I Cross My Heart (12 page)

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Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

BOOK: I Cross My Heart
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“You’re great, too.” He reached over and closed his hand over hers in a gesture that was all about comfort, not sex. “Some guy will be lucky to have you.”

She sniffed. “Thank you.”

“I won’t let my mom be mean to you.” He squeezed her hand. “I’ll stick up for you, Bethany. I promise.”

“There you go with the promises. You’d better cut that out or you’re gonna make me cry.” She swiped at her eyes with the back of her free hand. Too late she discovered it was covered in grit, which was now in her eyes. They stung like crazy as she blinked, trying to clear them. “Damn. That was a dumb move.”

“Come on into the kitchen.” He pulled her to her feet and kept hold of her hand. “A wet towel will get that junk out of your eyes.” He laughed as he led her through the dining room. “Some help I am, huh? I come over to make you feel better and now you’re blinded by carpet grit.”

“I’m the moron who rubbed it into my eyes.” And she wasn’t sorry, because being taken care of by Nash was a lovely feeling. Standing patiently at the kitchen sink, her face lifted, she opened and closed her eyes on command as he used the corner of a damp towel to flick tiny pieces of dirt out of her eyes.

“There. How does that feel?”

She blinked several times. “Much better. Thank you.”

“Can’t have my carpet-removing partner out of action.” He leaned down and kissed her gently. Then he lifted his head, and desire flickered in his eyes. “That felt way too good, sweetheart. We need to get back in the living room and move to our respective corners immediately.”

“Yes, sir. Can I take a rain check on whatever it is you’re thinking right now?”

“Yes, ma’am, you may. And I’ll give you a hint. It involves ice cream.”

“Mmm. And lots of licking?”

“Oh, yeah. Smearing and licking. Licking and smearing.”

Lust rocketed through her. “In that case, we should transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator. That freezer keeps things hard as a rock.”

He groaned. “Which pretty much describes me right now. You go ahead into the living room and start ripping out carpet. I desperately want to grab you, and I’m less likely to grab a woman who has a knife in her hand.”

“Okay.” Smiling, she turned and walked toward the kitchen door. “Don’t forget to take the ice cream out.”

“I won’t. But be warned. Once I come back in there, don’t mess with me, because I’ll be a lean, mean, carpet-ripping machine.”

She glanced back at him. “Will that include taking off your shirt and getting all manly and sweaty?”

“Would you like that?”

“Hell, yeah.”

He grinned at her. “Then prepare yourself for the
Nash Bledsoe Show.

She ran a tongue over her lips and gave him her best sultry gaze. “Bring it on, big boy.”

His laughter followed her all the way into the living room. God, but he was a hoot to have around. She was going to miss him like crazy.


of Bethany covered in fudge ripple, Nash made good on his boast. He tore up two-thirds of the carpet in the living room and carted it out to the bed of his truck. Bringing his crowbar back inside, he pried up all the tacking strips around the perimeter of the room and took those out to his truck, too.

He’d make a run to the dump tomorrow before the dinner. Mostly he tried not to think about the dinner. With the living room well on its way to being de-carpeted, he left Bethany to finish up while he tackled the master bedroom. It had a god-awful overhead fixture, too, which was actually fortunate because it let him see what he was doing.

Lamps. He’d forgotten about lamps for in here. But he had a bed coming, at least. Jack had let him use the computer in his office this afternoon to go online and see what Jackson furniture stores had to offer.

Jack had seemed to enjoy the search as much as Nash had. They’d found a beauty of a bed—a massive four-poster of dark wood that looked simple yet elegant. Because Nash needed everything—mattress, foundation, mattress pad, pillows, linens and a comforter, the store had given him a discount. The purchase still put a huge dent in his credit card, but he didn’t care.

The bed was the first piece of furniture he’d bought since...well, for a long time. Lindsay had found sneaky yet devastating ways to make him aware that the pricey furniture filling their home in Sacramento had been thanks to her money. Or more accurately, her parents’ money.

He’d told himself not to let that bug him, but it had. This bed represented a new direction in his life, and he’d decided in advance not to buy the cheapest thing he could find that would serve the purpose. Besides, he planned to make love to Bethany on it.

That wasn’t the reason for choosing such a great bed, of course. She’d only be around a few more nights, so he’d be a fool to buy something that he thought she’d like. Even so, he
think she would like it, and he could hardly wait for them to try it out.

He’d arranged delivery for first thing in the morning and he’d meant to tell her that earlier. But the dinner discussion had made him forget. Having the bed come tomorrow would be good timing, though. After they’d made it successfully through that dinner, they could celebrate on his new king-size bed.

Pausing, he called out to her. “I ordered a bed today.”

The ripping noise stopped in the living room. “You did? That’s great.”

“I scheduled delivery for tomorrow at ten. Will that work for you?”

“Sure.” The ripping noise started up again. Then it stopped. “What’s it like?”

He smiled, happy that she cared. Continuing to work, he shouted over the racket because he was getting impatient for a serving of Bethany à la mode. “Oh, you know. Six feet square. Firm, but bouncy.”

“Very funny.” She kept working, too. “Just a foundation and mattress, then? No frame?”

“Who needs that? I can just throw it on the floor.”

She appeared in the doorway. She was covered from head to foot in carpet dust. Her hair looked more brown than black, and smudges of dirt dappled her face, arms and legs.

She was the most beautiful mess he’d ever seen. He could make love to her right this minute, dirt and all, except he doubted that she’d let him near her. He was a disaster, too.

He’d taken off his shirt as promised and hung it on the back of a dining room chair to put on later. Consequently his torso was caked with dirt and sweat. He had carpet dust in his hair and it coated his jeans and boots as if he’d rolled in brown sugar. He figured the jeans and boots could be dusted off later, too.

“Please don’t tell me you’re going to put your foundation and mattress on the floor,” she said.

“Why not? That works. Some sheets, a few pillows, a blanket, and I’m good to go.”

“No, you’re not! That’s tacky. At least buy one of those metal frames on wheels. They’re not expensive, and it’ll keep your foundation from getting all ratty because it’s on the floor instead of...” She narrowed her eyes at him. “You bought a bed frame, didn’t you?”

He cracked up. “Of course I did. I’m not some teenager who’s furnishing his first pad. I want a real bed, something substantial.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Something that will stand up to whatever I throw at it.”

“You’re impossible.”

“I know, and you’re so much fun to tease.”

“So what
you get?”

“You’ll find out tomorrow.”


“Okay, okay. It’s a four-poster, and the posts are dark wood and kind of plain, but they have some shape to them. They’re thick, but graceful. You’ll see.”

“So you went into Jackson?”

“Nope. I used Jack’s computer and found one online. He and I looked them over together. He approved of my choice, and considering that Jack’s a connoisseur of fine beds, his stamp of approval means something.”

“I’m eager to see it.” Then she frowned. “But we have a problem.”

“What problem? The delivery includes setup. I ordered sheets, and if you want to put those on, that would be great. It’ll be all set up when we get back tomorrow night. We’ll have room to spread out.”

“But the floor in here won’t be ready. I was thinking I’d rent a floor polisher tomorrow, but even if I made it back with the polisher before ten, I wouldn’t have time to finish before the bed arrives.”

“I see the problem. I was so eager to get it delivered that I forgot about the floor.” He gazed at her as he considered the alternatives. “Okay, have them set it up in the living room for now. And don’t worry about polishing the floor. That should be my job.”

She shook her head. “I want to. I’m dying to see how it looks, so I don’t think it’s a hardship. But if they set it up, we’ll just have to take it down to move it. Why not have them leave it boxed up? I’ll finish the floor tomorrow, and you and I can put the bed together tomorrow night.”

“That makes sense, I guess.” He shook his head sadly. “Too bad we have that dinner. I figured after it was over, we’d be ready to bounce around on that bed and let off steam. Instead we’ll have to construct it first.”

“Think of it as foreplay.”

He grimaced. “I don’t know how easy it’ll be to assemble a bed when my johnson is sticking out like a damned flagpole.”

That made her laugh.

“Seriously! All through that interminable dinner I’ll be wishing I could be here having sex with you, and when we finally make it through the door, the last thing I’ll want to do is put a bed together before I can get some relief.”

“Poor baby.”

“Have them set it up in the living room.”

“Is that an order?” She sounded amused.

“Yes. Yes, it is. We are going to come through that front door, shuck our party clothes and christen my new bed. End of story.”

“All righty.”

“Which brings me to the next item on the agenda. Are you about finished in there?”

“Almost. Why?”

“Because I only need about five more minutes on this room. Then I’ll haul all the carpet and tacking strips out to my truck and be ready to hit the showers. With you. That can be our main course, and then we’ll get out the ice cream for dessert.”

“You have this all mapped out, don’t you?”

“Sweetheart, I’ve been dreaming about getting naked with you tonight ever since my eyes popped open at dawn. Get back to work so we can put this nasty chore behind us.”

“You’re giving orders again.”

He winked at her. “That’s because I’m getting agitated. But in a good way. Now move that sweet little fanny of yours.”

Giving him a sloppy salute, she spun around and left. It was all he could do not to throw down his X-Acto knife and go after her. Dirt be damned. She had that kind of high-octane effect on him.

But if he didn’t get all the carpet out, then she couldn’t realize her dream of polishing the floor in here. She seemed really set on doing that, and so he kept working. He’d pulled up the last tacking strip when she reappeared in the doorway.

“I’m done,” she announced.

“Me, too.” He pushed himself to his feet. “I’ll gather up everything and dump it in my truck. It might take two trips.”

“Want me to help?”

He glanced down at her bare feet. “I can do it. Once I’ve hauled everything out to the truck, I’ll strip down in the living room. Might as well keep the dirt contained as much as possible.”

“Sounds like a plan.” She helped load him up and held the front screen door for him.

He did have to make a second trip out to his truck, and when he returned from that, he was treated to the sight of Bethany taking off her clothes in the middle of the empty living room with the overhead light shining right down on her.

She glanced up as he came through the door, and there wasn’t a shred of self-consciousness in her expression. Sometime in the past twenty-four hours, she’d become used to getting naked in front of him. He liked that.

“I just dropped everything on the floor,” she said.

“So I see.” His gaze drifted to the only clean places left—her nicely rounded breasts and the area protected by her shorts.

“I’ll meet you in the bathroom,” she said. “The water takes a while to warm up.” She started to leave, which gave him a great view of her backside. There was something to be said for overhead lights.

“Wait.” He leaned against the wall and pulled off one of his boots and his sock. “Let’s go in together.”

She turned back with a smile. “You won’t get an argument from me. I like watching you take off your clothes.”

“Likewise.” He pulled off the other boot and sock.

“So I guess we’re not shy with each other anymore.” She followed his movements with her gaze as he unbuttoned his jeans and pulled down the zipper.

“No, guess not.” Having her concentrate so intently on his crotch had a predictable result. When he shoved down his briefs and jeans, he released a very eager, very erect cock.

“I like looking at you, Nash. I’ve never let myself really look at a man before. I was afraid it would seem too...bold.”

“I like bold women.” He kicked away his jeans. “Shrinking violets bore me to tears.”

“Lucky for me.”

He walked toward her. “Lucky for me, too.” Other words ran through his mind, words that would point out how perfect they seemed to be for each other. He didn’t say them. Instead he slid his gritty fingers through hers. “Let’s hit the showers, sweetheart.”

“Gee, do you think we need it?”

“Nah.” He walked through the dining room still holding her hand. “But it’s the only way we’ll have shower sex.”

“Don’t forget that the pipes rattle something fierce. I hope that doesn’t spoil the mood.”

“Not at all. That means you can yell as loud as you want when I make you come, and nobody will hear you.”

“There’s no one to hear me in the first place.”

“Oh. Good point. Then I’ll pretend the rattling pipes are a drumroll signaling that your climax is about to arrive.”

She squeezed his hand. “Keep this up and I’ll start thinking the rattling pipes add to the value of the house.”

“Nice try. I’m not paying extra for lousy plumbing.” Too bad she wouldn’t be here when he fixed it.

Once they reached the bathroom, she insisted on taking charge of the bathtub faucet because she knew the bathtub’s quirks. He watched her breasts quiver and bob as she fiddled with the faucet to get the temperature right. His pride and joy remained as rigid as ever. All it needed, apparently, was a little anticipation, and it rose to the occasion.

Finally she straightened and drew back the shower curtain. “After you.”

“Oh, no. I want you in there first. I’m hoping you’ll do that sexy female thing.”

“What sexy female thing?”

“You know, from the body-wash commercials. You turn your back to the spray, arch into it and slick your hair away from your face. But the commercials never show the good parts.”

She rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Will you do it? It gets me hot.”

She glanced pointedly at his jutting penis. “You’re already hot.”

“Hotter, then. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

Shaking her head, she climbed into the tub.

When he climbed in after her, she was in the pose he’d requested, but she was shaking with laughter. “Bledsoe, you are such a dork. I don’t know why I’m doing this.”

“I’ll show you.” He began with her uplifted breasts, kissing and suckling each one. She wasn’t laughing now, he noticed.

As the pipes clanked and groaned, he moved down her water-slicked body until he sank to his knees, spread his hands over her backside and angled his head until he was in a perfect position. Then he took command. In his estimation, her groans were actually louder than the noise coming from the pipes.

After two climaxes, she begged him to stop. “Or else I won’t have any energy left for you,” she murmured.

It was a convincing argument. He ached like he hadn’t ached in years, and she had just the mouth to take care of that issue for him. They traded places, but he didn’t bother to do the commercially inspired arch. With a guy, it lacked something.

As the water sluiced away all the dirt and dust that had collected on his body from the carpet project, she dropped to her knees in front of him and worked him over in a way that he would remember forever. She had such a talented mouth, such supple hands, and she cupped, squeezed, stroked and sucked.

Finally, nearly mad with the pounding in his groin, he clutched the back of her head and pleaded with her to take him all the way. He’d never asked for that in his life, but this was Bethany. She humbled him.

She also gave him what he asked for. He felt his cock touch the back of her throat. Her mouth had seemed so tender, so gentle, and yet she pulled an orgasm out of him that made him bellow with the sheer force of it. Panting, he fought to stay on his feet.

Somehow they managed to shut off the water and climb out of the tub without killing themselves. If he thought they’d do this ever again, he’d install grab bars. But it might be a singular event. Maybe that was for the best. Much more of this, and he’d beg her for more than an orgasm. He’d beg her to stay.

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