I Love You Twice (Falling For Him Contemporary Romance Series Book 7) (9 page)

BOOK: I Love You Twice (Falling For Him Contemporary Romance Series Book 7)
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Chapter 19


Melissa’s night was restless. The next morning she woke up with dark circles beneath her eyes. Her whole body hurt, like she’d been put through the hoops and her heart ached in fear for her daughter. She did her best to camouflage the darkness, thankful that Grandma Annie was still sleeping when she left for work.

Denise raised her eyebrows at the darkness beneath her eyes, but before she could voice a question, a crowd of early breakfast guests entered the diner.
Thank goodness!
Melissa wasn’t in the shape to endure even one single question about the events of last night.

As the lunch crowds thinned out and the morning gave way to afternoon, Melissa prepared to head home.
I need to wrap Happy into my arms and make sure she’s ok!

Denise had gone with the cook across the street, leaving Melissa alone to close up the restaurant. She had just removed her apron and was preparing to pull her purse from the storage area behind the counter when another person walked into the diner. “Sorry we’re closed”.

“Not my problem!” She turned and panted for air. Her father!
Oh my god. I hope he hasn’t been out to the farmhouse before coming here.

“Where is my granddaughter, you slut?”

Melissa cringed as he tossed the vulgarity at her. “She’s not here. How did you find me?”

“Doreen tipped me off.”

Ric’s girlfriend, the bitch!  I can’t believe she was jealous enough to tell my father!

“Well, I see nothing’s changed.” Her father looked around the diner and then leered at her, “I wondered where you’d disappeared to. I should have known I’d find you shacked up and playing the whore for a new man.”

“What are you doing here?” Melissa asked him, shaking in her need to get away from the man.

“My granddaughter. Now tell me where she is, or I’ll beat it out of you!”

Melissa was shaking violently, because she knew from experience that he didn’t issue idle threats. But she needed to be strong for her daughter. “Over my dead body.”

Her father snorted in derision; “That you can have!”  He moved nearer to her. Melissa forced herself not to retreat or show how fearful she was. He was pushing all of the right buttons to make her feel like a child all over again. Ready to duck and hide.

His eyes met hers and showed her he was angrier than she’d ever seen him before. She was trying to be strong, both for herself and her daughter, but nothing prepared her for the fist that flew out, connecting with her cheekbone right beneath her jaw. She stumbled and almost fell over.
God, he hits hard!
Melissa stabilized herself against the wall and prayed someone would come to her aid soon.

Her entire face was throbbing with the intense pain, and she could taste the metallic taste of blood in her mouth. Her blood. She was furious now, and she knew she only had one chance to survive this encounter. She had to fight!

Taking a step forward, she looked at him coldly and issued her warning, “If you hit me again, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. I’m not the little girl you used to terrorize anymore; the one you pushed around.”

She could see that she had stunned her father.
He probably is shocked. I’ve never defended myself before.
Using his momentary surprise, she rushed past him towards the door before he could catch her, running straight into Dean!


Dean was running a few minutes late to pick Melissa up after her shift ended. Trevor had called back with good news. According to his brother, there was nothing her father could do legally. Not. A. Damn. Thing. There was no reason for her to worry!

Trevor had warned him though, that the man might try to use force and had strongly advised Dean to make sure he was around to protect both of his women. He’d planned on surprising Melissa with that news. She’d be delirious with joy!

He’d almost reached the diner, when his mood changed. Through the big glass front he witnessed the altercation between Melissa and an unknown man.
Her father? I’m going to kill him!
When he’d seen the man hit Melissa, he’d seen red! Pure and simple, that man was dead! He’d taken off running, trying to come to Melissa’s rescue sooner rather than later.

He reached out to stabilize her and quickly moved her behind his broad back, shielding her from the aggressor.

Dean took two steps towards her father and without stopping to say a word; he reached out and delivered a brutal hook punch to his temple, upsetting his balance. He started throwing punches, one after another, ducking the counter attacks, and making sure he landed each blow he couldn’t dog with a minimum of five punches of his own.

He allowed his anger free rein. Dean wasn’t normally a violent man, but his vision was blurred. Seeing Melissa being struck had created emotions, he hadn’t known he could have.
I want her father to disappear – forever!

Just the thought that this man had hurt her caused him to see red again. Dean channeled all of his anger into his fists, finally catching her father with a punch that made him tumble to the ground. Dean followed him to the floor, continuing to hit him with his fists.

Melissa screamed, “Dean. Stop!”, when her father had fallen to the ground, and Dean wouldn’t stop punching him, blind with rage.

Through his blurred vision and the roar of rushing of blood in his ears, he heard her voice and watched as she cautiously approached him. Using all of his self-control, he stopped hitting her father and waited for her next move.

Melissa grabbed his arm and tenderly requested, “Dean. Please don’t. No more.”

Dean saw the frightened look upon her face, knowing that he was partly responsible for its presence. She’d never seem him so violent and he instantly regretted having taken matters into his own hand. “I’m sorry, angel. I didn’t want to frighten you. I was so mad by the thought he’d hurt you again.”

She smiled at him, while her father groaned from the floor. Turning a disdainful look upon the groaning man, she looked at Dean and then shook her head, saying loudly, “He’s not worth it.”

Dean looked at the broken man on the floor and nodded his head, “You’re right.”

Her father eventually picked himself up from the ground. Dean closed the distance between them and told him in his most menacing voice, “If you ever come near Melissa or Happy again, I’ll make sure you get locked up behind bars for much longer than you can imagine.”

Her father gave Dean a quick look and then shook his head, “Don’t worry, you can have that piece of trash if you want her so much.”

It took Dean every ounce of self-control to not start punching the man again. He fisted his hand, preparing to bury it in her father’s stomach, but clenched it behind his back. No more. Melissa squeezed his shoulder slightly and whispered. “He’s just trying to get the upper hand.”

Dean turned to look at her. She wasn’t trembling. Yes, she was terrorized, but she wasn’t cowering. In fact, she looked stronger and more confident that he’d ever seen her.
I’m so proud of her right!

When the sight of blood caught his eye, he told her, “You’re bleeding. Let me have a look at it.”

He carefully looked at her face. The area beneath her left eye was already turning blue and green and would be bruised, at the very least. The blood he’d seen was already dried up, and he carefully dabbed at it with the corner of a napkin he snagged from the counter. She’d probably bitten her lip when her father hit her.
Never again! No one will ever strike her again!

“We need to contact the police and report this”, he said.

“That’s not necessary, is it? I mean, he’s already left, and you certainly gave him something to think about. He won’t come back.”

“Melissa, you need to report this. The man assaulted you!”

She tightly snuggled against his chest and whispered, “I’m so afraid.”

“Think of Happy. What happens if next time he shows up and you have her with you? Or, he figures out where you’re staying and shows up there and hurts Annie or her husband?”

“Ok. But can you please stay with me?”

He smiled. “Of course, my love. I won’t let you alone for a single second.”

Chapter 20


Dean used the diner phone to call the local police and then grabbed some ice for her swollen face. When they arrived, Melissa recounted what had happened.

“Ma’am, has your father ever hit you before?”

Melissa swallowed and then nodded, “Yes. All the time. Especially when he’s been drinking.”

“Was he drunk this afternoon?”

“I don’t think so. I didn’t smell any alcohol on his breath.” Melissa began to twist her fingers together, until Dean reached over and grabbed them tight. She shot him a thankful look.

“Shh, calm down. Pretend you’re telling them a story from a book. It’s much easier to handle the emotions that way.”

Melissa nodded her head, grateful for his support. “I’ll try.” She was so glad to have him by her side.

The officer continued to ask his questions. What time did her father arrive? What did he say? Did you provoke him?

That last question made her furious. “Are you asking if I did anything to deserve being hit?”

The officer shook his head and denied her accusation, “Of course not! Ma’am, these are just standard questions. I’m not passing judgment here at all. It sounds like your father needed exactly what your boyfriend here gave to him.”

Melissa was slightly mollified and when Dean grabbed her fingers between her own, she held on like a lifeline. Thirty minutes later, the questions were over and the officer was heading back out the door of the diner.

“I’m glad that’s over with,” she told Dean.

“I bet. You did good.”

“I would have never had the courage to call the police on him if you hadn’t been here. I’ve always been so afraid of him.”

“You did a stellar job! I’m proud of you.”

Melissa smiled at him shyly, “I still have to go down to the police station and make a formal statement and request the restraining order.”

“We’ll do that later. Come here and let me hold you for a moment,” Dean told her, pulling her over to a vacant booth and pulling her into his lap.

The diner was still completely empty, but Melissa knew that news traveled fast in the close knit community.
At least I didn’t have to call an ambulance. That would have been truly embarrassing!


Dean didn’t agree at all with her denial of medical attention. He’d thought it might be a good idea for her to at least have her cheek looked at, but she wouldn’t let him call an ambulance. She assured him she was a pro at assessing her injuries and her cheek was pretty mild compared to some other beatings she’d taken over the years.

The police finally left, after advising them to call them immediately if her father showed up again. They took the threat of bodily harm very seriously and didn’t want to see her or her daughter injured.

Dean had been a trooper during the questioning. As he sat there holding her in his arms, he deftly removed the small black box from his pocket. He’d intended to share the good news with her and then ask Melissa to marry him. Circumstances had worked against him and he was about to leave that for later. There’d be a better moment to ask her.

But when Melissa pressed her body against his, still shaken from the events, he remembered her telling him Grandma Annie’s wisdom about wanting to be with someone even when things were at their worst.

They can’t get much worse than this!
He decided not to wait one minute longer. Sitting her up, he placed the unopened box on her lap and met her gaze, “Melissa, I love you. I did from the first moment I met you and I always will. I love you so much I want you to be mine. Forever.”

Melissa looked from the box and back up to his eyes.
Did he just ask me to marry him?
Her heart began racing and she darted her eyes back and forth between him and the box.

“Open it,” he urged her.

Melissa hesitantly opened the box and gasped. “Dean, it’s gorgeous!”

“Not half as gorgeous as you. So, what do you say? Will you marry me and let me be a husband to you and a father to Happy?”

She gazed into his deep blue eyes and slowly smiled. Dean was offering her everything she’d ever wanted. A family. Love. Acceptance. Friendship. A father for Happy. Leaning towards him, she settled her lips against his and then answered his question, “Yes. I would love to marry you!”




Want to know the whole story how Melissa came to live with Grandma Annie and her husband? You can find out
Christmas Miracle
, a heartwarming story about love, friendship and family – not only during Christmas time.


This was the last book of the Falling for Him series, but you can meet Melissa and Dean again, when Dean’s oldest brother Trevor finds love. Coming soon…..
to get an email reminder as soon as it's released.


The Falling for Him series started with Rachel and the love of her life, Peter.  If you haven’t read it, you can get
Falling for Him 1
FREE on Amazon.



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You might enjoy my other books as well:


Falling for Him Series:

Books 1,2,3 and 5 should be read in order. Books 4, 6 and 7 can be read as standalones.

Book 1:
Rachel and Peter

Book 2:
Rachel and Peter in Spain

Book 3:
Rachel goes Business

Book 4:
Lara and David

Book 5
: Rachel and Peter’s Wedding 

Book 6:
Stubborn Love  (Clara and Nigel)

Book 6,5:
Christmas Miracle  (Rachel and Peter)

Book 7:
I Love You Twice  (Melissa and Dean)


Stand-Alone Novellas:

Entangled Love


Destroyed Dreams



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