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assessment of, 129r

Sagittal sinus, 273-274

gas transport in, 96-97

Salivary glands. 505r

in hematologic disorders, 378r

Sarcoma, 332, 333t

muscles in, 92, 92r

Kaposi's, 635r

neural control of, 90, 92r

Sargramostim, 860r

structure and function of, 90--97

Scapula, fractures of, 185

primary organs in, 9 1 r

Scapular nerve, dorsal, 277t

Restraint use, 752

Scar formation, 473

Resu<;citatlon decisions in end-of*lifc

m burns, 454, 466t

care, 755

Schar.lker classification of tibia plateau

Rereplase, 868t

fractures, 180, 1 8 1 £

Reticular activating system, 272

Schilling (est In vitamin B12 deficiency,

Reticular layer of dermts, 438t


Retinacular release, lateral arthroscopic,

Sciatic nerve, 27St

2 1 7t


Rcva!>cl1lariz3tion procedures, myocaramyotrophic lateral, 3 1 9

dial. 50-52

multiple, 320-321

percutaneous, 50-52

Screening for metabolic and endocrine

transmyocardial. 52

disorders, 651-652

Rhabdomyosarcoma, 333f, 346t

Sebaceous glands, 436, 436£

Rheumattc fever, 624-625

Sedimenration rate, erythrocyte, 28, 382

heart dIsease in, 625

Segmentectomy, pulmonary, 1 5 1

Rhinitis, 6 1 8, 6 t 9

Seizures, 3 1 6-3 1 S

Intranasal steroids in, 864t

drug therapy 111, 845t

Rhinorrhea, 3 1 6

in mtracranial pressure increase,

R honelu, 103


Rhythm of hean, 5

types of, 3 1 7



Sclf-care ability, affecting wound heal-


ing, 475

care measures

Sella turcica, diaphragm of, 2691

in radiation therapy, 341

Sengslaken-Blakemore tube, 7971

in wounds, 483--495

Sensory function

cleansing and debridement in,

in amputation


and hypersensitivity, 894t

dressings Ill, 487, 488--489,

and phantom limb pain, 894(


in musculoskeletal examination, 1 64,

disorders of

1 65

III amputation, 894t

in neurologic examination, 298(,

in anerial Insufficiency, 468, 4691


in burns, 439--467. See also Burns

cr:tnial nerve rests in, 288t-291t

in cancer, 335t, 356-358

modalities and methods in, 298t

111 casts, 223, 224

of skin, 437

111 decubitus ulcers, 1 62, 1 63, 470-

in wounds, 478


Sepsis, 637"';;38

in diabetes mellitus, 68 1

in burns, 453

ulceration 111, 469t, 471--472

in transfusion reactions, 420t

in gemrour1l1ary disorders, 562,

Septicemia, 638


Serotonin levels, SlOt

healing of wounds in, 472--476

Sheehan's syndrome, 667

in hematologic disorders, 378t

Shingles, in HIV infection and AIDS,

in 1I1fecrions, 630


in neuropathies, 471--472


postoperative, 468, 874

in burns, 452

111 traellon, 23 1 , 232

septic, 638

til trauma wounds, 468

in spinal cord injury, 3 1 0

111 venous insuffiCiency, 402, 403,


468-470, 469t

amputation at level of, 892t

grafts of

arthroplasty of, 202-204

in burns, 455-459, 456t, 464, 465

indications for, 202

in tumors, 340

physical therapy in, 203-204

observation and irupecrion of

anhroscopy of, 2 J 6-2 J 7, 2 1 9t

in musculoskelelal evaluatIOn,

casts for, 223t

1 62-163,169

dislocation of, 1 85

in vascular disorders, 367, 368,

fractures of, 1 85, 254t-255t


mnge of motion in, 1 66t

in wounds, 480-482

in anhroplasty, 202, 203, 204

palpation of, in musculoskeleral evalslings for, 228t

uation, 1 63

Shunt procedures in intracranial pres-

structure and function of, 436£, 436-

sure increase, 326, 805t

437, 438t

Sickle cell anemia, 408--409

substitute products for

Sickle cell trait, 408--409

111 burns, 457t-458t

Sigmoidoscopy, 5 1 St

III wound care, 489, 493

in Clncer diagnosis, 337t

traction applied (0, 230

Silver nitrate in burns, 460,

Sleep disorders 111 acute care setting, 759

Silver sulfadiazine in burns, 460t

Slings, arm, 2281

Sinoatrial node, 9, 1 0

Small intestine

Sinusitis, 6 I 8-6 I 9

Crohn's disease of, 537

Six-minute walk rest, 9 1 5-918, 9 17r

duodenum in, 504t



pepric ulcer disease of, 528-529

tumors of, 356

function of, 504t

white matter tracts in, 274, 276t

ileum In, 504(. See a/so Ileum


Jejunum in, 504r

fractures of, 1 82-184, 252t-254t

m pancreas transplantation with

cervical, 182, 183f, 184, 252t-

enteric drainage, 7 1 8


peptic ulcer disease of, 528-529

lumbar, 1 82, 184f

referred pain in disorders of, 502t

temporary immobilization devices

Smell sense. resting of, 288t

in, 184


thoracolumbar, 182, 253t-2541

hislory of, 98

orthoses for, 225t-226r

oral cancer in, 355

surgery of, 2 1 0-21 4

spinal fusion in, 2 1 4

disc replacement in, 2 1 2-213

thromboangiitis obliterans in, 396-397

fusion procedures in, 2 1 l t, 212,

Sodium serum levels, 765t

2 12f, 2 1 4

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