I Do The Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 5) (12 page)

BOOK: I Do The Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 5)
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Until suddenly Alex fell to the floor, curled up, with blood oozing from his chest.

Jamie stared down in horror, her body dropping beside him as a different kind of terror settled into her chest. "Nooo! No! No! Please no!! Call 9-1-1 now!" Full-blown panic set in as she frantically pressed her hands to his chest, tears burning her eyes. "Help. Help!"

She watched as blood seemed to pour through her fingers as she pressed against the hole. “Don’t you dare die on me, Alex Reid.”

Several employees raced up and moved to the floor, working to press their hands to Alex's wound as he glanced weakly up at Jamie.

"It's okay. I'll be okay. Just a nick." He let out a shaky breath as his face visibly paled, scaring Jamie to death.

Moments later, but what felt like forever, EMS arrived and pushed everyone back as Jamie tried to stay close to Alex. Security had dragged Stephen out of the room to wait for the police. Or maybe the police had come. Jamie didn’t know, as she’d been too focused on Alex.

"Please, Miss. Go down to the street level and you can ride in the ambulance with us. Just back up for now." The guy told her before moving back to help Alex.

Mark reached out and pulled her into a tight hug. "It's going to be okay. They'll patch up Alex and we can probably take him home tonight." He looked terrified.

He was lying to make her feel better, but she couldn't blame him for trying. He was shaken up too. Alex wasn't moving by the time they took him downstairs, or not from what she could tell. Terror raced through her and she let a few tears go to relieve some of the pressure building up inside of her.

She pressed her teeth into her bottom lip before walking with Mark down the stairs to the bottom level. There might not have been any physical damage done, but watching him go down moments before jacked her up emotionally in ways she wasn't prepared to deal with. She had no idea if he was alright or not. She’d never been more petrified than this moment.

Losing him wasn't something she would survive. The truth of that left her feeling heavy, exhausted, lost.

She couldn’t lose him.


This was all her fault.

Chapter 11


There was only room for one of them in the back of the ambulance. Mark had to explain it twice to Jamie as he helped her get up in the back. He offered a tight smile. "I'll meet you there." He moved back as they closed the door.

Jamie shifted up to the other side of Alex as the paramedics moved quickly, barking orders back and forth to each other. Tears dripped down her face as she waited to move up and make sure he was okay for herself. From the sound of things, he was doing better than expected. The bulled entered the front of his chest on the right side, which apparently was a good thing. She tried to listen to their medical garble but she was in shock and it all sounded foreign.

"Alright. Move up here, but if something happens, you shift back the minute I tell you to, okay?" The paramedic looked back at her. “You going to be okay?”

She nodded and scooted up, wanting to say a million things, but her voice was lost behind the fear that compressed her lungs. She took Alex's hand and brushed her fingers down the side of his face where the oxygen mask wasn't.

"Why isn't he awake?" Her voice was nothing more than the whisper of a scared child.

"We need him in a restful state, trying to keep him calm. His blood pressure was through the roof, which is quite expected, but we don't want to cause the heart to pump any more blood than necessary until we get him patched up." He patted her back. "I think it's going to be okay. Just hang in there. Alex Reid is a fighter. I’ve read the papers. He’s tough."

The raced through the city as Jamie tried to keep herself together. Had she been alone, she would have been an absolute mess of sobs and tears. There was no room for that in the small box they were being tossed around in.

"We're two minutes from the hospital. Jump out the minute we stop the truck and open the door. You'll need to stand back and when the doctors are through working on him, they'll come get you."

The other EMS barked something, and Jamie shifted back as Alex let out a long groan and convulsed.

"Oh shit," she murmured and pressed her fingers to her mouth.

"We're here. Out. Now!" the first guy yelled at her, and she half fell out of the truck, but stumbled backwards to clear the space for them. They pulled Alex out of the back and ran full speed toward the hospital as Jamie tried to collect herself.

Everything was happening so quickly and yet somehow it all felt in slow motion at the same time.

"Please don't let anything happen to him. Please." She walked into the ER and stopped at the front, waiting for the attendant to look her way. Impatience should have swelled within her, but she couldn't seem to force anything around the numbness of her current situation.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"My fiancé just came in from a gunshot wound. Do I need to do anything?" she mumbled as tears continued to streak her cheeks.

"Alex Reid?”

Jamie nodded.

“Just have a seat, and we'll have you do paperwork in a little bit when things calm down for you." The woman's face softened just a little bit, and the kindness in her expression caused Jamie's façade to slip a little more.

"Okay, thanks." She turned and walked back out into the mid-morning weather, pressing her hands to her face and letting out a long sob.

Strong arms wrapped around her, and Mark's voice filled her ears. "Is he okay? What's going on, Jamie?"

She nodded. "I th-think so. Just gimme a minute."

"Take as long as you need." He held her as she let herself go, crying hard and long at the thought of not having Alex with her forever. The chance of him pulling through was good, but it didn't matter. The idea of losing him, especially for something that was all her fault was damning to her spirit. "Let's go inside and sit down. They'll take good care of him."

Mark was trying hard to remain calm from what Jamie could tell, but the worry showed on his face, in the tight lines of his smile and narrowing of his eyes. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they walked back into the waiting room. The place was buzzing with activity, which couldn't be a good thing. "Did they say anything at all? Where was he hit?" Mark sat down beside her, not letting go of her shoulders until she pulled away from him.

"In his chest on the right side. I'm so glad it wasn't on the left." She shuddered at the thought. "It's a waiting game now.” She shuddered and the image of Stephen full of hate flashed in her head. The horrible look on Alex’s face as he fell. She teared up again. “I just wish I’d stopped Alex. Or it was me."

“Jamie! Don’t say that!” Mark pulled her tight. “We wish it was no one.”

She burst into another bout of tears.

He pulled her tight and held her until the sobs subsided into a trickle. "Just lean back and relax as best you can,” he said quietly, “The best surgeons in the city work here, and Alex is well-known. Even though that shouldn't matter, believe me, it does."

She leaned back and closed her eyes, trying to slow her racing heart. He would be okay.

He had to be.



"Miss Connors?" A young nurse stopped in front of her and Mark.

Jamie jumped up. "That's me."

"Mr. Reid is asking for you." The girl smiled. "He's doing much better."

"Thank goodness." Jamie glanced back at Mark. "Come on."

"Right this way. He's in recovery." She pressed a button on the side of the wall that opened two large double doors.

"Is he going to be okay?" Mark moved up beside her as they walked down the hall.

"Yes, sir. He'll make a full recovery. I'll let Dr. Bennett explain everything to you." She stopped in front of the door. "Here we are."

"Thank you." Jamie walked in to find Alex half sitting up in the bed. He had an oxygen mask on his face, but he was able to lock gazes with her. "Oh, Alex!" She let out a soft sob and ran toward him, moving to his right side and pressing her face to the side of his neck as she started to cry.

"It's okay, baby. I'm okay." He patted the side of her face softly as he turned and pressed his cheek to the top of her head.

Jamie couldn't seem to get a hold of her emotions, but no one seemed to care. Mark and Alex talked a little about all of it as Jamie pressed soft kisses to the side of his neck. Mark filled him in on Stephen’s arrest and that everyone in the office was doing alright. Mark kept the information minimal—just enough to ease Alex’s anxiety.

Alex turned and pulled the mask off, forcing her to look up. "Look at me."

She looked up and bit her lip as another sob left her.

"Look at me, baby. I'm okay. Okay?" He pulled her down for a quick kiss. "Go sit by Mark and let Dr. Bennett tell me when you get to pack me up and take me home."

The handsome doctor chuckled. "Try again, Alex. You're here for the next two to three days at a minimum."

"Two to three days?" Alex's voice was a little raspy, but other than that he looked okay. Much better than Jamie expected him to look. He was alive and going to be alright.

She kissed his cheek before moving around the bed and sitting on the long plastic couch next to Mark. She grabbed a box of Kleenex, trying to dab away the tears. At least these were ones of thankfulness, happiness.

Dr. Bennet tapped the one monitor and his chart. "Yes. You’re not leaving here to get back to work. I know you, Alex. We’ve played in enough fundraiser golf tournaments that I know you’re going to try to get back into the office. It’s time to slow down. You’re damn lucky. However, you’re not out of the woods that easily. Something’s wrong with your blood pressure. I'm having blood work run. The gunshot wound looks like it’s going to be minimal, but there’s still recovery to that as well." The doctor turned his attention toward Jamie. "Couple of things here, and then I'll let you guys reconnect."

"Of course." She clasped her hands in her lap and glanced over at Alex, who was watching her intently. Emotion slammed into her again, but she forced it to remain lodged in her throat instead of giving into another wave of crying.

"The bullet penetrated him right here." The doctor pressed his fingers to his own chest. "And went straight through. We've patched him up, but no using that right arm too much for a few weeks. No golfing or tennis or anything with that hand."

"I'm right here, Elijah," Alex chuckled and glanced back over at the doctor. “Sorry
, Dr. Bennet

Elijah chuckled and winked at Jamie. "I realize that, but you're hardheaded. This woman here will keep you in line. I saw how she worked you last Christmas at the hospital fundraiser. What she says goes. No arguing." The doctor smiled. “Think you can keep him in line?”

"I will." She glanced over at Alex. "What's going on with his blood pressure? He’s been complaining of chest pains the past couple weeks."

Dr. Bennet made a note in his file. "Good to know. Ol’ Alex here wouldn’t have bothered to mention that.” He patted Jamie’s shoulder. “We're going to figure this out. I want to give him today to rest and then we'll run some tests starting tomorrow or the next day if he's up for it." Doctor Bennett ran his hand over his chest. "What’s causing the pain in your chest? Do you get it after you eat? When you’re lying down? Or during intense moments at work?"

Alex shook his head at each question, except the last. “I’ve noticed it at work.”

“More stress piled on top of all your others issues?”

"Nothing more than usual." Alex shrugged before flinching. He seemed to keep forgetting that he'd only been out of surgery for six hours at that point.

"There’s been a lot more stress." Jamie stood back up and walked to the bed. She needed to touch him, to be close to him. “The wedding, interviews, media backlash, an ex-investor trying to sue the company, my brother-in-law stirring up shit. He’s the bastard who shot Alex.”

Mark stood and pressed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Jamie, he’s in jail. He can’t touch you guys anymore. Everyone’s going to see him for what he really is.”

Jamie nodded and then shook her head. “This isn’t about me. We’re talking about Alex. His job takes up the day, most of the night, and most weekends. Dr. Bennet, I think it’s too much.”


She cut Alex off. “He won’t listen. He keeps saying next quarter he’ll slow down, but he doesn’t.”

"And his stress level on his best day is ten times more than ours on our worst days." Mark stepped back from Jamie, out of reach of Alex. "He needs to learn to let go a little. Can you give him a pill for that?"

The doctor chuckled. "No, but if the chest pains are a warning signing, they’re not to be taken lightly. Alex?” He waited for Alex to nod and then made a few clicks and taps on his iPad. “Here’s the plan. You guys can stay for a little while, but realize that he needs rest. A lot of it. He looks good, and he's a strong young man, but he's still lost a lot of blood. He needs to sleep."

“Damn brother always looks good,” Mark muttered and Jamie leaned over to elbow him.

She shook the doctor's hand before turning her attention back to Alex.

"Alright,” Mark said and pretended to check his phone. “I'm going to head out and give you crazy kids some time to yourself." He walked around to the other side of Alex and took his hand. "You alright?"

"Yeah. That shit was crazy. Thank you for being there. I haven't seen you tackle someone like that since high school," Alex smirked.

Mark rolled his shoulders and grunted a little. "Yep. I still got it."

Jamie rolled her eyes. "I'll call you later with an update. Can you feed Jake for me?"

"You're not staying here." Alex turned to pin her with a hard stare. "It's uncomfortable, and I'll be fine."

"I'm not going anywhere. Don't say another word about it." She returned the stare before looking up at Mark. "You okay with getting the dog?"

"Of course. I'll make sure to stop back by the office and check on everyone there too."

"Just shut it down for the rest of the day." Alex leaned back and closed his eyes. "Thanks, Mark."

"Anytime, brother." Mark moved over to give Jamie a quick hug. "Call if you need me to bring you some clothes."

"I will. Thank you for everything."

"Anytime." Mark turned and walked out as Jamie slipped her shoes off and took Alex's hand, lifting it to her lips to kiss his fingers.

"You scared me so damn bad. I don't know what I would—" her voice broke.

"Baby. Come here." Alex scooted over with a loud grunt.

"I can’t sit on the bed. You need to re—"

"Get in this bed and stop asking questions. We'll apologize later if we've broken any rules. I know you need me. Come here." He lifted his left arm and she carefully got into the bed with him and snuggled up to his side. "I'm going to be okay. Stephen isn't though. I can't believe that guy. What the fuck was he thinking?"

"He wasn't." She took a shaky breath and pressed herself against his side before reaching over and lowering the bed to a more reclined position.

"I need you to run the company while I'm in here." He turned his face and tugged off the oxygen mask, dropping it beside him. "Can you do that?"

BOOK: I Do The Boss: Billionaire Romance (Managing the Bosses Book 5)
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