitation that he greedily
accepted. The generous globes swelled into his hands, filling his
palms, her impudent nipples raking against him, begging for his
touch. His cock, already hard, pulsed with anticipation. He wanted
to strip her clothes from her, and to feel her naked flesh beneath

Determinedly, he reached for the hem of her
shirt, pulling it up. He broke the kiss only long enough to pull
the offending garment over her head. His mouth was on hers again
before the shirt reached the floor. He thrust his tongue into her
mouth, and withdrew, before thrusting forward again. With his
teeth, he scraped her lower lip, before sucking it into his

Wren moaned against his skilled mouth.
Between the commanding thrust of his tongue and the pressure of his
hands on her breasts, she was more than ready. She was desperate,
in fact. She moved her hand from his waist, drawing it over the
hard ridges of his abdomen and then sliding lower to cup the hot
ridge of his cock through the fabric of his pants. She pressed hard
against him, her hand tracing the impressive length, marveling at
the thickness. She wanted to feel him inside her, filling her.

The low growl that emanated from him told her
just how much he was enjoying her ministrations, but he turned the
tables on her quickly. He dipped his head and closed his mouth over
the turgid peak of her left breast, suckling deeply. Pleasure arced
through her, and fire lanced from her breast to her clit. Her head
fell back and she cried out. When his teeth scraped the furled bud,
riding that fine line between pleasure and pain, her hips rocked
forward, seeking. He turned his attention to her right breast,
offering the same mind numbing pleasure. The hot pull of his mouth
rocked through her, eliciting answering spasms deep in her womb.
Her body was on fire. She was liquid for him, the walls of her sex
weeping in eagerness. When she felt his hands on her thighs,
beneath the fabric of her skirt, her knees buckled. In response, he
simply hoisted her up, pinned her against the wall with his body,
and continued his exploration.

His hands caressed her thighs, the backs of
his knuckles grazing the soft, damp curls that shielded her
entrance. She whimpered. “Please,” she cried, unable to articulate
the intensity of her need. He took her mouth again, roughly this
time. He claimed it, his teeth scraping the soft pout of her lower
lip, suckling it into his mouth, then soothing with his tongue.
While his mouth was hard, almost brutal in that searing kiss, his
hand was gentle as he stroked the cleft of her sex with the
callused pad of his thumb. He didn’t enter her, but teased her with
the soft pressure, the feather light touch that made her want to
scream, to demand that he fuck her.

“What should I do, Wren Marlowe?” he said,
his voice nothing more than a low, growl against her ear. “If I
take you, there will be no going back.”

She didn’t care. “Take me,” she said. “I need
you inside me.”

He pressed with his thumb, parting the slick
folds of her pussy, touching the hooded bud of her clitoris. With
back and forth, rhythmic strokes, he drove the tension in her body
to new heights. He knew how she liked to be touched. The intensity
of her desire had wiped out her natural defenses. Her mind was
broadcasting to him, all but shouting what she needed. He knew how
much pressure to apply, how sharply to bite, how hard to thrust,
without her having to utter a word.

Triumphantly, he slid one long finger and
then a second into the hot, clenching sheath of her cunt. His thumb
continued the slow, seductive rhythm, driving her toward her
orgasm. With his fingers buried inside her, sliding in and out of
her, she bucked wildly, her hips thrusting against him.
Deliberately, he curled his fingers forward inside her, pressing
against her g-spot. He moved his thumb more firmly against the hard
bud of her clit. She screamed, her back arching, her thighs
trembling around him as her orgasm claimed her. He could feel the
rippling muscles of her sheath as the waves of pleasure claimed
her. A fine sheen of sweat covered her body and her breasts heaved
with her labored breathing. He laved the hardened pebbles of her
nipples as she clenched and shuddered, riding his hand.

Gently, he withdrew, and deftly unfastened
his pants. He positioned himself more firmly between her parted,
trembling thighs. He curved his hands beneath the firm globes her
bottom, clutching those lush rounded cheeks, he lifted her slightly
and pressed the head of his cock against her damp, sex. “Take me
inside you,” he said. He wanted it o be her choice.

Wren was still breathless, unable to respond.
Her body still quivered and trembled from the orgasm that he had
given her, more powerful than anything she had ever experienced.
She looked at him then, at his massive cock throbbing between them.
He was even larger than she’d thought. She’d never taken a cock so
big and it both thrilled and frightened her.

Rather than try to answer, she closed her
hand firmly about him. She slid the pad of her thumb over the tip
of his cock, reveling in the smooth heat and the velvety soft skin
over steel. A tiny, pearl like drop of pre cum glistened on the
broad head. She wanted to taste him, but the desire to feel him
moving inside her was greater. She arched her hips, his thick shaft
spearing inside her. She didn’t stop there, however. She pressed
further, relishing the sensation of him stretching her, of the
slight burn of her flesh as it accommodated the massive invasion.
He was so big, so long and thick, and it had been so long since
she’d had a man inside her, since she’d been pleasured by anything
other than her own hands. She placed her hands on his lean hips,
her thumbs dipping into the deep grooves of defined muscles, and
urged him forward.

It was all the urging he needed. He thrust
forward then, sliding deeper into her, penetrating her fully,
pressing her more firmly against the wall. He had never felt
anything as wondrous as the hot clutch of her sex around his
engorged cock. She wrapped her legs more fully around him, locking
her ankles at the small of his back. He flexed, withdrawing
slightly, feeling the drag of her inner muscles on sensitive flesh.
He plunged forward again, driving deeper into her.

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