I Spy a Duke (31 page)

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Authors: Erica Monroe

BOOK: I Spy a Duke
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Vivian took a seat on the log, pouring out the tea into two cups. She handed one to James. “What an interesting man.”

“That’s certainly one way to put it.” James dropped down next to her, sandwich in one hand and cup of tea in the other. “I’ve known Nixon for about ten years now. Never met a better whip.”

“I like him,” she decided. “He called Arden ‘Songbird.’”

“All spies have code-names to keep their identities safe. Nixon is a special case in that he knows both who we really are and our codes.”

She nibbled on her bread. “What’s your soubriquet?”

He sipped at his tea. Perhaps he debated whether or not he should tell her—or perhaps he let the silence drag on purposefully to create a dramatic pause. “Falcon.”

“Ah.” She suspected she was supposed to attach some great import to his disclosure, but the name itself meant little to her. The man behind the name, however, had managed to imprint his name upon her heart. “Thank you for telling me.”

“When I can, I will always answer your questions,” he said.

They finished their lunch in silence, but after a while, prickles began to creep up her neck, indicating she was being watched. She turned her head toward him, arching a brow. “You’re staring.”

“I’m doing no such thing,” he claimed slyly.

Holding her hands out, she frowned at the dirt speckling her pale skin. Her gaze traveled to the long grass stain on the side of her skirt, then down to her boots, coated in mud and torn-up sward. “I must look frightful. No wonder you’re gawking.”

“I think you’re beautiful.” He snatched a leaf from her hair, gifting it to her. “The foliage adds character.”

She peered down the bridge of her nose at him, as she did when Thomas misbehaved. “You’re mad, you know that?”

“You married me,” he jested.

She attempted to adopt a stern expression, yet she couldn’t stop the corners of her lips from turning up. “Under duress.”

“Come now, I wouldn’t classify a single assassin as duress,” he said. “Now if it were

She laughed. “Three assassins would change things, indeed. It is quite fortunate you have an army of spies at your disposal, my Spy Duke.”

His eyes darkened with desire. Her words must have done that. He liked being called Spy Duke, for whatever reason. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. Would he like to hear his code-name as much?

“So, Falcon,” she purred, darting out her tongue to lick at her lips. She remembered one of the servant girls back at Abermont House claiming that men liked that. Of course, said servant girl had stopped talking once she’d realized Vivian was listening, but not before she’d passed on a few very helpful seduction tips.

His gaze narrowed directly on her lips. She’d expected to affect
not the other way around. But a vision of him above her, his muscles straining as he thrust deep within her secret place, overtook her and she could barely think straight. She gulped the rest of her tea, willing her pounding heart to return to normal. She’d always heard that a woman’s first time would be painful, but if their kisses in the postchaise had been any indication, James would know how to make it a marvelous night she wouldn’t forget.

For a charged second, their eyes met, and he smiled as if they shared a joke only they two could understand.
, she thought as he laid his hand on her left knee. Slowly, so slowly it was almost painful, he ran his fingers across her knee. Her breath sucked inward as he slid his hand further up, from her knee to the bottom of her upper thigh. Wherever he touched, he left a trail of fire.

She would burn from the inside out because of him, but she could not bring herself to care.

He let his fingers sink into the fabric, ruching it in his fist. The hem of her dress moved up enough to reveal the curve of her ankle, then as he glided higher with the fabric tight in his grip, her gown continued to move with him. There were her ivory silk stockings, stark white against his tanned hands. Virginal, when she felt so deliciously wanton.

Birds chirped. Insects buzzed. The wind rustled through the trees. All these things should have made her tell him to stop. They were too out in the open. Too exposed. But aside from Arden and Nixon, she didn’t know of a single soul who would encounter them in this glade. The remoteness of their setting lulled her into a sense of security—yet the outdoors made her feel untamed.

James caught her eye. He did not move his hand. She nodded, her breath hitching in anticipation as he inched his hand higher. While her dress remained in place on her right side, he’d pulled her gown high enough on the other side that he glimpsed her garters, held just above her knees with fine metal springs and buckles. Instead of plain, maidenly white, she wore soft pink ribbon, embroidered with roses.

The sight of those garters drew a groan from him. She’d have to thank Madame Celeste for insisting a new bride needed pretty garters. He feasted upon her with his eyes, as his fingers brushed against the satin, tracing the little flowers. He edged up her gown a bit more, taking in the bare expanse of her leg, right above her knee where the garters ended. She shuddered at his touch, shuddered because she made her feel beautiful and wanted, nothing like the bluestocking matron she’d always considered herself.

“You have the best legs,” he told her, his voice low and raw. “Bloody gorgeous legs. Go on for yards, these legs.”

“Your sister’s
hated them,” she murmured. “She said my silhouette is all wrong for today’s fashion. My legs are too long and my torso is too short.”

“Remind me to have words with that wretched shrew. No one will ever tell you again that you aren’t desirable.” He ran the flat of his palm across her bare leg, her skin goose-pebbling under his caress.

She couldn’t think of a coherent response. She’d moved past words on to sensations. Pleasure. Delight. Craving. But he didn’t seem to mind, for he’d dragged her closer to him, his arms wrapping around, one hand on her back and the other splayed across her neck. He lowered his mouth to hers, kissing her thoroughly.

Then he was gone, standing up. She reached for him, but he’d already made it to the picnic basket, pulling out the blanket Northley had packed and spreading it out on the ground. He came back again, and she accepted his hand, never wanting to let him leave again. He motioned for her to sit down on the blanket, and he dropped down beside her.

She lusted for the excitement he provided, the exhilaration of something new. In his strong arms she felt treasured, protected. The only threat was the building of pressure within her, begging to be sated. His kisses had left her ragged. She wanted more, even though she wasn’t entirely sure what more would mean. Still, she knew it was there, felt the sensations rising in her core, flooding her body with bliss.

He moved to sit behind her, his breath hot on her skin. His tongue danced across the sensitive flesh of her neck before dipping lower. His hands came up around her, encircling her breasts. He squeezed and kneaded until she gasped eagerly, a flood of warmth through her body.

Breaking from her momentarily, he undid the buttons of her dress, pulling the fabric down from her shoulders. He made short work of her stays too, only stopping for a moment to run his finger across the bow underneath her breasts.

“Someday, I’ll take proper time to appreciate these,” he murmured. “But all I can think about now is how the last time we were like this, we were interrupted. Not again.”

“A half hour, I promised,” she grinned slyly. “You’d best be quick. The clock starts now.”

He scooted around to the other side of her, helping her out of her dress. She sat before him in her chemise alone, yet she did not feel ashamed. Outside in this wilderness she could be equally uncontrolled. She had no time to care for the restrictions of society, for his mouth was on her again, her nipple poised between his two teeth. And oh God, those things he did with his tongue—she didn’t want to stop, ever.

“Do you trust me?” he asked, the intensity of his words breaking through the dullness of her passion-soaked mind.

“Always,” she murmured without thought, grabbing hold of his hand.

Gently, he pushed her down on the blanket, crawling between her thighs. He grabbed hold of the hem of her chemise, dragging them up to her waist, leaving her legs bared to him. “I do not think—”

He slid one finger inside her, in the very place where she felt so slick, so desperately in need of him. And he stroked and stroked as her hips bucked against him. She no longer cared about her unclothed state, about the danger surrounding them when they returned to Maidstone, about anything other than him and his thumb rocking against that little button of wonderful nerves. Squirming against him, she slid her hand down, holding him in that point. The most glorious sensations built up within her, taking her higher and higher, and she wanted to see this through—to see what she’d become at the other side.

She could not think—she could barely breathe—the pleasure was too much. She could not take it. She would explode at the seams, leaving only shattered bits in place.

He pulled from her, quickly opening the clasp to his breeches to give himself room. Experimentally, she reached out, touching her hand to the bulge. His breath hissed in, his eyes rolling back in an expression of half-pleasure, half-pain.

“I should like to explore you too,” she insisted.

“You don’t have to,” he panted, but the beseeching way in which he watched her hands perch on his shaft told her he’d like it very, very much if she did.

She undid the clasp of his breeches, sliding them down his hips. For a second she stared at him, her eyes as round as the gilded dinner plates at the manor. He was so large! She stretched her hand out, amazed by the hardness of his shaft. Tilting her head, she examined him from all angles, cupping his balls in her hands, and then touching the pad of her ring finger to the tip of his rod.

“Like this,” he urged her, readjusting her hands. He showed her how to handle him, not too rough, yet not gentle either.

As she pulled upon him, moving him up and down, she observed how his eyes closed, his head falling to one side. His mouth went slack, joy etched in every line on his face. She watched him as she pumped, pride surging through her at his reactions. His cock became granite in her hands, intriguingly hard and yet still supple.

This was James, disarmingly charming James, who sometimes was too autocratic for her tastes but still made sure her needs were met. And she was the one who made him moan, his breath coming out in jagged gasps, his eyes rolling back in his head.

Then, as she ministered to him, his hand slipped back down to her core. He knew just where to touch to get her higher. His thumb flicked against her most sensitive spot and she exploded, fireworks springing before her eyes. She bucked and arched and screamed, caring not who heard her as she rode out this wave to completion. A second later, he groaned, pulling from her and spilling his seed on the grass.

When it was over, he held her in his arms until her breathing slowed. Finally, when she could think again, she sat up. Her cheeks flamed as she pushed her chemise down.

James stretched out on the blanket, his arm crooked behind his head, the picture of indolence. She found it hard to match this well-sated, idle rogue with the driven spy who could flip a man twice his size with one cleverly executed movement. If she’d learned anything about her new husband, it was that he was devilishly hard to characterize.

He caught her eye, nodding. She decided this was her new favorite of his many expressive head tilts: one of approval, of utter contentment, of even masculine satisfaction. She glanced at the bodice of her chemise, free of stays, and suddenly she did not feel so embarrassed.

She felt...proud.

Vivian grasped her short stays between her thumb and forefinger. Hesitating for a second, she ran her finger over the fabric-covered wooden busk at the front. The busk forced her into good posture, reinforced by the laces in the back. In this short corset, she was supposed to be a proper lady. Refined. Polished.

She closed her eyes for a second and listened to the birds chirping in the trees. A few minutes ago, she’d been as wild and free as those birds.

Opening her eyes, she slipped the corset on over her chemise, turning around. “Would you mind assisting?”

James snapped to attention, bolting upright. With adroit fingers, he laced her back up. He handed her dress, helping her into it, sliding the straps of her dress back up onto her shoulders. His touch lingered a little too long. He laid a soft kiss against her neck, his mouth hot against her already heated skin. But it was a welcome warmth, chasing away the coldness of the last year.

She let her body go slack against his stalwart frame. He was a bulwark against the darkness, albeit temporarily.

She didn’t want to be alone anymore.

“That was...incredible,” she murmured, thinking that the English language didn’t have proper words to truly convey how magnificent that had felt.

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