I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That (57 page)

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Copp, Professor Andrew 120–2
copy number variants (CNV) 40
copyright 33, 76
cosmetics companies xxii, 254–7, 388–9
council overspending xix, 152–4
creationism 13, 281, 284
crime: outrage is lower when a criminal has more victims xxi, 306–9; prevention numbers and DNA database xix, 162–5; sentencing policy 177–9
Crohns Disease 12
Daily Express
: council wastage story 152–3; ‘Mum Beats Odds of 50 Million-to-One to Have 3 Babies on Same Date’ story 49; ‘Danger from just 7 cups of coffee a day’ story 64–6; ‘Record numbers of people are being handed antidepressants’ story 105; ‘stilettos tone up your legs’ story 341
Daily Mail
25; breast enhancement cream story 255; cod liver oil ‘nature’s superdrug’ story 29; ‘Council incompetence ‘“costs every household £452 a year’’’ story 152; ‘Up to 10bn a year is wasted by clueless councils’ story 152; ‘Economic woes fuel dramatic rise in use of antidepressants’ story 104–5; ‘How Using Facebook Could Raise your Risk of Cancer’ story 221; increase in number of Down’s syndrome babies story 61, 63; music piracy stories 159–60; prehistoric monuments on a grid of isosceles triangles stories 66, 67; psychological nature of libido problems story 37; sending babies to daycare causes damage to future health story 5–6; ‘Strict diet two days a week “cuts risk of breast cancer by 40 per cent’’’ story 338–9; ‘Swimming too Often in Chlorinated Water “Could Increase Risk of Developing Bladder Cancer’’, Say Scientists’ story 342
Daily Mirror
: Down’s syndrome births increase story and 61, 63; reporter has compressed molecule hair treatment 389
Daily Telegraph
: British forces seizure of Afghan heroin story 221; ‘Doctors say no to abortion in their surgeries’
89–91; ‘economic woes fuel dramatic rise in use of anti-depressants’ story 104–7; ‘IVF children have bigger vocabulary than unplanned children’ story 107; Krügel missing person locator story 275–6; ‘Man Cut Off Own Head with Chainsaw’ story 362; nutritionists, coverage of 268, 269; pornography for sperm donors story 179–82; public sector pay stories 149, 150, 151; Reform: ‘The Value of Mathematics’, coverage of 194; Sarah’s Law prevention of abuse figures story, coverage of 159; ‘why stilettos are the secret to shapely legs’ story 341; ‘wind farms blamed for stranding of whales’ story 340–1; ‘women who dress provocatively more likely to be raped, claim scientists’ story 329
Dangerous Drugs Act, 1920 229
Dartmouth Medical School, New Hampshire 358–9
datamining, terrorism and 51–3
Davies, Nick 227
Davies, Philip 318
Dawkins, Richard 13
daycare, development of child brain and 5–8
Deer, Brian 354, 357–8
Deleuze, Gilles 297, 298
dementia, computer games and 3–5
Deming, Dr W. Edwards 57–8
dental health, fluoride and 24
Department for Communities and Local Government xix, 153
Department for Education: Independent External Review for on improving use of evidence and data in schools, 2012 202
Department for Education and Employment: commissions research review on educational interventions in autism, 1998 325
Department of Health 23, 169, 176, 229, 365
DHA 343
diabetes 120
Diamond, Dr Michael 37–8
diarrhoea, handwashing/rehydration and 182, 186–7
‘difference in differences’ 130–1
DNA: database xix, 162–5, 193; new techniques for measuring 135; muscular dystrophy and 121; ‘tracking-device’ 275–7
Do People Want Choice
Doing What Works (US government website for teachers) 214
Doll, Richard 22, 187
Doncaster Today
Dorset Echo
Doubleday 262
Down, John Langdon: ‘Observations on the Ethnic Classification of Idiots’ 141–2
Down’s syndrome: increase in live births as proof that we live in a more caring universe story xviii, 61–3; ‘Down Subjects and Oriental Population Share Several Specific Attitudes and Characteristics’ article,
Medical Hypotheses
xix, 139, 141–3, 144
Dowson, Dr Andrew 249
doxazosin 119–20
Dr Rath Health Foundation 388
Dr Strangelove
(movie) 22–3
Drayson, Lord 331
Drug Dependency Units (DDUs) 231, 233, 234
Drug Enforcement Agency 232
‘Drug Testing and Treatment Orders’ (DTTOs) 178–9
drugs, recreational xx, 219–44; British forces drug seizure figures in Afghanistan 221–4; drug-related deaths, government figures for 225–6; heroin on prescription 226–44; sentencing policy and 177–9
‘Drugs: Protecting Families and Communities Action Plan 2008–11’ 226
du Sautoy, Marcus 194, 196
Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre 121
Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy (DMD) 118–22
Duelfer Report 316
Duesberg, Peter 139, 140, 283
Dungeness 95, 381
Durham University 189
dystrophin 118–22
Eady, Mr Justice 250
early snarks xii, 387–98; artificial intelligence 394–5;
Bad Science
column manifesto 399–400; Ionic Hair Retexturising (IHR) 388–9; Nanniebots used to catch paedophiles 391–5; Oxygizer water 390–1; readers of
Bad Science
column spot pseudo-science 387–9
EDF 95–6
Edmunds, Jr, MD, Dr L. Henry 134
education: building evidence into xvi, xvii, xx, 202–18; exam difficulty 188–90; omega-3 fish oil and 343–7
electrosensitivity xxi; journalists’ failure to mention the data 292–4; wi-fi, dangers of 289–91
Ellison, Jane 85
Elsevier 139, 143, 144, 283
employment/unemployment numbers 59–61
Epicure 197–8
epidemiology xviii, xxii, 3, 18, 99–108, 298, 299, 349–50, 365; anecdotes, illustrating data with 118–22; bicycle helmets, the law and 110–13; bowel cancer rates, variation in 101–4; confounding variables 107–9; journalists, primary research and 104–7; magnetic wine 122–6; mobile phone use and cancer 116–18; screening for health problems 113–15
Ernst, Professor Edzard 323
Essex University 293
Etherington, Bill 23
Euromonitor 345
European Court of Justice 241
European Union 56, 169, 192
Eurostat 56
euthanasia 22
evidence-based policy xix–xx, 167–218; coalition government NHS reforms and 169–77; coalition government sentencing policy for drug offenders and 177–9; Commons Committee on Science and Technology report on ‘scientific developments relating to the Abortion Act, 1967’ 196–201; education, building evidence into 202–18; exams pass rates/difficulty 188–90; as fascist ideology 297–9; homeopathy and 322; maths, thinktank complains about decline in quality of within Britain 194–6; organic food and 191–4; pornography in sperm donor clinics and 179–82; power of ideas and (diarrhoea and AIDS) 182–7
EvidenceMatters 252
evolutionary psychologists 42–6
exams, difficulty of xx, 188–90
exercise, weight gain and xxi, 335–8
facilitated communication 324–6
Family Nurse Partnership, The 212–13
Fernandez, Bishop Demetrio 184
Finch, Felicity 61–3
fish oil 29–31, 343–6
Fisher, Dr Peter 322
fluoride 22–5
‘The Flynn Effect’ 188
‘fMRI in the Public Eye’ (2005
Nature Reviews Neuroscience
paper) 38–9
Food Standards Agency (FSA) 12, 191
Fowler, Lord Norman 285
Fox News 107
Freedom of Information Act 18, 105
fruit, eating 303–4
FullFact 159
funnel plots xviii, 102–4, 132
Galileo 8, 227
Gambia 182
Gardasil 333
Gardner, Martin 261, 262, 263, 264;
In the Name of Science
261, 264, 264
Fads and Fallacies
gastric ulcers 9
Geller, Uri 50
General Chriopractic Council 253
General Medical Council (GMC) 227, 249, 251, 347
Geshekter, Charles 285
ghost writers, commercial 25–8
Gimpyblog 252
GM foods 29
government statistics 147–65; child abuse figures 157–8; conflation of two different things into one omnibus figure 155; council spending figures 152–4; crime figures 162–5; impact of major multi-sports events on host population 155–7; music piracy figures 159–62; public and private sector pay figures 149–52
GP Research Database 79
GPs 82; abortions and 90, 91; antidepressant prescriptions and 106; cod liver oil and 2; consortiums/fundholding 171–2, 174, 175, 176; increase in numbers of 170; participation in research 216; surveying of patients in waiting rooms and 60
Gray, Theodore 373–5, 375
Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) 119, 120, 121–2
Greece: national economic data xviii, 54–6
Greenberg, Steven 26, 27, 28
Greenfield, Susan 3–5
Griffin, Beverly 285
Griffiths, Noola 309
Bad Science column
see under individual subject area
; ‘Cuts protest violence: 149 people charged’ story 155; decision not to print technical information on suicide 362; declines Ben Goldacre article 17–20; recession and anti-depressant link story and 105; Reform: ‘The Value of Mathematics’, coverage of 194; Taliban narcotics factory story 221; transparency about research methods in articles questioned 17–20
Guattari, Félix 297, 298
Hampshire Chronicle
Hansard 76
happiest place, Britain’s 56–8
Harper, Dr Diane 332, 33–4
Harper’s Magazine
261, 263
Harris, Evan 119
Harvard Medical School 26
Harvard School of Public Health 387

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