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Anyway, she had always lived up to her name: in fact, both lasses had, for there was one with her belly full and not married yet.

And this one had stayed the night with him, hadn't she? Supposedly because the snow was too thick to drive her home. They could send a fellow on a horse, though, couldn't

they? Oh, once a gillyvor always a gillyvor. And they were having the reception at the house and no honeymoon. But, you wouldn't expect them to have a honeymoon now, would you? Well, anyway, just wait and see when she sprouted the next little gillyvor, for that would give the game away. Wait till August or September; we'll see.

And there's another thing: he must have been paying for her on the side for a long time, because where did the old 'uns up in the Hollow get the money for a new horse and trap? It was also being said now that they were buying that pit lad a share in the boatyard, and he not being apprenticed to it for a year yet. Who said the wicked didn't prosper, especially when the devil took a hand in moulding them, like the new Mrs. Barrington, driving here and there in her carriage and pair.

Aye, the trouble that one had caused in high and low quarters alike!

It was certainly true what Parson Fawcett said: the evil that men do lives after them; but the evil that women do goes on for countless generations through their breeding.


There was an announcement in the "Births' column of The Times and also in the local papers, which read as follows:

"On the 1st December, 1884, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Barrington of Briar Close, Maple Road, Fellburn. Joy unconfined."


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