Read I Only Have Fangs For You Online

Authors: Kathy Love

Tags: #love_sf

I Only Have Fangs For You (20 page)

BOOK: I Only Have Fangs For You
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Sebastian moved up against the pillows, studying Mina. Her eyes were closed, her thick lashes inky against her cheeks, her red lips swollen, parted. Her pale, pale skin was actually flushed.

And never had he felt so rewarded by a woman's orgasm.

His first thought was he wanted to do it again. Make her scream his name over and over. But he remained by her side holding her. This was a huge step for Mina. And he didn't want to ruin her tenuous trust by being overzealous.

Oh, he wanted to bury himself deep inside her tight little body, but he could wait. He could wait as long as she needed, until she totally believed he didn't want to do anything but share pleasure with her. He wanted her trust as much as he wanted her passion. He wanted her to feel safe with him.

Mina pulled in a deep breath that made her creamy rose-tipped breasts rise, then fall. His fingers twitched, wanting to touch those perfect nipples, but he kept his hand at her narrow waist. Patience. He'd never had it, but he would with her.

Mina opened her eyes, turning to look at him. Her midnight gaze was bemused as if she still didn't know what to think of what just happened.

"Wow," she finally murmured, then smiled. He couldn't help kissing that adorable, pleased grin.

"Good?" he asked against her lips.

She nodded. "I had no idea."

"Baby, our existence is not supposed to be about pain."

Her eyes locked with his, and he saw hope there. God, he never wanted this woman to know another moment of pain. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to… He just wanted her, here, with him.

She snuggled against him, her hands shaping over his arms, then moving to his back. Her caresses made it difficult to maintain his decision to go slowly. The insistent organ shoving against the unforgiving material of his jeans wasn't helping either.

"Do you do-that to all the women you bring up here?" she asked suddenly.

He lifted his head, surprised by the question.

"I don't want to talk about other women," he said. He didn't want to think about anyone but Mina.

"Me neither," she agreed readily.

He smiled and leaned in to kiss her leisurely.

"But you-you know-do other stuff with them, don't you?" she asked before his lips made contact.

"Other stuff?" He frowned.

She shrugged, her cheeks actually coloring a little more. "You know. Intercourse."

Sebastian gaped at her, then laughed. "Here I thought I was doing a good deed by going slow and you're feeling shortchanged."

Mina blushed more. "No. No, that's not it." She looked away from him.

He laughed. "Oh, baby, come here." He pulled her against him and rolled until she was on top of him. She peered down at him, watching him with unsure eyes.

"I'll happily give you anything you want. We can make love all night. I just don't want to overwhelm you."

She wiggled on top of him, situating herself more securely on his chest, her movements rubbing her lush breasts against his chest. Her eyes left his, instead focusing on the pillow behind his head. Or maybe his left ear, he wasn't sure.

"Can you do that? Make love all night."

He couldn't help laughing at her shyly intrigued question. "Uh-oh, I've created a nymphomaniac with one orgasm."

Mina actually blushed a true pink and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

He ran his hands down her back, savoring the satiny texture of her skin, the delicateness of her bones and muscles, the softness of her bottom. He stroked her there, loving the gentle curve of her hips, the cushion of that perfect little rear end.

Her hands touched him too. His arms, his shoulders. Her lips brushed his shoulder, his collarbone. They touched each other like that, until she was wriggling against him, her legs splayed on either side of his denim-covered hips.

"Baby, I can't do this much longer," he muttered in her ear, careful not to get his lips too close to her neck. "Pretty soon my penis is going to have a permanent imprint from my zipper."

She gave him a concerned look, although he didn't think she really understood what he was talking about. Taking her with him, he sat up, then gently slid her off him onto the mattress. He jumped up and unfastened his jeans. He pushed them down, his granite-hard cock immensely happy to be freed.

When he looked up, he found Mina staring in rapt fascination at his erection. The hardened length pulsed against his stomach; her look was insanely erotic.

"Mina, if you keep looking at me like that… " he gave a slightly stunned laugh, shaken that her gaze could make him feel as if he could come right then, without even a single touch.

"Sorry," she said, her gaze moving to his face. But moments later, her eyes were back on his penis.

He groaned and crawled on the bed. He pulled her to him, kissing her hungrily. Then he fell back against the mattress again pulling her with him, until she was straddling him.

He fought the urge to rub his erection against the silkiness of her damped curls. Mina had no such qualms. She tilted her hips, grinding herself against him.

He caught her, holding her still. "Baby, you can't do that unless you want me to bury myself in you right this minute."

She gave him a startled look at his roughly muttered words, then she slipped off him. For a moment, he was afraid he'd scared her. Instead she sat facing him and reached out trembling fingers to touch his swollen length. She started as his penis leapt at her slight touch.

"Does it hurt you?" she asked, staring at the organ with amazement.

"Not hurt precisely."

She nodded as if she totally understood that. Her midnight eyes moved up to lock with his, and his chest swelled with the yearning he saw there.

"You are so beautiful," she said, shaking her head as if she couldn't quite believe her reaction to him. He understood, looking at her kneeling beside him. Her black hair, tumbled from its ponytails, brushing her pale shoulders, her rounded, upturned breasts, her lovely bowed lips, her heartbreaking eyes.

He couldn't recall ever aching like this for a woman.

Again, she touched him, grazing her fingers over the sensitive underside of him. Again, he pulsed against her hand. She smiled.

"I didn't think a…»

"Penis," he provided for her.

She nodded. "I didn't think it would be pretty."

"Hmm, a pretty penis," he said with a strained smile, because her fingers were shaping the rounded head of the pretty object in question. "I'm not sure that's what a man likes to hear about his dick."

She frowned. "Why not?"

"Not very manly."

"Oh," she said with a nod as if she was filing that information away for another time, for another lover. He dug his fingers into the bedding, this time with irritation, rather than arousal. He didn't like thinking about Mina with another man.

Sebastian's attention was snapped back to Mina as she curled her fingers around his girth. His hips lifted slightly at the increased pressure.

"Okay, enough touching," he gritted, catching her wrist.

"Did I hurt you?" Her eyes widened, and she released him.

"No. But I'm at great risk of looking like the inexperienced one here."

Again, she frowned as if she didn't understand, and frankly that was just as well with him.

He shifted quickly, his barely contained desire and impatience making his movement swift and a little rough. She froze as soon as she was pinned under him, and he immediately cursed himself for his abrupt action. He rolled again, so she wasn't trapped under him, but straddling against his hips.

She blinked at the rapid sequence of motions, and he gave her a reassuring smile. "I don't want anything to remind you of that night."

She stared at him, her eyes suddenly glittering with tears. He didn't fully understand her reaction, but he sat up, pulling her to him. Her chest flattened to his, her bottom to his crotch, her legs curled around his waist. He cradled her in his arms, wanting to take all those memories away. Wanting to shield her from them.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and then they were kissing, their lips clinging to each other, desperate, hungry, and a little frantic.

Mina knew she was doing it again, giving Sebastian mixed signals, but his concern when she'd been pinned under him made her feel… She didn't dare to give the emotion swirling in her chest a name. But she knew it was intense and real and she wanted nothing more than to be one with this man.

She ached again, and she rubbed against him, loving the way her sex was opened against him. Loving the rasp of her nipples against his chest.

"Please Sebastian, I want… " She had to say it. His other women would just say it. "I want you inside me. Please."

He groaned deep in his throat and shifted, one of his hands leaving her back to slip between them. She thought he was going to position himself to enter her, but instead he touched her splayed sex. With his thumb, he stroked her clitoris.

"Sebastian," she pleaded, loving his touch but wanting all of him this time.

"Shh," he whispered against her lips. "Let me make sure it's good."

She closed her eyes, opening her mouth to him, his tongue brushing against hers as he continued to stroke her. When she was again feeling like she couldn't take any more, his hand left her and positioned his erection. The large head pressed against the entrance of her sex.

He braced his hands on her hips, poising her against him, guiding her.

"Easy," he gritted, controlling her awkward grind against his hard length. She nodded, moving cautiously, more worried about hurting him than herself.

"I do have a precedent of causing you injury, don't I?" she breathed as the head inched in.

He released a shaky laugh, his fingers gripping her tightly without hurting her. "Baby, I'm way more worried about you right now."

His concern was again the ultimate aphrodisiac for her, and she couldn't hold back, she bucked her hips forward, his huge, hard length filling her to the womb, stretching her. She gasped at the staggering sensation. Foreign, yet so absolutely right.

His large hands planted to her back, holding her firmly against him, allowing her to adjust to the feeling of him inside her.

"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice tight and a little rough.

She nodded, lost in his gaze, hot and beautiful, as his body curled around hers. Then he began to move, his powerful arms holding her on the outside, his body caressing her own on the inside. Slowly, steadily. Bodies straining, stroking. Their eyes locked. One.

His gaze stayed on her until their lips met, then they were wild. Their mouths devouring each other. Their bodies moving faster, more urgently, until she was sure she would explode in his arms.

He lifted her against him, thrusting deep, filling her, hot, slick and amazing. Over and over until she cried out, unable to take any more. Her fangs extended, and she managed to control them, not willing to hurt him. Even though her body told her that biting him would give her the release she wanted.

Instead Sebastian splayed a hand across her lower back, driving her fully onto him, impaling her with his body. And instantly, release rocketed through her. She screamed his name, arcing under the intensity of her orgasm.

She registered Sebastian growling low in his throat, then she felt him pulse wildly against the walls of her sex. Straining against each other a moment longer, they finally collapsed into a drained heap. She only barely registered Sebastian covering them with the comforter before she fell into an exhausted sleep.

Sebastian lay beside Mina, watching her, but not touching her, as if she was something he was afraid of breaking. Or maybe that might somehow injure him.

He sat up, rubbing a hand over his face and through his hair. He tried not to wonder why his hand was trembling. But it was pointless. He couldn't think about anything but the fact that he was truly shaken. Absolutely stunned.

Sebastian had had sex, he couldn't even begin to count the number of times, and while it had always been good and fun and worth a repeat performance, it had never been like this. This was…

He rose out of bed, trying to be as careful as possible not to disturb Mina. Not just for her sake, but because he couldn't face her at this moment. He walked out into the living room, pacing back and forth silently over the plush carpeting.

What the hell just happened? He tunneled his hand through his hair, telling the damned appendage to stop shaking. What was wrong with him? He'd had a great orgasm, an amazing, stupendous, and absolutely unbelievable orgasm. But it had just been an orgasm. There was no reason to be freaking out like he was. He was just overwhelmed by the pressure of making sure Mina's first time was good.

Yeah, right. He'd never, never had an orgasm that earth-shattering that hadn't been aided by a bite. Hell, their straight sex had been more powerful than any bite had ever been, even the one that had crossed him over.

He stopped pacing and stared back at his bedroom. From his angle in the living room, he could see Mina's pale face. A perfect face, beautiful and doll-like, as she slept. As was becoming the norm, Sebastian felt an intense wave of possessiveness flood him.

He shook his head slightly as if he could just shake the emotion off. But when he looked at her again, the feeling was still there. Just as strong. A feeling that no matter what else happened in his long eternity, Mina had to be his. He had to have her-forever.

Eternity was a very long time, which was why he'd never seen himself with just one woman. Hell, a human life lived in fidelity would be a stretch for him. He looked at her, snuggled in his bed. She could give him an eternity, just like tonight. But that was a long time for her too. And to have only one man, him. The idea filled him with more possessiveness, and an odd pride. But he wasn't offering her forever, and it was unreasonable to expect him to be her only man.

He gritted his back teeth. Another man touching Mina; that made his insides feel as though they were being wrenched and twisted.

He paced again. Then he stopped. Was this what Rhys and Christian felt about their women? He looked back to Mina, his fallen angel, asleep in his bed. Was she his soulmate?

BOOK: I Only Have Fangs For You
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