Read I Am The Alpha Online

Authors: A.J. Downey,Ryan Kells

Tags: #Werewolves, #Romance

I Am The Alpha (12 page)

BOOK: I Am The Alpha
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From her hips, I slid my hands up her sides, taking my time to enjoy the feel of her smooth skin under my fingers, noting every fine tremble that ran through her body until my hands reached her breasts. I moved past them, cupping her face with both of my hands, before drawing her to me, into another burning kiss. Our breath came fast, mingling together as her lips fought with mine for dominance. I held her tight, kissing my way down her neck, her breasts crushed against my chest as she dug her nails into my shoulders.

When I finally kissed my way to her breasts I made sure to stay away from the stiff peaks of her nipples. I pressed my mouth to her silken flesh, gently cupping her breasts, kissing around the darker color of her nipples until tiny mewling sounds escaped her. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed as she held onto me like a woman clinging to the rocks, lost in a storm swept sea.

When I finally closed my lips around her right nipple and sucked gently at it, she let out a long moan, bordering on a groan, her body shook violently against mine to the degree it almost pulled her breast from my mouth.

“Oh my God,” she whimpered, “William that feels incredible.”

It’s very difficult to smile with your mouth filled with breast, but I managed it and nipped gently at her skin with my teeth, causing her to jump slightly.

“That is the general idea, Sugar,” I reminded her and she slapped my shoulder at my smart-assery. A moment later she leaned back and pushed at my chest. There was no way she could
me lay down if I didn’t want her to, but I went with it and settled back on the mattress as she leaned over me, her breasts hanging down so the tips of her nipples just brushed against my skin… I’d always been a breast man and goddamn that was hot.

She kissed me again, and this time? I let her lead. My hands roamed across her warm skin. Across her back, trailing the length of her thighs and back up to squeeze her ass. My erection was getting painful inside my shorts as the light feel of her nipples continually brushing across my chest, teased me to a fever pitch. Just as I was about to yank the damned things off myself, she threw her leg over me so she was kneeling beside me. She grabbed the waist band of the shorts and I lifted my hips, helping her, as she pulled them down and off my legs. She tossed them to the floor and I suddenly lost all ability to focus on anything other than her hands, on what she was doing to me, as she boldly reached down and grabbed my cock firmly but gently.

The shock that ran through my body was so intense that I simply can’t describe it. My hips bucked instinctively, thrusting into her closed fist. The feeling of her fingers wrapped around me, sliding slowly up and down my length from root to tip where she rubbed her thumb gently across my head on each upward stroke… God, it was my turn to release a lust-filled groan that I couldn’t have suppressed even if I’d wanted to.

Chloe leaned down and kissed me, swallowing each soft moan, with every stroke of her hand as it passed between my lips, until I felt as if my body were going to explode. Something I definitely did not want, not yet. I growled low in my throat, almost the same growl I use in my hybrid state, and pulled her hand carefully away from my dick.

Before she knew what was happening, I flipped her over on the bed so she was lying on her back. I landed atop her, supporting my weight on my elbows, careful not to crush her. I kissed my way down her body, slowly working my way down, kissing along the inside of her thighs as she sighed and squirmed beneath me. Finally, I placed my mouth directly over the swollen lips of her pussy, scenting her want, her desire,
God she smelled like heaven.

She sighed and groaned as I ran my tongue along the length of her lips, probing gently at her opening, teasing the tiny bud of nerve endings.
had her practically shrieking with every flick of my tongue. I latched my lips around it, sucking softly at her clit and at the same time growled again. The vibrations ran from my throat through my jaw to my lips and directly into that most sensitive place. She cried out so sharply that I winced and almost went to cover my ears but her thighs clamped down tightly on my head, taking care of the problem for me. Her hips bucking against my mouth for several long moments.
Well that was one way to do it.

When she finally fell limp, I sat up and clambered up the bed to lay next to her, gathering her into my arms. Every inch of her was lightly dewed with sweat, her hair tangled and matted to her damp forehead and neck from her thrashing. Her eyes were softly unfocused and she moaned quietly as she settled in against me. Small tremors, little shivers, still ran through her body periodically and I couldn’t help but smile. Admittedly I was somewhat pleased with myself. It’d been a while, but apparently I still had it.

I felt a small hand wrap around my length and my grin fell away as my mouth dropped open. “You didn’t honestly think I was going to leave you to your own devices, now did you?” she asked, a salacious little grin tugging at her lips. Damn. Apparently I didn’t have room to be as smug as I thought I did.

“I honestly wasn’t planning for this,” I admitted. “I didn’t exactly think to pack any condoms.”

“That’s alright, I’ve been on birth control shots for a while now but…” She trailed off and I frowned, finding it difficult to think with the constant stroking rhythm of her hand.

“But, what?” I asked finally, I was the one finding it difficult to focus now.

“Your, um, condition. The, uh, wolf-kind thing?”

“What about it?”

She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, perhaps looking for a delicate way to put it before she finally sighed explosively and just blurted out, “I’m not going to become one if we have sex without a condom right? It’s not like a disease? I only ask because you told me not to bite you; that you had things in your blood I wouldn’t like to catch and I don’t exactly know how it all works. I mean we haven’t really talked about it.” She fell silent after her rush of an explanation and her face flamed, almost as brilliantly as her hair.

I blinked, surprised, and my mouth dropped open for a half second before I burst out laughing. Not my best move, I’ll admit, but I was just so surprised. When she started to pull away from me, upset by my reaction, I gathered her into my arms and pulled her close, settling her across my chest again, her knees on either side of me.

“I’m sorry, I just really wasn’t expecting that, it’s a legitimate question though. You’re right, you don’t know how these things work.” I lifted one of her breasts and nipped at her nipple with my teeth in a bid to get her to relax with me again, she held herself so stiff.

“No,” I said, running my tongue across her chest to her other breast and giving that nipple equal treatment. “You can’t become wolf-kind through sex. It’s not an STD. The only way you become a Moon Forged is by being bitten by one of my kind in their full wolf state, not even the hybrid form you saw will pass it.”

“So, we’re safe?”

I nodded, my face buried in the valley between her breasts and the tension left her body. “I only said what I did because I didn’t want you to bite me,” I told her honestly.

“Thank God,” she groaned, and with that she reached down between us, grabbed my cock with one hand and positioned it at her entrance. A moment later she sank down my length until I was buried inside her to the hilt and every one of my senses seemed to implode, drawing her in further with the action.

I had been wrong before when I thought my body had been filled with fire, when I had thought that the touch of her fingers across my skin had seared my flesh. The wet heat at the center of her burned in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I plunged into her and my arms wrapped tightly around her as I threw my head back into the pillow beneath me, eyes sliding closed against my will.

The burning of my skin, the pounding of my blood in my veins, it just grew more intense the more she started to move. Her hips slid up, the muscles in her legs tensing beneath her skin as she slid almost off of me, only to plunge back down until our bodies met with a loud slap. Nothing more was said, we didn’t have the breath for it. The room was filled with the wet sound of my length sliding in and out of her over and over. Our moans echoing and weaving around us like a carnal symphony.

She started slowly, but quickly moved faster. I couldn’t help moving myself, my hips rising to meet her on each downward thrust, faster and faster until she suddenly stiffened above me, crying out so sweetly, every muscle in her body became granite and the muscles of her core spasmed and gripped me.

I continued to thrust up toward her as her mouth opened in a silent scream which slowly gave way to sound, a gasping moan that seemed to curl up from her toes until it poured from her throat. I sat up, plunged into her one last time and buried my face again between her breasts, kissing. Her fingers tangled themselves in my hair, holding my face against her, nearly smothering me in her soft flesh as I twitched involuntarily inside her, flooding her.

When I finally came to my senses, I turned my head, reluctantly pulling my face from the soft valley or her breasts and drew back so I could look into her eyes. The both of us were breathless, and panted nearly in unison. I pulled at her to bring her closer, not even realizing my hands had been tightly gripping the cheeks of her ass, possibly enough to bruise, holding our bodies tightly together as if never wanting for us to separate.

I collapsed onto my back, tugging her down with me until she lay sprawled across my chest, my length still buried completely inside her, and I let out, probably, the longest most satisfied sigh I had ever exhaled in my life.

We said nothing. No words seemed to be needed. The entire situation felt as fragile as a soap bubble, the merest breath of air might cause it to disintegrate and I didn’t want that, not yet. There would be time enough later to discuss, or ignore, as she decided. I wasn’t sure, just then, which would be preferable to me.

But I would learn, soon enough, just how much Chloe Young had begun to mean to me. How much she had begun to mean to the wolf, the instinct that resided buried deep inside me.

Within minutes we were both fast asleep, Chloe using my body as her own personal bed as she lay across me, her weight a comforting thing in the dim light of the motel room. Before I dozed off I managed to think that that hadn’t been
how I had wanted to take Chloe’s mind off her troubles, but in the end, it was definitely the best choice and I was glad we’d made it.

Chapter 10


Warm and solid beneath me, I came back to myself listening to the steady cadence of William’s heart and breath. I sucked in a deep one myself to clear the cobwebs from my mind and listened to the bass rumble of the man I’d slept with the night before give an appreciative hum.

“Hmm, welcome back,” he said, a slight smile tinging his voice. I pushed off of him, sitting up so I could look into his lovely brown eyes. His lips curved up into a warm, heart stopping smile and he gave a luxurious stretch. I bit my lips together and wondered to myself if last night were a onetime thing or not and was startled to realize that I really hoped it wasn’t. Well wasn’t

“What’s wrong?” he asked and sat up, concern radiating off of him.

I felt my shoulders drop, and took a deep breath and asked, “Kiss me?”

I wanted to see what he would do, see if he was still interested maybe? I don’t know. Whatever I had been concerned about, whatever uncertainty I’d had, evaporated in an instant when William’s expression gentled and he reached for me. His calloused hands were so sweet, as he cupped my face, and he leaned in to kiss me. His lips moved over mine so carefully and my hands smoothed over the hard plane of his chest, over his shoulders and the sides of his neck so I could bury my fingers in his hair, holding it back from our faces as we kissed.

I lay back down, drawing him with me and he came to me, willingly, nudging my legs apart with his knee. I sighed in relief and he knelt above me, kissing, licking along my tongue, nipping my bottom lip as his hands wandered appreciatively, warm and alive over every inch of me he could reach. Smoothing along my skin, making me squirm with want of a deeper, more meaningful touch.

William broke our kiss, both of us breathless from it, and reared up from me, eyes hooded with desire. Drunk on lust he rubbed the head of himself against me, looking for entrance and I couldn’t help but be flippant, “Not going to ask me if I’m sure this time?” my voice was soft, playful and coy and he smiled, a wicked grin full of very white teeth.

“I’m wolf-kind, Sugar. I’ve already marked you, and besides that,” I gasped as he eased his way inside me, he brought his lips to mine, bowing over me. Holding himself aloft to keep from crushing me, he finished what he was going to say, “I can smell how much you want me,” he breathed and stroked himself deep into my body and back out.

I moaned and writhed underneath him, and he settled over the top of me, caging me in a protective embrace. He found his rhythm, his mouth seeking out mine, kissing me, his cock stroking in and out of my body slowly. While the sex of the night before had been fiery, wild, and untamed, this, right now, was sweeter somehow. Softer, kinder. I stroked the sole of one foot up his calf and twined my arms around his shoulders, raising my hips to meet his slow and deliberate thrusting.

He broke his mouth from mine and gasped out my name, “Oh, Chloe…” and I felt my heart give a strong and steady throb. It sounded so beautiful, the way he said it and I didn’t know what to do with that, so I didn’t do anything but accept it for the gift that it was.

I pulled his mouth back to mine and twined my legs around his lean hips, begging silently for more. For whatever he was willing to give up of himself. William broke our kiss and pulled one of my hands off from around his neck. He continued to stroke in and out of me, placing a reverent kiss in the center of my palm, nipping the inside of my wrist and I couldn’t help but arch beneath him.

His pace quickened, he’d found that place inside me and now, now he drove me mad with pleasure. I closed my eyes, my body coiling tight and I felt his fingertips trail down my body, lingering between my breasts for a moment.

BOOK: I Am The Alpha
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