Read I Run to You Online

Authors: Eve Asbury

Tags: #love, #contemporary romance, #series romance, #gayle eden, #eve asbury, #southern romance, #bring on the rain

I Run to You (46 page)

BOOK: I Run to You
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He parked and took her hand, walking inside
with her.

Coy turned on a lamp at the far corner of the
den and put a CD low in the stereo. He dropped his shirt on the
sofa then cupped under her chin to search her face.

After dipping down to kiss her, butterfly
soft and silky, in a way that melted her insides, he brought her
hands out the hoodie pockets that she had tucked them in, and held
them out from their sides, saying, “I played by your rules last
time. This time, I get my way.”

Her brow arched, but he led her into his
bedroom, the door left open, moonlight coming through the big
windows, spilling over the oak floors and bed.

Brook didn’t have anything on under the
running suit but panties, and she knew, he knew that, from feeling
her up earlier. Her attention was on his moon-bathed body, his
rugged face and shimmering amber eyes as he sat a bit against the
headboard, pulling her down to sit with him. Her eyes dropped to
his cinched abs and back up, catching him looking over her face in
a curious way.

“What?” She scrapped her teeth over her

“I’m going to get off first. If I don’t, I
won’t give it to you the way I want to.”

She watched his hands undoing the button fly,
her skin tingling, heart slamming—aroused by what he was about to

His groin hair exposed, that sexy lower
stomach too, when he drew her eyes back up to him whispering, “Will
you take everything off too?”

She stood and slowly unzipped the hoodie, her
eyes moving over him, watching him lift his hips and peel his jeans
off. He had tossed them somewhere by the time she stepped out of
pants and panties.

“Jesus.” His hand was splayed over his thick
sex, his eyes skimming over her, nude, bared. Nude. “You’re

She was flattered, turned on, that he thought
so. However, as Brook walked to the bed. She was stirred beyond
words by his long, tanned legs, ripped torso—sensual face.

She dropped her gaze.

His sex was fully thick, rigid—and sexy

Brook sat down, partly facing, by his

When their eyes met, he asked hoarsely “Is
this uncomfortable?”

“No. It’s a turn on.”

He raised his hand to touch her nipples, very
delicately. Brook felt the erotic charge between them tighten, the
intimate lust/hunger. It pulled their focus on nothing but each

They were always aroused by each other—had
been, from the moment they met, back in school. Chemistry, that
unexplainable way they stirred each other’s senses with a look, a
brush of their hands.

Trailing fingers down and over her stomach,
Coy observed her as she watched his hand.

Reaching that strip of hair, he dipped

She was wet, warm, aroused.

“Do you want me to?” She looked at his cock.
“You can tell me, how to touch you.” As soon as she said that, she
added, “But, I wouldn’t mind watching you do it either.”

Damn, Brook. So now, you’re a voyeur. She
answered her own thought, ummmm. She could look at him forever.

Coy’s white teeth flashed. Finding those
sensitive nerves between the folds of her sex, he was teasing there
when he returned gruffly, “Mine—is going to be pretty damn

Brook covered the hand touching her so
deliciously. “I’d take longer.”

“I want to make you cum with my mouth.” Coy’s
gaze scanned her face

She felt her juices flowing.

He felt it too, bathing his fingers. Brook
confessed, “I’ve never seen a guy do that…Get himself off...”

He pressed his fingers against her, before
dragging his hand from between her legs.

Brook watched him put them to his mouth and
taste her.

She shivered. Coy Coburn was earthy, sexy,
and erotic. She had known it, even back then, when they were
fooling around. Coburn men were—uninhibited and earthy. When it was
about pleasure, they were all about the pleasure. Nothing was

He lowered it again to fist his sex, his
eyes, lashes half-mast, on her. “Do you— touch yourself?”

“A few times.” She nodded and released a
shuddering breath. “No toys yet, I’ve just—”

“What?” He was stroking his fist up and down
his cock, unhurried, rhythmic.

It carnally hypnotized Brook, so much so, she
was only half-aware of what she was saying; “I’ve just
become—sexually active. It took me awhile to get— all the way to
orgasm. Letting go, emptying my mind.”

His strong teeth sank into his sensual lip.
He flexed flexing his fingers, working up and down. The smooth,
flushed crown glistened.

She dragged her gaze up from watching that
for a second. “That’s so erotic.”

“You are. Just watching me, saying that.” A
grunt seemed to flex his throat. I’m there’,” he managed hoarsely.
His lashes closed and his head went back.

Brook watched it all—fascinated by the
tightening of his physique and the spasms, the veins and sinew
filling out along his collarbone and throat, skin flushing…and that
rich vibration of bliss rumbling from his throat.

When he was relaxed, looking boneless, in a
wholly sensual way, she came to her feet and went to the bathroom
to get him a cloth. He joined her while she was still wetting the

“Thanks.” He took it, cleaned himself, and
leaned over to kiss her at the same time.

Finished, Coy embraced her, afterwards
leaning back to stare down at her face. His hand moved between her
legs, finding her honeyed sex, and easing a finger inside. He
worked her skillfully, thrusting unhurried and deep. Then out and
up, between the folds, back down and inside.

Brook held to his arms, her breath echoing
brisk and intense in the bathroom.

“I like this.” he told her. “You feel hot,
and silky. I like this, too…” He massaged the ultra-sensitive skin
over her clit.

“I... like that, too.” She bit her lip.
Eyeing his lazy grin.

When he sank his finger deeper, Brook moaned.
“I’m not going to be able to do this, standing up.”

Easing out, he picked her up and carried her
to the bed.

Coy position across it, with her legs
dangling, and reclined on his elbow, leaning over her. He gave her
drugging kisses, sexy— ones, and suckled her nipples, teased them,
until she was arching off the mattress.

Winded, dizzy, too aroused to bear much more,
Brook stared at him though glazed eyes and whispered, “I
need…something more.”

He didn’t just give her what she wanted.

Coy tongue bathed most of her body.

He kissed up each leg, nibbled inside her
thighs, and planted several teasing, sucking kisses on her sex.

Brook groaned when he slid her up, rolled her
over, teasing her sex while he kissed her back, and spent a lot of
time biting her ass, and laving all over there.

Shaking, and feverishly turned on, she felt
her skin dampen, and then chill sexually. The CD had long since
stopped. Only her soft cries and moans filled the room, her body
moving under his attentions, lips parted—gasping by the time he
turned her again.

He licked her nipples, suckled again,
beautiful lips rimming the nipples and his tongue stroking.

Brook’s hands pulled his hair. She whispered
his name in desperation.

Those strong hands of his touched, stroked,
and brought every nerve alive, from head to toe.

“Coy!” She sobbed at one point, her fingers
tugging his hair, lifting his head from where he put love bites on
her tummy.

He stretched up.

Brook lifted her heavy lids. Just the look of
him, at those eyes, that hair she’d mussed with her fingers, made
her a little crazy. She used that hair hold to pull him down to her
mouth— biting his lower lip, hard, sexually, then doing his
mouth—because he had pleasured every inch of her skin with it.
Carnally kissing, lasciviously using her tongue to enter, invade,

When she let him raise his head, smoothing
his hair, she was still breathless. Her legs were bent, open, so
when he touched her again, she sucked in a breath, whimpering, “No
more teasing.”

Two fingers fit snug, tightly, inside her. He
brought them in and out slowly. She was wetter than she had ever
been. Her inner walls kept contracting. The juices flowed.

He teased, “You don’t like this?”

“I’m soaked. Of course I like it.” She
sounded tense.

He ran his tongue over her lips before saying
against them, “This…?” His thumb reached up, rubbing her clit.

“Yes—that.” She arched her neck.

He did that several moments and then

“Oh, God.” she groaned, her thighs trembling.
Brook opened her eyes.

“I knew it would be like this with us. Just
seeing you all sexy and ready, drives me crazy,” he sounded turned
on, rough voiced. “I wanna give you everything. But right now, I
got to' get my tongue in you. “

Coy went down, to put himself between her

Brook’s breath left in a rush. He buried his
mouth against her, his tongue trusting in her. His hands under her

The little scream that escaped her lips,
surprised even her. By the time he held her wide to start licking,
nipping, and sucking those nerves—she was shattering,
imploding—with a scorchingly intense climax.

Her legs locked against his shoulders. Her
hips pressed to his lips, she rode his mouth. Brook moaned his name
from somewhere deep in her throat, over and over, until the flame
burned to a warm wave...




Brook dozed after Coy joined her, sliding
them both up in the bed and gathering her in his arms. She didn’t
know how long it was they did that, but awakened abruptly.

She eased out the bed.

In the bathroom, she found several new
toothbrushes and made use of one. She ran enough shower to bathe,
so she wouldn’t have to deal with wet hair again. It still got
damp. After using lotion she had left there the other day, she
tucked a towel around herself.

She was crossing the room, padding out, to go
to the kitchen when a noise from the bed made her look over her

Coy sat up on the edge, scrubbing his face
with his hands.

He stood after letting them fall and glanced
at her amused, “We fell asleep.”

She grimaced and laughed softly. “I had a
full day.”

“Me, too.” He walked toward her, obviously
comfortable with himself necked. And why not. He was all brawn and
ripped muscle on a big and sexy frame. “Let me get a shower, brush
my teeth. You want a shirt or something?”

“Sure.” She walked back in, accepting the
soft denim shirt he gave her.

Dropping the towel, she put it on. It was
huge on her. Brook rolled some of the sleeves back.

“Make some more coffee?”


He lingered, eyes going over her face. “I
wish my teeth were already brushed. I would kiss you. But as Levi
says, I got fuzzy teeth.”

Laughing, she turned and left, going to make
the coffee.

Brook finally saw the time. It was only 1:
AM. It seemed later.

She carried her coffee out to the front deck,
leaning on the rail to look toward the picnic area and Max’s. There
were still campfires although she would bet Max and Jordan were
home making love. Faint music, a Rapp beat, came from the distance.
The younger Coburns would party late.

The doors slid open. Coy stepped out. It was
a warm, sultry night. His hair was shaggy, as if he towel dried,
combed, then shook it out. He brought the smell of soap and cologne
with him. As well as coffee from the cup he carried.

Standing behind her, his body molded against
hers, he sipped while looking over her head in the same

“You know why G.W. and Alvin are staying,
don’t you?” he murmured lazily.

“No. Why?”

“They’ll know who has hangovers at Mitch’s
tomorrow. And do them worse than they did you.”

She chuckled

“G.W.’ll wave the strongest smelling food
under their noses and since it’ll be mostly the guys, he’ll find
some way to make them puke a few times.”

“Doesn’t anyone ever get one on him?”

“Yeah. Jason did once. G.W. and Alvin were
playing their usual practical jokes. We were down at Dad’s, working
on cars. Jason pretended to be someone calling the tow company.
When G.W. went out—Jason had already taken bolts out of the wench—
which fell all to shit. G.W. didn’t know Jason planted the car
there or had the boy pretend it was his. He was cussing and
swarping G.W.….”

They laughed. Brook could imagine it.

“They use hydraulics now. Lot easier, but not
half as fun.”

Resting his cup on the banister, Coy put his
arms around her, easing his hand in where she left it unbuttoned
between her breasts.

“In the shower, I was remembering how you
tasted, and thinking about how sexy you were when you cum. I can’t
believe you’re here. We’re here, together, finally...”

Brook set her cup down too and undid the rest
of the buttons, letting him touch her freely, her eyes closed.

She turned at some point. When his arms slid
around her under the shirt, she dipped to kiss his chest, before
lightly tonguing his nipples, then to laving and biting.

He made a rumbling sound. His lips brushed
her temple.

Coy said low, “You feel so small in my

“I’m tall for a woman.”

“Your body is lithe.”

“Yours is…. massively sexy.” She dragged her
hands up his hard back.

Coy drew back, so they could see each other,
their hands still touching, “I want in you so bad. But don’t let me
be too rough with you.”

“You won’t.”

He cupped her ass. “I’ve dreamed of being
inside you again….”

Wet, turned on, she got to her tiptoes,
seeking his kiss, receiving one that melted her bones.

They parted, lips moist, breath panting. They
went back inside.

BOOK: I Run to You
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